The Original Vampire

Chapter 72: experiment (change)


Jack is a butcher.

And he used to be a well-known butcher in Ice Rock City.

The reason why he is quite famous is that Jack is a fighter.

It is relatively rare for a professional to be a butcher.

Of course, Jack also had a dream when he was young. He joined the mercenary group and tried to fight for wealth with the big sword in his hand.

But unfortunately, like most young people with dreams in mind, the mercenary journey did not bring wealth to Jack, but only added large and small scars to his body.

Until he was shot by an arrow in the knee, Jack finally bid farewell to the road of mercenary and became a glorious butcher.

He vented his unwillingness and anger towards fate on the poor livestock, so Jack's journey as a butcher went quite smoothly, and he soon gained some minor fame in Ice Rock City.

But one day, when Jack the "Butcher" had an argument with someone, he couldn't control his anger for a moment, and directly turned into Jack the Ripper, and killed the man with a single knife.

Then, Jack was thrown into prison, waiting for him, will be the gallows.

However, tonight, a big man suddenly came to the prison and took Jack away without any explanation.

Jack was a little puzzled, because the usual hanging time was in the morning, and he used to go to watch the execution when he had nothing to do. Why is it changed to night now

What puzzled Jack even more was that he did not go to the city square, but came outside the Lord's Castle.

Does the noble lord want to see himself

Along with Jack, there were four other death row prisoners.

They also had doubts written on their faces.

Then, something that puzzled them even more came.

The knight lord took them outside the city, thrust five swords in front of them, and then disappeared.

The death row prisoners looked at each other, not knowing what the noble gentlemen wanted to do.

Jack looked at the big sword in front of him, and his heart was about to move.

However, he didn't dare to move.

Time passed little by little, and the knight lord never appeared again.

Only the faint howling of wolves could be heard from a distance, which scared the five death row prisoners into a shudder.

"Don't wait any longer!" Jack yelled suddenly, "Although I don't know what game the nobleman is playing, this is our only chance! Take your sword!"

After speaking, Jack quickly got up and ran over, cut the ropes binding his hands with the big sword stuck in the ground, then picked up the sword and ran away.

Seeing this, the other four people no longer hesitated, and all ran towards the sword in front of them.

After breaking free, Jack ran all the way west. He didn't dare to go back to Ice Rock City, and to the west was the nearest small village.

The other four followed suit.

In the wilderness, and in the middle of the night, only in groups can we resist possible beasts.

After running for a while, Jack stopped suddenly.

"Why didn't you run away?" The people behind asked hurriedly.

Jack's expression was extremely serious, and he pointed forward.

There, stood a man.

"What are you afraid of? He is alone." A prisoner on death row yelled.

Jack tightened his grip on the big sword in his hand, and the intuition he had developed over the years as a mercenary told him that something was wrong.

But when he spoke, it became: "And it's a woman, hahaha, brothers, come on!"

"It's really a woman!"

The other four death row prisoners also reacted, and then rushed up like wild boars out of the cage.

It seemed that he was afraid that if he was one step too late, he would lose his turn.

Jack, on the other hand, cautiously stood still.


The first prisoner to rush to the death row was kicked away by the woman.

The other three were stunned for a moment, but they still yelled and rushed over.

But Jack, who was watching the battle from a distance, was scared out of his wits at this moment.

It turned out to be a knight!

As a mercenary, Jack had seen knights fighting, so he knew that the golden energy of the holy light emanating from the woman in front of him was the standard equipment for knights.

However, Jack gritted his teeth and rushed over.

He knew very well that in the face of powerful enemies, running would only lead to faster death.

Go back and fight, there is still a possibility of survival.


Another death row prisoner was kicked away.

But the other two condemned prisoners took the opportunity to rush to Cynthia, waving the big sword in their hands without any rules.

Of course, this kind of swordsmanship could not pose a threat to Cynthia. She dodged a few times at random, and then punched each of them, knocking the two death row prisoners unconscious.

And when she turned around, she saw Jack rushing towards her desperately, stabbing her chest with a big sword in his hand like a poisonous snake.



Jack was ecstatic!

But in the next second, the smile on his face froze.

A white and tender fist enlarged rapidly in front of Jack's eyes, and then the world spun around for a while, and he lost consciousness.

The wilderness returned to calm again.

Cynthia pulled out the long sword from her chest expressionlessly.

Behind her, Colin stepped out of the darkness.

Of course, he was not surprised by such a result.

To his surprise, the order he gave was to stun these five people.

Instead of killing.

Cynthia carried out his orders well, and none of the five died.

It seems that although the blood slave has no thoughts of her own, she can still understand slightly more complicated orders, and her fighting skills are still there.

A Tier 3 knight who has no fatal weakness, is not afraid of death, and is completely obedient!

Definitely a strong hitter.

At least Cynthia is considered to be invincible in one-on-one among professionals of the same level, and even a step-up challenge is not impossible.

Then, Colin pointed to a death row inmate who had fainted, and ordered to Cynthia: "Bite him!"

Cynthia rushed forward quickly.

The tooth-piercing sound of sucking came, and it looked particularly eerie and strange in this silent wasteland.

"Okay." After a while, Ke Lin saw that Cynthia had no intention of stopping at all, so he quickly stopped.

Then he unexpectedly discovered that the death row prisoner who was bitten by Cynthia did not become a blood slave.

Could it be that blood slaves can no longer make blood slaves

Colin had no choice but to play himself, biting the neck of another death row inmate.

"Gudu... Gudu..."

Colin felt his canine teeth stretching again, and then, while sucking blood, some mysterious substance was released into the death row prisoner's body.

Pulling out his teeth, Colin ordered the death row prisoner, "Get up."

The death row inmates rose up.

His eyes were equally dull.

Now Colin was sure that something in his fangs really infected the victims, turning them into blood slaves.

Colin went to the third death row prisoner again and bit him, but this time, he tried hard to control his canine teeth, trying not to let it elongate.

It worked!

The canines are not elongated.

Subsequently, Colin stopped smoking and gave orders to the death row prisoner again.

As expected, there was no response.


Colin confirmed his guess.

However, Ke Lin found a different thing—these few times he embraced the death row for the first time, he did not have the same sucking back as when he first embraced Cynthia.

Colin found the fourth death row prisoner and bit him again.

This time, he stretched his canine teeth, and the time of smoking was also prolonged.

However, until the death row prisoner was almost sucked dry, there was still no regurgitation.

Colin had some guesses in his mind.

Then, he walked up to the last soldier on death row and bit him again.

Still no kickback.

Now Colin also confirmed that only knights would have a backlash, that is, a complete first embrace ceremony.

So, what kind of family will a complete first embrace ceremony create

It should have its own consciousness, right

Maybe you can make blood slaves yourself...

Colin rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

Chapters 70-72 have been greatly changed, and readers who read the old version (before 5/7, 2021) can read it again.

Today's two updates will be released a little later.

(end of this chapter)