The Outcast

Chapter 59: George Carlin


After a moment of silence, the middle-aged man who was called the director by Shi Qinghai said, "You are right about the development of the situation. Zou Yingxing has already called his children back to the Capital SAR, and they probably won't be back in a short time. Their family knew by chance. With the identity of the prince, I definitely don't want to leave a bad impression on the prince because of this matter, and it should be disinfected these days."

"That prince is really absurd. There are so many heavily guarded private colleges in the capital SAR, so why do you have to come to Hai?" Shi Qinghai lit another cigarette, thinking about the final goal of the operation, he couldn't help but feel a little worried. , because the other party is a really high-ranking figure, which is not comparable to the Zou family. It is not difficult to block the Ministry of Defense's goodwill to him. It may be feasible to prevent those hawkish figures from influencing him, but it is too much to get close to the other party. difficult thing.

"I only know the approximate range is in the university town. Which one is it?" Shi Qinghai lowered his head and smoked a cigarette, subconsciously kicking the wall behind him, and the ash on the leather shoes was shaken off. How many blockades will there be. Even if we can organize some kind of coincidence, I don't know how old he is, what his temperament is, where he lives, his route of action, and how to approach him? I don't even know what this prince looks like."

"The latest information is back, and the age is between seventeen and nineteen, because their family hasn't given him an adult ceremony." The director said seriously: "You shouldn't expect something like three-dimensional imaging. The outside world doesn't even have a photo of him, at most there are portraits based on oral descriptions, which are terribly distorted. So whether you can find him, get close to him, and further gain his favor, it all depends on your personal ability."

Shi Qinghai spit on the ground, feeling a chill in his chest. The conflict with the Zou brothers and sisters last night was indeed deliberately provoked by him. It is not difficult to find out the character of the woman named Zou Yu and the other party's paranoid preference for DVC perfume. The reason why he took Xu Le there was because he wanted to make it more beautiful. He was going to take action to save Xu Le in the conflict, so that it would be more in line with the character he left to the Bureau of Investigation and the organization. characteristics, in order to conceal his true thoughts.

- He is very tired. He has been acting as a playboy for the past two years. No, he is a real playboy. He doesn't want to be promoted in the Bureau of Investigation. It is because he has worked hard in this kind of gap. He wants to take advantage of this situation. The next opportunity, I was directly fired by the FBI. In this way, I believe that the organization should not value myself as much as it used to, and maybe I may have some freer life.

I just didn't expect that Xu Le's kid would take the lead for him, and he had abilities beyond his imagination. He also did not expect that the organization valued him so much, and did not hesitate to mobilize the power hidden in the government to compete with the Zou family and keep his position. Shi Qinghai held the cigarette butt between his middle and index fingers and fell into silence, knowing that he had to complete this task, but the goal that had never appeared in the public eye was really hard to approach.

"We all know that this is difficult, and the congressman also knows it. He even said it himself, and it is really impossible to get in touch." The middle-aged director looked at him and said gently: "But as long as there is a glimmer of hope, you strive for it.”

"I know I'm not qualified to know what role this prince is, but I really don't understand. After all, the Federation is an electoral society. How could one person have such a powerful influence?"

"Election? The federal society has held countless elections over the years, but in the eyes of people who really know the inside story, the result of each election has long been predestined." The middle-aged director's eyes flashed with concern for the federal political ecology. Deeply disappointed, "There is another presidential election next year, what do you think?"

"The current president is a fool. I hope the next one will be better." Shi Qinghai shrugged, "I never vote, but next year I may vote for Mr. Pabble."

"It's uncertain whether Pabble will run for election or not." The middle-aged director was obviously not surprised by Shi Qinghai's choice, because these people have a good impression of the alternative among the members of the parliament, the lawyer from the lower classes of society, said Weigan worriedly. : "What if he runs for the election? If those families can't recognize him, the financial groups, politicians, media and those ubiquitous influences under their control are enough to knock him down in the primary election. With the respect and recognition of these families... Then he must also make concessions on the political program, is such a Pabble still the current Pabul?"

Shi Qinghai did not speak. He knew that what the boss said was true. Although he was still willing to keep his naive thoughts, he hoped that Mr. Pabble would still be the one who dares to look directly at the injustice of the society after he became the president, and used perseverance. And the moderate attitude resolutely pursued the reform.

"Mr. Pabble obtained his federal lawyer's license from the Donglin Region." Shi Qinghai suddenly said, "The Donglin people I know are as persistent as stones, and I believe he is too."

The twilight was getting dark, and the wind on the rooftop was getting stronger and stronger. The night wind at the end of April finally dispelled the heat of the day. Shi Qinghai fastened the buttons of his suit and said goodbye to the middle-aged people. For people like them, Gossiping for such a long time is already an extremely luxurious thing, even if it is about politics.

