The Original Vampire

Chapter 721: Bewitched (on)


To be honest, Colin had to admire the madness of this Kurdish mage.

He really dared to transplant the heart of an orc into himself!

And what's even more outrageous is that it even succeeded!

He remembered that before he crossed over, he heard that there was a person who had a pig heart transplanted in his previous life, but even with the help of the most advanced medical methods, this person only survived for two months.

In contrast, the success of Kurd's transplant can be called a burst of luck.

Absolute miracle.

After thinking about it, Colin asked again:

"With the heart of Sanctuary, I can understand Kurd's ability to possess the strength of Sanctuary, but what about his age? Can he be rejuvenated by changing his heart?"

Mr. Ji shrugged, spread his hands and said:

"We haven't figured this out yet, probably thanks to this extremely powerful heart, the teacher's body has returned to its peak state, so it looks like 'rejuvenation'.

But to be honest, the success this time is really a fluke, even the teacher himself is not sure that he can replicate such a miracle again... "

Colin rolled his eyes and said:

"You guys are not sure about replicating this miracle, yet you still have the nerve to use it to confuse the Marquis Obes and others."

Mr. Xi chuckled and said:

"The closer you get to death, the more you can appreciate the preciousness of life. Those old guys are willing to give up everything for such a hope, not to mention, there is such a living example as Teacher, even if we take the risk Let me tell you frankly, they are willing to go all out and give it a go.”

Colin curled his lips, and didn't dwell on this issue any more.

These old guys who want to rejuvenate are destined to be just a bunch of clowns, and the iron hooves of the blood cavalry are enough to crush their old bones.

"So, what is the purpose of your mages' research on gods and beliefs for so long? Or do you just want to use this to gain more power and seize the power of the empire?"

"No, my lord duke, if you think we're just trying to control the Glorious Empire, then you're underestimating us." Mr. Ji shook his head and said solemnly, "Mr. , you must be aware of the price you paid and the risks you took for the Eye of Judgment.

If it's just for secular authority, do you think we need to work so hard? "

"Then what are you doing for?"

"To expose the true face of false gods! To break the shackles that imprison mankind! To prevent our descendants from living in a world of lies!"

Looking at Mr. Ji who suddenly became fanatical, Colin stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Before he could continue to ask questions, Mr. Ji continued excitedly:

"Master Duke, haven't you ever thought about why the limit of mortals is the sixth level? Why do we need the gift of gods to advance to the sanctuary

But the so-called "God's gift" is clearly the power of faith that we humans serve to the gods!

That is what belongs to us!

So that is not a gift at all, but a charity!

And it is giving us alms with things that belong to us!

Use this to cheat our faith! "

Ke Lin nodded silently, feeling that Mr. Xi's guess was indeed reasonable, but he still calmly asked:

"But you have also admitted that the initial power of faith cannot be directly used. It must be absorbed by the gods, bestowed on the priest, and then passed on to the knight through baptism. Only after such a whole set of procedures can it be formed that can help the knight break through the Holy Spirit. domain of belief.

So, you can't deny the role of gods in it, he did help human beings. "

Mr. Ji shook his head slowly, and said in a deep voice:

"My lord duke, what if human beings have hoped to set foot in the sanctuary by their own strength?"

Ke Lin frowned, and only then did he truly understand what Mr. Xi meant, and said:

"So, do you think the gods imprisoned human beings in some way and blocked our steps to the sanctuary?"

"That's right!" Mr. Zhe said through gritted teeth, "The false gods cut off the way for human beings to ascend, and then gave a small number of people a slim hope of advancing to the sanctuary by way of charity, so as to harvest human belief.

But even this small group of people who can be promoted to the sanctuary are destined to be just pawns of false gods! "

Hearing this, Colin couldn't help but think of the scene he saw in the illusion when the Emperor of Ghana was crowned by an angel.

Could it be that the reason why the Emperor Ghana resisted so much, and even drew his sword to cut at the angel, was also because he saw through this conspiracy of the gods

Colin's heart gradually became heavy, but he still couldn't help asking:

"This is just your guess. What evidence do you have to prove that human beings can set foot in the sanctuary by their own strength?"

Mr. Ji smiled confidently, but turned to ask a seemingly irrelevant question:

"My lord, do you know the origin of arcane art?"

Colin replied patiently:

"I only heard that it was passed down from the elves. As for more information, I don't know."

"That's right. The arcane art was indeed passed down from the elves, but the part that was handed down is just the tip of the iceberg of the true arcane art!

The real essence of it was deliberately erased! "


"That's right." Mr. Zhe said through gritted teeth, "The real arcane art can make mages advance to the sanctuary and even higher ranks! But now, they are deliberately castrated, and only this is left to make all mages live forever." Incomplete things that can only be imprisoned below the seventh level!"

Looking at Ke Lin's suspicious eyes, Mr. Xi continued to ask:

"My lord, you should know that when the elves were at their peak, they were able to compete with the giant dragon, and even won the battle in the end.

But the giant dragon race is a race with powerful demigods. Do you know how the elves defeated these demigod giant dragons? "

Colin thought for a while and said:

"It is said that the strongest profession among the high elves at that time was the druid. They should have defeated the dragon, right?"

"Yes. Do you know what the source of the druid's power is?"

Colin shook his head.

Mr. Ji said word by word:

"It's the arcane art, and it's the real arcane art! It's not the incomplete thing we mages are practicing now!"

"Really?" Colin made no secret of his doubts.

"Yes." Mr. Xi said firmly, "Please don't doubt our mage's research for more than a thousand years. Although some people deliberately concealed this history, it is obviously impossible to completely erase all traces.

We have found a lot of evidence in Quenya ancient books handed down from ancient times.

If you are interested, you can go to Yeville and verify for yourself whether what I say is not a lie. "

Colin smiled noncommittally, and said:

"So, do you think that true arcane arts can allow human beings to reach the sanctuary or even higher ranks without the help of gods?"

"Yes! It is precisely because of this that it will be lost! Druids will also disappear!"

(end of this chapter)