The Original Vampire

Chapter 723: conquer


When Master Andre stepped into the gate of Yeville, he finally let out a sigh of relief.

This trip to the east has been completely declared a failure.

The only two geniuses in the history of the mage council who broke through the restrictions of the sanctuary—Mr. Ji and mage Kurd—could not change the embarrassing situation of the mage.

This made Master Andre feel a burst of panic and confusion—where is Yeville's future

More importantly, how should they deal with the next revenge from the Glorious Empire

Threatening with a large-scale massacre of forbidden spells

However, Mage Andre found out with embarrassment that Yeville might not have enough sixth-level mages who can cast large-scale forbidden spells.

After all, in the past few years, the loss of sixth-order mages has been too serious.

Thinking of this, Mage Andre couldn't help complaining about Mr. Xie again. If it wasn't for this guy's sacrifice in Eagle Fall City, it would not only intensify the conflict between the mage and the Glorious Empire, but also make Yevil restless.

That is the temptation of Sanctuary!

Therefore, Bailu City, Storm Fortress, Tinder City... tried again and again to replicate the feat of Falling Eagle City, but all of them failed without exception, wasting precious sixth-level mages in vain.

Master Andre suddenly understood why his teacher, Master Ernest, didn't have too many surprises when he heard the news of Falling Eagle City, but was full of worries.

[Eye of Judgment] This forbidden spell, for mages, may bring more disaster than hope!

Of course, it's too late to regret now.

Andre knew that Colin Saint Chapman, the guardian of the empire, would never let Yeville go easily again.

Then, what Yeville has to do now is to show the power that the opponent is afraid of, and let him know that the mage still has the ability to burn jade and stone together!

While meditating, Andre had already arrived at the mage's tower in the center of the city.

"Vice Speaker." The guard at the door quickly bowed and saluted.

Andre nodded, and then ordered: "Call all members immediately and hold an emergency meeting!"

"Ah? Oh, good, good! I'll notify you right away!"

Two hours later, Andre stood on the high platform of the conference hall, looking at the almost full venue below, he said loudly:

"Okay, everyone. Due to the urgency of the matter, I will not wait any longer for those congressmen who did not arrive. This time I called everyone to come..."

Andre suddenly found that his voice became quieter, as if the air in the hall was stagnant and unable to vibrate, so his voice could not be transmitted.

Just when he was surprised, a young man wearing a black bronzing ducal gown strode in.

Wherever he went, it seemed to be the center of the world. Obviously he was walking towards the center of the hall, but it was more like the entire mage tower was actively approaching him, welcoming him to the center of the hall.

Colin St. Chapman!

Master Andre immediately recognized the Duke of the Empire who was said to have reached the legendary realm, and his heart was instantly filled with fear.

"Good day, mages."

It wasn't until Colin opened his mouth to greet everyone that Andre broke free from this space-time disordered vision, panting heavily.

The hall was silent.

All the mages looked at the tall and heroic young duke foolishly, unable to think of any confrontation in their hearts.

"Holy... Duke Chapman!"

Master Andre lowered his head tremblingly, not daring to meet Ke Lin's gaze.

"Don't be nervous." Colin reached out and patted Andre's shoulder, showing a kind smile, "I'm here for peace.

Unless, of course, what you want is war! "

Speaking of the last two words, the aura of the legendary paladin surged out, instantly covering the entire hall.

All the mages in the hall felt the fear from their souls at this moment, as if their hearts were tightly grasped by some invisible big hand, completely suffocating them.

For a time, death was so near.

But soon, the aura dissipated again, as if nothing had happened.

The mages sat slumped in their positions, with only one thought left in their hearts—

Colin St. Chapman, invincible!

"When... Of course..." Andre said with difficulty, "We are also willing to live in peace with the Empire..."

"Very good!" Colin nodded with satisfaction, and said, "From today, Yevil will become a part of the Glorious Empire, and you will go to Yulong City to swear allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen. As for the speaker of the Mage Council, Her Majesty will also appoint her .”

"Yes! Your Excellency the Duke." Master Andre replied respectfully, but then he hesitated for a moment, but he still mustered up his courage and said, "But... the church has always regarded us mages as blasphemers..."

"Don't worry. It won't happen in the future." Colin said in an unquestionable tone, "The code of conduct of the Mage Council will be determined by His Majesty, and has nothing to do with the church. As long as you are loyal to His Majesty, you don't have to worry about carrying blasphemers from now on." charges."

"Thank you, Duke!" Andre bowed again.

At this moment, he clearly knew that Yeville's independent status had completely disappeared. From now on, mages would become vassals of the royal family and be restricted by the imperial power.

But at the same time, they will also enjoy the protection of imperial power.

Whether such a change is good or bad for the mage, Andre couldn't tell for a while.

But one thing he knew very well—

If they don't compromise at this time, I am afraid that the Mage Council will really be destroyed by the Duke of the Empire.

With the dissolution of the meeting, all the mages left one after another in a daze, and they were also full of uneasiness and apprehension about their future.

But even so, no one dared to stand up and resist.

To them, legendary paladins are like invincible gods.

"Mages, citizens of Yevil, I, Andre, in my capacity as the twenty-first deputy speaker of the Mage Council, declare my surrender to the Glorious Empire.

We hereby offer our unrivaled allegiance to the noble imperial family of the San Lorenzo family... ”

Master Andre's voice was heard throughout Yeville through the magic loudspeaker.

When everyone in the city looked towards the direction of the mage's tower in astonishment, they saw the heroic figure standing on the top of the tower.

The coercion of the legendary paladin enveloped Yeville, making everyone half-kneel on the ground to show their submission.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes sounded at the right time.

Groups of blood cavalry troops entered the arcane city without hindrance, and quickly controlled the four city gates, as well as the main streets and important buildings in the city.

So far, Yevil has been formally incorporated into the territory of the Glorious Empire.

The Council of Mages, an organization that has confronted the nobles of the empire for thousands of years, finally lowered its noble head in front of the legendary paladins.

I just finished the operation yesterday, and I doubt my life because of the pain in the back door. I haven't eaten for another day, and I can only infuse nutrient solution. The condition is very poor. There is only one update today. I am really sorry.

(end of this chapter)