The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 95: The Ministry of Accounts chooses the royal merchants


Just by listening to the sound, you can tell that the visitor is definitely not good.

Jiang Zhen raised his head and saw a plump young man in his twenties walking towards him.

This young man's appearance is very pleasing, but at this moment, looking at his expression, there is disgust and resentment, so naturally he doesn't like him.

Jiang Zhen didn't know this person, and when he heard this person speak, he immediately frowned.

That fat white man was Feng Chenglin. He originally paid for it and wanted to watch Shen Anxin's good show, but he didn't expect to be destroyed by Jiang Zhen. Naturally, he was very disgusted and angry with Jiang Zhen.

After Jiang Zhen and Shen Anxin both left, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. In addition, he heard from the shopkeeper Zhu that this Jiang Zhen was a small businessman from Jiangnan with no background, so he came to trouble Jiang Zhen.

Their Bandung Trading Company was really nothing in the capital, but it was no problem to deal with a small businessman from out of town.

Even if you can't really treat people, you can scare them... These people from other places have always been easy to scare.

Feng Chenglin looked at Jiang Zhen's clothes, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes: "I don't know where the toad came out of, but it's very happy to jump, and I'm not afraid of being trampled to death."

For food, clothing, housing and transportation, Jiang Zhen really cares about food, but he doesn't care about clothes. In modern times, when he was still in the army, he wore clothes with his hair down every day. After he was discharged from the army, he bought several sets of identical clothes and trousers to change them. It has also been mistaken for not changing clothes all the time.

In these ancient times, he didn't care much about what he wore. In addition, he actually had money for less than a month, and he didn't have time to buy a few better clothes at all.

What Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge were wearing at the moment were made of fabrics obtained from the water bandits by the women they rescued from the water bandits.

This is already the best clothes Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge have worn. The material is not worse than what they wore when they got married, but Feng Chenglin grew up in a golden nest and a silver nest. Clothes that are not delicate.

For Jiang Zhen, he also looked down a bit.

Zhao Jinge was very happy to eat, but when Feng Chenglin first came over, he didn't react, but now Feng Chenglin actually scolded Jiang Zhen...

Zhao Jinge looked at Feng Chenglin angrily, and after seeing the disdain in the other party's eyes, he would stand up and reason with him.

However, at this moment, Jiang Zhen held down one of his hands, then clamped a few spare ribs and dried bamboo shoots for him.

Zhao Jinge was puzzled by Jiang Zhen's actions, but he didn't move.

"Master, it's time for us to go back." Manager Zhu came panting at this time, trying to dissuade Feng Chenglin. Although Jiang Zhen didn't know each other, they paid attention to being peaceful and making money when they were doing business, and there was no need to hold grudges with others.

However, Feng Chenglin was reluctant to leave.

Although he didn't like Shen Anxin, but Shen Anxin, who had rejected him several times, smiled at this Jiang Zhen, but it also made him angry.

"Then Shen Anxin is just like a man, you can speak up, but also, people are rich in the end, if you leave a little bit between your fingers, you can let a country bumpkin like you gain insight." Feng Chenglin said again.

"The young owner of the Bandung Firm?" Jiang Zhen glanced at Shopkeeper Zhu and guessed the identity of the person in front of him. At the same time, he also felt that the veins on Zhao Jinge's hand were bursting.

Jiang Zhen sighed lightly.

At the beginning, when he didn't sell the goods to the shopkeeper Zhu, after the shopkeeper Zhu became angry, he asked people to inquire about the Bandung Trading Company - there were too many noble people in the capital, and he was also worried that he would accidentally offend any noble person.

According to the information he inquired about, this Bandung Firm is just a merchant with a good business, and there is no background. He doesn't have to be afraid at all, and others have no ability to do anything to him.

As a result... Just when he thought that he would not have any contact with this Bandung Firm, the young owner of the Bandung Firm came to trouble him.

