The Outrageously Fierce Young Lady

Chapter 67


After finishing off the ape, Zi Luo came to Hong Xinya, took out blood coagulation pill and fed it to Hong Xinya again, when Hong Xinya saw Zi Luo standing opposite her, her heart was beating violently, and her cheeks were flushed , Try to lower your head down, not daring to look at Zi Luo. Zi Luo didn't say much, took out his sword and slashed at the ape, took out the magic crystal and continued to move forward, as long as he got another third-order spirit beast magic crystal, he would pass the examination.

At this time, Mo Xiaochen and Min Yanbin on the other side were not so lucky. Along the way, they only encountered a few first- and second-tier monsters, and they were done in a few clicks. It was not challenging at all.

Within three days, if no magic crystal was found, the assessment would be considered a failure.

It seems that they have to take the initiative to attack, otherwise they will wait until the time of Warcraft's arrival. If people knew what they were thinking at this time, they would definitely think they were fools, and only fools would take the initiative to provoke Warcraft.

Following the coercion left by the spirit beast, the two slowly approached a cave. Before they got close to the cave, they were startled by a loud noise, which was the sound of the sixth-order spirit beast Ground Back Dragon .

Once the monsters in Lingwu Continent hook up with the dragon, the strength of the monsters will definitely be higher than the average level of monsters. Although the concentration of the dragon's blood in the ground back dragon's body couldn't be lower, it is still called a dragon anyway, so the combat power of a sixth-level ground-back dragon is about the same as that of a seventh-level one.

But Min Yanbin and the others, a five-sword silver swordsman and a one-sword silver swordsman, were evenly matched against the fifth-order spirit beast Dibeilong.

When it sensed that humans came near the cave where it lived, it quickly crawled out of the cave. At this time, Min Yanbin and the two of them exuded a strong fighting spirit. The sixth-level back dragon, they made money, and they didn't need to find other monsters. As long as they killed the back dragon, they could go to Ziluo.

The war between the two sides was imminent.

The ground back dragon found that the eyes of the two humans standing opposite it were neither fear nor panic, let alone shivering, but only a strong fighting spirit. One smiled like a spring breeze, and the other was cold and expressionless. The ground back dragon is so angry, these two humans don't seem to take it seriously.

It was full of anger, and a dragon's tail immediately swept towards Min and Mo. Wherever the dragon's tail swept, no grass grew, the hills became flat, and rocks flew around. The dragon on the back is so proud, there will be people under the sweep of its dragon's tail , things exist, it seems that the two boys have now been reduced to dust and disappeared in the wind.

But, what did it see, it actually saw the two boys standing in another place just now, one was still smiling like a spring breeze, and the other was cold and expressionless. Who were the two people it swept with its dragon tail just now, it didn't realize it in a daze.

When the tail of the groundback dragon swept towards them, Min and Mo used the acceleration boots to increase their own speed, making their speed reach the limit. What the groundback dragon's tail swept just now was just a trail they left behind. Afterimage.

The hatred of the ground-backed dragon, in its long history, has never been so aggrieved as it is today. Its dragon tail is invincible. I didn't expect it to fall on these two young boys like this today. It's really frustrating It's old.

Without further ado, a dragon's breath was aimed at Min and Mo, and a fire dragon attacked them with a force of destruction. , is it still going to be reduced to ashes under its dragon breath.

At this time, Min and Mo looked calm, and calmly pulled out the red-tasseled spear and flame sword from the space ring, each spear and sword were wrapped in flames, which were not weaker than the dragon's breath of the ground-backed dragon, and the two joined forces to resist the ground-backed dragon The dragon's breath, one attacked and the other attacked, the cooperation was incomparable tacit, and the ground back dragon was "scrambled" by the two.

Min Yanbin took advantage of this gap, and the red-tasseled gun kept spinning to form a circle, using his strength to hit the ground back dragon. Before the ground back dragon could react, it was hit by its own dragon's breath. It really couldn't figure out why it sprayed The outgoing dragon's breath will attack it.

When the dragon's breath spread all over the body, the scorching pain made it scream. Min and Mo took advantage of its illness to kill it, and stabbed it with a spear and a sword, and only heard two "stabs" and penetrated into the bone marrow , Dibeilong didn't hold on for long, then rolled his eyes and passed out.

Like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, the two of them put all the valuable things on the back dragon into the space ring. The corpses of sixth-order spirit beasts are very valuable, especially the dragon blood of the back dragon, which is quite valuable.

The two who finished the task ahead of schedule were very excited, which meant that they could go to Ziluo, and it was a really good feeling to meet her in advance. Mo Xiaochen was full of smiles, and even Min Yanbin had a smile in his eyes Pass.

On the other side, Ye Zhiling and Ling Chang were walking, looking for a monster that could be attacked, but their luck was also quite unlucky. It had been almost a day, and they still hadn't found a monster higher than the fifth level.

While lamenting that there were no high-level monsters, a second-level spirit beast koala suddenly sprang out from behind a rockery. The koala exuded a strong earth element, and its cloudy eyes were fixed on Ye and Ling. .

The two looked terrified, they didn't expect the second-order spirit beast to come, Ye Zhiling began to mobilize the elements of her body, Ling Chang took the sword in her hand and rushed towards the koala.

The five-tailed bear has thick skin and thick flesh and is good at physical attacks. Seeing Ling Chang stabbing with a sword, he raised his giant palm and waved towards Ling Chang. With a "click", Ling Chang only felt a pain in his arm, and the bone in the hand holding the sword shattered. .

Ye Zhiling was shocked, and shattered the arm of a high-level Nine Swords swordsman with one palm, causing the hand holding the sword to shatter. Ling Chang immediately lost his fighting power. It seems that the only way to defeat this bear is to rely on own up.

One after another, Ye Zhiling's small fireballs attacked the koala. The koala waved its paw indifferently to keep the small fireballs out of its body. The extremely small fireball made it very irritable, and it strode up to Ye Zhiling. Although its body was as strong as a hill, its flexibility was not inferior to the wind monsters at all.

Ye Zhiling could only watch helplessly as the giant palm of the koala hit her, "Bang!" It was the sound of the giant palm hitting her body, and Ye Zhiling was sent flying on the spot.

Ye Zhiling closed her eyes unwillingly, she didn't expect death to come so soon, the revenge of her parents has not been avenged, and the most important thing is that her sister has not been found, how could she die like this. After not feeling any pain for a long time, Ye Zhiling opened her eyes and saw the surprised-looking koala in the distance. She found that she was fine. She finally remembered that she was wearing the divine robe that Zi Luo gave her, no wonder she would be fine.

(end of this chapter)