The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 92: Goods are sold out


When Zhao Jinge heard that it was all right, he continued to practice calligraphy.

Jiang Zhen and Doctor Hu were there to discuss important matters, so it probably has nothing to do with him.

Zhao Jinge can still sit still, but Jiang Zhen can't sit still. Don't look at his serious face, he has already started to think about all kinds of indecent things in his heart.

"Doctor Hu, I'll be fine tomorrow. What else do you want to know? I'll tell you tomorrow. I'll go back now." Jiang Zhendao pulled Zhao Jinge up.

"Haha..." Doctor Hu tugged at his beard: "Okay."

What else can he do? Even if he stops someone now and doesn't let Jiang Zhen take Zhao Jinge away, Jiang Zhen's mind will not be on him after that!

Wait, this is weird... He doesn't need Jiang Zhen's thoughts on himself, as long as Jiang Zhen talks to him about things related to healing.

In fact, Jiang Zhen did say everything that should be said about suturing wounds, but when he chatted with Jiang Zhen, and occasionally Jiang Zhen said a sentence or two, it was always very reasonable...

Now, he wished he could dig out all the medical knowledge Jiang Zhen knew.

After Zhao Jinge was pulled out by Jiang Zhen, he became annoyed: "I forgot to take the pen, ink, paper and inkstone given by Dr. Hu." There is still an hour before dark, and he can still practice calligraphy for a while with those things. .

"You won't have time to use them later." Jiang Zhen looked at Brother Zhao Jin seriously and looked at Brother Zhao up and down.

"What's wrong?" Brother Zhao Jin was a little puzzled.

"Doctor Hu told me something just now." Jiang Zhen's expression was still a little serious.

When Zhao Jinge saw him like this, he couldn't help but worry. Could it be that Dr. Hu said something important just now? Is it about him

Brother Zhao Jin was very worried, and then heard Jiang Zhen say: "Doctor Hu said, you are in good health, and the intercourse is fine."

What's the matter? Brother Zhao Jin was a little puzzled.

"So go back quickly and don't waste time." Jiang Zhen held Zhao Jinge's hand and scratched his finger in Zhao Jinge's palm by the way.

Zhao Jinge's face turned red all of a sudden. He didn't understand the word "intercourse" by Wen Xuexuan at first, but at this moment, Jiang Zhen had already hinted it more clearly.

This this…

Jiang Zhen actually went to ask this? !

What is there to ask about this? !

For the people of Hexi Village, it is a normal thing to conceive a child and give birth to a child. No one will go to see a doctor, and no one will pay attention to this and that like Jiang Zhen.

There are also some rumors that you can't eat rabbits or the babies born will have three mouths.

Even, because they feel that pregnancy is a private matter of their own, it is not easy to publicize, the women in the village sometimes have to wait for their belly to grow before others know that they have a child.

Not only that, but the pregnant women, Shuang Er, still have to work.

Therefore, Zhao Jinge has always felt that pregnancy and childbirth are normal and normal things, and there is nothing to worry about at all.

He saw that other people were pregnant and still shared a house with his man, and he still thought that they were fighting with goblins every night.

If it wasn't for Jiang Zhen who even said the bed separation before, he wouldn't have promised not to do that...

He still quite likes to do that with Jiang Zhen... and... if Jiang Zhen is not with him and goes to someone else... he will be sad!

Just, how can you ask people about this? How embarrassed

Zhao Jinge lowered his head, wishing he could dig a hole and bury himself.

Jiang Zhen chuckled and pulled the shy Zhao Jinge back into the room.

He was very, very careful this time, and asked Zhao Jinge several times if he felt sick.

Zhao Jinge didn't feel any discomfort at all, but he felt that Jiang Zhen couldn't get up or down...

After finishing it, Zhao Jinge was too hungry, so he wanted to get out of bed to eat, but Jiang Zhen didn't let him get out of bed, he just brought the food to the bed for him to eat, and even wanted to feed it to him.

