The Outcast

Chapter 91: Machine Language (below)


For Anda, there is no difficulty in the third-level test without entering a complete state. The mech clearance, in that relaxed and boring operation, is more and more like a performance, and the first military academy is proud of Mecha operation... it's for killing enemies on the battlefield, not for dancing to show those idiots.

So Anda's mood was very bad and annoyed, and he subconsciously expressed his emotions through the actions of the mecha. This is just a personal vent, and he never thought that it would be a great disrespect to the students of the University City who came to watch the performance of the First Military Academy with great interest... Because in his opinion, these Folk students who haven't even touched the surface of the mecha are at most little white faces who can read mobile magazines, how can they understand such things as machine language.

Hearing the calm and stern voice in the communicator, Anda finally woke up after swearing a swear word. The person speaking was Sergeant Zhou Yu, the most powerful guy in the mobile department of the first academy, and his private boss. Of course, he would not doubt what the other party said. Immediately afterwards, he heard the tidal waves of swearing coming from the interlocutor, and Anda stupidly didn't know what to do next.

On the huge light curtain on the dome of the complex, the blue-black mecha stood stupidly in the same place, did not report to the teacher that the performance was over, and did not leave. Come on, this blue-black mecha's stupid appearance is really too much to be scolded.

"Twist, twist again... I broke your waist and sold it to the empire to become a prostitute."

"You are Bermuda's shemale, you!"

A faint light shrouded Anda's face. He was dumbfounded as he listened to the constantly refurbished cursing on the communicator. He was shocked. All the soldiers in the hospital were trained. Where have I heard so many different kinds of curse words. His face started to turn red, and he was about to lose control of his impending explosion. After hearing the word "shemale", he finally couldn't help it, and angrily pressed the button of the main communicator.

"A bunch of idiots! They only talk about their mouths! What's the use of the federation asking you rubbish! If you have the ability to create a mecha to work with the young master...!"

Anda's angry scolding sounded through the communicator and rang through the speakers next to the light curtain in the complex, resounding throughout the vast building space. Although the teachers of Ewha University and the First Military Academy in the central control room were responsible for the control of the mecha performance, they reacted in the first time and cut off the angry scolding of this brainless guy, but they only cut it off. The last word of the frame.

The Ewha University Complex suddenly fell into a dead silence. Countless eyes were staring at the fully enclosed mecha battle room. If the battle room was not made of super alloys, it would have melted in anger at this time. This is the home of Ewha University, but the exchange students from the First Military Academy are so arrogant, who can resist. Although everyone knows that no one can take on the challenge of Anda's rage, but the college students have their own logic to think about the problem, thinking that the federal government will get all the mechs that are so hard to get to your third house and the We went to Xilin Military Academy, we can't touch it in our life, you still challenge us

It's like someone with a girlfriend challenging bachelors for how long to have sex... just as unbearable!

After a very short period of absolute silence, there was a sudden burst of emotion. Even though there were still many students who had retained their respect for the First Military Academy, at this time, they had long since lost their respect. What's more, Ewha University was originally one of the schools with the most prevalent George Carlinism, and they didn't have any goodwill towards the students of the Third Academy of Federal lackeys in their eyes.

"Fuck you, fuck you..." This is a very simple and rude answer.

"Fuck... a mecha coming... What? Oh, this is the first time I know that you can have sex with a mech on. Is this a tradition in your school? I'm surprised, wearing a mech How to have sex? Are you going to show us a show?" That was a snarky answer.

"The problem is that I heard that there are only boys in the Department of Mobility of the First Military Academy." This is a more vicious cajoler.

"Same sex mech sex show? It's so fucking rare."

The students in the university town can't fight, but if you want to be sarcastic, how can the natural officers of the First Military Academy be able to resist. Anda, who was in a state of madness, blushed with suffocation, completely forgetting that there is no Department of Mobility in the social university, and there is no such thing as mecha. Any one of the mechs sent a request to fight.

After doing all this, Anda foolishly waited for someone to challenge, but found that there was no response for a long time. He proudly entered a command, and the blue-black mecha stretched out a thumb and aimed at the sky.

He cursed happily: "A group of children, cursing happily, how come no one dares to come out."

The main communication system has been shut down. The students who were watching the battle room through the light curtain naturally didn't know what he said, but thousands of people noticed the mecha's action at the same time, the thumb up and pointing towards the sky.

