The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 93: Live in Beijing


Jiang Zhen didn't want to contact those big officials, but Mr. Zheng Er asked to see him by name, and he obviously couldn't shirk away.

Ask Zhao Jinge to go back to the room first, and Jiang Zhen went to Zheng Yi's place.

Compared to the yard where Jiang Zhen lives, the yard where Zheng Yi lives is considered luxurious. Even if Jiang Zhen doesn't know much about the goods, he knows that the various things used in it are probably very expensive.

However, even so, all this did not surprise Jiang Zhen.

The ground paved with slate, no matter how flat it is, it is also a slate. Is it comparable to the various tiles of later generations? Even if they all use marble... At this time, people can't polish marble as smooth as later generations, let alone make a flower or something.

As for the wood planks... Having seen wood floors with various textures and colors, Jiang Zhen really didn't think that the solid wood floors were so beautiful.

As for those luxury items... For someone like Jiang Zhen who has no research on antiques and doesn't like them, modern ornaments are actually more beautiful.

Because of this, Jiang Zhen never showed any curiosity and envy towards the things in Zheng Yi's house.

At the same time, after standing in a military posture for more than ten years, Jiang Zhenguang stood with an aura of his own, and when he walked, every step seemed to be measured.

Mr. Zheng Er came to see Jiang Zhen because of his nephew's strong recommendation. He thought he was just a slightly better ordinary person, but what he saw in the end was a young man with extraordinary bearing.

Although this young man is dark-skinned, has very rough hands, and wears ordinary clothes, it can be seen from the details that his past life was not good, but he has a very good temperament. Just looking at his appearance, I am afraid that no one will want him. In the past, he would have been an ordinary farmer who cultivated the land.

For a moment, Master Zheng Er even suspected that his nephew had been deceived by someone with ulterior motives.

It's just... This person approached their Zheng family and gave a lot of things, but didn't deceive anything...

And in this place in the capital, their Zheng family is really nothing, it is not worth it for this person to deceive them.

Master Zheng Er quickly regained his senses and started talking to Jiang Zhen, but when he spoke, he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and he used Mandarin.

This Daqi Mandarin is very similar to modern Mandarin, and most of the people in the capital speak Mandarin.

After a few days of getting used to it, Jiang Zhen has already mastered the Mandarin. Even because he used to speak Mandarin when he was a child, he didn't speak the Mandarin without any Jiangnan accent.

When Mr. Zheng Er spoke to him in Mandarin with a Jiangnan accent, he responded with more pure Mandarin.

What the official said was more authentic than Mr. Zheng Er.

Master Zheng Er's expression suddenly became a little subtle.

Because Zheng Yi had been speaking to Jiang Zhen in Hecheng County's dialect, he did not know that Jiang Zhen could speak Mandarin, and was shocked for a while.

Because he often travels between the capital and Jiangnan, and comes into contact with all kinds of people, Zheng Yi can understand many dialects, and he can not only understand Mandarin, but also speak some.

Occasionally, when he met some scholars in Jiangnan, he would show off his Mandarin.

He always felt that he was quite talented in this area, but now... Jiang Zhen's pronunciation of each and every one of them is quite standard, and his speech is even more eloquent, which is better than he doesn't know much.

It hasn't been a few days since Jiang Zhen came to the capital, right? How did you learn it

How did you learn it? Of course, the primary school Chinese teacher taught Pinyin one by one, and also let one stand up and read literature to learn...

Jiang Zhen also knew that Mr. Zheng Er had the intention to embarrass himself.

He wouldn't offend Master Zheng Er for no reason, but he didn't plan to endure it when others embarrassed him.

"Yes, it's really good." Master Zheng Er smiled and said: "You can speak Mandarin, and when the sutures are reported, I will be able to take you to meet the nobles in Beijing." In one sentence, all the previous temptations and embarrassments to Jiang Zhen were all said to be for Jiang Zhen's good.

Jiang Zhen has seen quite a few people like this. He had several leaders before, and even when he rushed in to take pictures of other people's tables, they could still smile, so it wasn't surprising, nor would he be frightened by the other party's pleasant appearance. .

He couldn't be like other ordinary people, who feared and respected the officials at this time from the bottom of his heart. Of course, he is not lacking in etiquette, and even does a good job - this society, after all, is different from modern times.

Master Zheng Er saw Jiang Zhen's appearance in his eyes, secretly amazed, and his evaluation of Jiang Zhen was also a little higher.

At this moment, he really believed his nephew's words - this Jiang Zhen, I am afraid that he can make a career.

Master Zheng Er's expression became more and more kind.

