The Outrageously Fierce Young Lady

Chapter 192


Zi Luo only felt that she fell into the embrace of Qinghe Xiang, such gentleness made people feel at ease. However, rain fell from the top of her head, dripping onto her skin and into the bottom of her heart one drop after another.

Pushing Murong Yichen away, she saw Murong Yichen's affectionate eyes, his slightly red and swollen eyes, and his gradually thinning figure. She didn't know that they had been waiting for her here for half a year.

In the past six months, they have not been looking forward to a day, looking forward to the figures of Zi Luo and Ye Zhihao, looking forward to their appearance in front of them again.

Day after day, month after month, half a year, when they were disheartened, Zi Luo suddenly appeared, which revived their hearts.

"Brother Yichen, I'm fine!" Zi Luo pushed Murong Yichen away, looked around, and found that everyone looked weak, maybe her disappearance made them worried.

When she looked around and found that Ye Zhihao was not there, her heart fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and she asked, "Brother Hao hasn't come back yet?" Zi Luo's lips trembled, her shoulders twitched, and she looked abandoned. look like.

Seeing Zi Luo's expression, everyone wanted to tell her that Ye Zhihao had returned, he was only seriously injured and needed to recuperate, so don't worry.

But they couldn't say it out, they knew that what Zi Luo hated most was betrayal and deception, they didn't want Zi Luo to hate her, and they looked like they couldn't answer.

They all closed their lips together, wanting to speak, but unable to.

"Hehe... haven't come back yet, haven't come back yet!" At this moment, Zi Luo has fallen into a state of madness. Although she has already got the answer, she still can't believe it, because she has not recognized her brother and sister for a long time, because she has no protection. Good for them, for her own selfishness.

When Zi Luo was awake, she left with her sword. She was afraid that if she was not careful, she would hurt them, and they would not rise up to resist.

When Zi Luo summoned the Ice and Fire Double Dragon Sword, everyone was very nervous. They were afraid that Zi Luo would leave their sight if he didn't check any of them. This time they guessed well.

When the Ice and Fire Double Dragon Sword became bigger and bigger, Zi Luo sat on the sword, turned around and rushed out. Wherever he passed, there were flying sand, rocks, and blood all over the sky. Of course, this blood was the dark monster that blocked Zi Luo's progress.

Across the sea level, Zi Luo raised his head to the sky and roared, with endless coercion and pain in his roar, "Ah..." He couldn't vent the hatred and anger in his heart.

All of a sudden, there was a strong wind over the sea of emptiness, and Ziluo slashed at the calm sea with one sword after another. In Ziluo's sword, sand and rocks flew, and beasts galloped, one by one jumped out of the sea level, towards Swimming in a deeper direction, they could not withstand Zi Luo's desperate attack.

Although the range of the attack is very light, they are still unbearable, especially when Zi Luo is in a state of madness.

When Ye Zhihao was sent outside by the purple light, the demon hidden in Zi Luo's body began to recover, and her whole body was surrounded by the red light, like the rising sun, her whole body was red .

The jade hanging around her neck, which symbolizes the prince of the devil world, is shining white at this moment, as if calling, as if relieving Zi Luo's demon nature.

"Ah..." He raised his head to the sky and roared, with endless anger and killing intent, the voice resounded through the sky and shook the heavens.

Even Shui Xizawa and Bai Yafeng who were far away in Lingwu Academy heard Ziluo's roar, and they sensed the unwillingness in the roar, the disgust for the world, and most of all, the demonic nature of wanting to destroy everything.

The two were terrified, and hurried to the place where Zi Luo made the sound again. Along with them were the four great families of Lingwu Continent and some hermit families. They all felt as if the devil was about to wake up.

At this time, Ziluo didn't realize how much trouble this "going crazy" caused, but now she was venting non-stop, venting the unquenchable anger and hatred for herself.

She hated why she didn't recognize Ye Zhihao and the others early; she hated why her abilities were so shallow; she hated why she came to the Sea of Illusion. of righteousness.

She hated herself so much that she was in a state of madness. Without a purpose, the sky full of sword energy swayed on the sea level of the Sea of Illusion.

"Ah..." The sky-shattering roar echoed in the sea of emptiness, the voice was extremely shrill, the voice became more and more sharp, and the voice became more and more sharp, as if to express all the hatred in this life through this roar.

The jade around her neck became brighter and hotter, but Zi Luo didn't feel anything, she just wanted to vent the resentment she couldn't vent in her heart.

Mo Tianao, who was far away in the demon world, sensed Zi Luo's state at this time, immediately put down everything in his hand, and hurried to the direction where Zi Luo was.

The jade that Mo Tianao gave to Ziluo to symbolize the status of the prince of the demon world is actually a yin-yang stone, one yin and one male, and what he gave to Ziluo is a yin jade, which is why he was so surprised when the jade was inlaid on Ziluo's neck.

Now that his Yang Yushi felt the radiance of Yin Yushi, could it be considered that something happened to Zi Luo, and the situation was serious.

I rushed to Ziluo's place non-stop, and found that Ziluo's eyes were red at the moment, and his soul seemed to be out of his body.

Moreover, she brandished her sword, hitting the sea level with one sword after another, and even the sea level of the Sea of Illusion was under Zi Luo's constant bombardment, and a ditch was cut out.

Zi Luo is still waving the Ice and Fire Double Dragon Sword. While Zi Luo is waving the Ice and Fire Double Dragon Sword, the red and blue colors appear alternately. He is very worried about Zi Luo's situation. If this continues, she will be possessed. You can no longer reply.

"Master, master..." The bead at Yuanying's place called Ziluo over and over again, calling again and again, hoping that Ziluo could recognize the reality.

"Master, master..." The beasts in the contract space kept calling, hoping that Zi Luo could wake up.

However, at this moment, the light on Zi Luo's body became more vigorous and hotter, and the Ziyang Tianhuo and Liuqi Haohuayan in her body also jumped out of her body without calling. When I saw this scene.

(end of this chapter)