The Original Vampire

Chapter 729: season finale


"At the beginning, we killed her after we asked Elancer about the secret of why she was not assimilated by the power of faith."

Hearing this, Colin was a little stunned.

He is not surprised that the Silver Snakes will kill Elansel. After all, the death feud has already been forged. If you don't take the opportunity to kill Elansel, when she absorbs enough faith and successfully breaks through the ninth level, then it will be Doom for other demigod druids.

But since they've killed Elanthel, why...

Silver Snake obviously saw the doubt in Colin's eyes, and immediately explained:

"She was resurrected later. This is a talent skill of Phoenix. However, even if she is resurrected from the dead, her lost rank cannot be recovered, so Elanther can only practice from scratch.

Naturally, we won't just watch Elanthel regain his strength and come back to take revenge on us.

So, once we discover her existence, we will kill her with thunder. "

Ke Lin thought of the phoenix corpse in Huiyue Forest, and asked:

"So, if I kill her this time, she will still be resurrected?"


Colin shrugged and didn't care about that either.

After all, the resurrected Elanthel will lose his cultivation, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Then how did you allow Elanthel to return to his current strength?"

Silver Snake sighed and said helplessly:

"Because gradually, we are unable to control her anymore. The assimilation effect of the power of faith has become more and more serious with the passage of time. I am not bad. The orc god of destruction has been completely assimilated and lost self-awareness. The troll's god of war is sometimes sober and sometimes chaotic, and it is estimated that he will soon be unable to hold on.

Under such circumstances, how can we care about Elanther.

However, we still let the major races unite to deal with the elves by sending down the oracle, and pulled the elves from the position of the mainland's dominance.

In this way, even if Elanthel wants to restore his strength, it will be difficult for the declining elves to provide enough power of faith.

In order to avoid the further decline of the elves, she led the people back into the Huiyue Forest.

But as I said, the power of faith that the declining elves can provide is extremely limited at this time, and the elves themselves have an extremely fatal flaw—

Difficulty breeding.

An ordinary elf has a lifespan of thousands of years, but during this long life, it can only breed two or three offspring at most. This is an extremely fatal flaw for the increase of the number of races.

It is conceivable that it will take at least tens of thousands of years for the elves to return to their peak population!

But Elanthel can't wait that long. After being promoted to the ninth-level demigod, although his lifespan has increased, he can't live for tens of thousands of years.

Even if we are unable to kill Elanthel, she can no longer break through the ninth-order shackles by relying on the power of faith of the elves.

That's why she got the idea of human beings!

This is a race with great development potential. It is smart, hardworking, easy to organize, and better at reproduction. It is simply the best source of faith.

But there is also a problem—

The assimilation of the power of faith! "

Ke Lin suddenly thought of the forbidden curse of Mr. Ji that occupied other people's bodies, and came to his senses:

"Could it be that she wants to become human in some way?"

"Yes. You should have guessed it too. Mr. Ji's [Eye of Judgment] was actually researched by Elanthel, and then it was deliberately disclosed in a classic way, making Mr. Ji the first experimental product of the forbidden curse. .

Of course, [Eye of Judgment] is a forbidden curse that Elanthel has only recently researched. As early as a thousand years ago, the first method she thought of was to change her heart. "

Hearing this, Colin immediately thought of the Kurdish mage, and said:

"Could it be that she approached the Great Emperor of Ghana because she wanted his heart?"

"Yes. Garner San Lorenzo, like you, has awakened the inheritance of the 'Blood Bat'. After Elanther discovered him, he made up his mind.

However, in the end I was stopped.

On the one hand, I can't let Elanthel succeed in becoming a god, otherwise what awaits me will be bloody revenge.

On the other hand, in fact, I also want to take this opportunity to get out of this cage... "

Silver Snake let out a long sigh, and said dejectedly:

"For us, the power of faith of alien races is actually poison, but by the time we realize it, it is already too late.