Zhao Jinge: "..."

He is really fine! It's not a problem to let him plant an acre of land right away!

The next day Jiang Zhen was fine, so he did not go out, but took Zhao Jinge to Dr. Hu early, and asked Dr. Hu to give Zhao Jinge a pulse.

"The pregnancy is very stable." Doctor Hu said, this Zhao Jinge's body is well maintained, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Brother Zhao Jin was fine, Jiang Zhen was relieved, and chatted with Doctor Hu again.

Near noon, Zhao Jinge and Jiang Zhen informed and went out to serve meals for themselves and Jiang Zhen.

Seeing that Brother Zhao Jin was gone, Doctor Hu looked at Jiang Zhen: "Even if your daughter-in-law is in good health and he is pregnant, what are you doing to him?"

How did you become tossing Zhao Jinge by yourself? Jiang Zhen was a little speechless, Zhao Jinge should also like it very much.

"Didn't you save a lot of people from the water bandits before? I heard that there are people who want to follow you, so you can just find someone else?" Dr. Hu said again, he felt that Jiang Zhen didn't care about Brother Zhao Jin too much.

Men want to be normal, but what is it to toss with their pregnant twins? It's not that Jiang Zhen has no money to find a vent.

Jiang Zhen: "..."

"Doctor Hu, if you think so, does your daughter-in-law know?" Jiang Zhen asked.

Doctor Hu looked at Jiang Zhen in confusion.

Jiang Zhen said again: "Brother Jin, he definitely doesn't think so." Don't think he can't see it, although Brother Zhao Jin doesn't say it, he is actually cute and jealous.

He even found Wang Haisheng secretly and asked Wang Haisheng to take away several good-looking women from the boat where they lived.

Of course, he hoped that Zhao Jinge would be jealous, if Zhao Jinge didn't

Jealous, it must not care about him.

Before making out that night, Jiang Zhen said to Zhao Jinge: "Doctor Hu asked me to take care of your body, don't bother you, and find someone else."

"!!" Brother Zhao Jin suddenly sat up: "I am very strong!"

Jiang Zhen laughed.

Brother Zhao Jin worked very hard this day, Jiang Zhen was reluctant to move the ground for fear that he would be injured, so he imitated what Jiang Zhen had done to him in the past, kissing and touching Jiang Zhen.

Early the next morning, Brother Zhao Jin got up, and then said seriously to Jiang Zhen: "Then Doctor Hu treated people on the boat before, and he killed several people, but he has no ability... He doesn't have to listen to what he says. "

At the end, he added: "He is not a good person."

That Doctor Hu actually urged Jiang Zhen to find someone else!

"Well." Jiang Zhen nodded: "I think so too."

His brother Jin is so cute!

Jiang Zhen asked Wang Haisheng and He Chunsheng to take people to the Shen residence to protect Shen Anxin, but he didn't go.

Shen Anxin said that he might run into trouble. Under such circumstances, it would be too dangerous for him to take Zhao Jinge over there.

As for not bringing Zhao Jinge...

Why did he want to separate Shen Anxin and Zhao Jinge

"I'll take you to eat delicious food." Jiang Zhen took Zhao Jinge to the pier early to find delicious food.

After the sudden pregnancy reaction disappeared, Zhao Jinge loved meat again. When Jiang Zhen took him around the pier to find food, his eyes would always drift to the place where the smell of meat came from.

The food at this time was somewhat different from modern times, and the names were also different.

Jiang Zhen looked at it, and finally took Zhao Jinge into a store.

This shop sells a kind of meat patty. The dough is wrapped with minced meat and chopped green onion, rolled out thinly with a rolling pin, and then baked on the inner wall of a special stove. The cakes smell delicious, and the dough is baked very crispy because of its thinness. They are delicious at first sight. In addition, they also sell bean curd and dumplings.

Jiang Zhen asked for two bowls of bean curd, two bowls of dumplings, and four more meat patties, and set up a table to eat with Zhao Jinge.

