The Original Vampire

Chapter 28: wake


Colin woke up.

He looked around and found that he was still in the original tent.

I don't know how many days I have been in a coma. I can only judge from the surrounding light conditions that it is night.

Besides him, there was another person in the tent—Vera.

She lay quietly on the edge of the bed, seemingly falling asleep.

Ke Lin looked at Vera's snow-white hair, and felt a hint of warmth in his heart.

It is undeniable that his previous actions were indeed a deliberate show off relying on his own immortality.

But it seems, a little playful...

In retrospect, he was able to manage the injury the first time around.

But the second time, when he blocked Vera's gun, he couldn't help it.

The severe pain and the severe wound prevented Colin from stopping the bleeding in time.

In addition, I saw some unsuitable scenes later...

In short, Ke Lin felt that the accident should be caused by excessive blood loss.

It seems that if you are injured in the future, you must stop the bleeding as soon as possible.

Colin secretly warned himself.

Then, he thought that he seemed to wake up once before.

Moreover, there was a priest pouring holy water into his mouth at that time...

However, the holy water did not seem to have caused him any harm, but instead helped him recover from his injuries.


It's not just about recovering from injuries.

Colin took a closer look at the changes in his body.

I found that my body was getting slightly hot, just like the situation after drinking the blood of Cavalier Carter!

Could it be that holy water can also help him improve his strength

That's where it gets interesting.

Ke Lin held back the ecstasy in his heart, and decided to wait a few more days to see if his strength had really improved.

If holy water really has the same effect as knight blood.

Either that, the setting of vampires in this world is a bit weird.


It is the holy water of the Radiance Church, there is a problem...

Also, the silver python that he dreamed about in a coma before.

Seems like more than just an inexplicable dream.

He always felt that the taste of that giant python's blood was too real.

So real, not like a dream...

Colin lay on the bed, thinking wildly.

He just woke up from a coma and couldn't sleep.

So he opened his eyes and waited until dawn.

"Good morning, Miss Vera."

"Oh, Colin, you're awake!"

Ke Lin looked at the genuine and undisguised surprise in Vera's eyes, and felt a little guilty in his heart—is it not good to deceive a naive little girl like this

But soon, Colin shook off this idea.

After all, although he planned to pretend to be dead before, he almost made the fake come true.

Therefore, Vera's favor can indeed be regarded as the exchange of his life.

According to the rhythm of the dog-blood TV series, Vera should almost agree with her body at this moment.

"How long have I been unconscious?"

"Three days!"

"so long?"

"Yes. Thanks to the holy water from Archbishop Raven."

Ke Lin secretly wrote down Raven's name, and at the same time inquired: "Then I must thank him! I don't know why Archbishop Raven appeared here?"

"He came here with my uncle, Marquis Garcia. By the way, my uncle brought the black cavalry to support us, so we are safe!"

"The Marquis Garcia is here too! Then we are indeed safe."

"Yes. You must be hungry? I'll get you something to eat."

Vera said, got up and walked outside the tent.

Looking at the graceful figure of the girl, Ke Lin suddenly felt that the injury this time was not bad.


Xiaobai also found that his "human slave" had woken up, excitedly leaned over and licked Colin a few times, then found a comfortable position on the bed, and continued to catch up on sleep.

Colin stroked the kitten's weak fur, and began to search for information about Marquis Garcia in his mind.

Then, he discovered that his predecessor was unexpectedly an admirer of Marquis Garcia.

Well, who is not a young man of his age in the North

However, Colin also found some interesting things from the memory.

For example, although Marquis Garcia was the number one member of the Northern Army, the Black Cavalry Army in his hands was also an invincible army.

However, he had stepped back from the front line against the trolls three years ago.

Although it was the Marquis Garcia who took the initiative to retreat from the front line, he also advertised that he wanted to take a vacation and let the soldiers of the Black Cavalry take a rest.

However, in the eyes of a discerning person, this "official rhetoric" is obviously not the truth of the matter.

There is only one reason for Marquis Garcia to retreat from the front line-suspect!

Suspicion from the Duke of the North.

Although there is no such thing as a master with great merit in this world, the truth is the same.

There is no difference in human hearts.

The prestige of the Marquis of Garcia and the strength of the Black Cavalry have made the Duke of the North feel restless.

Even though Marquis Garcia is the younger brother of the Duke of the North,

However, in the face of power,

don't say brother

Even father and son are unreliable.

A terrifying force like the Black Cavalry Army can not only make trolls dare not set foot in the northern border, but also sweep the northern border and change Winter City's master.

Therefore, Marquis Garcia was transferred from the front line.

The sharp blade of the Black Cavalry was also forced into its sheath.

It was the Duke of the North's eldest son, the Marquis Charles, who replaced him at the front line.

The Duke of the North obviously hoped that his son could take over this burden and sharpen a strong army for the North on the front line.

An army that truly belongs to the direct line of the St. Hilde family.

In order to balance the influence of Marquis Garcia.

It's a pity that Marquis Charles was a little disappointed.

He stayed on the front line for three years, but he still couldn't make it.

The troll came in.

Therefore, Marquis Garcia had to be used again.

But Colin was a little worried.

If the Marquis of Garcia lived up to expectations this time and once again crushed the invading trolls like he had repeated countless times, then how would the Duke of St. Hilde reward the meritorious ministers

It is impossible to advance to the title.

Marquis up, is the Duke.

In the northern border, there can only be one duke.

As for the territory.

The size of the Marquis Garcia's current territory has far exceeded the standard of an ordinary Marquis.

Moreover, more territories mean more taxes and population, which means greater military potential.

Although the Black Cavalry Army is powerful, it is also costly to support, so its size has never exceeded 50,000.

But if you give it more nutrients and let it continue to expand...

That would probably be even more difficult to deal with.

Thinking of this, Ke Lin suddenly sympathized with Vera's adoptive father.

Asking the Black Cavalry to come to the rescue showed that the situation on the front line was really critical, but it also inevitably meant drinking poison to quench thirst.

Of course, if Colin knew that the Marquis Garcia sent troops this time without the Duke's order, he would be even more worried.

(end of this chapter)