The Outcast

Chapter 41: Why can't the sense of justice prevail?


Because all the special mecha team of the Fourth Military Region were injured, all the soldiers who were in charge of the search work on the ancient bell at this time were all from Xilin Military Academy. These young non-commissioned officers under the age of 20 are the best of the best, and everyone has excellent ability and performance evaluation, so they can be arranged to visit the Donglin Region. Today, each of them has enough strength to enter the elite special forces brigade of the Fourth Military Region, and their future is destined to bathe in the war on the border between the Federation and the Empire, continue to advance, the environment around them and the growth process, Let them have a sense of pride in their bones. However, these days, the whereabouts of the young lady have not been found. The serious frustration has made their mood extremely low, and their pride has turned into irritability.

Among these non-commissioned officers of the Xilin Military Academy, Zhou Jin is a recognized leader because he has the strongest personal strength and the strongest leadership ability, including at this moment, the plan to raid and save people is also his own arrangement.

Zhou Jin is twenty years old this year, handsome in appearance, with a strong military color on his young face. He looks at the young man under his gun, frowning slightly. The other party should not be a professional, otherwise it is impossible not to notice the movement of these people's surprise attack, but why does this person remain so calm under so many guns? It was this young man who kidnapped the young lady and hid for so many days under his own search? A trace of doubt flashed in Zhou Jin's heart, but without any hesitation, he went straight to grab the lady in the other's arms.

With a crisp sound, Zhou Jin's heart sank. He found that there was a pain in his wrist, and his hand grabbed an empty space. He frowned again, thinking that this person's grasping skills were strange, but he couldn't see how the other party stretched. hand.

Xu Le sat on the edge of the bed, raised his forearm, blocked the soldier's outstretched hand, blocked the little watermelon behind his back with a ring in his right hand, looked at each other vigilantly, and asked, "Who are you?"

Zhou Jin was surprised by Xu Le's calmness, because no one could remain calm under so many muzzle sightings. That's because the non-commissioned officer of the military academy didn't know that just over a month ago, Xu Le had already experienced such a scene, and in order to protect the little girl beside him, he had to remain calm. One of his hands wrapped the little watermelon behind him, guarding it tightly. He held the corner of the snow-white towel between his fingers, so that the towel was still on the little watermelon's head, so as not to make her afraid of seeing these cold muzzles .

Xu Le asked a question, but no one answered it. Because in the eyes of this group of proud non-commissioned officers, this young man is the criminal who kidnapped the young lady, and the object of his hatred, who would chat with a criminal? What's more, the lady is still in his hands.

A stout non-commissioned officer rushed forward and punched Xu Le's neck with an elbow. For the safety of the young lady, of course, they did not dare to shoot randomly in such a small space. The safest option is to stun or knock the criminal out. Seeing that this powerful elbow directly hit the target's neck, the non-commissioned officers of Xilin Military Academy breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. He took a step forward, preparing to isolate the young lady from him before the criminal fell to the ground.

In the eyes of these proud sons of Xilin, anyone who suffered an elbow from Wang Meng in the back of the head could only faint and fall to the ground. However, what all of them did not expect was that Zhou Jin's hand was empty again, and the young criminal did not fall down, but shrank back, protecting the little girl who was still covered with a white towel, and retreated to the far corner of the room. , next to the window.

Zhou Jin's eyes narrowed.

Xu Le vigilantly put down the palm standing on the side of the neck, the edge of the palm was slightly red, at the previous moment, facing the whistling elbow, he subconsciously moved according to the set of movements taught by the uncle, The body reacted naturally, allowing his palm to enter the area faster than the opponent, and the palm that passed through the armpit subtly unloaded the huge force.

However, the situation in the field did not change in the slightest. With so many guns aimed at, Xu Le did not dare to make any changes, nor did he dare to try to break through. He just carefully guarded the little watermelon behind him, feeling that this Things are a little weird, trying to explain something. If the other party is really the bad people mentioned by Little Watermelon, what to do is something that needs to be considered next.

It was just that the non-commissioned officers of Xilin Military Academy who had fallen into a manic state did not give Xu Le any chance to defend themselves. They confirmed that Xu Le was not carrying any weapons in the shortest possible time. With Zhou Jin's gloomy and angry voice, the four military academies rushed at the same time. past.

Under the suppression of firearms, Xu Le was knocked to the ground. He heard the words of the soldier who seemed to be the leader at that moment and did not dare to take risks. Countless fists landed on his body at the same time, causing his body to shrink in huge pain. The little watermelon covered with a white towel was also snatched by the military cadets in the first time and kept a distance from him.

At this moment, a cold voice came from outside the room: "First hit and then try again, even if he hits his mother, he won't recognize him."

