The Original Vampire

Chapter 2: Assassination


In the dim and empty restaurant, Colin carefully unbuttoned his shirt and examined the wound on his chest by candlelight.

The wound has not healed, and no treatment has been done.

But not a trace of blood flowed out.

Because, now he can control the blood in his whole body.

Perhaps, this is also one of the natural abilities of vampires.

Colin pressed the sides of the wound and pulled gently to the sides.

"Hiss—" A burst of tearing pain made him gasp.

However, Colin was a little happy.

At least it shows that his nervous system is still functioning well.

This made Colin feel that he was not very different from normal people.

The wound was pulled open into a small hole, through which Colin could clearly see his heart.

It no longer jumps.

Well, this is a little bit different from normal people.

Colin was a little sad.


With a sigh, Colin let go of his hands, allowing the wound to heal slowly under the pull of his muscles.

Anyway, it won't bleed, so there's no need to bandage it.

Just to see how long it takes to heal - if it does at all.

To be honest, when Colin woke up this morning and found the dagger stuck in his chest, he still panicked for a while.

At that time, he felt that he might be regarded as the most failed time traveler in history—he died as soon as he arrived.

But then he found out that he couldn't die...

His heart was pierced, but he still couldn't die.

As for who stabbed him in the heart, Colin currently has no clue.

During this time travel, Colin successfully inherited the memory of his predecessor.

From these memories, he didn't find out who wanted to put him to death.

However, Colin already had some ideas about how to lead out this killer hiding in the dark.

But there is no rush.

Now, what he is more interested in is the new body that he inherited that looks like a vampire.

After buttoning his shirt again, Colin turned his attention to the last piece of food on the long table—garlic.

It is said that vampires are afraid of garlic.

In the previous world, Colin didn't know much about the vampires in novels and movies, and he didn't know what setting the vampires in this world followed.

There is no way but to experiment slowly.

Ke Lin cut off an ant-sized piece of garlic with a knife, and carefully put it in his mouth.


Colin vomited flatly.

It seems that the vampires of this world are also afraid of garlic.

"Master Colin, are you alright?" The maid guarding the door heard the movement and hurried in to check.

"I'm fine... vomit!"

"Master, I'm afraid you are ill. I'll go to Priest Mig right away..."

"No!" Hearing the pastor's words, Colin almost jumped up in shock, and hurriedly stopped him, "No... I'm fine..."

"Really? But...but your face is really pale today, and you're still vomiting..."

"I said, no need!" Colin rubbed his stomach, suppressing the desire to vomit, while staring at the maid at the door with vicious eyes.

Seemingly frightened by Colin's stern eyes, the maid didn't dare to insist any longer, so she left in a hurry after saying "then take care of your health".

"Huh—" Colin heaved a sigh of relief, leaning against the back of the chair and panting continuously.

Vampires seek medical treatment from priests

Be sick!

Although priests in this world do not necessarily restrain vampires, Colin dare not take his own life to experiment.

At least not now.

Perhaps in the future, when he is fully prepared, he will test the church of this world.

But, not now.

After a while, Colin finally calmed down.

He picked up the quill and continued writing on the roll of parchment:

[Aversion to garlic, ingestion will cause vomiting.]

Feeling the changes in his body carefully, Ke Lin added on the paper:

[But it is not fatal.]

Staring at the square characters on the parchment, Colin frowned again.


Ke Lin looked at the garlic in front of him, and suddenly realized that what he just ate was just a small piece...

Dosage matters.

A small amount may not be fatal, but if you eat too much...

Colin looked at the whole garlic in front of him, his face turned green.

He didn't want to try again.

Forget it, just stay away from garlic in the future.

After struggling for a moment, Colin decided to terminate this dangerous experiment.

Rolling up the parchment and putting it in his arms, Colin got up and left the restaurant.

The maid standing outside the hall hurriedly bowed when she saw Colin.

"Clean up." Colin glanced at the maid who lowered her head and dared not look at her, "Don't tell anyone about this."

"Yes, master!"

Through the dark corridor, Colin returned to his bedroom.

It was still early, and Colin sat down at the desk.

A book was spread out on the desk—"Memorabilia of the Glorious Empire".

Colin also read this book when he was a child, but his memory is not clear anymore.

Now that he traveled across the world, in order to better understand this world and find clues that vampires might have existed, Colin decided to do some more research.

However, this is ultimately futile.

There is no mention of vampires in the book at all.

Fortunately, Colin didn't get nothing. He reviewed the history of this human empire.

More than 1,500 years ago, the legendary paladin who served the Lord of Radiance—Gana Lorenzo completed the unification of the human race, established the Empire of Radiance, and became the first emperor.

In order to defend against alien enemies around the empire, Ghana canonized six paladins under his command as dukes, and ordered them to garrison the Quartet and continue to open up territories.

Thousands of years have passed, and now there are only four of the original six Dukes.

The northern border where Colin is located is currently the territory of Duke Hilde among the four dukes.

The northern border was originally the territory of the troll family, but they had already been driven to the northern sky ice field by the Hilde family.

Unwilling to fail, the trolls wholeheartedly want to regain this fertile land, and launch a southern expedition almost every year.

This year is no exception.

And Colin's father, Baron Angelet, is currently on the front line of this war.


As the night darkened, the candlestick on the desk was extinguished, and the bedroom became quiet.

All I could hear was Colin's steady and slight breathing, and the hooting of an owl from far outside Graycastle.

When the dark clouds covered the moonlight, a black figure suddenly appeared beside Colin's bed.

He looked at Colin who was sleeping soundly, with a look of doubt flashing across his face.

Because he clearly remembered that last night, he obviously thrust a dagger into Colin's chest.

Why didn't you die

Sombra was very puzzled.

But he did not hesitate.

Quietly drew out the dagger, and slowly placed it on Colin's chest.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that someone once told him:

Although most people's hearts are left-leaning, there are also a few people who are right-leaning.

So, this time, he quietly moved the dagger in his hand to the right for a certain distance.


The dagger pierced hard into Colin's chest.

The great pain woke Colin up from his dream, and when he was about to scream, his mouth was tightly covered by a pair of big hands.

"Woo... woo... woo..."

Colin's eyes widened in horror, staring at the assassin in front of him.

He recognized him!

After a while, Colin's struggle gradually subsided.

But Sombra didn't relax his vigilance.

He waited for a full ten minutes before removing his hand covering Colin's mouth.

Then, he pulled out the dagger from Colin's chest, and made another stab at his throat.

Now, you should die.

(end of this chapter)