Therefore, since this road is blocked, I plan to return the altar of faith that I snatched from the 'Blood Bat' to his inheritors. "

Ke Lin looked at the expectant gaze cast by the silver snake, and immediately understood the other party's plan.

"So, you plan to return this altar of faith to me now?"

"Yes. I help you become a god, and in return, I only want to be your family member."

The silver snake lowered its head in a gesture of submission.

Ke Lin knew that the so-called family members were actually blood descendants.

From this point of view, this silver snake has really figured it out, and is determined to get out of the current predicament by surrendering itself.

So, he stepped forward slowly and walked up to the silver snake.

At this time, he finally understood the meaning of the first illusion he saw. In that illusion, he was holding a giant silver snake and sucking madly...

"Okay, deal!"

Colin nodded, then revealed the fangs in his mouth, pointed at the thick body of the snake, and bit it.

Imperial Dragon City.

Holy Light Cathedral.

Archbishop Adjani, who had just returned from the half-troll kingdom, was praying in the prayer hall.

Suddenly, she raised her head consciously, and saw that the statue of the Lord of Radiance in front of her was emitting a dazzling holy light.

What made her even more dumbfounded was that the facial features slowly appeared on the original faceless statue—

It looks like Colin St. Chapman!

Before she could recover, the holy light suddenly dissipated, and the statue became the original faceless image.

Adjani was stunned for a long time, and finally crawled to the ground again.

Seventy years later.

Winter City.

"Benevolent Lord of Glory, we are here today to pray for Duke Vera St. Hilde, who has completed her journey in the world and finally returned to the embrace of the High Lord!

From the dust, return to the dust!

May his soul rest in peace in the temples of the Most High! "

In the quiet and solemn tomb of Lion's Roar Castle, the pious voice of Pope Adjani echoed.

Ke Lin stood quietly in front of his wife's coffin, looking through the crystal coffin lid at Vera, who seemed to be asleep inside, with extremely gentle eyes.

The passage of time has whitened his hair and left wrinkles on his face, but it has not bent his back.

"Duke St. Chapman?"

Pope Adjani reminded in a low voice.

Only then did Colin come back to his senses, nodded slightly, and stepped back a few steps.

Afterwards, the four Saint Hilde family knights stepped forward and slowly lifted Vera's coffin and placed it in the niche in the center of the tomb.

The funeral is over.

The crowd gradually dispersed.

"Teacher, please forgive me." Queen Judy stepped forward and said softly.

"I'm fine." Colin smiled, then glanced at Caesar who was supporting Judy, and said, "Have you made up your mind?"

Judy nodded and said:

"Yes, teacher. I don't have the energy to deal with government affairs now, so it's better to pass the throne to Caesar earlier. However, considering Caesar's surname, I'm afraid this move will cause quite a stir in the empire..."

Colin certainly understands Judy's concerns.

In fact, after Judy inherited the throne, she remained unmarried all her life, and adopted Colin and Vera's son Caesar as her adopted son.

This has aroused strong opposition from the royal family at the beginning.

After all, Caesar's surname is St. Chapman. If he inherits the throne, doesn't it mean that the imperial family will change their surname

But at that time, Colin's prestige was in full swing, and the powerful strength of the legendary paladin (as everyone thought) made the royal family dare not speak out.

Now that Colin was old, some different voices began to appear in the empire.

And now, Judy is going to officially pass the throne to Caesar, and I believe that some people in the royal family may not continue to swallow their anger.

"Since you've made up your mind, let's do it." Colin said lightly, as if he wasn't worried about the coming turmoil at all.

"Okay!" Judy responded immediately, as if she had almost blind confidence in her teacher, as if as long as he nodded, there would be nothing impossible in the world.

Caesar on the side hesitated, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

Since he was a child, he has been in awe of his father Colin. Although he felt that his father was a bit arrogant at this time, he didn't say anything to remind him. He just thought about how to arrange it in his heart, in case some people in the royal family jumped out to object.

