The Outcast

Chapter 81: Born President


Tai is a very rare surname in the federation, but Xu Le always felt as if he had seen it in some book. He thought about it, but after thinking about it, he put it behind his head and looked at Tai Zhiyuan's pale face seriously. Said: "Since your health is not good, what are you doing staying up late every day? If it is insomnia, then you can't drink coffee."

At this time, Tai Zhiyuan's body has basically returned to normal. He didn't want to contact Xu Le, but when he was about to leave, he heard such a sincere sentence, which made him slightly startled.

From Tai Zhiyuan's point of view, writing with Xu Le on white paper every night and eating oil cakes and soy milk porridge are just inconspicuous episodes in his life. There is no coming-of-age ceremony yet, he allows himself to be childish occasionally, but after all, this is a childish thing - he ordered the only housekeeper Jin who has permission to enter the H1 area to be strictly prohibited from entering when he is still there, just because he does not want those Loyal and loyal, the subordinate retainers who regarded themselves as the emperor found that they also had a nonsense side.

It is for this reason that even if he returns to the small villa a long time later than usual, Butler Jin can only wait in the passage honestly and not dare to come in. After all, the housekeeper Jin never thought that the young master would be unconscious, and even he did not know that in addition to low blood sugar, Tai Zhiyuan's body also had a very troublesome disease.

Tai Zhiyuan knew that he owed Xu Le a favor, and he could easily see the truth... sincerity in the eyes of the other party, so he smiled and sat on the sofa, no longer in a hurry to leave. And Xu Le was also very sensitive to find that the thin young man's calm eyes seemed to have become more gentle, but this kind of gentleness was still the kind of condescending, unhurried, a kind of feeling of refusing others thousands of miles away, Xu Le and Not very used to it. He frowned and said, "Since you don't want to go to the hospital, do you want me to take you home?"

At this time, Xu Le had already guessed that the other party must be the son of a wealthy family. After all, not everyone can eat Caspian Sea Caviar as an ordinary snack, and after so many days, Xu Le found that except for himself and the other party Except for the guy named Tai Zhiyuan, no third person can have access to the H1 area. Xu Le can analyze that if he can enter, there must be some problems with the disguised chip left by the boss. What about the other party

Tai Zhiyuan did not answer his question immediately, but looked at him with interest, as if he wanted to see what kind of person Xu Le was.

Inexpensive late-night snacks are not a problem, but after only eating a few biscuits and a cup of coffee, I made up my mind to make amends, and insisted on it for so many days. The urgency shown is even less false. He grew up under the education of books on political history and conspiracy since he was a child. It is really hard to imagine that there is a person like Xu Le who is willing to help others without asking for anything in return. Even if there is such a person, it should not be a young man under the age of 20.

This kind of calm and calm vision made Xu Le feel a lot of pressure. He secretly felt weird in his heart. This guy looks so pitiful and harmless when he closes his eyes, but when he opens his eyes, he is so aggressive. Damn it.

Since there is nothing wrong with the other party's body, he is not as nervous as before. Exhausted from sleepless nights, all the hard work under the plum garden poured into his body, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, slumped on the chair, squinted slightly at the other party, and said, "I don't want to. Don't say anything, just take a break and then go out."

After a long time, Tai Zhiyuan seemed to react, and said gently in an extremely slow speech: "Thank you. I can leave by myself."

Xu Le's eyebrows that looked like flying knives trembled slightly, and only then did he realize that the voice of the other party was slightly different from the voice in the intercom. It didn't mean the difference in sound quality, but the change in the speed of speech made this thin young man feel a little more majestic. Xu Le wondered if he had auditory hallucinations, opened his eyes suspiciously, looked at him and said, "Are you that virgin?"

Tai Zhiyuan's eyes narrowed slightly, but the anger in his heart did not show, and he said indifferently: "Premature ejaculation man, do you have any questions?"

Xu Le was embarrassed, but he immediately smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's okay. It's you, a vicious guy. It's really uncomfortable to see you speak like a president giving a war speech."

The corner of Tai Zhiyuan's eyes swept over his shoulder without a trace. He was very uncomfortable with someone showing closeness to him, especially slapping his body so carelessly. No one dared to do this many years ago. Zou Yu, the only one who dared to do this back then, has become a quail in front of him since he knew his identity.

Xu Le didn't notice the emotion on Tai Zhiyuan's face, or he didn't bother to pay attention to it at all. He sighed and said, "I come every day for my own reasons. What about you? Is it really just insomnia and boredom?"