Jiang Zhen thought about it before and after, and knew that what Shen Anxin had been entangled before was probably done by the man in front of him.

It's enough for this person to pester Shen Anxin, and now he's here to scold him...

"It's me," Feng Chenglin replied, "if you know each other, apologize to me, otherwise..."

Feng Chenglin looked at Jiang Zhen with a threatening expression. Several girls in the Feng family were all married to officials, and his sister was even married to an official at the dock. It was really easy to mess with a businessman from another place.

Feng Chenglin was a little smug, but soon, both the threatening expression on his face and the smugness in his eyes disappeared.

Jiang Zhen stood up with a bowl of soup on the table, and then... he even poured the bowl of soup on his head!

This soup is pork ribs soup with winter melon and dried bamboo shoots. Jiang Zhen has put all the ribs and dried bamboo shoots in the bowl into Zhao Jinge's bowl. In the soup, almost every household in Hexi Village can grow winter melon, which Zhao Jinge thinks is worthless.

But now, the winter melon fell on Feng Chenglin's head, and the soup poured over Feng Chenglin's face.

A piece of winter melon slid down Feng Chenglin's face along his hair and fell to the ground. Feng Chenglin finally came to his senses: "You bastard, how dare you treat me like this!"

"What? Want to fight?" Jiang Zhen put the bowl on the table heavily and made a "bang" sound.

Feng Chenglin's expression froze immediately. He had just seen Jiang Zhen beat that "Second Zhang" so helplessly that he knew that this person was not simple.

It's just, why does Jiang Zhen act out of common sense? This is the capital, and businessmen from other places come here. Which one is not sincere and fearful, how can anyone be as arrogant as the person in front of him

"I don't know where the fat pig came from and kept screaming, and I wasted a bowl of soup." Jiang Zhen looked at the soup bowl that he used to hold the winter melon soup with pity on his face.

Originally, he didn't care when someone said a few words.

But he doesn't care, Zhao Jinge cares, when Feng Chenglin scolds him, Zhao Jinge looks like he is going to go up and beat someone...

He can't always let Brother Zhao Jin take action, so he will do it first.

"The surname is Jiang, this place in the capital is not something you want to be horizontal, you wait for me!" Feng Chenglin was annoyed by Jiang Zhen's attitude, but in the end he could only bear it temporarily.

He didn't bring anyone with him this time, but Jiang Zhen was not only powerful, but also had someone who looked equally not weak...

Fearing that he would suffer, Feng Chenglin threw a word and turned to leave.

The people in this small restaurant are all looking at Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge. Jiang Zhen turned a blind eye to those eyes. He sat down again and said to Zhao Jinge, "Eat quickly."

"Oh..." Brother Zhao Jin took a piece of sparerib from his bowl and gnawed it twice, then raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Zhen: "Jiang Zhen, you looked so good just now."

"That's it." Jiang Zhen admitted without hesitation, and asked back, "I look the best, don't I?"

Zhao Jinge paused, looked around subconsciously, and found that people around him should not be able to hear what Jiang Zhen said, and then nodded.

He felt that Jiang Zhen was the best looking!

Jiang Zhen suddenly laughed.

Zhao Jinge began to lower his head to chew on the ribs again. After chewing several pieces, he raised his head and asked suspiciously, "Jiang Zhen, why did he just say that Shen Anxin is like a man?"

After seeing Shen Anxin today, Brother Zhao Jin had a vague feeling that something was wrong, and the words of the man just now brought his feeling to the climax.

"Because Shen Anxin is a twin." Jiang Zhen said.

"Shuang'er?" Brother Zhao Jin was taken aback. Shen Anxin came to do business with Jiang Zhen, but he was not next to Jiang Zhen when the shopkeeper Zhu revealed his identity. Later, no one mentioned this matter, so that he did not know that Shen Anxin was actually a pair of children.

"Yes, he is a twin, I forgot to tell you before." Jiang Zhendao, he has always had a hard time distinguishing twins and women. After Shen Anxin dug out a pregnant mole and wanted to be a man, he didn't even bother. Tell people that he is actually a twin, not a man.

