The Outrageously Fierce Young Lady

Chapter 203


Because when Ye Zhihao held the small sword tightly, he found that the blade was fluctuating constantly, as if he didn't want him to hold it, trembling all the time, wanting to fly away, but Ye Zhihao held the sword tightly, and drops of blood seeped into the sword middle.

When the blood soaked the sword body, the sword body was suddenly radiant, and Ye Zhihao closed his eyes with the dazzling brilliance, the brilliance dissipated, and a small person appeared in Ye Zhihao's sea of consciousness, his whole body wrapped in golden light .

"Master, see you Golden Dragon!" The little man bowed to Ye Zhihao, acknowledging Ye Zhihao's status as master.

Ye Zhihao was stunned, he didn't expect that this sword already had a weapon spirit, and the level of this weapon spirit is not low, although he is wrapped in golden light, and he looks like a villain by sound and shape, but, But he had a very strong feeling that the level of this sword was not low.

And judging from the fluctuations in the sword spirit's body, he has a very strong evil spirit, which is a kind of fierce aura that only a person who kills the world and kills the world has. Ye Zhihao suddenly wanted to throw the sword down, because he found that he couldn't control the fierce momentum on the sword, and he didn't want to be controlled by the sword spirit.

"Good apprentice, don't panic. This sword is the sword I carry with me. Follow me to kill all the people in the world. He has already recognized you as master, so he will not hurt you. Take good control of this sword. I look forward to your return." Grow, go, go back to where you belong.

Of course, if you have no place to go after you leave this continent, you can come to me, I welcome you to disturb me. As long as you put a drop of your heart and blood on this jade pendant, I can find you, so make good use of this jade pendant! "Hao Lian Wudi finished his sentence.

A piece of purple jade pendant appeared in Ye Zhihao's hands, and the jade pendant depicted the appearance of the Ziji Temple. Suddenly, a purple light shot from the jade pendant into Ye Zhihao's eyebrows, and the jade pendant was tightly attached to Ye Zhihao. On Hao's neck, Ren Yezhihao couldn't pull it off no matter how much he pulled.

Since he was unable to pull it off, he could only accept it passively, and Ye Zhihao didn't care about it. When he shook his head, he suddenly found that there were many things in his mind. This was probably a gift from Hao Lianwudi.

Of course, Ye Zhihao's god-level equipment is also indispensable. Ye Zhihao scraped away all the things in the secret room and threw them all into the ring. If Bai Ze saw it, he would probably roll his eyes again, because Ye Zhihao is also a robber. After he left the secret room, there was nothing left behind, only an empty secret room and a big hole that he split open.

When he came out of the secret room, Ye Zhihao raised his head to the sky and let out an angry roar, both suppressed and excited, all released in this roar.

And Zi Luo, who was far away in the demon world, seemed to sense it. At the same time as Ye Zhihao yelled, Sleeping Beauty, who had been sleeping for half a year, suddenly opened her eyes at this moment, with a pair of eyes like the sun, moon and stars. His eyes were shining with purple brilliance, which was particularly bright and dazzling in Mo Tianao's dark room.

"Are you awake?" With endless joy, when Mo Tianao saw Zi Luo wake up, he was so excited that he couldn't even express his words clearly. What he actually wanted to express was, are you in good health? Unexpectedly, he would pop out such a sentence, obviously opened his eyes, if this is not waking up, how can it be considered waking up.

Zi Luo sat up slowly, looked around, and then fixed her eyes on Mo Tianao, who had been calling her for half a year, and smiled softly at him, she was very grateful to him, if he was not in her ear day and night Calling her, maybe she has already closed herself, maybe she has already been enchanted, maybe her soul does not know where to wander.

Seeing Zi Luo smiling at him, at this moment, Mo Tianao's heart was pounding, like a deer hitting his heart, he clutched his chest, he didn't know what it felt like, he only knew how it felt at this moment Wonderful, so unforgettable.

Zi Luo didn't care about the expression on Mo Tianao's face at the moment, because after waking up, she found that there were many things in her mind, some scattered fragments, some unknown secrets, like a movie playing intermittently. Yes, without continuity.

The most important thing is that there is an extra figure in my mind, a woman in a purple robe, I can't see her face clearly, every time I want to get close, it will become blurred, like the moon in a flower mirror in the water, forever Can't even touch the edge.

There are still a few ethereal voices calling her, these voices are full of longing, full of attachment to her, just like Yizhu and Xiaolan at that time.

In her deep sleep, she couldn't tell whether it was a dream or a real existence. Why did it give her such a familiar feeling, as if it was a part of her body, and these should not be what Ye Ziluo should have.

So whose memory fragments belong to? And what is the true identity of this body? And who is that ethereal and unreal woman? Why does her heart ache when she thinks of this woman, like meeting a man trapped in the lotus platform. What kind of relationship does she have with them

These are all unknown mysteries, these are waiting for her to explore, waiting for her to discover, is this the mission that Ziming gave her to come here

Seeing Zi Luo ecstatically immersed in his own world, Mo Tianao couldn't help but speak again, "Are you okay?" The voice was so soft that even he couldn't believe it, it floated softly like a feather in the two among people.

"I'm fine, thank you!" There was a slight hoarseness in the voice, it was the voice after speaking for the first time after a long time.

Ziluo took out the spiritual spring water from Ziming, moistened her throat, and continued, "How long have I been in a coma?" She didn't know how long she had been in a coma, she felt as if she had been asleep for centuries.

"Not long, half a year!" Still telling in a low voice, Mo Tianao felt very satisfied to be able to talk to her like this, the smile on his face has not diminished, and it seems to have signs of enlargement. He knows Zi Luo's question. He talked endlessly, as long as he could help her, even if he killed all the people in the world, he would not frown.

"Half a year!" You sighed, half a year can change a lot, half a year can be a vicissitudes of life, it can be fleeting, it can be eternal, it can be thousands of years in the blink of an eye, many things change in the blink of an eye , especially the human heart.

(end of this chapter)