The Outcast

Chapter 15: The journey of a piece of evidence (below)


Human civilization, no matter what time period or space it is in, whether there is any historical record, but as long as the social structure is initially established, it will inevitably be surrounded by layers of bureaucracy. The Federation, which has more than a dozen inhabited planets and a larger number of resource stars, is no exception. Even because of the large population, the expansion of the territory into space has made this bureaucratic atmosphere even stronger.

An official mail package sent from the Second Police Station in the capital of Hexi Prefecture, Donglin Region, embarked on its long journey under the siege of this bureaucratic atmosphere. By the way, before it set off, it passed the seals of three departments in Hexi Prefecture, and made two back and forth between the aviation department and the logistics department before boarding the spacecraft to the capital star circle.

Three months later, this official mail package arrived at the administrative planet of the capital star circle, which is the place called Shanglin by the federal people. It lay quietly in a clean packing box, sat silently in the corner of the car, left the airport, passed the fast elevated road between green forests and beautiful buildings, and took four hours to arrive at the capital outside the capital. a government agency.

The information sending and receiving department of the Federal Seventeenth Research Institute signed the receipt, and then classified the package and put it on the automatic file transfer belt. With the slight sound of the machine, the package passed through the passage in the mezzanine of the wall numbly, and entered. A well-lit office.

A deputy director of the department saw the package beside the table. He pushed his glasses curiously, looked at the unfamiliar address above, frowned and thought for a long time, before he remembered that this somewhat familiar handwriting was from a distant person. Written by comrades.

"Old Bao has stayed in that place where birds don't shit for more than ten years. I'm afraid people will be confused." The deputy director thought in his heart. Three months ago, he received an e-mail from Deputy Director Bao, but now He has long forgotten the seriousness of the other party's entrustment.

"How come the police station's evidence is still authenticated by the research institute? How much will it cost to send it from Donglin? This kid is not afraid that when the committee is reviewed, he will say that we waste taxpayers' wealth..." The deputy director shook his head with a headache. , pressed the summoner on the desk.

A researcher wearing a silver mirror walked in, with gray hair, and it seemed that he had been in the Seventeen Research Institute long enough. The middle-aged researcher looked at the deputy director ingratiatingly and asked, "Director, what's the matter?"

"Well... Here is a piece of evidence sent by the Donglin Police Headquarters, and the identification application is also in the package. You can take it to the laboratory and have a look." The deputy director said casually.

The middle-aged researcher glanced at the package of the official document and found that the inscription was not the Donglin Police Headquarters but the Hexi State Second Police Branch. He immediately understood that according to the level of the state police branch, it was difficult to be eligible to apply for ten. The appraisal of the Seventh Research Institute seems to be a private request accepted by the deputy director, but since the other party is going through official channels, it is naturally inconvenient to ask more questions.

"What aspects should be identified?" The middle-aged researcher took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose, took a serious look at the mail package, and asked, "Is there a time limit?"

"No." The deputy director waved his hand, remembered the content of the email, and said, "The main thing is to compare the production process to see if it has anything to do with the Secret Service or the military... The country people in Donglin are very good. I'm worried that this stuff is leaking from the military."

The middle-aged researcher smiled, turned around and left the room without saying anything.

The next day, he returned to the office and reported the results of yesterday's appraisal to the director: "There is no code in the core material, it should not have flowed out from the military, but the production process does have something to do with the military, and it is estimated that it was made by Bermuda. imitations.”

"Well." the director asked, "isn't there anything weird?"


In this way, Deputy Director Bao's unwilling identification request process was completed. After receiving the official reply from the Seventeenth Research Institute, the Deputy Director was still unable to confirm whether the figure that night was a federal agent.

And the metal stun stick that was identified was repackaged together with the outer box and the identification application report, and put it into the huge storage room underground at the Seventeenth Research Institute. Its historical mission seems to have come to an end at this moment. According to the relevant regulations of the federal evidence, if there is no major accident, it is destined to stay quietly in this huge dark, dark and quiet storage in this life. Can not go out, until it is gradually forgotten.

One day, two days. One month, two months. It stares alone around those companions who have a similar fate to it. I don't know how many years it will stay here. Fortunately, the conditions of the federal department are good, and the dust removal is excellent. cobweb.

The long river of time quietly took two steps forward, and came to the spring of the 65th year of the Xianli calendar. Two years have passed since the electric shock baton came to the Seventeenth Research Institute of the Capital Star Circle. It picked up again.

Chen Yijiang, a student who just graduated from National Shanglin University, worked hard to pass the federal recruitment, entered the Seventeenth Research Institute, and then was sent to the warehouse for management. This newcomer, who still has passion, is clearly not eroded by the old bureaucracy and remains curious about things.

He had been in this vault for forty days, re-listing the evidence, and then he saw the transparent vacuum bag and the metal shaft inside the bag.

"It's interesting to have an electric shock baton hidden in the crystal screen." Chen Yijiang laughed, and then started the registration work, but after the registration, he didn't put the evidence back in its original place immediately because he was in school Li especially likes to make some small things by himself. At this time, he thinks this evidence is very interesting, so he is interested in research.

With the deepening of research, it is normal for federal agencies to re-evaluate the evidence, but no one is willing to do this kind of extra work without overtime pay.

Three days later, Chen Yijiang, whose eyes were full of fun, completed a paper and posted it on the institute's website. The title of the paper is "Exhibit No.: Structural Characteristics of AW3278". It is natural that such a boring paper will sink to the bottom in an instant without attracting any attention.

A particularly quiet area of the federal administrative capital has a department with the highest federal security level. On the terrace of this department, you can see the building of the Central Management Committee of the capital and the executive mansion of the president in the distance. However, the staff who are wearing black suits and rushing around have never been envious of them. vision.

Because they are the staff of the Charter Bureau, and they are responsible for the most honorable mission of the federal society.

In the core area of this building, in an empty room, a two-dimensional information display in mid-air shows that the light curtain is constantly flashing. The most advanced computing and searching capabilities of human civilization make the picture above the light curtain move at a terrifying speed. It flashed, and no one could see what was on it with the naked eye, except the central control computer itself, which performed the computational search.

Countless data streams in the federal society are selected and analyzed here. Whether it is the struggle between political parties or the offensive situation of the anti-government army, all kinds of information peaks swarm. Of course, the most critical information now lies in the Xilin District, and no one knows whether the imperial people will wage war again.

Suddenly, the picture on the light screen slowed down and stopped on a picture. The picture was a screenshot of a small paper written by a certain researcher. Then the location of the exhibit numbered AW3278 appeared on the light curtain.

Alarms began to sound in the most secure Charter Bureau in federal society.