The Overbearing Aura is Spilling Over

Chapter 76: Sword Intent Conference (Fifteen)


The moment his knee touched the ground, Zhan Zhan could almost hear the crisp sound of his bones, and the pain went all the way from his knee to his thigh. He barely raised his arm to block the punch in front, and was slapped hard on the back of the head.

The head is the human headquarters, even with the sword energy to protect the body, he was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a pain in the side of his thigh, and was kicked out.

He rolled on the ground, hit the ground face down, teeth hit his lips, and the smell of blood spread from the subtle pain. He stood on the ground with one hand, and just as he was about to get up, he felt a gust of wind blowing from the right side, and subconsciously raised his right hand.

But a figure inserted between him and Jin Feng even faster, blocking the attack abruptly!

... Isn't it evil

Zhan Zhan knelt on the ground, shook his head, regained his sanity a little, turned around and found that it was not Han Feixie who was standing in front of him, but a heavy blow!

Han Feixie was not far from Shen Yijian, and his opponents had increased from three to five. The situation was not as optimistic as it was at the beginning.

"Are you okay?"

Zhan Zhan was stunned.

The person who spoke was Shen Yijian. He was extremely fast, better than Zhan Zhan, and his shots were fast and accurate. His only weakness was that he took too few shots. From when Zhan Zhan woke up to when he stood up, Shen Yijian only shot once. It was the opponent who attacked him all the time and fled, but the quality of the only shot was very high. The slap marks on Wei Sheng's face can prove it.


Wei Sheng? !

Only then did Zhan Zhan react, "You?"

Shen gave him a blank look.

Zhan Zhan seemed to understand something.

Shen said with a blow: "Go help your brother! He exploded just now."

At first, Zhan Zhan didn't hear what Shen Yijian meant by "explosion". When he got closer, he realized that one of the two players from Taikoo College shot slowly, as if he had been seriously injured.

After he joined the battle circle, the players of Taikoo Academy and Baimeng Academy were actually relieved.

Zhan Zhan asked Han Feixie inexplicably, "Do they think I'm here to hold you back?"

Han Feixie looked like his surname, cold as ice, "Are you alright?"

"I got hit on the head and thigh," he licked his lips, "knocked on the mouth, it's okay."

Kong Yanzi moved her arms unnaturally, and said, "Fortunately, you're fine, just now your brother almost died with us." She didn't defend at all, only attacked. Fortunately, his main target was two people from Taikoo Academy. They were involved a little bit and suffered minor injuries.

Zhan Zhan looked at Han Feixie in surprise. In his impression, Han Feixie in the original text is a loyal but very rational person. When he first met Yang Chengqi, he was beaten all over by Qu Su, but Han Feixie knew it without taking action immediately. But now Kong Yanzi actually said that Han Feixie was going to die with him? How could he sacrifice himself so easily without revenge and ambition

Han Feixie suddenly grabbed his arm and dragged him back, "Why are you in a daze?"

Zhan Zhan came back to his senses, aiming at the outstretched fist, he slapped his paw!

Cutting iron like mud claws is an extremely lethal and insidious kung fu, but Zhan Zhan made a merciless attack. The opponent screamed like a pig, and turned over backwards. Zhan Zhan spread his fingers and screamed.

At that moment, he actually tore off a layer of skin!

Although he did it unintentionally, it really shocked his opponent. Melee is not without killing, but there is no such cruel way of killing.

Zhan Zhan was also terrified. Humans and fat beasts are different after all, not to mention that even if it is a fat beast, he has never skinned it alive.

Han Feixie said coldly: "There are still nine hands."

The other four people felt the skin on their hands hurt, and the offensive suddenly slowed down. They thought that Zhan Zhan was the weak link between Han Feixie and Zhan Zhan, but now they are more willing to face Han Feixie.

Han Feixie and Zhan Zhan were originally the two with the highest cultivation bases among all of them. The two had adapted their tactics before, and their opponents were timid about attacking, gradually gaining the upper hand.

