The Outrageously Fierce Young Lady

Chapter 168


Hearing the voice, Lan Mei looked at Xiao Lan, and seeing that he was a handsome young man again, Lan Mei had to sigh Zi Luo's good luck, her ability to attract bees and butterflies is really not small, just a trip to the false land During the trip to the sea, he still met such a handsome guy. And she was either blocked by the black mist in the sea of illusory, or discriminated against. She became more and more depressed.

"Lan Mei, go to Xingyun Liushui and help Yang Xiangtian and the others to form a mercenary group. I will let Xiyan contact you if there is something to do." Hearing that Ziluo asked her to return to Xingyunliushui, Lan Mei's depressed expression was immediately swept away. Kong, she doesn't want to stay in this place that discriminates against monsters for a quarter of an hour. Now that it's good, Master Ziluo gives an order, and of course she has to execute it immediately.

"Okay, Master Ziluo, be careful!" This sentence comes from the heart. For Ziluo, Lan Mei admires her from the bottom of her heart, and her gratitude to her is like a surging river.

"Well, you are also careful." The word "be careful" came out of Zi Luo's mouth, which immediately made Lan Mei's eyes blush. Her little master is actually caring about them, which made her not know how to express her feelings up.

"Go ahead and form a mercenary group. I want your help." It was another word of plea, which made Lan Mei seem to be floating in the sky at this time, in the clouds and fog, and looked dizzy. Today she was stimulated too much, which made her feel that the world was unreal.

"We will never disappoint your great love." Lan Mei said solemnly as if making an oath.

"I look forward to your brilliant creation!" At this time, Zi Luo simply said, bringing hope for the future formation of the Warcraft Mercenary Group in the Lingwu Continent, allowing the Warcraft Mercenary Group to gain a foothold in the human world.

With Ziluo's anticipation and Ziluo's trust, Lan Mei went to their first home after leaving the foggy forest with enthusiasm, a home with Ziluo, and the home they protected .

Seeing the happy face of Lan Mei and the appearance of being trusted by Zi Luo, Xiao Lan is very envious, looking at Zi Luo, there is a hint of accusation in her eyes, Xiao Lan with big eyes flashing, at this time in Zi Luo In his eyes, he obviously looked like he was being slaughtered, a harmless animal, but he didn't know that his power shocked anyone.

"Xiaolan, hide!" Since the gate of death does not allow monsters to enter, then Xiaolan, who is the spirit of the ice and fire double dragon sword, might also be blocked from the gate of death. It's time to call it out again.

"Swipe!" An alternating fire and blue light shot into Zi Luo's forehead, and a small ice and fire double dragon sword with red and blue dragons intertwined was immediately displayed on the forehead.

Just when Ziluo jumped into the sky and wanted to enter the gate of death, a purple light was lit, and Ziluo was blocked from the purple light, and then he heard a very sorry and Qian Bian's words, "The number of people in this gate exceeds the standard, and you are not allowed to enter. "

Feeling the blue charm's mood at that time, Zi Luo now has the urge to go berserk. If someone is a monster, you can block it, and discriminate against it, because choosing to become a monster is not something she can control. Now there is such a thing, the number of people exceeds the standard, oh, the number of people who can't die exceeds the standard.

There was no other way, Zi Luo had no choice but to enter another door of life that no one had chosen. Just as he was about to open the door, the hateful voice sounded again, "Weapons are not allowed to be brought in."

"Damn it!" Zi Luo frowned, she had already put away Xiaolan's weapon, and put all the other items in the ring. Now she can be said to have nothing to worry about. If she hadn't considered the abnormality of the two doors, she would not have summoned Xiaolan into her body.

Now the reason for blocking her out was weapons, she had to think carefully whether the person who built the palace was playing with them.

"Master, you're talking about me!" Black Star Stone slowly crawled out of Ziluo's room, and flew in front of Ziluo's.

Without saying a word, Zi Luo put the Black Star Stone into the ring, this time the gate was unimpeded for Zi Luo, Zi Luo easily pushed open the gate, and headed towards the treasure inside the gate of life.

After passing through the gate of death, everyone felt dizzy for a while, but when they woke up, they had already appeared in another place, a huge square carved from white marble.

On the square, two majestic ancient mythical beasts Pixiu stand on both sides, and two golden dragons hovering together are carved on the top of their heads.

Although they were carved, the aura they give people is so shocking. The majestic aura radiates from the statues, and this aura gives them the feeling of real coercion. Especially Murong Yichen who had seen Pixiu and the golden dragon.

While everyone was still lamenting such a masterpiece, a burst of purple light lit up, and everyone hurriedly looked around at each other subconsciously. It doesn't matter if you look at it, after this look, everyone is stunned, not for anything else, just because they can only see their own shadow in this place, and there is no one else.

"Where are people?" There was a trace of inexplicable horror on the faces of everyone, their faces turned pale suddenly, their hearts trembled, and then they looked around again. After scanning for a long time, they still didn't find anyone else beside them. He took a deep breath and let out a long sigh.

It seems that this treasure hunt depends on them alone. Just after they realized this, purple light lit up on everyone's bodies. This purple light was not something else, but the beam of light that was hit by the purple light when they first entered.

When the light is on, they all have a feeling of being led away, especially when the purple light flashes, they will take a step forward or to the side. Although their consciousness is not restrained, their actions seem to be in harmony with his consciousness. It doesn't match, as if someone is walking according to the footsteps.

Knowing that he can't be led, but his footsteps don't follow his orders, and wherever Ziguang goes, his footsteps will go. When the consciousness couldn't keep up with the pace, everyone was horrified, and they began to have instinctive fear of the Ziji Temple.

When the purple light pulling them disappeared, Ye Zhihao inexplicably appeared in a secret room emitting raging flames.

After Ye Zhihao appeared in the secret room, the flames in the secret room did not attack him, but burned quietly in their respective places. Although the flames in the secret room were burning fiercely, Ye Zhihao couldn't feel a trace of heat. It seemed that these flames were just decorations, but they were made a little more realistically.

(end of this chapter)