The Original Vampire

Chapter 53: Big win


The setting sun is like blood.

Indifferently and mercilessly reflecting this horrible and bloody scene on the ice field.

When the army of more than 200,000 trolls was completely pierced by the black cavalry, it meant the end of the battle.

The fate of the defeated troll army has long been doomed. In front of the cavalry who come and go like the wind, even if they flee temporarily, they will be overtaken again sooner or later.

Many trolls collapsed and surrendered on their knees under the blades of the cavalry.

This time, the black cavalry army actually let these soldiers go, as long as they put down their weapons, they would be saved from death.

This obviously also accelerated the collapse of the troll army. More and more trolls began to learn from their companions and surrendered to the black cavalry army.

Teams of cavalry began to disperse, chasing deserters and gathering surrendered soldiers.

The heavy cavalry who completed the fatal blow to the troll army stopped at the edge of the battlefield.

Three thousand heavy riders, and now there are only more than one thousand riders left.

More than half of the tragic casualties!

In order to penetrate the troll army formation, they also paid a terrible price!

The remaining thousand riders were all covered in blood, and at first glance, they looked like a group of bright red steel sculptures.

Colin took off his helmet and let out a long breath.

An indescribable pleasure ran through his body like an electric current, making him excited even though his body was extremely exhausted!

This battle seemed extremely dangerous, but it seemed very easy to complete it.

Of course he understood that this was actually an illusion.

Just look at the casualty rate of this heavy cavalry, this battle will not be easy.

But the feeling of galloping on the battlefield and being invincible is as addictive as poppies, and you can't stop it.

The only thing that made him feel a little sluggish in this process was that when he passed the army of trolls, that Prince Gambik had to kill him head-on.

Ke Lin didn't know what rank of warrior that Prince Gambik was, but he dared to charge the heavy cavalry at its peak, hehe, what would happen...

Not even a whole body was saved.

"We won!" Colin looked at Marquis Garcia, who was also covered in blood, and shouted excitedly.

The Marquis of Garcia was not as excited as Colin, as if such a big victory was nothing more than eating and drinking to him:

"Do you know why we won?"

"Of course it's thanks to your unparalleled strategy and wise decision-making!" Colin took advantage of the situation and offered a flattery.

Of course, his flattery came from the heart.

Marquis Garcia is absolutely worthy of such praise.

But the Marquis shook his head and said solemnly, "No, I rely on them!"

His gaze swept across the battlefield slowly, looking proudly at the Black Cavalry soldiers who were still galloping on the battlefield, chasing and killing the remnants of the trolls.

Colin also put away the smile on his face, as if he understood what Marquis Garcia meant.

The Marquis of Garcia withdrew his gaze and looked at Colin again: "Strategy is not unimportant, but if a general relies too much on strategy and always thinks of taking advantage of tricks, he will stumble one day."

Seeing that Ke Lin still seemed a little puzzled and dissatisfied, Marquis Garcia smiled: "The fox's resourcefulness will only look ridiculous to the lion.

I don't want to deny the importance of strategy, but I just want to tell you that the key to victory on the battlefield is a strong army!

That's why I said, this battle, I rely on them - the Black Cavalry.

Throughout the first half of my life, the secret of being undefeated for more than 20 years is the same-the Black Cavalry! "

Colin was lost in thought.

Only then did he understand what Marquis Garcia really meant.

The other party was actually reminding him not to rely too much on tricks.

The implementation of the strategy also needs to be based on strength.

But before, he did pay too much attention to these schemes, or even conspiracies.

Knight Bliss must have told Marquis Garcia about everything on the way to escape.

Even if Knight Bliss didn't see it clearly, Colin would not think that Marquis Garcia couldn't see through his little plots.

It has to be said that after the Battle of River Bend, Ke Lin was indeed somewhat complacent.

Think you have mastered the secret to victory on the battlefield.

Moreover, coming from the era of the information explosion, he always felt that he was well-informed.

Sun Tzu's Art of War, Thirty-Six Strategies and so on always have a little understanding, relying on these, plus some of his own cleverness, it must not be difficult to move across the battlefield.

But fortunately, Marquis Garcia woke up Colin in time.

Conspiracy is never the right way.

The most mainstream victory on the battlefield, after all, is to use an upright and upright army to defeat the weak with the strong.

Although the trolls were actually the stronger side this time, under the careful planning of Marquis Garcia, they continued to create a stronger situation for the Black Cavalry in some battlefields, thus constantly defeating the weak with the strong, and finally defeated the seemingly strong enemy.

Moreover, think carefully about the strategies used by Marquis Garcia before.

In fact, it is not complicated.

First, he pretended to be at odds with the Duke to confuse and paralyze the trolls, and then suddenly led his army north to find the main force of the troll cavalry. Flaws, one blow and collapse.

The whole set of strategies is indeed not complicated, and it is not even considered brilliant.

It is estimated that even the qualifications to record the entry into the army are somewhat lacking.

However, Colin, who has experienced all this personally, is very clear.

This step by step seemed simple, but it pointed directly at the vital point of the troll army, and they pressed on step by step, without giving the enemy a chance to breathe.

From the beginning to the end, no matter how hard the troll struggled, they could not escape the fate of defeat.

Of course, what's more important is that the extremely elite first cavalry in the north - the Black Cavalry in the hands of Marquis Garcia!

In this way, Marquis Garcia is not only extremely talented in command, but even more powerful, I am afraid he is also a talent for training soldiers.

It is precisely because he personally trained this black cavalry army that he has the most fundamental foundation for this series of victories.

At this point, the thought that Colin had hovered in his mind before could no longer be suppressed—

Marquis Garcia's invincibility depends on his black cavalry, so where is my black cavalry

The wind and snow were still whistling, as if countless wronged and mourning spirits were weeping in the heaven and earth.

On the ice field, a large number of troll descendants were surrounded together.

Surrounding them were the watchful black cavalry patrolling.

The few troll soldiers couldn't take it anymore, and couldn't help shouting at the patrolling Black Cavalry soldiers:

"Hey! Brother! We are so hungry, can we have something to eat!"

His shout immediately aroused the echoes of the surrounding companions, so the scene suddenly became a little noisy:

"Yeah, I'm so cold, give me something warm!"

"And my legs! The blood is almost drained, can you help me treat it!"

However, the surrounding Black Cavalry soldiers turned a deaf ear to these trolls' pleas to surrender.

Only when some soldiers tried to go out, they would be warned and scolded by the black cavalry, even arrows and swords.

In desperation, the trolls had to wait patiently.

I don't know how long I waited for this.

Many of the troll soldiers who couldn't survive had already lost their breath. However, those who were still a little angry didn't get the result they expected.

Marquis Garcia's military order finally came—

"All trolls descended, kill them all!"

(end of this chapter)