The Original Vampire

Chapter 10: mirror lake


"...Are you willing to be mercenaries for the rest of your life

Are you willing to live this kind of precarious life forever

Are you willing to fight for money forever and not for honor

Now, there is an opportunity before you!

A chance to change your destiny!

An opportunity for you to make a difference!

An opportunity for you to get rid of your status as a commoner, become a noble, and even obtain a fiefdom!

So take your swords, follow me, follow the Marquess of Charles, follow the House of St. Hilde, and defeat the trolls! "

Looking at the group of mercenaries who were excited by Thrall's speech, Colin suddenly smiled and said to Oliver beside him:

"Don't tell me, this filial son is really a qualified speaker. I was almost instigated by him."

"It's just a despicable guy." Oliver's face was extremely ugly, and the current situation made him a little at a loss, "What should we do? Are we really going to Mirror Lake?"

"Do we have any choice now? That kid dared to kill his own father."

"But..." Oliver was very unwilling.

However, he also knew that he had no choice.

Without the escort of the Firefox mercenary group, he would never have thought of bringing these goods to Eagle Falling City safely.

But if they really follow to Jinghu, then there is a high probability that these goods will be seized as military supplies - don't overestimate the conscience of the army in this regard.

Especially in wartime.

Moreover, according to his guess, the marquis' army gathered in Jinghu at this moment is very likely to be a defeated army.

If this is true, then traveling to Mirror Lake is even more dangerous.

Compared with Oliver who was hesitant, Colin changed his mind now and wanted to go to Mirror Lake.

Because Baron Angelet had followed the Marquis of Charles, if the Marquis's army really retreated to Mirror Lake, then Colin could find his father there.

Since his father was right in front of him, there was no need for him to go to Falling Eagle City to ask his sister for help.

As for the danger of the battlefield...

Anyway, Colin can play dead.

Moreover, no one could pretend to be more like him.

On the other side, Thrall had completely controlled the situation, and began to appoint small leaders, and then asked everyone to pack up and salute to prepare to go.

The cavalry of the St. Hilde family had already left, and they probably continued to search for other unlucky ghosts around, leaving only a field of horse manure and the lonely corpse of Saru.


Colin suddenly stepped forward.

"Where are you going?" Oliver shouted from behind. He felt extremely insecure now, and felt that Colin alone in the entire camp could make him feel at ease.

"Go to bury Mr. Saru." Colin said without looking back.

"You..." Oliver's eyes widened, and he couldn't figure out why Colin wanted to collect Saru's body.

Do you know Saru that well

Aren't you afraid to anger Thrall

After hesitating for a long time, Oliver did not follow.

So Colin walked to Saru's body alone and began to dig a hole.

Since entering the advanced stage, Colin found that his strength has increased significantly, and he can already initially control the movement of the holy light energy in his body, thus speeding up the recovery of physical strength and gaining a small increase in strength.

Taking the opportunity of digging a hole, Colin happened to test and adapt to his new power.

Soon, a hole about one meter deep was dug.

When Colin climbed up from the pit, he happened to see the expressionless Sal.

"Carry them together?" Colin suggested with a smile, pointing to Saru's body.

Thrall stood still, but said coldly: "Collecting the body of such a traitor will damage your reputation, Knight Kahn."

"Haha, it's okay, I'm a wandering knight who lost his fief, and I don't have any reputation." Seeing that Sal was unwilling to help, Colin dragged Saru's body into the pit by himself.

At the same time, I muttered in my heart—what does the reputation of Kahn Suduo have to do with me, Colin Angelet


The corpse fell into the pit, splashing a cloud of smoke and dust.

"Karn Knight, you should also go to the Mirror Lake camp together?" Thrall's voice came from outside the pit.

"Of course, this is my responsibility as a knight, and this is also the best chance to restore the honor of the Su Duo family." Colin replied solemnly.