"Insomnia is because of stress." Tai Zhiyuan looked at Xu Le calmly, and suddenly thought that the kid in front of him had even told him about his own bed, and suddenly an extremely absurd feeling surged up in his heart. After hesitating for a moment, he smiled and said, "You should have guessed that my family is rich, and my father was unlucky and died too early. I was taught from a young age to inherit the family business and bear those heavy responsibilities. This kind of pressure really makes me a little uncomfortable. Although I believe in my ability, I always feel that it is not too fun to think about things when I was 80 when I just turned 18. "

After saying these words, Tai Zhiyuan frowned slightly. He didn't understand why he seemed to trust each other subconsciously. Looking at Xu Le's honest face, he said the words that he had always hidden deep in his heart.

Xu Le didn't express any shock, he just shrugged, he had already guessed that the other party's family background was extraordinary, of course he wouldn't be surprised, but at this moment he couldn't think of the family business that Tai Zhiyuan said he was going to inherit. Industry. He just said comfortingly: "Who doesn't have stress in life? I just thought you were younger than me, and now I know you're only eighteen years old, why do you have to live so hard? It's good to keep this kind of stress in your heart. Live as it should be.”

Xu Le was feeling his own experience. He was just an ordinary federal teenager who wanted to live a normal life. However, because he met the uncle, the trajectory of his life had been forcibly distorted into something he never dared to imagine. The only counterfeit chip in the Federation is installed on the back of his neck. If this secret is discovered, he will definitely know how the words "life is better than death" are written. The pressure he bears is actually a lot, but he is tenacious and optimistic in the face of all this, and he also relieves the other party in this way.

Tai Zhiyuan was slightly startled. Naturally, it was impossible for him to relax because of the other party's few words, and his strong self-discipline made him not want to relax at all. He looked at Xu Le and said with a smile, "You have to bear some pressure, you can't escape it, and you even have to forcibly magnify it so that we can move forward."

Xu Le shook his head, feeling that the boy surnamed Tai, like Zhang Xiaomeng, seemed to have the potential to abuse himself, looked at him and said seriously: "I always feel that this is wrong, no matter how great the future is, it is not worth sacrificing yourself. Health, do you still want to be president?"

After Tai Zhiyuan was slightly startled, he stared at him with a very playful look, and then laughed out loud. The laughter finally turned into a cough, and he kept coughing.

"Mad." Xu Le thought so in his heart, with a wry smile on his face, said his phone number again, and urged, "I've known each other for so many days, you've eaten so much from me, and you're considered a friend. If anything happens, call me."

Tai Zhiyuan's laughter stopped, and he quietly looked at Xu Le's back who walked to the door of the room to clean up the mess, thinking that he would probably never make this call.

"I've already met MP Pabble and I've lived up to your admiration for him, he and his shabby staff have indeed come up with a very attractive and practical political platform and reform plan. "

On the light screen of the small villa, a woman appeared. The woman was about forty years old. From the back, she still had a charm. At this time, she was wearing a home clothes and drying the sheets on the balcony. A woman who was doing very ordinary housework, but she talked about her meeting with the federal political star, Senator Pabble from Donglin Region, as if she were talking at home.

Tai Zhiyuan calmly looked at his mother on the light screen and didn't ask, because he knew that since his mother used the secret line to contact him, she definitely didn't tell him about the outcome of the negotiation, but had more important things to say.

"Pabble is a middle-aged man with too much idealism." The woman shook the sheet and continued: "But it's a good choice, but he always has some mistrust and jealousy of our family, I make It took a lot of concessions to gain his trust."

"I decided to push the management committee to amend the charter to allow the president to be re-elected twice during a special period." The hostess of the Tai family turned around and said softly to the light screen: "If Pabble doesn't make a mistake, I hope he can be in that palace. fifteen years."

Tai Zhiyuan's expression finally changed a little bit, and he frowned and said, "This is a big move, even if our family can win the support of those families, it may not be able to control the members of the management committee, not to mention that the public has an innate understanding of this kind of thing. resistance.”

"Within 15 years, the empire will definitely start a war again." The hostess of the Tai family said calmly: "A country that relies on foreign conquest to resolve the bloody contradictions among the domestic classes cannot do without war. As long as the war begins, our Pabble, of course, has enough reasons to be the first president to serve three consecutive terms."

Tai Zhiyuan was silent. He respected Senator Pabble very much, so he was very disgusted with his mother's statement of "our Pabble".

"Fifteen years later, you will be thirty-three years old." The woman in the light screen said softly, "It should be the youngest president in the history of the Federation."

Tai Zhiyuan closed his eyes, and said slightly sarcastically, "Pabble can be re-elected three times, and I am young, so naturally I can be re-elected more times."