"One day I have the chance to give me some wild rabbit meat. I won't count on you for a good thing like wild beef." Shi Qinghai flicked the cigarette butt into the corner and left without looking back, waving his hand and saying, "After all, you are the Isn't the director of HTD?"

The picture on the gray monitor seemed to be stagnant. No one passed by for a long time, and there was no movement. If it weren't for those pear trees still intoxicated and shaking in the spring breeze, it would really make people wonder if the monitor was broken. Xu Le sat in the bungalow next to the iron gate, glanced at the monitor out of the corner of his eyes, and then glanced at the quiet street outside the school through a large piece of transparent glass. He didn't find any suspicious people, so he put a little Heart, it seems that the revenge of those big men has not come so soon.

Back on the campus of Ewha University in the morning, Xu Le deliberately strolled around the four most famous fountains on campus, listening to those speeches and slogans, and confirmed that what Shi Qinghai said was right. Although not many students were attracted by those speeches and still focused on their academic experiments, the atmosphere in the school was still a little tense. Xu Le listened curiously for a long time, only to know that the annual George Carlin Day is coming again. The federal government's education department and the FBI are very vigilant, for fear of any sparks burning into the campus, presumably under such circumstances, No matter how arrogant the brothers and sisters of the Zou family were, they didn't have the courage to break into Ewha University to deal with him. Otherwise, if something went wrong, no one would be able to bear the burden of a mass incident.

Xu Le had no interest in politics. By searching on the Internet, he had some preliminary understanding of the somewhat familiar name George Carlin. This man named George Carlin was once a genius professor at Federal Capital University and one of the youngest professors in the recorded history of mankind. His field of expertise is political history. It is the study of different political forms that have appeared in history.

George Carlin was never a scholar who appeared in front of the public in a radical face, and even anarchism and absolute liberalism were rarely seen in his writings. He only analyzed various aspects of human history with a very rigorous attitude. a political structure and a remodel. He analyzed why the last imperial society in human society collapsed before the 37th Constitutional Calendar, and why the royal family at that time chose to give in extremely politely and peacefully. At the same time, he also analyzed the federation that had just had a stable structure for more than 600 years. The system believes that this system is just a false separation of powers. In the case that information cannot be fully shared, the possession of information is a great injustice in the distribution of production materials, which will lead to the distribution of social resources. Injustice, and then produce a series of social problems.

George Carlin pointed out that the legendary Seven Great Masters are deformed existences under this system. A purely academic research, when the research of history is gradually extended to the research of reality, is prone to problems. Perhaps George Carlin himself did not realize that the theories he proposed, especially those detailed material analysis and data calculations, gave those dissatisfied with the status quo. man a powerful weapon.

From the details of some later generations' memories, this man named George Carlin was just a very simple scholar. At the beginning, his name was only respected in the academic circle, and no ordinary federal citizen would be willing to read those extremely boring numbers. They just wanted to see the conclusion, so the influence of George Carlin did not How to show, the Federation still peacefully and naturally allows him to publish academic works.

However, all this changed in the thirty-sixth year of the constitutional calendar, because on May 19 of that year, George Carlin was invited to attend a meeting of a government department, but he disappeared mysteriously on the way and was never found again. to traces.

George Carlin disappeared for thirty years, and gradually some interested people noticed his writings, and even more noticed his bizarre disappearance. A conspiracy story is enough to attract the attention of countless ordinary people, especially the anti-government side who just disbanded the army and gave up violent confrontation. Eliminate the injustice of the federal society, demand greater transparency, review the insider trading of the seven major families as a slogan, and participate in the parliamentary election of the S2 administrative planet... Since then, George Carlin has been endowed with more colors, the pioneer of exposing the underworld of the Federation, brave The scholar, such titles are unknown, and May 19 is designated as George Carlin Day every year.

It is absurd that this bill was proposed and passed by the members of the Federal Management Council. The federal members claimed that they were all followers of George Carlin, and the anti-government members were just some scum who used George Carlin's theory. The members insisted that they had nothing to do with the Seventh Family, so the federal citizens I was a little dumbfounded. Could it be that the Seven Great Families did not exist in the first place

This man who is honored as St. George is really pitiful. Maybe he was just thinking too much about the problem, so he drove into the river... He was just an honest scholar, how did he become what he is now? Xu Le's eyes moved to the bottom of the light screen. He had no interest in politics, nor did he have a sympathy for the federal government, so he had some sympathy for George Carlin. He suddenly noticed an anecdote about George Carlin, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes, wondering why this argument was so familiar