"Very good! We leave in half an hour and look forward to continuing with you."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Colin squatted in the pit and wiped his sweat. After the footsteps above faded away, he quietly took out his dagger and water bag.


"Gudu... Gudu..."


By the time the Firefox mercenary group saw the military camp by the Mirror Lake from a distance, it was already completely dark.

The sentries patrolling the perimeter had already spotted the pedestrians, and after seeing the emergency call-up order in Thrall's hand, they showed them where to gather.

Oliver followed the team forward, looking hopeless.

Ke Lin drank the "water" in the water bag while walking, and he didn't seem to be in a good mood.

Because he discovered that the blood of Saru, a second-tier warrior, could not help him increase his strength.

The effect of drinking it was exactly the same as that of deer blood and that nothing thief, it could only recover stamina.

Regarding the effectiveness of the blood, Colin felt that there were two possibilities.

One possibility is that the previous advancement was just a coincidence, not the reason for Carter's knight blood.

This is obviously the worst situation, which shows that blood has no effect on improving his strength.

There is another possibility.

That is, not all the blood of high-level professionals is effective. Perhaps, only the blood of high-level knights can help Colin improve his strength.

Therefore, further experiments are needed.

Thinking of this, Collin suddenly had a headache.

After all, compared to the fighters on the bad street, the number of knights is rare, and most of them are extremely noble, their blood is not easy to deal with...

After entering the barracks, Colin realized that this place occupies a huge area, and there is no side at all at a glance.

The camp was crowded with people, and I don't know how many people gathered.

However, Ke Lin could tell that the camp they were in was obviously not a regular army, and they should all be temporary recruits like the Firefox mercenary group.

Their weapons and equipment were not uniform, and some of them even held hoes and other agricultural tools, which made people wonder if they were farmers who were urgently recruited directly from the fields.

It seems that the gathering here is probably really a group of cannon fodder...

After settling in the camp, Oliver leaned over again, "Karn Knight, have you seen the situation in the camp to the east?"

"That should be the regular army camp of the St. Hilde family."

The military camp by the mirror lake was divided into two parts. Unlike the messy western camp where Ke Lin and the others were located, the eastern camp was clearly in order and heavily guarded.

"That's right! I tried to take a few steps over there just now, but before I got close, I was stopped by the patrolling soldiers."

This is not surprising.

The camp of the regular army will certainly not allow anyone to enter casually.

Colin looked at Oliver with an earnest face, and immediately understood what he meant: "Do you want to go to the east camp?"

"Yes." Oliver nodded repeatedly, "You have also seen the situation on our side, once there is a fight, it must be cannon fodder!

Therefore, we'd better find a way to sneak into the camp of the regular army in the east, it will be safer there. However, I can't get in there. But you are different, as long as you report the name of the Su Duo family, you will definitely be able to get in. "

Colin hesitated.

Because he knew that it was okay for him, the fake Kahn Suduo, to deceive the Firefox mercenary group and Oliver. If he really wanted to meet the real nobles in this world, he would most likely be exposed.

Of course, he could also use his real identity to go there, so that it would be easier to find his father, Baron Angelet—if he was also in this camp.

But if Baron Angelet isn't here...

"Knight Kahn, after you pass by, please inform the Marquis that I am willing to donate all the goods I brought this time to the St. Hilde family for free!"

Ke Lin looked at the fat businessman in surprise, and admired the decisiveness of the other party: "You are really willing."

"What can I do if I'm not willing to give up..." Oliver forced a bitter smile, and then encouraged him again, "Of course, I will not forget the help you gave me. If I survive this time, I, and the Tulip Chamber of Commerce, will thank you Thank you very much!"

Seeing Oliver's serious and warm eyes, Colin could only nod and said, "Okay, I'll try."

After leaving the tent, Colin headed east all the way.

Just when he was still hesitating whether to reveal his true identity, a voice suddenly sounded:

"Master Colin, is it really you?"

(end of this chapter)