"What's going on here? Why did Wei Sheng and Shen Yi hit each other?!" Tao Cheng who hurried over after finishing the matter asked in shock.

No one from Diguang Academy made a sound, but people from Baimeng Academy laughed and said: "Wei Sheng and people from Taikoo Academy attacked Zhan Zhan, Shen Yijian can't see it."

"Diguang Diguang, good character and learning. Aim at your companion and shoot him in the back!"

Everyone except Teiko Academy burst into laughter.

Tao Cheng's face was ashen, looking at Wei Sheng's eyes, he could almost shoot a knife.

Wei Sheng was very calm, coping with Shen Yijian's attack calmly, without any fluctuations on his face.

"I..." The Taikoo Academy player who had a layer of skin on the back of his hand was about to admit defeat, when he saw Han Feixie, who was being pinched by Kong Yanzi and two Baimeng Academy players, jumped up violently and split into several groups in midair. Phantom, one of them suddenly appeared in front of him.

The contestant's partner realized that it was too late to kick Han Feixie's back with his right foot.

Han Feixie poked the man between the eyebrows with his finger, and the man fell to the ground with a muffled grunt!

The audience was silent.

It's not that he hasn't seen a dead person before, but it's the first time that he goes ahead and kills the opponent before he admits defeat. This is no longer a competition, but a vendetta!

"Ah!" Several companions of the slain contestant gave up their opponents and came to kill Han Feixie.

Baimeng Academy and Shengguang Academy spontaneously withdrew from the battlefield, looking for each other to continue.

Wei Sheng and Shen Yijian got entangled, and only Lan Junyuan was left in Diguang College. He watched his opponent abandon him, frowned slightly, his eyes swept over Wei Sheng, and looked at Tao Cheng who was standing beside him.

Tao Cheng's face was livid, his lips were pursed into a line, and when he faced Lan Junyuan, his pupils shrank slightly, but he didn't say a word.

If Lan Junyuan had Zhan Zhan's personality, he would definitely call him cheating at this time. He is here to participate in the competition, what is this all about! But he was not Zhan Zhan, so it only took a few seconds to make a decision, rushing forward to entangle a player from Taikoo Academy.

No matter what his starting point was, this approach relieved Han Feixie and Zhan Zhan a little bit of pressure.

A protracted war is beneficial to those with a high level of cultivation, so Han Feixie didn't make any big moves after the shocking finger, and dragged several people from Taikoo Academy in an orderly manner, intending to use a war of attrition.

But Taikoo Academy is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

They have Nan Yao.

Although Nan Yao is not as good as Han Feixie, he is definitely not mediocre!

Zhan Zhan obviously felt that the pressure on his side was slowly increasing. Among the five members of Taikoo Academy, Han Feixie and Zhan Zhan each had two opponents, and Nan Yao was in the middle to support them. However, Nan Yao's main defensive support was for Han Feixie, but it was an offensive support for Zhan Zhan. After Zhan Zhan's iron-cutting claws appeared, everyone was on guard and lost the effect of attacking him by surprise.

So the situation became a tug of war—whether Nan Yao was dragged down first, or Zhan Zhan was defeated first!

Although Han Feixie had Tianjie Shenshu and Xie Dianfeng's Yuan Pill, he was far inferior to Nan Yao in terms of combat experience. With the support of his comrades in arms, Nan Yao was able to block Han Feixie's surprise attacks several times.

In this way, the situation becomes very ugly, boring and dull.

Zhan Zhan felt that the pressure on his body was increasing, and the sequelae of the blow on the back of the head emerged. He was a little distracted, and his head was aching, as was his thigh. Even so, he never thought of giving up.

Perhaps Kong Yanzi's sentence of "death together" shocked him so much that at this moment his mind was full of thoughts about "death together" and fighting for death...

However, if you want to die together, you must have conditions.

As he hit it, his thigh twitched, his whole body was tilted, and a huge opening appeared on the left side. The battle of masters lasted in an instant!