Mr. Zheng Er had a lot of conversations with Jiang Zhen. At first, he talked to Jiang Zhen about various things in Hecheng County, and later he asked about the stitching of the wound and the card, and praised Jiang Zhen for his ingenuity.

After he finished speaking, he also invited Jiang Zhen to have a meal.

The food on the table is very delicate, but Jiang Zhen, who often goes to hotels in modern times, is still very calm.

After dinner, it was already dark, and Jiang Zhen also left.

Watching him go away, Mr. Zheng Er immediately said to Zheng Yi: "This person must be attracted well, not neglected, and don't let others have the opportunity to sell him well."

"Second uncle, that's what I think." Zheng Yi said, he has always attached great importance to Jiang Zhen.

"By the way, I have a vacant house in Beijing, surrounded by merchants. It is just right for him. You will give it to him tomorrow." Master Zheng Er said again.

Zheng Yi nodded.

This is a better house in the capital. If there is no way to buy it, it is impossible to buy it. It is really good to give a house to Jiang Zhen.

They are in the capital this time, and it is estimated that they will stay for a month or two. Jiang Zhen can't stay outside the city all the time.

When Jiang Zhen returned to the room, Zhao Jinge had already eaten dinner, but he left a dish for him: "Jiang Zhen, the braised pork that Li's made today is very delicious, I'll keep it for you."

After he finished speaking, he added: "This meat is fat, so I only ate two pieces."

After speaking, he glanced at the bowl of meat on the table, and there were five pieces of meat left.

Pieces of pork belly that are two fingers wide and three fingers long are braised with soy sauce and sugar.

When Jiang Zhen and that Mr. Zheng Er were eating together, they were very restrained, they were not full, and now they asked Ruo'er to bring him a bowl of rice.

Zhao Jinge kept some of each dish for Jiang Zhen, and wanted Jiang Zhen to try it. In addition to the braised pork, the dishes on the table included winter melon soup, cold tofu, and two stir-fried vegetarian dishes.

Jiang Zhen took the rice and swept away the dishes. He even took a bite of the last piece of braised pork...

Brother Zhao Jin had been greedy for the meat, and at this time, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Then, a piece of braised pork that had bit off the fat was stuffed into his mouth.

"Go wash and then sleep." Jiang Zhen said.

Hearing the word "sleep", Zhao Jinge's face, who was eating meat, turned red subconsciously.

Since he and Jiang Zhen got married, the meaning of the word sleep is not simply sleep...

Jiang Zhen was refreshed the next day and was in a good mood. After Zheng Yi came to him and gave him a house in Beijing, he was in a better mood.

He never thought that one day he would be able to have a big mansion in a place where every inch of land is so precious as the capital...

"The house is very big. Even if you bring all your men to live there, you can live there." Zheng Yi said: "As for the sailors you rescued on the way, you might as well leave them to me, and I will let them arrange work for them. "There are so many people, it's not good to keep them idle all the time...

Jiang Zhen agreed.

After letting Zheng Yi's steward arrange those people, he also asked the steward if he could arrange work for the women and twins on the boat.

Those sailors, he wants to bring them all back to Hecheng County, and only intends to let the steward arrange some work temporarily, but those women, if the Zheng family has suitable work for them, they can stay here. .

The Zheng family has a big career and a lot of work, but those women who want to stay must always have a skill...

Within two days, the men who were rescued from the water bandits were all assigned to work. Of the hundreds of women, the Zheng family only needed 30 or so.

If all the people were sold, the Zheng family would be able to get rid of them no matter how many people, but Jiang Zhen hoped that these people could be independent and have a job that could support themselves, which would be more troublesome. Son, many are afraid to follow the Zheng family.

However, there are more than 30 people less, and the rest is better arranged.

It is not safe for these women to live on the boat all the time. After Jiang Zhen made sure that the house that the Zheng family gave him was big enough to accommodate these people, he decided to take these people to the capital and let them stay in the house. work.

The ready-to-wear garments made by these people in the past are quite good, and they can continue to do this.

"Bring them to the capital too?" Brother Zhao Jin was a little unhappy when he heard Jiang Zhen's plan. He didn't want Jiang Zhen to have contact with those women.

"Well. I'm impatient to contact these people, you will take care of them when the time comes." Jiang Zhen said.

Zhao Jinge was instantly happy.

After all the work was done, Jiang Zhen and his party went to Beijing in a mighty manner.

The location of the Zheng family's house for Jiang Zhen is not a good one. There are no officials to the left or right, but the place is very large.

This is the first time that Zhao Jinge has seen such a big house, which is rare, but after looking around, he chose the largest and most luxurious house, which is the main house in the second entry, for himself and Jiang Zhen to live in, and then again Stuck all those women into the third yard, commonly known as... the backyard.

