The Outcast

Chapter 71: Thick line nerves


"Master, the first hospital didn't know it was your test data." Butler Jin didn't quite understand this, and subconsciously thought that the young master had manipulated his own data, but he could not guess what the young master meant. Are you dissatisfied with the military academy sending a delegation to visit Ewha University

"Maybe there is a problem with sampling." Tai Zhiyuan naturally wouldn't admit his naive behavior to his servants, and looked down at the analysis report on Xu Le's test data. He should relax under the heavy pressure every day.

The more he looked at it, the more strange it became. The experts of the First Military Academy would naturally not make mistakes in judgment. Those dense data were indeed a bit strange, which was consistent with his intuition that night. In Xu Le's test data, the effective command input speed excluding redundant data, the average is 76, and the highest peak is 139, that is, in each standard time period, Xu Le can only input more than 100 mechas at most. Effective instructions, even if these effective instructions are all correct countermeasures, but such a low speed, it is still impossible to persist in the sixth-level test for eleven seconds and seven, at most seven seconds will fail.

The data indicated on the paper is indeed problematic. Tai Zhiyuan carefully checked it with curiosity, and his own command input speed was probably more than four times that of the other party, and the other party was indeed a beginner. According to the analysis of the First Military Academy, if you want to complete the dodge and attack actions of those mechs at this input speed, unless the experimenter's neural response speed is unbelievably high.

0.0012? Seeing this calculated number, Tai Zhiyuan couldn't help but doubt the credibility of Xu Le's experimental data.

The most important thing in operating the mech is the operator's reaction speed. The detection equipment of the mech itself detects the terrain and environment, and finds hostile targets or obstacles, which appear on various display devices that the operator can observe with the naked eye. Those light icons or data are read by the human eye, enter the brain for analysis, and then send out instructions from the brain, which are transmitted to the hands through the nerve bundles, and then input operating instructions to the finger-touch light screen, and the mecha will make corresponding actions according to the instructions. This is a whole set of processes, and it is impossible for anyone to omit any part of it.

After the human body's reaction speed is exercised, it may become much faster than ordinary people, such as the top special mecha players of the Federation or the Empire, but after all, limited by the physiological basis, it is impossible to be so fast. The reaction speed is almost equal to zero... From the perspective of data analysis and all aspects of mecha combat, the only link that may reduce the reaction time. It lies in the time from when the brain sends an instruction to the time when the hands enter the instruction.

Science has long proven that the neural processing and reaction speed of the human brain is about 300 meters per second, the response speed is about one hundred and twenty-sixth of a second, and the transmission speed of information in the bundle nerve is 120 meters per second. second. However, the neural response speed or the transmission speed in the nerve bundles obtained from Xu Le's experimental data is far beyond this value!

No wonder the experts in the laboratory of the First Military Academy think there is something wrong with this data, because if the information can be so fast in the human body, it can only mean that the person... is not a person.

Tai Zhiyuan shook his head and put the data aside. Since there is a problem with the data, he has no interest in caring about that idiot anymore. He also doesn't worry about whether the master of some forces will disguise himself as a beginner to approach him, because the pretender can only disguise his reaction speed to be slower, and it is impossible to create such absurd neural reaction speed out of nothing. Come.

"By the way, Uncle Jin, tonight... prepare a pot of coffee." Tai Zhiyuan suddenly thought of a very important thing, frowned and said, "Two cups."

Xu Le did indeed have much thicker nerves than the average person. If it was someone else, when he was a teenager, he knew that his boss was a fugitive from the army, he would have fled the operation room or repair shop long ago, and then reported to the government tremblingly, but Xu Le did not. If it was someone else, if they were caught by the special forces of the army and had a few black guns pointed at them, they would be scared to wet their pants and tell the uncle's traces honestly, but Xu Le didn't. If it was someone else... When he found that the brilliance of the Charter that spread throughout the entire Federation couldn't shine on him, when he found out that he could implant a new chip in the back of his neck, he would definitely be frightened into an idiot, but Coxule... Still no.

Perhaps it was because he had seen so many strange things in his short eighteen years of life, so when he discovered that the magical power in his body seemed to be more magical than he imagined, he did not panic at all, but felt faint of excitement and longing. Not a thirst for power, but a thirst for the unknown.

He just knew it all, accepted it all, faced it bravely, and faced it so happily. Even though he is still a fugitive who is not tolerated by society, he still lives and works happily and healthily at Ewha University. He had a friend, a female friend, and a study partner who hadn't seen each other every day but stayed with him. There are also things that he is most interested in and is willing to pay sweat and time for.

