The Original Vampire

Chapter 725: Iranthal


A golden light flashed across the sky of Huiyue Forest.


As if piercing an invisible barrier, the golden light suddenly stopped.

In mid-air, Colin's figure gradually appeared.

He looked behind him suspiciously, as if he was thinking about what happened to him just now.

It's like an illusion barrier, and it's like space turbulence...

It should be this thing that isolated humans from Huiyue Forest, and also made the elves completely disappear.

However, he didn't get too entangled with the barrier. The golden wings on his back vibrated violently, and a violent air current rolled up in the forest. With the force of the recoil, Colin continued to go east.

After a while, Colin stopped again, and then swooped down.


A ferocious violent bear was trampled on by Colin, making no sound.

Opposite Colin, stood a stunned male elf.

He has long green hair, a thin and strong figure, and a handsome face with some wild charm. He looks like a hunter in the forest.

It's just that he looks a little embarrassed, probably because he was tortured by the violent bear just now.

Colin showed a kind smile to the elf hunter, and said:

"Hi, my name is Colin Saint Chapman, and I am the Guardian of the Glorious Empire. I came to your land this time to meet the Elf King and hope to show me a direction."

The elf hunter looked at Colin warily, and then said a few words.

But Colin was stunned, because he found out in embarrassment that he couldn't understand the elf language of the other party...

He scratched his head depressingly, thinking whether he should go back to Yevil to catch a mage who knew Elvish language, but the elf hunter in front of him had already turned and ran away.

So Colin followed.

He could feel that this elf hunter didn't have any extraordinary power, so it was naturally impossible to detect the pursuit of a legendary paladin.

About an hour later, Colin followed the elf hunter to a forest settlement.

However, the scale of this settlement is not large, and it is estimated that there are only more than a thousand elves.

Ke Lin didn't talk nonsense, he directly showed his figure, and the huge aura spread out instantly, covering the entire settlement in it.

This frightened the elves in the settlement.

When they regained their composure, they found Colin standing in the air like an angel.

"Do any of you speak the Common Tongue?"

Hearing Colin's question, an elderly elf with a cane came out unsteadily, and said respectfully:

"Dear human beings, I can speak the common language."

As soon as the words were finished, Colin swooped down, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the speaking elder elf.

"My name is Colin Saint Chapman. I am the Guardian of the Glorious Empire. This time I am here to meet the Elf King. Can you take me there?"

"Master Guardian, I'm very sorry, we don't have an Elf King anymore."

Colin froze for a moment, frowned and said, "There is no Elf King?"

"Yes, today's elves have been divided into hundreds of tribes, large and small, and there is no unified kingdom."

How is this like an orc

Colin thought for a while, and asked tentatively:

"Then have you heard of Elanthel?"

"Of course, that is the High Priest of Huiyue of our generation of elves."

Colin was refreshed, and immediately asked:

"Really? She's still alive? Where can I find her?"

The elder elf pointed to the southeast direction and said:

"Master Guardian, if you continue in this direction for about 300 kilometers, you will see a towering ancient oak tree, where you will find High Priest Huiyue."

"Okay, thank you!"

"Master Guardian..." The elder elf hurriedly stopped Colin, who was about to leave, and said in a deliberate tone, "If you see High Priest Huiyue, can you tell me something?"

"you say."

The old elf suddenly became emotional and tremblingly said:

"Please tell her that our belief in the goddess of fate has never wavered, and please don't give up easily! The elves cannot live without the protection of the gods!"

Ke Lin's heart moved, he nodded thoughtfully, and said:

"Okay, I'll help you bring the message."

After finishing speaking, Ke Lin soared into the sky again, turned into a golden light, and galloped towards the southeast.

More than 300 kilometers may seem like a long distance, but it is nothing to a legendary paladin, especially for a winged man like Colin.

In less than an hour, he saw the huge ancient oak tree.

And as he approached, the mistletoe on his chest and the sage's heart began to feel slightly hot, as if he had sensed something.

Colin swooped down and stood firm on the grass.

Looking around, you can see irises in full bloom and countless colorful butterflies everywhere.

"Who are you?"

A crisp sound like birdsong entered Colin's ears.

He followed the prestige and saw a familiar figure sitting on the branch of the oak tree.


Colin couldn't help blurting out her name.

The face of this elf has hardly changed from that in the illusion, as if the passage of thousands of years has not left any traces on her peerless face.

She was wearing a white porcelain floral dress with a colorful bay leaf wreath on her head, and her crystal white slender feet were gently swinging in the air.

"Do you recognize me?" Elansel's blue eyes fixedly looked at Colin, and there was curiosity in his deep eyes, as well as a feeling of helplessness towards fate——

Only at this time did Colin confirm that the female elf in front of him was an old monster who had lived for thousands of years in the same era as Emperor Ghana.

As a famous long-lived species, it is not surprising that Elanther can live for so long. He is just a little surprised that the other party can still maintain a perfect appearance.

"I saw you in a dream." Colin bowed slightly, "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the Guardian of the Radiant Empire, Duke Colin St. Chapman."


"Yes. It seems to be the dream of the Great Emperor of Ghana. I have seen you in it."

"Gana..." Elanthel's eyes became extremely complicated, and then he sighed, "Perhaps... this is fate..."

Colin stepped forward and couldn't help asking:

"High Priest, I would like to ask, how did the Emperor Ghana die in the first place?"

"He... he didn't want to accept the fate arranged by the gods..."

"What fate did the gods arrange for him?"

Elanther took a deep look at Colin and said:

"The fate of legends is destined to only become the tools of the gods. Of course, they have a better name-angels."

Ke Lin's eyes shrank, and he immediately thought that his current "blood blood real body" state was indeed very similar to that of an angel.

(end of this chapter)