Zhou Yu, who had been paying attention to the movement outside the battle room, gave a wry smile, thinking that every time Anda went crazy, he couldn't stop himself. I'm afraid that this kid is still proud of Ewha University and no one dares to challenge him, but he completely forgot about Ewha. Universities don't have mechas at all.

Looking at the raised metal thumb of the mecha, the scolding in the general hall gradually subsided. This is not a machine language, it is a very clear gesture.

The students of Ewha University are not so naive as to think that the idiot in the first hospital will repent after being scolded by them, so they praised themselves with their thumbs up. They all knew that something was going to happen next, so they all started hurriedly sitting in their seats. Look for the right guy below.

Sure enough, the blue-black mecha that looked triumphant and flat on the light curtain suddenly changed its aura, looking extremely proud and cold, and slowly turned its right robotic arm upside down, pointing its thumb to the ground.

This is not a machine language, but a very clear gesture, a gesture of contempt and contempt. After a moment of silence, everyone in the comprehensive hall shouted, and saw countless shoes flying towards the light curtain and towards the mecha battle room located underground. A male student in one class suddenly found a baseball bat placed behind the seat, turned it into a grenade, and threw it wildly.

For a time, the wooden sticks fell like rain on the battle room made up of metal, and the tinkling was like raindrops falling on the lotus leaves, which was really crisp and moving.

However, the blue-black mecha on the light curtain still held his thumb upside down proudly and indifferently, as if he was constantly slapping the ears of the students of Ewha University.

At this moment, the angry voice in the complex suddenly became quieter, and there were countless shocked and overjoyed cries. On the rostrum, the professors of the two academies, who felt ashamed of each other, looked at the light curtain in surprise. The officers of the First Military Academy outside the battle room looked at the light curtain in confusion.

On the light curtain, an alloy wall in the deepest part of the battle room suddenly opened slowly, and a black mecha that looked a bit bulky slowly revealed its body!

With the appearance of this black mecha, all the discussions and cursing stopped, and the general hall was deadly quiet, especially the students of Ewha University, who looked at the mecha in disbelief. Know if you are dazzled.

Professor Kuang of the First Military Academy glanced at Principal Cong next to him in surprise. He didn't know that Ewha University still had mechas. I didn't know that the principal's pupils shrank at first, but after a while, he revealed a smile that knew everything. This smile seemed a bit unfathomable in the eyes of everyone on the rostrum.

The black mecha on the light curtain seemed to be stunned after seeing the blue-black mecha's thumb-down gesture, and then pointed at the blue-black mecha...with his middle finger.

This is not a machine language, this is a gesture that is common to both the Federation and the Empire, and that all children over the age of three know.

There was thunderous applause in the complex. The students of Ewha University were very gratified. Although some knowledgeable students saw that this wonderful black mecha was just an M-series prototype and was not an opponent of the opponent at all, they were already happy enough to be able to instruct someone.

Xu Le in the black mecha didn't know that thousands of people were watching his every move through the light curtain. He just woke up, accepted the request to fight, and then saw the gesture of the mecha behind the door.

The person sitting in the mecha was not Tai Zhiyuan, but probably an exchange student from a hospital for training. Xu Le came to this conclusion very simply, and then more simply responded to the other person's insulting gesture with his middle finger.

Because he was in a bad mood these days.

Xu Le thought that this was just a closed battle space with no audience, so he acted very naturally and sent the start command to the other party through the communicator.

This is his first actual combat drill of manipulating a mecha. He thought in his heart, with his level of 6th grade for more than ten seconds, of course he couldn't be the opponent of these beautiful children of the military academy.

The black mecha looks clumsy, but in fact the route forward is the most standard straight line without any deviation. Coupled with Xu Le's silent and unpleasant mood at this time, the operation of the mecha is unreasonable. A trace of heroism.

The distance of 20 meters was just around the corner, and the black mecha's extremely sharp kick directly hit the root of the blue-black mecha's mechanical leg!

The blue-black mecha fell to the sky inconceivably, and fell on the alloy ground with a loud bang.

Xu Le in the black mecha looked at the display on the light screen incredulously, thinking to himself, why did the other party fall? Although he was very satisfied with the anger, speed, and accuracy of his foot, he also confirmed that the balance sensor hidden at the root of the mechanical leg would shift instantly once it was hit by a strong forty-two-degree angle. , resulting in a brief failure of the mecha's balance control system... But why didn't this blue-black mecha resist? Xu Le was puzzled and couldn't believe that he, a rookie, could defeat a top student in the first academy. Could it be that the other party... is a rookie among the rookies