Of course, this kind of rough nerve is a character that shows joy, and it has nothing to do with the conclusion drawn by the First Military Academy after identifying the data in the H1 area. Xu Le didn't know that someone in this world had already studied his own nerve, and thought that the data was very nerve-racking. If he checked the data himself, he could easily draw the most realistic conclusions.

- There is no one person in this world whose neural response and transmission speed are fast enough to catch up with the sun. Xu Le couldn't, and neither could Feng Yu. The reason why his poor hand speed can achieve the effect of exceeding the speed in the test is all because when the light and color blocks on the light screen enter his eyes, after calculating in the brain, they do not pass through the spinal column nerve. The bundles and those nerve cells are transmitted to the hands, and the brain's response after the calculation should be to follow the path of the strange vibration and heat flow in the body. If the nerve bundles in the human body are the widest twelve-lane highway on the outskirts of the Capital Special Administrative Region, the path in Xu Le's body that cannot be found in anatomy is like an established space route between galaxies, with no boundaries. , only direction, no speed limit, only wide...

During the next few nights of study experiments, Xu Le gradually realized the beauty of this strange control method, and he was addicted to it and could not extricate himself from it. And the persistence time in the sixth level is getting longer and longer, from eleven seconds eight to seventeen seconds.

In addition to the constant struggle with the M prototype mecha, Xu Le has one thing that has made him very interested in these days. He found that the classmate next door seemed to have the same problem of insomnia as himself. Although they hadn't seen each other until now, it seemed that the two of them were just separated by a corridor, and they were communicating through those late night snacks. The food Xu Le prepared in the future was very generous, such as scallion pancakes, such as roasted sweet potatoes. These natural foods are actually hard to find now, and the prices are not cheap, but Xu Le had to add meals every night for the past six months.

What he brought over this evening was roast lamb chops, of course synthetic lamb. He looked at the pot of coffee and a small plate of poor biscuits in the lounge, and couldn't help laughing, thinking that the man said he was a stingy, but in fact he was very stingy, how could there be so few biscuits? eat? Later, he finally discovered the weirdness of those caviar biscuits, and also knew how expensive these biscuits were, but he still didn't like them.

Xu Le poured himself a cup of hot coffee very naturally, hummed the theme song of the longevity TV series on Channel 23, and walked into his room shaking his body. He and Tai Zhiyuan, whose name he doesn't know, seem to have a tacit understanding. After entering the H1 area, they both turn right, never turn left, and never disturb each other.

Xu Le was accustomed to this kind of night. He sat on the M series prototype and began to practice concentratingly. Only occasionally during the practice interval he would lift his feet on the alloy frame at the door of the cabin, drinking hot water. Coffee, while thinking of something to do with the high ceiling. For example, he was thinking at this time today, if he could find a complete simulation system and connect the sensors directly to the surface of the body's skin, would the mecha run faster? This is just an idea. The system that was judged to have no future was eliminated decades ago. Xu Le was lucky. He saw it once in the garbage cabin of the ancient bell, but where did he go in this university? Amoy

A sudden voice in the operation cabin woke Xu Le from thinking. The coffee cup in his hand almost fell to the ground a few meters away.

"Is the coffee good?" A voice without much emotion came from the speaker in the operation cabin.

Xu Le was stunned for a long time before he could react. He stayed in H1 for many nights, but he didn't hear anyone other than himself, and he didn't hear any other voices. He looked at the light-screen prompt, confirmed that it was an H1 internal call, and immediately guessed who the voice was. He raised a coffee cup to the speaker subconsciously, and said with a smile, "Are the scallion pancakes delicious? I think you made one yesterday. There's nothing left for me."

The voice over there paused for a moment, as if he was not used to this kind of conversation. After a while, he said softly, "Will it be too boring to practice alone? Would you like to try it online?"

Xu Le was stunned, and scratched his wet hair.

He had never seen the person in the other room, so he was naturally a little curious. Although he said that in order to keep his secret, he did not take the initiative to try to open the door, but after several days of coffee and late-night snacks, he felt comfortable with The other party does not seem to be very unfamiliar. More importantly, these days of practice made him find that he seems to be more and more interested in controlling mechas, and he also feels that his level has improved a little faster, but he lacks a real comparison, so he doesn't know what he really is. How is the level.

"Want to seek abuse? Come on then." Xu Le put the coffee cup beside him and clenched his fists.

The voice over there paused for a while, as if he did not expect Xu Le to say such absurd words, there was a hint of seriousness in his voice: "There are really not many people who dare to speak to me like this."