Captain Fatty walked in with a gloomy face, and when he saw the figure of the little girl being safely protected by the military cadets, he breathed a sigh of relief, and nervously came to the side of the little girl to confirm whether the other party was hurt or not.

"Don't hit brother!" Little Watermelon's voice screamed through the white towel. The crisp child's voice was particularly harsh because of anger. She lifted the snow-white towel on her head and glared angrily at those generals Xu Le Soldiers pinned to the floor.

The room suddenly became quiet, and the snow-white cloth towel was turned up in the air, revealing the young girl's tender face and the black hair that was tossed and tossed.

"Miss... ah!" Captain Fatty picked up the little girl and prepared to take her out of this place, lest the torture to extort a confession later contaminate the little girl's clean eyes. He didn't expect that after the little watermelon was held in his arms, he suddenly struggled, screaming, and scratching with both hands, just like a little tiger, and the fat man's face was bloody. exclaimed.

"Let go brother!"


After a slight hesitation, Xu Le, who was sitting beside the bed, wiped the blood from the corner of his lips and replied, "Xu Le."



"He's still a veteran." Captain Fatty raised his wrist, waiting for the confirmation of the information, raised his head, looked at Xu Le sternly and said, "According to the Federal Spacecraft Management Regulations, on this spacecraft, I have the power to enforce the law within the limits, and I will arrest you for kidnapping a young child."

Child kidnapping is a federal felony, punishable by up to seven years in prison, up to the death penalty. Xu Le licked the crack on his lips, raised his head and stared at the fat man who claimed to be the captain, looked at the bloodshots on his face, and said mockingly, "I want to see your work permit, and I want to see the little watermelon... Zhong Fireworks A power of attorney from my parents. I'm a military veteran and I don't have any law enforcement authority, but I have reason to suspect that you're trying to kidnap a girl, and unless you kill me, I'll report it to the police when you get off the boat."

The captain looked at Xu Le like a monster. After a long silence, he suddenly smiled: "Are you joking?"

"I'm not joking. If you can't come up with her family's management power of attorney, I have the right to doubt you." Xu Le noticed a little sweetness on his tongue, and only then did he realize how dark the soldiers were just now.

"Okay, I can give you all of this, but how do you explain your behavior for so many days? Even if you bumped into the lady by accident, don't you know that this kind of thing should be handled by the staff, not you Hide her yourself?"

The fat captain intertwined his fingers and said slowly. In fact, while his heart was relaxed, he also felt that this matter was really absurd. After Little Watermelon's desperate resistance, the people in the room finally understood roughly what happened after Miss disappeared. The people in Xilin naturally understood that the young man they regarded as an anti-government spy or a child kidnapping criminal at first was actually just a poor person who suffered a disaster.

For some ulterior reason, the captain didn't intend to let Xu Le go like this. He still looked at the young man coldly and kept putting pressure on him. However, Xu Le didn't seem to feel the pressure, and said calmly: "The little girl said that there are bad people in the family, and she will be abducted from her hometown so that she will never see her parents again."

At this time, the management power of attorney was finally faxed from the distant Xilin to the ancient bell, and at the same time, the identity confirmation of the spacecraft for the chip on the back of Xu Le's neck had also ended. The captain handed the two pieces of paper to Xu Le and said mockingly, "You are not too young, how can you be so naive enough to believe the words of a runaway girl?"

Xu Le turned a few pages and remembered the doubts that Little Watermelon had shown these days, and knew that what Captain Fatty said was true. Little Watermelon's family really wanted to send her to the capital star circle to go to school, but Little Watermelon may have misunderstood something. Just after hearing the captain's sarcastic words, Xu Le didn't lift his head and said directly, "Why can't you believe her words? I have always been willing to believe in people and help him, even if she is only six years old."

"It turned out to be a stunned green with a sense of justice." The captain was slightly taken aback, stood up and laughed.

Xu Le raised his head, stared at his face, and said seriously, "Isn't it a good thing to have a sense of justice as much as possible? Even if it overflows, isn't it a good thing?"

The captain was speechless and looked at Xu Le's sincere and honest face seriously, as if trying to tell whether such a person really existed in this world.

After the captain left, the room became quiet again. Xu Le, who was under house arrest in the room, looked at the gun barrel on his forehead and said to the young soldiers, "Can you put the gun away? I am not a criminal, and I hate having a gun pointed at the head the most."

A trace of contempt flashed on the faces of the non-commissioned officers. They wanted to give him some hardships. At this time, when they heard Xu Le's words, they poked his temple with the cold barrel of a gun, poking Xu Le. A burst of pain made him unable to resist raising his head to look at the other party.