The Original Vampire

Chapter 716: After the war (below)


"So, at that time, Mensay blew the golden horn, and then became this kind of virtue?"

"Yes, Your Excellency the Duke."

"Where's the golden horn?"

"it's here."

After receiving the golden horn from Sinag Knight, Colin looked at it carefully for a while, and then turned to look at Mensay's body.

Regarding what happened just now, he gradually had some clues in his mind.

It seems that Mensay should have finally sounded the golden horn at the end of his life, but he did not expect that the last trump card of this church was to summon the Great Emperor of Ghana!

The only legendary paladin in the history of the Glorious Empire is indeed worthy of the church's final trump card.

But the problem is that the summoned Emperor of Ghana is not under the Pope's control!

Colin didn't think the church would make such an oolong, unless there was an accident in a certain link.

It's a pity that Mensay is dead, otherwise he should be able to answer many of Colin's questions.

"Where's the head of the Knights Templar? Has he surrendered?" Colin asked suddenly.

Knight Sinag immediately took a bite of his chest and said:

"Your Excellency, I'll ask now."

After speaking, he ran away in a hurry.

Ke Lin pointed at the back of the other party and added another sentence:

"There's that Yaruge too, catch him too!"

"Yes, Your Excellency the Duke!"

Afterwards, Colin rubbed the golden horn in his hand, and couldn't help but feel an urge to blow it.

But soon, he dismissed this reckless idea.

Looking at Mensay's ghostly appearance, it is obvious that the price to be paid for sounding the golden horn is not ordinary.

No wonder Mensay didn't dare to blow the golden horn lightly, no matter how much Ke Lin forced him.

After thinking for a moment, Ke Lin summoned a blood slave, handed him the golden horn, and ordered him to try it.

Naturally, the Blood Slave would not disobey Ke Lin's order, so he picked up the horn and put it to his mouth, took a deep breath—

no movement...

Ke Lin blinked, looking at the Blood Slave whose cheeks were about to turn into balloons, but couldn't make any sound.

Not strong enough

Ke Lin replaced another sixth-order blood slave to play.

Unfortunately, there is still no movement.

Finally, Colin asked Paladin Otto to try again.

Or not.

Colin scratched his head and realized that not everyone could blow this golden horn.

According to the church, only a priest who wholeheartedly serves the Lord of Radiance can become the pope, and then hold the golden horn.

Then, it is estimated that the conditions for becoming the pope are also the conditions for sounding the golden horn.

Just when Colin was hesitating whether to try to get a few high-level priests of the church to blow the golden horn, the Sinag knight had already returned.

"My lord, Knight Paladin, the head of the Knights Templar, has died in battle, but the deputy head, Knight McCain, has surrendered." Said, Knight Sinag pushed forward a knight who was following him.

The knight knelt on his knees, raised his sword above his head, and said to Colin:

"Dear Duke of St. Chapman, what Mensay has done has betrayed the glory of the Supreme Lord, and we do not want to continue to serve him. Therefore, on behalf of all Templars, I surrender to you."

Colin stepped forward to take the opponent's long sword, and said:

"I accept your surrender."

Then, he asked again:

"Knight McCain, how much do you know about this operation in Tinder City?"

"Your Excellency, before leaving Yulong City, Mensay only told us that the purpose of this operation is to kill you and severely injure the Blood Cavalry Army.

But the specific action plan, including the details of coordinating with the mage to sacrifice to Tinder City, was never mentioned by Mensayi.

So when we found the city ablaze and arcane energies raging, we knew we had been tricked.

Mensay is not worthy to be the spokesperson of the Supreme Lord at all, he is the greatest blasphemer! deserved to be judged, to be…”

"Okay, okay." Colin waved his hand, interrupting Cavalier McCain's impassioned speech.

He knew that the McCain Cavaliers could not wait to draw a line with Mensay to gain his own support, but he was in no mood to pay attention to such tricks right now.

"What about this person? You should know him, right?" Colin asked, pointing at the corpse of the Great Emperor Ghana.

McCain Knight nodded and said:

"Of course, this is the founding emperor of the Glorious Empire, His Majesty Garner San Lorenzo."

After finally confirming the identity of the Great Emperor of Ghana, Colin immediately asked:

"How did he appear in Tinder City? Why did he come back from the dead just now?"

"Before we set off, Mensay asked us to carry a coffin, but he didn't tell us what was inside. Now it seems that it should be the remains of the Great Emperor of Ghana.

However, I also don't know anything about the vision of the Ghanaian emperor coming back from the dead just now.

I guess it may be the role of the golden horn... "

"How much do you know about the Golden Horn?"

"The golden horn has always been the Pope's exclusive artifact. It is said that it can summon angels after it is blown..."

Colin rolled his eyes. Could it be that the so-called angel of the church is the Great King of Ghana

"Nothing else?"

Knight McCain shook his head and said helplessly:

"Your Excellency, the Golden Horn has never been used in the history of the church, and its function has always remained in rumors.

If you want to know more, I'm afraid you have to ask the pope, or the successor of the pope - a cardinal. "

Colin rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

Not long after, another herald came to report:

"Your Excellency, we have found Bachelor Yeluge, but... he is dead."

"Dead?" Colin raised his brows, and saw soldiers walking over with the body of Bachelor Yaruge.

"Yes, Your Excellency, judging from the weapons and wounds we found at the time, Bachelor Yaruger should have committed suicide."

Colin glanced at the wound on Maester Yaruge's neck, frowned, but didn't say much.

Afterwards, he ordered the blood cavalry army to clean up the battlefield and appease the civilians in the city.

When the dawn is approaching, it is also the darkest moment.

Pedestrian City gradually calmed down from the chaos of the war, and all the fires that broke out have been extinguished.

Under the organization of the Blood Cavalry Army, the panic-stricken people began to settle down, licking their wounds, and waiting for the dawn.

Since the castle of the Bruggen family had been in ruins in the battle between Colin and the Kurds, the Blood Cavalry requisitioned the Tinder City Church as Colin's resting place.

The bodies of Ghanaian emperor and Pope Mensay have been collected and placed in the back hall of the church.

With a creak, the door of the back hall slowly opened, and Colin walked in alone.

He came to a coffin, opened the coffin lid, and saw that Emperor Ghana was lying quietly in it.

Colin stretched out his hand to touch it, and found that the body of Emperor Ghana was already cold, but it was not as stiff as a normal corpse.

After hesitating for a while, he finally opened his mouth wide, showing his ferocious fangs, aiming at the neck of Emperor Ghana, and biting it!

"Gudu... Gudu..."

(end of this chapter)