The Original Vampire

Chapter 715: After the war (on)


The sixth level is the limit of mortals.

If you want to advance to the seventh level, which is the sanctuary, you must rely on the power of the gods.

In the nearly two thousand years of the glorious empire's long history, the total number of paladins born has not exceeded double digits.

And among these less than a hundred paladins, the only one who has reached the eighth level, which is the legendary realm, is the founding emperor—Gana San Lorenzo.

Since him, no one has been able to become a legendary paladin.

Even later people don't even know how to advance to the legendary realm.

It seems that it can only be the patent of a god-favored person like the Emperor of Ghana. For the rest, no matter how superb your talent is, no matter how firm your beliefs are, you are destined to never touch the threshold of the legendary realm.

So, the legend has finally become a legend.

This world has gradually regarded the sanctuary as the pinnacle of martial arts, an insurmountable barrier.

Until today, the legend reappears!

He, Ghana San Lorenzo, the legendary paladin thousands of years ago, stands tall in the sky of Tinder City again!

The dark night sky was illuminated by the holy light surrounding him, and all the noise, crying, and screams disappeared, as if no one dared to act presumptuously in front of this legendary paladin.

Ke Lin looked at the figure of the Great King of Ghana, and his heart was already overwhelmed.

Is this really the Emperor of Ghana

Shouldn't he have died long ago

How did it appear in Tinder City

Could it be that this is also Mr. Xi's conspiracy

Countless thoughts floated in his mind, but none of them were clear.

At this moment, he only felt as if he was in a vast ocean, and the ubiquitous water pressure enveloped him, making it extremely difficult for him to move.

Such power convinced Colin of the identity of the Great Emperor of Ghana.

Although this is an extremely absurd guess, apart from the only legendary paladin in history, there is probably no one else who can put so much pressure on Colin now.

Colin swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and just wanted to test whether this legendary paladin was an enemy or a friend, but the moment he opened his mouth, the eyes of Emperor Ghana suddenly turned to him!


Colin's mind went blank for an instant, his vision was filled with boundless holy light, and he couldn't see anything else.

He only felt an incomparable terrifying force suddenly attacking him, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free from the shackles, so he could only stay where he was.


The terrifying power that swept over suddenly dissipated and turned into an oncoming breeze, blowing Colin's messy long hair.

He blinked, finally seeing everything in front of him clearly.

At some point, the Great Emperor Ghana had come to him, and the long sword condensed by the holy light in his hand was pressing against his chest—

More precisely, the mistletoe on his chest.

The mistletoe exudes a crystal green light, which is reflected in the golden eyes of the Great King of Ghana, causing a little more doubt in his originally devoid of emotion and reason—

As if thinking about something.

Knight Sinag finally recovered from the palpitation just now.

Due to the distance, he didn't see clearly the face of the figure that suddenly appeared above Tinder City.

It's just that the terrifying pressure made him feel an uncontrollable sense of surrender.

He immediately thought of the golden horn that Pope Mensay tried his best to blow just now—could it be related to this

Knight Sinag suppressed the doubts in his heart, turned his head and looked at Pope Mensay in front of him again.

I saw that he was already old and out of shape, and he collapsed powerlessly on the ground, murmuring something incessantly.

Knight Sinag took a few steps closer, and heard Mensay's breathless voice:

"... kill him... kill him quickly..."

"Who are you going to kill?" Knight Sinag had an ominous premonition in his heart, and suddenly realized that he might have done something wrong just now.

Mensay was still repeating "Kill him, kill him", and his expression became more and more agitated, and more and more disbelief appeared in his muddy eyes.

Seeing that he couldn't find anything out of the question, Knight Sinag didn't dare to do anything to the Pope lightly, so he ordered the soldiers:

"Lift him up and go to see the Duke!"


Four blood cavalry soldiers stepped forward immediately and carried Pope Mensay up.

Knight Sinag picked up the golden horn that fell on the ground, looked at it for a while, and immediately led the team to walk quickly in the direction of Colin.

After walking a few steps, I heard the soldiers behind me shouting to myself:

"Lord Sinag, the Pope..."

"What's wrong?"

When Knight Sinag turned his head, he saw that Pope Mensay was shaking more and more violently, as if he was about to faint in the next second.

"What's the matter with him? Let him go quickly."

After all, he is the pope, the leader of the faith of the Glorious Empire, and the spokesperson of the gods. Even though the prestige of the church has been reduced by Colin, the awe rooted in the depths of consciousness still cannot be completely eliminated. Therefore, Knight Sinag I'm really worried that the pope will die here.

But when soldiers lowered Mensay back to the ground, his condition did not improve, but continued to deteriorate.

Convulsions from fear and excitement had curled his fragile body into a ball.

Knight Sinag leaned down quickly, and heard Mensay's terrified murmur:

"No... Impossible... It can't be like this..."

Just as Knight Sinag was about to speak, Mensay stared suddenly, and the expression on his face froze.

He was startled, and hurried to check Mensay's breath.

However, it was discovered that the contemporary pope had disappeared.

After a short period of panic, Knight Sinag regained his composure.

He scratched his head, muttered a few words, and finally called the soldiers to lift up the Pope's body, and followed him to see the Duke of St. Chapman.

But he said that Colin was staring at the corpse of the Great Ghana in a daze.

That's right, the great Ghanaian who came back from the dead is dead again.

Perhaps, the Great Emperor Ghana hadn't been resurrected at all before, but was driven by a magical force to attack him.

It's just that at the last moment, due to some reasons, he suddenly stopped.

Ke Lin leaned down, and carefully stretched out his hand to press the chest of the Great Emperor Ghana, and found that the corpse was still warm. If he could not feel the beating of the heart, he might have thought that the Great Ghana was just asleep.

At this moment, a series of footsteps sounded from behind, interrupting Colin's meditation.

"Your Excellency! We captured Pope Mensay, just..."

Colin turned his head and looked at Knight Sinag and a corpse carried by a group of soldiers behind him.

"he died?"

"Yes." Knight Sinag nodded a little ashamedly, "Sorry, my lord, the matter is too weird, I..."

Colin came to Mensay's body and said:

"It's okay, tell me about the situation at that time in detail."

(end of this chapter)