The Original Vampire

Chapter 74: helper


"Boom boom boom."

"Come in."

Knight Raymond walked into the room and bowed to salute: "My lord Viscount, Steward Aemon and Knight Raymond have successfully arrived at Ice Rock City."

"Well, I see." Colin had just completed the first embrace of the Shire knight, and his face was a little pale at this time.

"Let them settle down first, and then meet me in the study."


After Raymond left, Colin looked at Charles who was still awake, and tried to order again: "Get up, Charles, get up!"

However, Ciel didn't respond.

Colin frowned, not sure if the first hug ceremony just now was a success.

Moreover, he was also horrified to find that his rank had actually been lowered!

Colin, who was originally a second-level knight, actually dropped to the first level after this first embrace ceremony.

I just don't know if this downgrade is temporary or permanent.

However, he was somewhat prepared for it.

A complete first-embrace ritual presumably wouldn't be without cost.

Colin was very surprised to be able to create blood slaves without cost before, if he hadn't discovered that blood slaves could not continue to make the next generation of blood slaves.

Colin estimated that he could even create a vampire version of Resident Evil in this different world.

Originally, he wanted to do further experiments after Knight Shire woke up, but considering that Butler Aemon and Knight Rhaego were still waiting for him, he got up and walked out of Shire's room without further delay.

"When Knight Shire wakes up, let him come to see me in the study." Colin instructed the maid guarding the door.


All the way to the study, Colin had just taken a sip of water when he saw Raymond walking in, followed by the old steward of the Angelet family—Imon, and the family knight—Rego Moben.


"Master Viscount!"

"Haha, I'm finally looking forward to you guys. Come on, sit down, sit down! You've worked hard all the way, what do you want to drink?"

"Just coffee."

Knight Rhaego touched his big bald head, hesitated for a moment, then followed Aemon and said, "Me too."

Colin smiled and glanced at Lei Ge. The hesitation of the other party just now obviously fell into his eyes, so he told the attendant at the door:

"Go get two coffees and an ale."


Then, Ke Lin looked back at Lei Ge: "If you want to drink, just say so, I haven't seen you for a while, why are you still being polite to me?"

"Hey, thank you, Lord Viscount!" Rego grinned, his ugly face turned into a chrysanthemum.

Rego is Raymond's elder brother. The two brothers of the Moben family became wandering knights very early because of the family's decline. Later, they became loyal to Baron Angelet, and their relationship with Colin has always been very good.

Especially Lei Ge, this tall and burly man is extremely talented in martial arts. When Baron Angelet was not at home, he used to be Ke Lin's martial arts teacher.

So, now that Colin sees this old acquaintance, although he is no longer the boy he was back then, he still instinctively feels kind.

At this time, the three people in the study, Aimon, Lei Ge, and Lei Meng, can be said to be the core team of the Angelet family.

As for the members of the offshoots of the Angelet family, they were not considered outstanding figures. Colin would only provide them with good food and drink, and give them some simple things to do, but he would not rely too much on them.

Perhaps when the Shire knight wakes up, he can also join this inner circle.

The attendants quickly brought coffee and ale, and Colin exchanged greetings with everyone before turning to the topic.

"Amon, I need you to take over the daily affairs of the territory immediately. In addition, find a few candidates for clerks and tax officials. Make a list and give it to me. I will finalize it and distribute it to each town."


"Although the family territory has expanded a lot this time, the family's financial situation may go through a difficult period.

Moreover, Ice Rock City has just been ransacked by trolls and needs to recuperate, and I don't want to increase taxes at this time.

Therefore, except for the necessary daily expenses, there must be no extravagance, and everything should be kept simple. "

"Yes, sir. You are truly a wise and benevolent lord!" said Butler Aemon very gratified.

But the old butler thought about it, and asked, "However, master, do you want to renovate the castle where you live now? After all, everything here is left by the Su Duo family..."

"No, I don't care about these." Colin waved his hand.

Aemon suggested again: "Would you like to change the color of the outer wall of the castle? It won't cost much, but it can also show a new look."

Colin thought about it, and felt that the idea was not bad.

It doesn't cost much to change the skin of the castle, but it can let the citizens know that there is already a new owner here.

"Okay. Let's change it to red. Is this dyeing material easy to get?"

Colin felt that as a blood race, red should be regarded as his lucky color.

"Red..." The old butler thought for a while, nodded and said, "Convenient. The coastal area in the southern part of the empire produces a kind of dye from coral, which can dye the outer wall of the castle red very well. The price is not expensive."

"Very well, then do it!"

"Yes, sir." The old butler nodded in response, and then asked again, "Does the castle need to be renamed?"

"Name?" Colin rubbed his chin.

He suddenly realized that he hadn't paid attention to the name of the castle of the Su Duo family.

However, this is not important anymore.

"It's called the Red Castle." The ghost genius Ke Lin made a decision immediately.

The corner of Aemon's mouth twitched, he was really speechless about the name.

The original gray castle of the Angelet family was called Graycastle, and the old housekeeper was already very resentful.

I didn't expect that there would be another Red Castle...

Think about the names of other people's castles, Frostmoon Castle, Bailu Castle, Fontaine Castle... Only this can reflect the self-cultivation that an elegant nobleman should have!

"Don't you need to think about it any more?" Aemon suggested cautiously.

"Huh? Isn't the name Red Castle nice?" Colin blinked, then looked at Brother Moben again.

Knight Raymond nodded immediately. This knight has always obeyed Colin.

And Knight Rego nodded frantically: "I think this name is very good!"

Aemon glanced at Rhaego, and found that the expression on this idiot's face did not seem to be fake, it seemed that he really liked the name.

For the sake of the family style, Lord Viscount must be kept as far away from these two ignorant guys as possible...

The old housekeeper thought to himself.

"Okay, that's the deal." Colin immediately decided on the name of the castle.

He couldn't think of any other better name.

Aemon secretly sighed, and suddenly realized that there was still a long way to go to improve the style of the Angelet family.

"Oh, by the way, why not change the family crest as well." Colin suddenly suggested again.

Colin didn't like the original badge of the Angelet family's roaring white bear very much, and he also had some ideas about the new badge in his heart.

Butler Aemon reminded: "My lord, changing the family crest requires the consent of the Senate of the Empire."

"Okay, let's go through the process." Colin replied casually.

"However, you have to go through the process of the Senate, ahem, sir, you understand..."

Colin froze for a moment before realizing what Aemon meant.

Actually want to bribe!

Looking through the memory of his predecessor, Colin found out that the Senate of this empire is really like this bird.

Without money, basically nothing can be done!

Especially for a small family like the Angelet family, if they don't bleed a lot, the old men in the Senate probably won't look at them.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later!"

Ke Lin wouldn't send money now, his current money could be of great use.


The first priority is to raise money to build an army!

(end of this chapter)