The Outrageously Fierce Young Lady

Chapter 193


The six qi good fortune flames and the Ziluo added by the Ziyang Tianhuo made Mo Tianao not close, and when he got close to Ziluo, he felt a burning pain in his soul.

Looking at the crazy Ziluo, a touch of distress appeared in Mo Tianao's eyes. What is the reason that made her become what she is now? What happened that made her fall into such a crazy state.

Seeing the devilish energy on Zi Luo's body getting heavier and heavier, Mo Tianao's heart became more and more anxious. He also guessed the possibility. Obsession, and it is the most serious kind.

Mo Tianao made up his mind that even if his soul was burned, he would not care about it. He wanted to wake her up, wake up the last feeling in her heart, and he couldn't let her go on like this anymore.

When he was about to approach, suddenly one after another purple light shot out from Zi Luo's body, wrapping Zi Luo in the purple light.

And the Six Qi Good Fortune Flame and Ziyang Tianhuo on her body were also surrounded by purple light, and fell silent in Ziluo's body again, while Mo Tianao, who was blocked outside, had a stupid expression.

What the hell is this purple light? It can actually force back the flames on Zi Luo's body, and it appeared spontaneously without any summons, as if he knew he was going to rescue Zi Luo.

Zi Luo, who was wrapped in the purple light, was now as calm as a sleeping baby, without a trace of madness or ferocious expression on her face. At this moment, she was the most pure and beautiful person in the world.

At the moment when she was far away from the strife and the hustle and bustle, she was so ethereal and unreal, and Zi Luo, wrapped in purple light, began to sink her heart and soul. This "crazy" hurt her muscles and bones, and she needed to recuperate.

When the purple light receded, Zi Luo, who was not under any control, just fell down like that, Mo Tianao took a leap and hugged Zi Luo, and the moment he touched Zi Luo's body, Mo Tianao's body trembled slightly, Because he doesn't like anyone touching his body.

It was also the first time that someone got so close to him, and it was he who took the initiative, holding Zi Luo in his arms, seeing Zi Luo's peaceful sleeping face, something called happiness suddenly surged in Mo Tianao's heart.

Hugging Zi Luo even tighter, holding her in her arms carefully like a treasure, the tenderness in her eyes seems to be dripping out.

If they are seen by insiders, they will think that the sky is about to collapse, the earth is about to crack, and a person who is decisive in killing and has never spoken of any kindness will show such a gentle expression, and a person with gentle eyes People are still the human beings that he hates the most.

"Luoluo, sleep at ease, I will take you to my place, no one will bully you there, I promise you!" Mo Tianao promised to Ziluo who was still sleeping road.

At this moment, Zi Luo didn't have any sense, she sank into her mind, she closed everything, she wanted to go on like this, don't care about hatred, don't care about everything, she just wanted to sleep like this forever.

Mo Tianao hugged Zi Luo tightly, and flew towards the Demon Realm with one leap.

When Murong Yichen and the others arrived, they saw a handsome man who brought Ziluo and took her away right in front of their eyes, leaving behind a bleak figure. They who hadn't become saints couldn't do it at all. Flying, even with the use of flying scrolls, their speed could not keep up with Mo Tianao's.

They just watched Zi Luo being taken away from them, and they just stared at Mo Tianao's leaving direction in a daze.

And when Shui Nishizawa, Bai Yafeng and the others arrived, they saw that the gifted students of Lingwu Academy all had dumbfounded expressions, as if their souls had gone out of their bodies.

When they saw a moat was cut out of the surface of the Sea of Illusion, the expressions on their faces were also filled with surprise. No sea water entered from the moat, but sea water was still flowing on both sides of the split. , and it still looks calm.

They had to sigh, how much power was used to swing this sword, and what kind of weapon could have such power to split the sea level in half so violently.

When they thought that it was a high-level artifact, everyone's faces showed ecstasy and greed again. They entered the ocean wind cave, but they didn't get anything, and they also lost a lot of god-level powerhouses.

Take the four major families as an example. The loss is not one or two god-level elders. At that time, their four major families dispatched almost all the god-level powerhouses. They all hope that when the four major families compete, they can get words. right.

Entering the Ocean Wind Cave to obtain the Ocean Crystal, Flame Crystal, and Ocean Heart is what they have been looking forward to for a long time. When the competition of the four major families is approaching, if they can get these three things, how much will their strength increase? They can't imagine.

And they also invited many refining masters to refine equipment for their family, because according to past experience, they can get a lot of spar and the heart of the ocean.

Who would have thought that this time he lost his wife and lost his army, without any benefits. The god-level powerhouses of the four major families lost more than half, especially the elders of the Ye family. They actually lost two-thirds. How they couldn't believe the result.

They began to complain about the second elder, Ye Huapu. If he could give a drop of his heart and soul, their Ye family would not lose such a god-level powerhouse. With all their heart and soul, their Ye family would not participate in this trip to the Sea of Illusion.

The answer is no, how could the greedy hearts of human beings not explore because they have too much, they not only have to guard their own things, but also want to covet things that do not belong to them, because other people's things are good.

Looking at the thoughtful faces of the crowd, Shui Nishizawa had no choice but to ask. They, who had disappeared for half a year, actually appeared together above the Sea of Illusion at this moment, and they were shocked to see them standing in the air, but they were relieved after seeing the virtual wings behind them.

Flying scrolls, they actually have one, should they be so exaggerated, or should they be so bare-bones to lure them.

(end of this chapter)