Jiang Zhen didn't take it seriously, but Zhao Jinge was taken aback.

Shen Anxin turned out to be a twin!

No wonder he behaved so strangely before!

Brother Zhao Jin had a good impression of Shen Anxin. He felt that he was a very powerful and learned person. Now that he knew that he was actually a twin, he admired it even more, but thinking of what the person said just now, he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

That person pulled Shen Anxin and Jiang Zhen together, which made him feel sour.

However, he didn't think that a young master like Shen Anxin would snatch Jiang Zhen from him, and thinking that Jiang Zhen had always been indifferent to Shen Anxin, he quickly let go of him.

He has been with Jiang Zhen all the time, and he is very clear that Jiang Zhen has nothing to do with that Shen Anxin, that Shen Anxin and Jiang Zhen just said a few words politely.

But even so, Zhao Jinge subconsciously didn't want to mention Shen Anxin, and just asked Jiang Zhen: "Jiang Zhen, if you did that just now, will it be okay?" The eldest young master who came up to scold people seems to be quite powerful...

Jiang Zhen was also somewhat worried that he was unfamiliar with this capital... More importantly, he had Brother Zhao Jin by his side, and Brother Zhao Jin was still pregnant.

If the Wanlong Firm is like dealing with Shen Anxin, it finds someone to deal with Zhao Jinge...

Jiang Zhen just thought about it, and his brows were already tightly wrinkled.

"Let's buy something and visit Zheng's house." Jiang Zhen said.

After Jiang Zhen left the pier and moved to the city, Zheng Yi also moved to live in the Zheng family.

A couple of days ago, Zheng Yi had asked him if he wanted to meet some people.

He felt troublesome at the time, so he refused, but thinking about it now... It would be good for him to get to know more people, and getting closer to the Zheng family would also make others dare not attack him.

Jiang Zhen did it when he thought of it. After eating, he took Zhao Jinge to buy some things, and then went to Zheng's house.

When he arrived at Zheng's house, Jiang Zhen reported his name and said that he was looking for Zheng Yi, and was soon brought into Zheng Yi's yard by the concierge, but Zheng Yi was away and went out, and they needed to wait.

Zheng Yi came back not long after, and as soon as he saw Jiang Zhen, he smiled and said, "I looked for you several times before, but you didn't want to come over, why are you here today?"

"I have something to trouble Master Zheng." Jiang Zhen said directly, straight to the point.

Zheng Yi quite likes Jiang Zhen's directness. How good is it to say something? After a long time of friendship and then looking for him to do business, it will make him unhappy: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Zhen thought about it for a while, and then told all the ins and outs of the matter.

"Wanlong Business?" Zheng Yi laughed when he heard these four words.

"Master Zheng knows them?" Jiang Zhen asked.

"I know, tomorrow, the principal of the Bandung Firm will come to Zheng's house." Zheng Yi smiled again: "Jiang Zhen, I asked you if you wanted to know some people before because the Ministry of Household will have a big move recently. ."

Zheng Yi spoke slowly.

It turned out that due to the increasing cost of the royal family, the silver taels were not enough, so the queen mother came up with a way to save the cost.

That method is to seal some royal merchants.

Give certain merchants a certain position, and then make them responsible for purchasing something for the palace...

For example, the palace needs a lot of silk every year, so you can choose one of the merchants who do silk business, give him the name of an imperial merchant, and let him be responsible for this matter. Of course, the price cannot be expensive.

The queen mother has been thinking about this method for a long time, and she is planning to implement it recently, and the one who is responsible for this is the current minister of the household, Mr. Zheng Er of the Zheng family.

Jiang Zhen only knew that Mr. Zheng Er was a second-rank official, but he really didn't know that he was the minister of household.

However, Jiang Zhen didn't know about this, but he knew something about the Royal Merchant.

