The Original Vampire

Chapter 64: rebellion


Turn the time back to the present.

The air in Ice Rock City was filled with anxiety, restlessness and excitement.

The ignorant civilians still don't know what happened, but all the nobles know that it is now the moment when the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

The categorical refusal of the Duke of St. Hilde left the lords with nowhere to go.

Order after order was passed on, and the army was making final preparations before the battle.

A chilling atmosphere enveloped the whole city, and it was destined to be difficult to sleep tonight.

Cavalier Kahn Suduo was one of those who couldn't sleep. He only felt his heart beating at a frighteningly fast rate.

After tossing and turning for a long time, Kahn didn't sleep at all.

After getting dressed and going out, Kahn subconsciously walked to his uncle's room.

"Good evening, Ms. Penny!" Kahn hurriedly greeted the housekeeper of the Uman family on the way.

"Good evening, Cavalier Kahn, are you also looking for the Earl?"

"No, no. I just wandered around." Kahn quickly denied.

He knew that Ms. Penny was the steward of the Uman family on the surface, but in fact, she was Earl Uman's lover.

And not just any lover.

It is said that Earl Uman fell in love with Penny because of her wine-red pupils besides her beauty.

The pupil colors of humans in this world are generally blue, black, and green, and wine-red pupils rarely appear.

Earl Uman himself had the same pupil color.

In the opinion of Earl Uman, who doesn't understand genetics, this Panny may have pupils of the same color as his despite her humble origins, and she may be a descendant of some ancient bloodline.

Regardless of whether this rumor is true or not, Penny's status in the Uman family is very high, which is a certain fact.

Even her illegitimate son Valla, who was born to the earl, was valued more than ordinary illegitimate children.

Earl Uman not only allowed him to be baptized as a knight, but also took great pains to help him marry a baron's daughter—that is, Colin's sister Caitlin.

That's why Kahn showed such respect to a butler.

Moreover, he realized that when Ms. Penny went to the Earl's room, she probably went to...

Therefore, Kahn wisely chose not to disturb the earl's elegant mood.

Saying goodbye to Kahn, Penny came to Earl Uman's room, pushed the door open and entered.

Count Uman didn't reprimand Penny when he saw Penny coming in without even knocking.

"Is everything arranged?"

"Yes." Penny replied casually.

Then he stepped forward to help Earl Uman unbutton his shirt.

Count Uman kissed the forehead of the woman in front of him, and then began to undress her.

The earl's wife had died many years ago, and he never remarried.

Instead, they behaved more like a couple with their lover Penny.

If outsiders see this scene, they will probably be very puzzled.

How could an earl treat a lover of humble birth like this

Even if Penny used to be extremely beautiful, but now that she is over forty, it is impossible for her to still be so attractive to the Earl, right

Or, are those wine-red pupils really so noble in the Earl's eyes

If this is the case, all the commoner girls with wine-red pupils in the whole northern region will probably gather in Falling Eagle City.

However, Earl Uman didn't seem to feel that there was anything wrong with treating a commoner lover like this.

And Penny took it for granted.

"What are you worried about?" Earl Uman asked suddenly, seeing the worry on Penny's face.

"It's nothing." Penny avoided the count's eyes.

Earl Uman reached out and pinched Penny's chin, and turned her gaze to himself: "You have to believe me, this is our best and only feasible choice now!"

"But you are helping the Saint Hilde family consolidate their rule." Penny's eyes were full of reluctance.

"No way, when Marquis Garcia chose to go north to chase the trolls instead of going south to Winter City, our plan has already failed.

I don't know what kind of agreement they reached between the two brothers, so that Marquis Garcia could withstand the temptation of becoming the Lord of the North and be willing to be the sharp sword in his brother's hand.

Moreover, this idiot Gambic is also to blame!

It is a shame that the 300,000 troops were wiped out by 50,000!

In this situation, I have no choice but to follow the secret order of the Duke of St. Hilde and cooperate with him to clean up those disobedient lords. "

Penny stopped talking, but silently helped Earl Uman unbutton his clothes.

Earl Uman felt unhappy when he saw this, and asked again: "Did someone look for you?"

Penny paused for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Earl Uman's eyes flashed green, and he said solemnly: "Don't trust those trolls! Remember, we are only using them, and they are also using us. You must not treat them as your own!"

"It's not a troll." Penny shook her head, staring into Earl Uman's eyes, "It's my brother's letter."

Earl Uman stared: "What did he say?"

"He said..." Penny's eyes flickered, with a hint of scrutiny, "He said, you are betting on both ends..."

"Nonsense!" Earl Uman snorted coldly, put his hands on Penny's shoulders, and pulled her closer to him, "Don't you believe me?"

Penny and her man looked at each other for a long time before uttering two words softly: "I believe it."

Earl Uman felt relieved, and hugged Penny tightly in his arms: "Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you at the beginning!"

"Well. Go to sleep."

next morning.

The chill atmosphere in Ice Rock City has reached its peak.

Groups of soldiers passed through the street and gathered at the south gate.

At this time, even the dullest civilians realized that something was going to happen, and immediately ran home, closed the windows and doors, and dared not go out again.

At the same time, an army also appeared five kilometers south of Ice Rock City.

The golden lion banner shines brightly in the sunlight.

That is the direct line army of the St. Hilde family - the Golden Lion Legion!

And to the west of Ice Rock City, there is a black ocean.

There was an army there too—the Black Riders!

A strong murderous aura filled the fields, causing the temperature in the air to drop a lot.

Earl Dawson stood in front of the Black Cavalry formation, looking at the Golden Lion Legion and the Lord's coalition army facing each other in the distance, wondering what he was thinking.

At 9:00 a.m., after the last round of negotiations failed, the piercing sound of bugles began.

The forward troops of the Golden Lion Army and the Lord's Alliance Army began to approach each other gradually.

Immediately, the sound of shouting and killing resounded across the field.

Earl Dawson looked at the two sides fighting in the distance with a calm expression.

He is waiting.

When the main forces of the two sides are completely entangled, they will no longer be able to separate easily.

Finally, when it was almost noon, the battle between the Golden Lion Army and the lord's coalition forces had reached its fiercest time.

On the whole, the lord coalition has a slight upper hand.

After all, they are superior in numbers.

And at this moment, Earl Dawson, who had been watching coldly, finally gave the order to attack.

The galloping horses made the ground shake.

The thunderous sound of horseshoes hit everyone's hearts hard, making them involuntarily turn their attention to the cavalry who suddenly entered the battlefield!

Those who have never faced the charge of the Black Cavalry can never imagine what kind of scene it is.

In the past, the targets of the Black Cavalry's charge had always been trolls, but this time, humans finally blocked their way forward.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of the lord coalition immediately shouted excitedly.

Because, what the Black Cavalry rushed towards was the position of the Golden Lions!

However, it didn't take long for them to be happy.

I saw that the route of the Black Cavalry Army turned a corner abruptly, and then, like a torrent breaking a bank, rushed towards the right flank of the lord's coalition army!


The situation is reversed instantly!

(end of this chapter)