The Original Vampire

Chapter 116: frame


"Two distinguished guests, where are you going?"

Before the brothers and sisters of St. Pross ran out of the main hall, Prince William appeared at the entrance of the hall.

And behind him, there were guards from the Silver Moon Guard.

Earl Evan stopped in his tracks, and suddenly said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, to be honest, this plan is a bit too crude."

Prince William looked puzzled: "What do you mean? I don't quite understand."

Then, he took a few steps forward and asked again, "Where is Your Majesty? Why are you two alone?"

Anna raised her eyebrows beautifully, and was about to speak, but was stopped by her brother.

At this time, Prince William had already entered the palace, and then he found the corpse.

"Duke Miller! What's the matter with you?"

Looking at Prince William who was running towards the corpse, Earl Evan shook his head and sneered, "Your Highness, your acting skills are really terrible."

Prince William ignored Earl Evan's taunt, but turned around and ordered the guards: "These two killed Duke Miller, take them down now!"

"Yes!" The guards responded abruptly, then drew out their long swords and surrounded the brothers and sisters of St. Pross.


Anna also immediately pulled out the broadsword behind her back, slammed it heavily on the ground, and growled, "I'll see who will die first!"

But Earl Evan shook his head at his sister and said, "No, Anna, there is no need."

"But, brother, these half-elves designed to frame us!"

"Haha, it's just a clumsy planting." Earl Evan still looked confident, "Listen to me, put down your weapon, everything will be fine."

Anna frowned and stared at her brother for a while, then finally sighed and put away the huge broadsword again.

Earl Evan didn't seem to have the slightest sense of becoming a prisoner, so he still smiled and said to Prince William: "Okay, Your Royal Highness, can you take us to see His Majesty the King now?"

Prince William ignored him, but ordered: "Press them into prison and keep them under strict supervision!"


Earl Evan frowned, and said with a sneer, "Why, doesn't His Majesty even have the courage to meet us?"

Prince William still didn't answer.

Earl Evan rolled his eyes, and said again: "Hehe, it seems that what happened yesterday is really not trivial! Well, let me guess..."

At this time, a guard had already walked behind Earl Evan, put his hands behind his back, and locked him with an iron chain.

But Earl Evan didn't seem to care about it, and continued to speak: "It gives you the courage to put us in prison, could it be... Vera was assassinated?"

Prince William was taken aback for a moment, obviously he didn't expect that Earl Evan could even guess this.

But he still didn't speak.

The old king made an emphatic explanation before, telling William to be careful of this Earl Evan, not to accept his words, let alone believe any promises he made.

Therefore, Prince William faithfully carried out his father's orders and did not dare to violate them in the slightest.

"Ha! Sure enough, I guessed it right!" Earl Evan noticed Prince William's bewilderment, and smiled triumphantly.

Immediately, he said in a seductive tone: "Your Highness, if Miss Vera is really dead, then you will not be able to arrest us. At this time, our Eastern Realm is your only support!"

Prince William seemed to be a puppet, just not responding to Earl Avon.

"Your Highness, I have a way to help you solve your current problems! Really! As long as you take us to see His Majesty the King!"

Prince William felt that the Earl of the East was really noisy, so he waved to the guards to signal them to speed up.

"Your Highness! Your Highness! Believe me, I am the only one who can help you now! Go and tell His Majesty the King that I have a way to prevent the northern border from sending troops..."

When the St. Pros brothers and sisters were escorted out of the hall, Prince William was still thinking about the last words Earl Evan said.

Can he really do it

Just when Prince William was in a daze, the old king appeared behind him: "Do you really think he can help us?"

"Father... I..." Prince William hesitated, but decided to answer truthfully, "I think you can listen to Earl Evan's advice, maybe he really has a way..."

"Hmph! Idiot!" The old king interrupted without hesitation, "If you really intend to listen to his advice, then you have fallen for it!"

Prince William lowered his head, not daring to speak.

The old king sighed and explained: "When dealing with such a smart person, you must be careful. Especially when the other party tells you that he can help you.

At this time, you have to stop and think carefully about whether your position is consistent with his position. If they are not, then don't even listen!

Otherwise, you will be sold by him sooner or later without knowing it! "

"Yes, father." Prince William nodded again and again, and when his father's anger subsided, he asked cautiously, "Then how should we deal with the two brothers and sisters?"

"Close it first! Don't neglect eating and drinking, but you must never let them have any contact with the outside world!"




The heavy iron gate fell, completely isolating the St. Pros brothers and sisters from the outside world.

Earl Evan looked at his cell, and nodded with a smile: "The environment is not bad, except that there are no windows, everything is quite complete."

Anna looked at her brother with a calm face, and she couldn't be calm anymore: "Hurry up and think of a way, brother! Are we just waiting to die here?"

"Haha, don't be afraid! The Murdivyn family dare not kill us."

"Then why did they lock us up?"

"It's chips."

"What chips?"

Earl Evan sat down at the round table, picked up the kettle and smelled it, and was disappointed when he found that it contained no wine.

After pouring himself and his sister a glass of water, the earl said leisurely, "Remember what I told you before, the Duke of St. Hilde has a winning strategy?"

"Well, let Vera die in Silvermoon City. Could it be... you really guessed it right?"

"should be."

"Then what does that have to do with arresting the two of us?"

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly." Earl Evan drank his saliva and said again, "Although I guessed that Vera would die in Silvermoon City, I didn't guess the murderer correctly."

"The murderer who killed Vera?"

"Yes." Earl Evan's eyes shone with a wonderful brilliance.

Anna, who was familiar with her brother, knew very well that Earl Avan was excited—this was the excitement of meeting an opponent.

Earl Evan was indeed very excited, as if he had found a fun game: "I thought that the Duke of St. Hilde would ask someone in the escort team to kill Vera, such as Viscount Angelet, or someone else A hidden slayer.

After all, this is the easiest arrangement.

But unexpectedly, the Duke of St. Hilde actually found someone from the Miller family to be the murderer!

How on earth is this possible

It's so clever!

In this way, not only did he successfully find an excuse to send troops to Silvermoon City, but he also completely cleared his suspicions—it is difficult for everyone to doubt that the Duke of St. Hilde is the mastermind behind the scenes.

This shows that the Duke of St. Hilde has been laying out the half-elf kingdom for a long time. Hehe, our loss in the east is not unjust! "

Anna was confused:

"How do you know that the murderer is from the Miller family?"

(end of this chapter)