Even if he hadn't read the original novel of Dream of Red Mansions, he had also watched TV series, and the Xue family in it was the royal merchant

Even the author of A Dream of Red Mansions, Jiangning Weaving, whose elders used to be, can be regarded as a kind of imperial merchant.

In the Qing Dynasty, being a royal merchant was guaranteed to make a profit.

Jiang Zhen had heard of the Imperial Merchant, but he did not understand it, so naturally he kept his mouth shut and said nothing, only said: "If Zheng Shao can become the Imperial Merchant, he will definitely get a lot of benefits."

"The matter of me becoming a royal merchant has been decided." Zheng Yi was a little proud: "However, there are not many that have been decided now, and some are to be selected from the merchants. Tomorrow, the Zheng family will invite some merchants to come. I originally wanted you to come and have a look, but you don't seem to have any intention of doing so, so you didn't force it."

Zheng Yi wanted Jiang Zhen to come, but Jiang Zhen was unwilling. He also thought that Jiang Zhen had not actually done any serious business, and it was basically impossible for him to be a royal merchant, so he didn't force it.

"Wanlong Commercial Bank will also come?" Jiang Zhen asked.

"Yes, there are them on the list, but they are just small businessmen, and it is basically impossible to become a royal businessman." Zheng Yi said, and asked again: "Are you coming tomorrow?"

"Naturally." Jiang Zhen agreed without hesitation.

At the same time, the Feng family.

After Feng Chenglin was poured a bowl of winter melon soup on the head by Jiang Zhen, he hurried home. He asked someone to prepare water and washed himself several times before he finally felt refreshed.

"Damn Jiang Zhen, I must make him look good!" Feng Chenglin couldn't help cursing while letting the maid wipe his hair, and made up his mind to give Jiang Zhen some color.

"Whose trouble are you looking for?" A dissatisfied voice sounded, Feng Chenglin raised his head, and saw his father, Feng Jingyuan, walking in from outside.

"Father..." Feng Chenglin called out embarrassingly.

"Listen to Mr. Zhu, are you going to trouble Shen Anxin and another businessman today?" Feng Jingyuan asked.

"Father, that Shen Anxin is really hateful..."

"Not so good! I told you to be nice to him, to coax him to marry him, you have no patience at all, you are still playing with women outside, and it's okay to give up the good meat on your lips, and then you will offend him again. What?!" Feng Jingyuan interrupted his son's words.

"Father, we don't need to be afraid of him!"

"He doesn't need to be afraid, but his father has always made connections for him, and the barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. If you push people too hard, you are not afraid that he will die with you? Come to the door and fight with you?" Feng Jingyuan said: "Do you know if you want to be a human being? Even if you want to swallow the Shen family, you have to boil the frog in warm water!"

"I see, Dad." Feng Chenglin said, thinking about it carefully, he also felt that he was a little reckless before.

"And the businessman from other places, if you don't find out about the person, you go to trouble someone, and you're not afraid of causing trouble for yourself in the end?" Feng Jingyuan said again.

"He doesn't have any ability..." Hearing his father mention Jiang Zhen, Feng Chenglin's eyes flashed with disgust.

Feng Jingyuan gave his son a cold look.

"Father, I was wrong, I must not be so reckless next time." Feng Chenglin began to apologize.

After his son apologized, Feng Jingyuan's expression softened: "It's good that he doesn't have any skills. After a while, he will naturally be able to deal with him, but now you can't do anything."

"Why?" Feng Chenglin was puzzled.

Feng Jingyuan explained: "Your father, I have gone to countless places in order to be a royal businessman. Now is a critical moment. You can't cause me trouble. In any case, you must restrain yourself." When he came out, he was moved, and he had already paid a lot for it, but he didn't want to make trouble at this time.

"Dad, don't worry, I will bear it." Feng Chenglin said.

"That's good. By the way, you go to bed early today, and tomorrow we have to go to Zheng's house." Feng Jingyuan said.