There is not much meat in the meat patty, and the dumpling filling is not all meat, mixed with vegetables. After all, meat is very expensive these days. Because of this, Jiang Zhen is very satisfied with this meal - Zhao Jinge needs balanced nutrition.

Brother Zhao Jin is also very satisfied, as long as there is meat.

However, what satisfied Zhao Jinge the most was Douhua.

Douhua is also available in Hecheng County. Generally, a bowl of soft tofu is scooped with a spoon, a little mustard must be added to it, and a spoonful of soy sauce is added. The price is very cheap.

But even so, Zhao Jinge wouldn't buy it or eat it.

He actually likes to eat beancurd, but a bowl of beancurd costs 2 cents, and there is a little bit of tofu in it... If he has money to buy beancurd, he might as well buy soft tofu for 2 cents. After returning home, the family can eat a large one. Bowl of tofu.

Because of this, Zhao Jinge didn't want to buy bean curd this time, especially since the bean curd here costs five cents a bowl.

But after eating it, he felt it was worth it. This bean curd is also a bowl of soft tofu, but instead of just pouring a spoonful of soy sauce, a tablespoon of boiled sauce is placed.

That sauce was delicious and had good stuff in it, even diced meat!

Zhao Jinge was very satisfied with his food.

He was satisfied, and Jiang Zhen was naturally satisfied.

After eating and waiting for a while, Shen Anxin brought people over.

Summer is coming to an end, here is the north again, the weather is a little cooler, but Shen An's new clothes are neatly dressed, and it must be hotter than others.

When Jiang Zhen saw him, he saw that he was sweating profusely, and beside him, a pair of children with a red mole between their eyebrows was fanning him.

"Master Jiang." Shen Anxin greeted Jiang Zhen.

"Master Shen." Jiang Zhen also greeted him.

There are a lot of things to be busy with moving the goods. The two said hello to each other and then got busy.

Zhao Jinge also knew the goods on the ship, and he was quick to count things, so he helped Jiang Zhen to count the goods and register them.

Jiang Zhen was busy for a while, and as soon as he looked up, he saw a lot of sweat beads on Zhao Jinge's forehead, and he felt a little distressed.

There is no one around him who can settle accounts, and he wants Zhao Jinge to follow along...

Looking left and right, and seeing a watermelon seller not far away, Jiang Zhen directly bought the car of watermelons.

He picked out a big, good-looking watermelon that was piled under it and didn't get hot, so he asked his subordinates to divide the rest of the watermelon.

Taking the big watermelon to the nearby shed for him and Shen Anxin to settle accounts and place goods, Jiang Zhen used the dagger he carried with him to cut the watermelon in half, and then let someone bring a spoon and a plate from the boat.

Jiang Zhen used a spoon to scoop out the sweetest, seedless watermelon heart from the cut half of the watermelon and put it on a plate.

Shen Anxin was sitting in the shed. Seeing him like this, he glanced enviously at Brother Zhao Jin who was counting beside him, but the servant beside Shen Anxin looked at the watermelon in Jiang Zhen's hand with a smile.

"Master Jiang, this watermelon..." Seeing that Jiang Zhen had already made it, he walked over to pick up the plate of watermelon.

In his opinion, there are a bunch of rough guys here. Jiang Zhen dug out the heart of the watermelon so meticulously, it was definitely prepared for their young master.

Although his young master was raised as a son when he was young, he was a twin. When he was studying, there were many men who courted his young master, and there were not many more than one.

However, before the little servant finished speaking, Jiang Zhen had already walked out with the watermelon and gave the watermelon to Zhao Jinge.

In the past, Jiang Zhen estimated that he would directly give Zhao Jinge half a watermelon and let him eat enough, but now Zhao Jinge is in a special situation. It might not be good to eat too much watermelon, so he only gave him a watermelon heart to eat: "You Eat less, and if you still want it, I'll buy it tomorrow."

There are people who grow watermelons near Hecheng County, but they also grow a little and try it at home. Zhao Jinge ate it when he was a child, but he never ate it again.

