The Outrageously Fierce Young Lady

Chapter 7


Martial arts in Lingwu Continent focus on strength, and win with strength, while most of the exercises practiced in Guwu Continent rely on flexibility and lightness to win. If you combine the two, what will happen? Zi Luo thinks about it, and the more he thinks, the more Excited, I immediately practiced in the yard, and immediately entered the state of ecstasy.

In the evening, Ziluo, who was already in the foundation building stage, sat cross-legged in the courtyard and bathed in the moonlight. Under the moonlight, Ziluo looked very beautiful. Her long flowing purple hair hung vertically behind her head, and she was set off by her pure white clothes. The skin is even more crystal clear, with crescent eyebrows, apricot cheeks and peach face, red lips and white teeth, faintly mixed with lotus fragrance, like a fairy descending from the mortal world, like an elf falling from the mortal world. Ziluo slowly absorbed the aura between heaven and earth, filled the body with aura, attracted aura like Dantian, sat in meditation for two hours, absorbed a lot of aura, Ziluo's skin was rosy, blown can break, eyesight It's like autumn water, and the air is like orchids.

Every day is spent in a compact way. Half a year later, Zi Luo is cultivating desperately. The magic level has broken through to a one-star seven-line magic king, a third-level bronze swordsman, and the peak state of the foundation-building period. Fingering, grappling hands, saber techniques, and body techniques have been learned almost, but they lack actual combat experience and martial arts skills.

Since discovering a lot of medicinal materials in the outskirts of the forest (haven't gone deep into the fantasy forest yet, on the one hand, not enough strength, on the other hand), Ziluo has collected many precious medicinal materials non-stop, such as making special medicines for spirit beasts. To eat, the Bisui Pills that can increase the power of spirit beasts, although I don't know if the monsters here can eat Bisui Pills to increase their level;

The pill of continuation of broken hands and feet in martial arts, this pill can be continued without showing any traces, its effect is extremely effective, very suitable for mercenary groups wandering around; Peiyuan Dan: Violet in the wall and crystal raw water can make It is a simple pill, which has little effect on cultivators, but if it is taken by ordinary people, its effect is like a elixir, and it will be even better if it is taken by people who practice martial arts.

In order to make these three kinds of elixirs, Ziluo ran all over the periphery of the fantasy forest. The emperor paid off. After three months, he finally collected the medicinal materials for making these three kinds of elixirs. After the collection, Ziluo began to refine medicines again. , the amount of mental power consumed in refining medicine is as much as one can imagine.

Although after Zi Luo's death, his body was turned into pieces, but his soul was preserved, so the spiritual power of his extraordinary cultivation base was still preserved at that time, but at present, because of his insufficient cultivation base and the lack of Sanwei Zhenhuo, So it is still a little difficult to refine these three kinds of elixirs with the current cultivation base, but who is Ziluo, a genius in the cultivation world, will not stop making elixirs for his own reasons.

Ziluo slowly put the medicinal materials into the cauldron, while using fire magic to burn the bottom of the pot, while using water magic to condense the medicinal materials. As time went by, Ziluo output a lot of magic power, and the mental power was also lost very quickly. A strong medicinal fragrance floated out of the pot. It seemed that the alchemy was completed. With a "buzz", the alchemy was completed. Immediately, he took out the jade bottle (the one held in the ring, a kind of storage), and found that there were 300 pills Suiwan, and then began to refine Jiexu Dan and Peiyuan Dan, and obtained 300 pills from the same refining. Although he was exhausted, he saw the crystal clear pill in the jade bottle.

Zi Luo smiled happily. Since Ye Qingtian and his wife passed away, Zi Luo has not been so happy. Looking at these elixirs, I think that there will be a lot of guarantees when I go out in the future, although these elixirs are not the most expensive and precious in the cultivation world. Yes, but for the Lingwu Continent, these pills are against the sky. The current cultivation base can only refine these pills, but when you enter the Nascent Soul Stage, you can get more advanced ones from the Ziming Bracelet. The elixir and medicinal materials will definitely set off a storm by then.

For the current Ziluo, cultivation can no longer meet her own needs, and what she has to do now is to grow through the experience, so Ziluo decided to set off to the forest.

Stepping on the road to the inside of the forest, the aura inside is indeed stronger than the outside. The feeling of being able to advance at any time is really fucking cool. No wonder so many people want to enter the fantasy forest, although the fantasy forest is one of the four dangerous places. One, but in the face of countless elixirs and refining materials that can be promoted at any time, human beings still flock to them, because strength determines everything. Without strength, life is worthless. In the eyes of experts, it is like an ant. exist.

As soon as she stepped into the fantasy forest, a force of ninth-order monsters attacked Ziluo. Facing the pressure of a large number of ninth-order monsters, Ziluo didn't take it seriously. Her spiritual power was in the realm of immortality. I am afraid that no one in Lingwu Continent can surpass her, even if it is a god-level powerhouse or a super-beast, it is the same for Zi Luo, so Zi Luo doesn't pay attention to such a small coercion. inside.

I don’t know if Ziluo has a relationship with wolves, or it’s more unlucky. The first monster Ziluo encountered in Lingwu Continent was jackals (the descendants of magic foxes and magic wolves), and this time they lived in the small courtyard. Months later, the first face-to-face confrontation came, and it turned out to be the jackal's ancestor... the ninth-level peak fire wolf, a highly gregarious monster. Facing a group of fierce wolves, Zi Luo's mood suddenly became extremely high. Ever since he was promoted to the third-level bronze swordsman, he hadn't used any physical violence, and he didn't know how well he had practiced martial arts for half a year. Today , use the fire wolf to try the power after promotion.

Under the leadership of the seventh-level spirit beast Fire Wolf King, the fire wolves quickly formed a circle, surrounded Zi Luo into the circle, and then performed the fire wolf's unique skill... Huowu Lieyang, fire dragons poured from the mouths of those fire wolves He came out and rushed towards Ziluo with a scorching breath. Facing the fire dance and scorching sun performed by thirty or forty fire wolves, Zi Luo didn't feel careless at all. As long as it didn't endanger her own safety, Zi Luo didn't intend to show her true self-cultivation. Zi Luo knew the eternal truth a long time ago, so after Zi Luo decided to appear in front of the world as a sword master in the Lingwu Continent, unless there was an emergency.

A layer of icy-blue dou qi instantly covered the body surface, and moved Lingbo Weibu, specially drilling into the fire dragon's neutral position. After a shower of fire, when the fire wolf's magic power was scarce, Zi Luo jumped out of the encirclement and took out the dagger , raised the knife in his hand and dropped, one by one wolf heads fell to the ground, the sound of "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping" came one after another, and bright red ninth-level fire wolf magic crystals also rolled down to the ground.

(end of this chapter)