Night fell.

Caesar came to the tomb and asked the guard at the door:

"Is father still in there?"


Caesar nodded, walked into the tomb, and found that Colin actually took Vera's coffin out of the niche.

"Father..." Caesar took a few steps forward and said after deliberation, "I can understand how you miss your mother, but...the dead cannot be resurrected, so you should let your mother rest in peace."

But Ke Lin shook his head, just quietly watching Vera in the coffin, but there was not much sadness in his eyes.

Caesar was about to speak again when he heard footsteps behind him.

"Brutus? What are you doing here?" Caesar suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Because this Brutus San Lorenzo is a paladin who has risen in the royal family in the past few years, and he also has a high prestige in the Glorious Empire, and is considered by many people to be more suitable to inherit the throne than Caesar Candidates.

Brutus ignored Caesar, but bowed respectfully to Colin, saying:

"Duke St. Chapman, I just want to ask you a question."

But Colin ignored Brutus, his eyes still stayed on Vera's face, as if there was nothing in the world that could attract his attention.

Brutus' face was a little unnatural. Colin's contempt made him feel angry, but he still held back his anger and said again:

"Duke Saint Chapman, you have always been a model knight in my heart, and I also dream of becoming a legendary paladin like you one day.

However, I still want to ask, are you really determined to overthrow the rule of the San Lorenzo family? "

Colin still didn't speak, but Caesar couldn't help but said:

"Brutus, the Glorious Empire has never been the private property of your San Lorenzo family! Why must the inheritance of the throne be carried out in your family?"

Brutus sneered and said:

"Because this empire was established by the ancestor of the San Lorenzo family, the Great Ghana! Based on this alone, the throne can only be San Lorenzo! Moreover, I believe that the Lord of Radiance will not allow anyone else to usurp the throne!"

"Really?" Colin finally spoke, "Do you know Queen Judy's real life experience?"

Brutus frowned, and before he could speak, Colin said again:

"As for the Great Emperor Ghana... do you really know who his power comes from?"

"Of course it is the Supreme Lord of Glory!" Brutus immediately said confidently.

At the same time, he exuded a fierce aura all over his body, trying to overwhelm the two people in front of him.

But in the next second, the paladin's aura melted instantly like ice and snow under the scorching sun.

A more grand, vast, and irresistible aura rose from Colin's body, covering the entire tomb, the entire Winter City, the entire Glorious Empire, and even the entire world in an instant.

"Since this is the case, the Lord of Radiance has decided to let Caesar inherit the throne, what's your opinion?"

Ke Lin's voice seemed to come from the nine heavens, shocking everyone's hearts.

Brutus looked at everything in front of him stupidly, he dared not speak.

Caesar was also stupid.

Colin in front of him exuded an unparalleled dazzling holy light, and his whole body was like a god descending into the world—


It's not like, but it is!

The traces of time faded quickly on his face, and Colin regained his youthful appearance in the blink of an eye.

He slowly pulled Vera up from the coffin, and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

Afterwards, the dead Vera unexpectedly opened her eyes, and also restored the perfect face of her youth.

"Colin? I... what's wrong?"

Ke Lin didn't speak, but just took Vera into his arms, and led her slowly up into the sky.

At this time, the night sky has been illuminated by the endless holy light as bright as day, and melodious hymns echoed in the world.

Everyone couldn't help but look up at this moment.

Looking through the boundless time and space, they all saw this scene.

Then, everyone prostrated themselves on the ground and prayed devoutly:

"Praise be to the Lord High!"

Colin looked at his son below in the air, smiled slightly and said:

"Caesar, you will be the king of mankind."

"Yes!" Caesar replied respectfully.

And Brutus on the side could only lower his head, trembling, not daring to make any changes.

Afterwards, Colin took Vera and disappeared into the bright holy light, leaving only one sentence:

"Henceforth, to the gods, to the gods, to Caesar, to Caesar!"

(End of the book)

(end of this chapter)

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