The watermelon he ate when he was a child was not very sweet.

However, the watermelon Jiang Zhen gave him this time was extraordinarily sweet... Zhao Jinge smiled at Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen resisted the urge to kiss him, touched his head, hugged the watermelon with its heart dug out, and ate it, then looked at Shen Anxin: "You can cut and eat the remaining half."

Shen Anxin's life has been very meticulous since he was a child. He said that when he eats watermelon, someone has always cut up pieces of watermelon, dug out the seeds, and brought them to him to eat, but there is nothing here...

The little servant was a little dissatisfied, Shen Anxin glanced at the people around who had eaten the watermelon, but said to the little servant, "We cut the watermelon, and gave it to a few shopkeepers. Minute."

The boy cut the watermelon unhappily.

At the end, seeing Shen Anxin eating watermelon with watermelon juice on his hands, he even complained: "Then Master Jiang is true, he doesn't even know that he cares about the young master." After getting a plate of watermelon, he didn't even give it to their young master. Instead, I gave it to a rough guy!

"I'm not his one? Why does he care about me?" Shen Anxin said, "That person is his daughter-in-law."

"Ah!" The little servant looked at Shen Anxin with a face full of surprise. Was that rough guy a double

Zhao Jinge didn't know that the servant regarded himself as a rough man, and he didn't even know that the heart of watermelon was sweeter than the flesh outside.

But Jiang Zhen got him a watermelon, which made him very happy and excited.

He ate the watermelon and went back to work full of energy.

There was a lot of goods, and the day was not finished at all. Everyone rested in an inn at the dock for the night, and then got up the next morning and resumed their work.

It was a busy day for a long time, and the big guy finally finished all the things he was busy with, and all the goods and money were delivered.

Jiang Zhen was very satisfied with this.

The goods were sold out, he finally didn't have to think about the pier all day, he could take Zhao Jinge to the capital for a good stroll.

In this ancient times, the capital was definitely the largest city, and I don't know what it looked like...

Speaking of which, he is taking Brother Zhao Jin on his honeymoon, right

"Master Jiang, if you have the goods next time, you can come to me again, and I will definitely give a sincere price." Shen Anxin said to Jiang Zhen, after two days of tossing, he was a little tired, but he was in good spirits.

One has two, and he believes that the Shen family will slowly get better.

"No problem." Jiang Zhen agreed directly.

Shen Anxin smiled again, but this time he didn't have to take it back in a hurry, the two dimples were particularly obvious.

When Shen Anxin went back, Jiang Zhen's men followed him again. They didn't move the goods, they just watched and protected them.

Shen Anxin's servant looked back from the carriage, and finally couldn't help saying: "Master, that Jiang Zhen is really good to Zhao Jin..." These two days, Jiang Zhen has been very busy, but he is still taking care of Zhao Jin. A little envious.

Then, Brother Zhao Jin, who can't compare to him in every aspect, how could he find such a good man

"Yes." Shen Anxin nodded and sighed softly.

In fact, he also envy Zhao Jin a little bit, but he wants to support the Shen family... If you have time to envy people, it is better to do more things.

At the same time, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge were walking to the Zheng family's house together.

"Brother Jin, you didn't do anything in the inn last night. You have to make up for me tonight." Jiang Zhen teased.

"Yeah." Brother Zhao Jin nodded. He was still thinking about what Dr. Hu said before, and he was determined to satisfy Jiang Zhen: "I will perform well!"

Seeing Zhao Jinge's serious expression, Jiang Zhen took his hand as soon as he was excited.

After he goes back, he must take care of Brother Zhao Jin!

Jiang Zhen thought about it very well, and then found... He thought too much.

He didn't have time to do anything with Zhao Jinge at all - as soon as he returned to the Zheng family's house, he was called by Zheng Yi.

The head of the Zheng family on this side of the capital, the second-rank official in the court, Mr. Zheng Er, came to see him.