The eyes of Nan Yao and his two companions lit up. Nan Yao intervened between Han Feixie and Zhan Zhan, using his body to block Han Feixie's support. One of the other two blocked Zhan Zhan's right, and the other aimed at the opening and attacked.

Zhan Zhan, who was supposed to have nowhere to retreat, raised his lips, his staggering figure paused, and quickly counterattacked to the left! He didn't care about the right side at all, and he played desperately when he made a move!

The other party was obviously taken aback.

This one-second gap gave Zhan Zhan a chance to seize the opportunity. He bent his five fingers, hooked the opponent's wrist, and broke it hard!

The man's face was pale, and the sudden pain made him feel distracted!

Zhan Zhan took a palm on his right shoulder regardless of his right shoulder, but still didn't let go. After breaking the opponent's palm, he raised his leg and kicked the opponent's elbow.

The man on the right was tall, his outstretched palm just touched his companion's hair, and he subconsciously withdrew it. Zhan Zhan took the opportunity to push and close the hostages, quickly changed positions with the hostages, and kicked the tall man in the chin.

The tall man leaned back to avoid the toes, but he didn't avoid the soles of Zhan Zhan's suddenly kicking down!

"Woo!" The tall man was hit on the chest and stepped back, bleeding profusely! He was the second unlucky person in the Taikoo Academy who had just been fought to death by Han Feixie. He had already been hit by Han Feixie in the chest and suffered internal injuries, and now he was even more injured. Fortunately, he was so excited that after lying on the ground without waiting for other people to react, he immediately conceded defeat and left the game in a flash. He was obviously afraid of Zhan Zhan and Han Feixie chasing him down.

His concerns were remarkably prescient.

After Han Feixie saw him end, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

At this point in the game, the result has become clear.

In the face of Han Feixie, even if Nan Yao had great ambitions, he could not turn the tide. He had a flexible mind, and seeing that the advantage on the field was gradually leaning towards Han Feixie and the others, he immediately offered an olive branch to Baimeng Academy.

Kong Yanzi is the only one at Baimeng Academy. Kong Yanzi thought for a while, but declined, and instead joined forces with the Holy Light Academy.

Holy Light Academy agreed without hesitation.

In this way, the only way left for Swire Academy to unite with Diguang Academy—this path was obviously blocked when Zhan Zhan was attacked and the players of Swire Academy were pointed to death.

In this situation, Nan Yao could only swallow the bitter fruit silently.

Over the years, Taikoo College has been the leader and has long been the target of public criticism. It is rare to have the opportunity to pull them down today. How can other colleges give up? As for who among them can, that is the business of the three of them. In short, the Swire Academy should be squeezed out first.

Nan Yao knew the current affairs very well, so he gave up on his own initiative. As soon as he left, the other players of Taikoo Academy naturally surrendered. As a result, Taikoo Academy, which was the most favored before the first round of the first round, became the first to be eliminated!

How rare is it for the uncrowned kings of the four major colleges to admit defeat in the melee! You must know that when facing the alliance of the three colleges, Nan Yao chose to lead his companions to fight the bloody way, but the situation they are facing now is obviously not as dangerous as it was then!

Nan Yao ignored the surprise, suspicion, doubt, and gloat from all directions, picked up the corpse of his companion, and walked through the crowd with his head held high.

Zhan Zhan said with emotion: "This person is a hero when he grows up, and a hero when he grows crooked!"

Han Feixie said: "You appreciate him very much."

Zhan Zhan said: "Adversary, of course you have to study it carefully. It's best to strangle him in the bud state before he grows!"

Han Feixie said, "How are you?"

It's okay if he doesn't ask, but when Zhan Zhan asks, he feels headache, leg pain, and whole body pain.

Kong Yanzi asked Long Qi with a smile, "How about working together to deal with Diguang Academy first?"

Long Qi hesitated, seeing his companions looking at him, said softly: "Okay."