The Original Vampire

Chapter 13: escape



The huge army of trolls seemed to come from the waves of hell, wrapped in the power to crush everything, rolling towards the Jinghu camp.

For a moment, it was like the sky falling apart, and like a turbulent wave crashing on the shore, the weak line of defense that was barely organized in the Jinghu camp collapsed at the touch of such an offensive.



Under the impact of the troll army, the collapsed human army was squeezed row by row into the icy lake water, only in the east and west directions, and a few human beings who saw the situation were not good enough to escape in embarrassment before the troll encirclement closed go out.


Amid the howling of wolves, the ground began to tremble.

The two wings of the troll army separated into two wolf cavalry units, one east and one west, chasing the human deserters respectively.


The calm surface of Jinghu Lake suddenly surged with huge waves, attacking the troll wolf cavalry on the east side of the battlefield.

"Stop advancing!"

The wolf cavalry leader hissed.

However, the wolf cavalry who were charging rapidly could not control the forward momentum at all.

The huge wave smashed down like a terrifying big hand.


Hundreds of wolf cavalry were instantly swallowed.

Not a trace of blood, nor broken flesh.

The turbulent waves froze immediately after touching the ground, forming an ice wall more than ten meters high, lying in front of the troll wolf.

Inside the ice wall, the troll wolf cavalry still maintained the posture of charging when they were alive.


Such a horrible change frightened the wolf cavalry in the rear to stop one after another, lingering in front of the ice wall, their faces panicked.

Seeing that this human deserter was about to run farther and farther, a bright red spear shot out from the center of the troll army, drawing a long bloodstain in the sky, and finally pierced into the ice wall.


A crack appeared on the ice wall, and afterward, more cracks extended from the place where the spear penetrated, covering the entire wall in an instant like a spider's web.


The ice wall shattered.

Countless pieces of ice fell down along with the wreckage of the wolf cavalry.


Following the leader's order, the wolf cavalry unit regrouped and chased east again.

Only this time, the wolf cavalry had completely lost the arrogance and arrogance they had at the beginning.

"There is a mage among the human deserters?"

Stepping on the crushed ice, a troll general riding a white wolf picked up the blood-red spear that fell on the ground.

Obviously, he was the one who smashed the ice wall blocking the way just now.

"Quick, go after it too, it should be a big fish." Another troll riding a white wolf came over and said to the troll general who picked up the spear.

The mounts of the trolls were direwolves, and this ferocious beast, which was a circle larger than a normal war horse, was usually gray in color.

But there are also very few direwolves with white fur.

Such a white wolf is sacred in the eyes of the trolls, and is the incarnation of the god of war (also known as the white wolf war god) they believe in. Therefore, only noble trolls are eligible to use the white wolf as a mount.

"Yes! Lord Gambic!" Quick bowed, and then led a group of wolf cavalry roaring eastward.

The ice wall spell here is just a small episode. On the frontal battlefield, this improvised human army has long been defeated. They either knelt down and begged for mercy, or were driven into the mirror lake like ducks by the trolls.

Only a few people are still struggling to resist, trying to fight their way out of the encirclement.

In fact, the number of human remnants who successfully rushed out is not too small.

Because the troll army seemed to be a little scrupulous, and didn't put all their troops into the encirclement to intercept the scattered human soldiers.

Instead, more than half of the elite troops were left behind as a reserve team, as if they were guarding against something.

The killing continues.

The flowing blood continuously flowed into the mirror lake, dyeing half of the lake a dazzling red.

The suffocating smell of blood attracted flocks of vultures, who hovered anxiously over the battlefield, ready to rush down for a feast at any time.

The sun gradually set to the west, and the sunset fire began to burn in the sky, but the killing sounds by the mirror lake showed no sign of stopping.

At this moment, a commotion suddenly came from behind the troll army.

A troll messenger quickly rushed to Gambik and reported loudly: "General! We found a human army behind us. There are about 40,000 to 50,000 people!"

Instead of being surprised, Gambik laughed and said, "Okay! That little lion finally dared to show his face! Haha, let's teach him a good lesson!"

The family emblem of the family of St. Hilde, the lord of the North, is a golden lion. The "little lion" that Gambik mentioned obviously refers to the son of the Duke of St. Hilde, the Marquis of Charles.

The marquis was supposed to be the supreme commander of the human side in this battle, sitting in the Jinghu camp, fighting to the death with the trolls.

But he obviously didn't want to, or didn't dare, confront the army of trolls head-on.

Instead, an emergency call-up order was issued, and a group of mercenaries and militiamen were recruited to fill the Jinghu camp as bait.

He himself led the real army to attack from the rear while the trolls were attacking the Mirror Lake camp.

Although the whole plan is a bit cruel, it is also a good strategy.

If you can really catch the trolls by surprise, so that they can't look at each other from head to tail, maybe you can win in one battle.

Unfortunately, for some reason, the commander of the troll army has clearly understood this strategy in advance and is ready to deal with it.

Therefore, when Marquis Charles led his army to rush to the rear of the troll army, the terrain was not broken as he expected, but hit an iron plate head-on.

A fierce battle kicked off.


It was dark.

Half a bright moon hangs in the sky, and the cool light shines on the forest.

A group of human cavalry is camping in the forest, but they dare not light a fire to cook, for fear of exposing their targets and attracting pursuers.

It has been three days since the defeat of Mirror Lake.

After three days of fleeing, killing, and bleeding, the original team of more than 500 people now has only more than 100 people left.

Under the siege and interception of the army of troll wolf cavalry, it is indeed a miracle that they can survive until now.

Of course, this is also because their fighting power is really strong.

Moreover, there is a spell caster among them.

Although in a head-to-head duel, mages are completely beaten by knights and even warriors of the same level, because no one will stand still and wait for the mage to finish singing without interrupting or dodging.

But on the battlefield, the role of a mage far exceeds that of a knight of the same level.

The ice wall blocking the Wolf Riders is a good example.

It was a third-order spell, which instantly ended the lives of hundreds of wolf cavalrymen.

But if a third-tier knight faced hundreds of wolf cavalry, even if there were no professionals among these wolf cavalry, he would die of exhaustion under the siege of the opponent.

At most, dozens of backs will be pulled.

The forest is quiet, only the occasional horse crowing and the faint howling of owls.

In the camp, most of the people were eating hard bread in silence, only a few leaders gathered together, discussing in low voices how to get rid of the pursuers behind them.


"Little Bai, don't run around!"

Ke Lin followed Xiao Bai's figure to the center of the camp.

"Sorry, it's naughty."


The female mage grabbed the kitten that was trying to climb onto her body, hugged her and stroked it.

When Colin saw this, he sat down and didn't see anything.

The female mage seemed to have sensed Colin's tricks, so instead of driving him away, she asked, "Which knight are you from?"

Colin looked up at the female mage.

The black veil covered most of her face, leaving only a pair of big deep blue eyes, which seemed to reflect the deepest desire in everyone's heart.

"My name is Colin, Colin Angelet."

(end of this chapter)