There are a lot of houses in the backyard, and there is no problem with living sixty or seventy women. Brother Zhao Jin allocated a room to several of them, and then told them that the food and vegetables would be delivered on time, so that they would not leave the courtyard.

He's... planning to keep all these people in the backyard.

After Jiang Zhen found out, he couldn't help laughing, and said again: "You should choose a few older, honest and honest ones to come out to work." This house is so big, and someone has to arrange cleaning...

"Also..." Brother Zhao Jin blushed, and went to the backyard again, picking out some who were either old or ugly, and went to the front yard to clean and cook.

Jiang Zhen's men who followed from Hexi Village were all brought here by Jiang Zhen. Jiang Zhen also picked some supplements from those sailors. For so many people's meals, they must be helped by someone.

Neither Liu Qianqian nor Zhao Lingxi left.

In this one, they found the work they could do - embroidery, and the other one was worried that they would fall into some miserable situation if they followed the Zheng family.

They do want to climb a rich man and live a good life, but they don't want to be spoiled.

If it weren't for this, Liu Qianqian would not have tried his best to redeem himself.

Although this Jiang Zhen doesn't understand the amorous feelings, he is a decent person and won't harm them, and they are safe here.

It's just such a man, why don't you like them, but like that Zhao Jinge

Whether it is Liu Qianqian or Zhao Lingxi, they are inevitably a little jealous of Brother Zhao Jin.

"This is to let Mr. Jiang see a group of crooked melons and cracked dates every day?"

"Jealous eating like this?"

"Even if you shut us all up, there are still a lot of beauties outside!"

The two did not dare to say excessive words, but they still said a lot of unpleasant things.

But Zhao Jinge didn't take it seriously at all.

These people are just jealous, what does he care about

However, these people obviously didn't give up on Jiang Zhen... He must be on guard, he must not let Jiang Zhen be seduced by these people!

After Zhao Jinge took the selected servant out, he used the key to lock the door leading to the front from the backyard.

There is a side door in the backyard. In the future, those people can go in and out through the back door, but don't come to the front anyway!

Zhao Jinge did it very straightforwardly, but after finishing it, he was inevitably a little guilty.

At night, he confessed to Jiang Zhen.

"It's okay, if you want to lock people up, just lock them up." Jiang Zhen smiled, but he didn't take it seriously at all.

Zhao Jinge breathed a sigh of relief, and while he was happy, he kissed Jiang Zhen's face.

Then he was picked up...

Although Zhao Jinge is pregnant, but now the pregnancy reaction has disappeared for some reason, and his belly has not grown up yet. It is impossible to see that he actually has a child, and his body is strong enough. Jiang Zhen's attitude towards him , then naturally, not as nervous as at the beginning.

After living in his own house for two days, Jiang Zhen also asked someone to hire a carriage, and then took him out to go shopping in the capital.

Before Jiang Zhen felt that the carriage was particularly bumpy and not easy to use, but the roads in the capital were paved with slate, which was relatively flat. This carriage was not bad for use.

After a while, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge came to a nearby street. The street is very prosperous. The high-profile families in the capital usually do not come here to buy things. Everything comes here.

After giving the driver the money, Jiang Zhen took Zhao Jinge out of the carriage.

There are shops on both sides of this street, and there are people coming and going on the road, which looks very prosperous.

This is the most prosperous street that Jiang Zhen has seen since he came to ancient times, and this street stunned Zhao Jinge without exception.

Jiang Zhen didn't rush him, he just walked forward slowly with him...

Brother Zhao Jin watched everything fresh, so Jiang Zhen walked very slowly, so that he could watch for a while, and after walking for a while, the two of them met acquaintances.

That acquaintance was Shen Anxin who had bought Jiang Zhen's goods before.

Shen Anxin was walking on the street with his little servant. When Zhao Jinge saw him, he was thinking about whether to go up to say hello or not, when he saw a young man in luxurious clothes rushing towards Shen Anxin.

The young man ran to Shen Anxin and grabbed Shen Anxin's arm: "An Xin, don't be so heartless... Let's make peace."

This person came out too suddenly, Shen Anxin was stunned for a while, and then struggled: "Who are you? I don't know you!"

"Hurry up and let go of my young master!" The servant beside Shen Anxin also said.

The man still held Shen Anxin's hand tightly: "Anxin, we have been together for so long, how can you pretend that you don't know me?"

"I really don't know you! You let me go!" Shen Anxin was terrified, but he couldn't compare to that man at all, so he couldn't struggle.

"You still pretend you don't know me! If you have a better partner, you just want to kick me away, don't you?" the man said angrily, actually reaching out to pull Shen Anxin's clothes.

Jiang Zhen's eyes suddenly narrowed.