The Original Vampire

Chapter 70: Blood Slave (Modified)


Can teeth kill people

If it's a beast like a lion, tiger, maybe.

But if it is a human being, the threat is greatly reduced.

Human teeth are never a deadly weapon, especially a man with a sword in his chest.

Cynthia thought so too.

So, when she saw the dying Colin biting her neck, she didn't panic at all.

Even, a little disdainful.

Since Colin's movements were hasty and abrupt, completely out of Cynthia's expectation, it was already too late when she wanted to escape.

Since you can't hide, then don't hide.

Cynthia let Colin bite her neck, while she frantically twisted the long sword inserted into Colin's chest, trying to crush the other's heart.

However, no matter how much she stirred the long sword, Colin showed no sign of losing strength.

Instead, bite tighter and tighter!

At this time, Cynthia finally began to panic.

At this time, Colin who was biting Cynthia's neck was even more panicked.

Because, he was shocked to find that he couldn't even bite the opponent's skin!

It's not that Cynthia's skin is rough and fleshy, but that the layer of holy light shield on top firmly blocks Colin's teeth.

Originally, Colin's knight rank was not as good as Cynthia's, so it seemed reasonable that his teeth could not break the defense.

Just when Ke Lin was about to give up gnawing, pretending to be dead first, and then waiting for an opportunity to fight back, he was suddenly surprised to find that his two canine teeth began to grow slowly!

Moreover, the holy light shield on Cynthia's body seemed to be useless in front of Colin's tiger teeth.


Colin's canine teeth dug deep into Cynthia's neck.

Cynthia screamed, and her hands stirred even more!

However, Ke Lin still bit on it firmly, as if the long sword pierced into his body.

What made Cynthia even more horrified was that her own blood was draining rapidly, and it was all sucked away by Colin!

"The devil..." A trembling from the depths of her soul made Cynthia want to call out loudly in fright, but her voice turned into an angry whisper as soon as she exited her mouth.

The strength in her whole body seemed to be quickly drawn away along with the drained blood.


The exhausted Cynthia fell to the ground.

And Colin was still lying on Cynthia's body, who was gradually limp on the ground, sucking continuously...

Ah, the sweet taste!

Make him unable to extricate himself!

In fact, when Cynthia lost consciousness, Colin already knew that the danger was over.

However, he didn't want to get up from her at all.

A primitive instinct from the depths of his blood made him unable to stop at all.



suck her dry!

When Colin drank blood before, although he enjoyed it quite a bit, he didn't have such an addictive feeling at all.

But at that time, what Colin drank was the blood of the dead.

Unlike now, it is completely raw!

Could this be the correct way to open vampires in this world

What little reason remained in his mind told Colin that he had to stop smoking immediately.

Otherwise, Cynthia would really be sucked dry.

Of course he wasn't worried that this crazy woman would die.

In fact, just based on what this crazy woman did to him, Colin could kill her without any psychological barriers.

But, never in this way!

Although Colin guessed that he had become a vampire-like creature from the beginning of time travel, he didn't want himself to become an inhuman devil, a beast crazy for blood!



Relying on the remaining rationality in his mind, Colin tried to get away from Cynthia's neck.

But at the moment when he was determined to pull away, a suction suddenly appeared at the wound on Cynthia's neck!

This suction made Ke Lin's blood boil instantly, as if it was about to flow into Cynthia's body along his fangs!

This frightened Colin out of his wits, and he pulled out his teeth with all his might.


Colin quickly moved away from Cynthia's body, panting with lingering fear.


A surge of joy for the rest of the life spontaneously emerged.

He suddenly discovered that there is still a lot to study about the setting of vampires in this world.

Just like just now, he was almost sucked back by Cynthia.

What exactly is going on

Colin was very confused.

Is the risk of "raw eating" so great

The blood that Ke Lin drank before all came from dead people or animals without exception.

It was the first time for him to gnaw on a living person directly.

Did not expect this strange situation to happen.

Ke Lin suddenly realized that what happened just now was the legendary "First Embrace"

If so, then, Cynthia now...

Colin looked at the female knight who was lying on the ground, feeling a little thumping in his heart.

After all, the suspected first embrace ceremony just now was interrupted by him, so, has Cynthia been successfully transformed into his "family"


Colin pulled out the long sword on his chest, and immediately grinned in pain.

Slowing down, he quickly walked in front of Cynthia, and pressed the long sword against the opponent's throat.

Called at the same time: "Cynthia? Cynthia?"

Not knowing if she heard Colin's call, Cynthia suddenly opened her eyes.

However, her eyes were very strange.

It is completely different from the eyes that a sane human being should have, but like a puppet, a walking dead...

Ke Lin was worried that the other party was cheating, so he directly pierced her right leg with a long sword.

However, Cynthia only looked at her legs, then at Colin, and then fell into a daze again.

"Is this... stupid?"

Colin scratched his head a little.

Could it be that the failure of the first embrace created a delirious fool

"Stand up." Colin tried to order suddenly.


Cynthia quickly got up from the ground and stood in front of Colin.

"So she understands my orders." Colin was stunned.

"May I have your name?"


"Why are you here?"


"What do you want?"


Colin tried to ask a few more questions, but without exception, there was no response.

"Raise your hand!"

"sit down!"

"Get down!"

However, when Colin issued clear orders, Cynthia followed them one by one.

At this time, he finally understood that this crazy woman might have turned into a creature similar to his own slave.

He has no thoughts of his own at all, and only knows that Ke Lin's orders are to be obeyed.

Colin scratched his chin, then handed the long sword to Cynthia, and ordered:

"Stab me!"

no response.

"Then, stab yourself."


Cynthia pierced her abdomen with a sword without hesitation.

Only then did Colin understand that Cynthia could not accept the order to hurt him.

Moreover, he also noticed that the other party's punctured abdomen, as well as the right leg that was punctured by Colin before, did not bleed profusely from the wounds.

It seemed that she could also control the flow of her own blood.

Colin took back the long sword and stabbed directly into Cynthia's heart.

The woman didn't dodge or avoid, she didn't even blink her eyes.

The long sword was drawn out.

Cynthia still stood firmly in place.

It seems that the fatal injury also does not exist.

Even, no more pain!

Colin suddenly felt envious...

He felt that the creatures produced by this half-stop Embrace could be called—

blood slave.

(end of this chapter)