The Original Vampire

Chapter 80: Borrow blood


In the lush forest, a reindeer suddenly emerged.

It ran very fast, as if avoiding the pursuit of some enemy.


A sharp arrow passed through the layers of leaves and accurately penetrated the reindeer's body.

Footsteps sounded, and three hunters appeared beside the reindeer carcass.

"Lord Lei Ge, your arrow technique is really exquisite! It's almost a hundred hits!" An attendant boasted loudly while holding the carcass of the reindeer on his shoulder.

Knight Rego curled his lips: "It's just a deer, there's nothing to make a fuss about. Quickly help me find out, there are no wild boars in this forest. Today I'm going to invite Lord Viscount to eat roasted pig's trotters!"

"Yes Yes."

The three continued to walk forward, and suddenly, Knight Rego stopped.

Because a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

The man was tall and thin, wearing a half body chain mail, with a long sword on his waist, and a tight helmet, his face could not be seen.

Knight Rego frowned, feeling that this person's appearance was a bit strange, so he asked cautiously:

"I am the knight under the command of Viscount Angelet, the lord of Ice Rock City—Rego Moben. May I ask who you are?"

The weird man on the opposite side didn't answer Rego's question.

Seeing this, one of the attendants was furious and said, "Hey! Disrespectful boy, which mercenary regiment do you belong to? Why didn't you answer Master Lei Ge's question!"

There was still silence on the other side.

The attendant became even more angry, and immediately strode forward, trying to take off the weirdo's helmet.

Lei Ge didn't stop, but reached out to hold the knight sword at his waist.

"Hey! Do you understand what I'm saying... ah!!!"

Amidst the screams, the attendant stepped into the trap, and his right foot was stabbed bloody.


Lei Ge immediately drew his sword and said angrily: "Boy, one last warning, take off your helmet, throw down your saber, and tell us your identity! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

However, the weirdo remained indifferent to Rhaego's warning.

Lei Ge stopped talking, held his breath, held his sword in both hands, and slowly approached the opponent.

But before he could reach the weird man, he heard a scream from behind him.

Lei Ge suddenly turned around, and saw that another attendant who was following him was also attacked by surprise.

"Bastard!" Lei Ge roared angrily, and was about to go back to rescue the attendant.

But at this moment, the tall and thin man suddenly moved.

"I'm just waiting for you!" Lei Ge didn't panic at all, as if he had been prepared, he turned around and slashed at the opponent with his sword.


The two swords clashed.

Lei Ge was shocked: "You are a knight!"

The thin and tall weirdo didn't answer, and slashed at him with his sword again.

The uneasiness in Lei Ge's heart became more intense.

A strange knight who suddenly appeared on the outskirts of Ice Rock City, and he was still of the third rank.

This obviously aroused Rego's vigilance.

Could it be that other lords are playing with the Angelet family

Lei Ge immediately thought that the mastermind behind the assassination of Lord Viscount in Graycastle had not been caught yet.

Could it be...


Lei Ge swung his sword heavily, forcing back the mysterious knight on the opposite side, but instead of chasing him, he turned around and ran away.

The other party had planned it long ago, this is probably a trap!

Lord Viscount must be in danger too!

Lei Ge didn't dare to stay, and even ignored the two attendants behind him, so he ran towards Ke Lin.

The mysterious knight also caught up.

Between chasing and fleeing, the two ran far away.

And at the moment when the mysterious knight was chasing Lei Ge's footsteps and jumping over a small stream, Lei Ge suddenly stopped, and then abruptly turned around with a sword, which happened to be stuck at the moment the opponent had just landed.

The mysterious knight didn't dodge, and was pierced through the lower abdomen by Lei Ge's sword.

"Haha! Didn't expect that!" Lei Ge had a sly smile on his ferocious face.

However, the smile soon froze.

Because, the opponent didn't care about the long sword inserted into his lower abdomen, and slashed at him again!

This desperate move caught Lei Ge by surprise. In order to prevent his forearm from being cut off, he could only let go of the hand holding the sword.

"Which family are you a knight from? Are you crazy?" Seeing the mysterious knight with a sword stuck in his abdomen and chasing him like a normal person, Rego felt that the world was too crazy.

With no weapon at this time, he didn't dare to turn back, so he could only continue to run forward.


A sharp arrow was shot, but Lei Ge narrowly avoided it.

"No, this guy still has a helper!" Lei Ge was so frightened that his soul froze, realizing that he might be killed today.

Afterwards, a few more arrows were shot from the forest, making Lei Ge exhausted to dodge, and was soon overtaken by the mysterious knight behind him.


Lei Ge let out a scream, and a bloody gash was drawn on his thigh by the other party.

"Wait, who are you guys? At least let me know who killed me?" Lei Ge fell to the ground, panting.

Unfortunately, the other party ignored Lei Ge at all.


The mysterious knight swung his scabbard and hit Rego hard on the back of the head.

Lei Ge let out another howl: "Are you going to knock me unconscious? Can you use some force!"



Rego finally passed out this time.

"Rego, Rego? Wake up!"

Lei Ge opened his eyes in a daze, and saw Colin's face.

"My lord Viscount?" Rego's consciousness seemed to be still not fully awake.

After a while, he finally woke up and asked quickly, "Master Viscount! Are you okay? I was attacked by a mysterious knight just now, and I almost lost sight of you!"

Colin suppressed a smile and comforted him, "I'm fine. Fortunately, I heard your screams and brought someone over in time. The knight who attacked you probably ran away after hearing our movements."

"Run away?" Lei Ge looked regretful, feeling that he could not take revenge.

"Are you okay? You look so pale." Colin asked with concern.

"I'm fine, I just got a little injury on my leg, which doesn't bother me. However, I'm a little dizzy, probably bleeding too much."

"Then you really need to stop the bleeding quickly." Colin waved to an attendant behind him, signaling him to bandage Rego's wound.

"Master Viscount, that mysterious knight is probably a woman." Rego said suddenly.

"Oh? Did you see her face?" Colin asked blankly.

"No. But..." Lei Ge rubbed his big bald head, as if he touched the injured part, grinning his teeth in pain, "However, when she tried to knock me out, she didn't succeed. So much effort , should be a bitch!"

The corner of Colin's mouth twitched, and he said speechlessly, "Really? Then this is indeed a useful clue."

"Well, and, Lord Viscount, I suspect that this guy may be related to the mastermind behind the assassination of you in Graycastle."

"Well. How about this, it's not safe here after all, let's go back to Ice Rock City first, and you will be responsible for investigating this matter."

"Okay." Leigo gritted his teeth, "I must catch that damn female knight! Then smash her head!"

(end of this chapter)