The Original Vampire

Chapter 720: Kurdish experiment (below)


"That's right!"

Mr. Xie said firmly.

Seeing Colin's suspicious expression, he added:

"It's not just me talking about it. My teacher, the Kurdish mage, spent his entire life researching this. He found substances similar to the force of faith in the bodies of knights and priests, and the most concentrated in the heart!"

Hearing this, Colin couldn't help frowning.

Because he could guess that the Kurdish mage probably killed many priests and knights for this research.

However, now that Kurd has been executed, he will not dwell on it too much, so he asked a doubtful point he found from Mr. Ji's words:

"A similar substance?"

"Yes, it's just similar, not the belief in the Force itself. But my teacher firmly believes that they are necessarily related. Aren't you wondering why the Kurdish mage can rejuvenate and be promoted to the sanctuary? It's actually related to this!"

Colin asked suspiciously:

"Could it be that Kurd found a way to use the Force of Faith?"

Mr. Ji shook his head and said:

"No. When the teacher first discovered that the knight contained a substance similar to the power of faith, he did try to directly use the power of faith to improve his strength.

But unfortunately, countless methods have been tried, all of which have failed.

The teacher later felt that the force of faith might not be directly usable by mortals. It must be absorbed by the gods, then transmitted to the priest in some way, and then relayed to the knight through the baptism ceremony.

Only in this way can knights advance through cultivation and even break through the sanctuary. "

Colin interrupted again, and asked the doubts in his heart:

"If this is the case, then why is the upper limit of knight cultivation in each family different when they receive the same substance similar to the force of faith through the baptism ceremony? What is the difference between the descendants of the seven paladin families and the descendants of ordinary families? "

"The ability to accept belief substances is different." Mr. Ji replied immediately, "The teacher found that the descendants of some families are also able to accept more belief substances when accepting the baptism ceremony. This is a bit like the affinity for the Holy Light There are differences, or in other words, talent differences.

In addition, different pastors preside over baptisms, which will also have differences in the acceptance of religious substances by the baptized people.

Therefore, the descendants of the seven paladin families are inherently talented, coupled with the fact that high-ranking priests, even popes, cardinals, etc. can preside over the baptism in person, and they receive more faith substances through baptism.

And this is the reason why they can reach a higher upper limit.

In addition, the teacher also found that the higher the talent of the baptized person, the higher the requirements for the pastor. In fact, if you ask, you will know that there is an unwritten rule within the church on the person who officiates the baptism—

The baptism ceremony of the descendants of the paladin family must be presided over by a priest with a position above the archbishop.

This is not only to show respect for the paladin family, but more importantly, with the talents of the descendants of the paladin family, if a low-level priest presides over the baptism ceremony, I am afraid it will drain the faith in their bodies! "

Ke Lin rubbed his chin, and felt that what Mr. Xi said was reasonable, and it was a reasonable guess, so he asked:

"So, Kurd came up with the idea of the religious substance in the priest's body?"

"Yes." Mr. Xi admitted without guilt, "Since the priest can create a knight through a baptism ceremony, then if the faith substance in the priest's body is directly extracted by some means, wouldn't it be possible to artificially create a knight?

Unfortunately, the teacher tried many times, but found that once this kind of belief substance leaves the human body, it cannot be passed on, so the teacher changed his mind.

As I just said, this kind of belief substance is gathered in the heart of the priest, so the teacher came up with another way—

Change your heart! "

"Heart change?" Colin couldn't help being surprised. He really didn't expect these crazy mages to come up with such an extremely difficult operation idea under the condition of such medieval medical skills.

"That's right! And heart-changing is even a more efficient method of inheritance than baptism, because through baptism, only a part of the faith substance in the pastor's body will be transferred to the baptized person, but if it is through heart-changing, it can transfer the pastor's body. All the belief substances are delivered to the subject!"

There was a frenzied light in Mr. Xi's eyes, but then it dimmed, "It's a pity that the teacher has tried countless times, and it's not that there are no successful cases, but what makes the teacher desperate is that he can't find the key reason for success and failure!

Obviously it is the same steps, some subjects can survive, but some will die in pain!

The teacher has exhausted his whole life, but he can't find the law!

As if... as if this is the curse of the gods on us... "

Ke Lin silently listened to the blood-smelling remarks of Mr. Xie, feeling both hatred and sympathy in his heart.

The biggest problem with organ transplantation is rejection.

This kind of rejection reaction is an extremely difficult problem even in the era of advanced medical skills in later generations, and it is normal that Kurds cannot solve it.

In fact, Colin was surprised that Kurdish could still have a successful case.

Perhaps it was with the help of magical arcane magic, or perhaps the subject was a professional with a recovery ability beyond ordinary people, and this was the lucky one.

But this still can't solve the problem of rejection, because this is the attack of the subject's own immune system on the foreign organs. The stronger the subject is, the stronger the attack will be, and the faster they will die.

Unless it happens to be a very high degree of matching, fortunately there is no rejection.

But the Kurds obviously couldn't understand the mystery.

"... The teacher once gave up. But later, a certain experimental product that had accepted the heart-changing ceremony actually advanced to the sanctuary!"


"Emperor Saruman!"

"The orc emperor? Are you still using orcs for experiments?"

"Yes. In fact, there are even more orcs than humans in the teacher's test subjects.

The mysteries of inheritance between Skull Crusher and Shaman are very similar to that of Knight and Priest, and there is even no difference in the substance of belief.

However, the political situation of the Glory Empire is stable, and both knights and priests are distinguished figures, so trying to use them for experiments will cause a lot of trouble.

The orc side is much easier. After all, before Saruman established a unified empire, the orcs were divided into large and small tribes to fight each other, which made it easier for the teacher to obtain experimental products.

When Emperor Saruman was young, with the help of his teacher, he had his father's heart replaced, and finally survived successfully, and he even became a Skull Crusher in the Sanctuary.

The teacher who got the news was extremely excited, because he finally created a sanctuary with his own hands!

Unfortunately, he was already very old at that time and was unable to continue his research.

Moreover, the success of Saruman the Great is not universal—the teacher has tried many pairs of father and son, but they may not necessarily survive.

Later, when Emperor Saruman was defeated, I killed him while he was weak, took his heart, and brought it back to the teacher... "

"Kurd dared to replace it with an orc's heart?" Colin's eyes widened.

Mr. Ji sighed and said:

"At that time, the teacher also felt that his time was approaching, so he had the idea of giving it a try...

Unexpectedly, it succeeded! "

(end of this chapter)