The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 190: Negotiation between two men


The group returned to Rong Xi, and Fang Chixia then returned to Shi Jinyang.

Luo Yibei sat coldly and proudly a few rows away from the two of them, staring at them calmly.

Fang Chixia and Shi Jinyang actually didn't do much together. All their interactions were almost entirely business-related. Occasionally, they talked and laughed, but they didn't seem to be very close.

When he thought about what she said at the airport, Luo Yibei felt that he might have thought too much.

Moreover, with Shi Jinyang's personality, he knew that she was his brother's woman, so it was impossible for him to do anything.

Luo Yibei still trusted Shi Jinyang.

It's just that the two people obviously have nothing to do with each other but they still hold her captive and refuse to let him go. What's going on

The formal press conference will be held in the afternoon.

There were many people present this time, including many authorities in the jewelry industry at home and abroad, and even many members of the European royal family.

Rong Xi's jewelry conferences usually put advertisements first, then display the jewelry, and then have people explain it.

Two minutes before the start of the press conference, a staff member hurried over and reported to Shi Jinyang in a panic, "Master Shi, it's bad. The originally scheduled commentator had an accident at home and can't come. .”

"Why are you saying it now?" Shi Jinyang closed his eyes lightly and his face darkened.

"I just got the news." The man lowered his head and defended himself innocently.

Shi Jinyang glanced at her, rubbed his temples, rested his head on the back of the chair, closed his eyes and pondered how to solve this difficult problem.

Luo Yibei walked towards him slowly, sat down beside him, and pulled Fang Chixia on the other side of him to stand up, "Let her go!"

"Chi Xia?" Shi Jinyang was startled, a little surprised by his words.

Fang Chixia was also surprised.

Did he ask her to handle this situation

"The narrations are all written, they just need to be translated. Didn't you speak French and Italian very well before?" Luo Yibei glanced at her lightly and pushed her to the staff, "Take her with you Go to the front desk and briefly explain the requirements to her.”

"Okay, Master Luo." The man led Fang Chixia and left.

Shi Jinyang looked at the two people leaving, obviously worried.

Luo Yibei acted like someone who was fine. When Fang Chixia left, he turned his eyes to him and discussed the conditions with him, "How can I give her up to me?"

"Is this why you took her away?" Shi Jinyang was a little worried that Fang Chixia couldn't handle it, and he spoke a little absent-mindedly.

"The conditions are up to you." Luo Yibei's eyes followed his line of sight, and he glanced at Fang Chixia lightly, and the topic turned back to business again.

"Whatever the conditions are?" Shi Jinyang responded lazily to him.

"As long as you can tell." Luo Yibei chased Fang Chixia's figure. Unlike Shi Jinyang, he was not only not afraid that she would not perform well, but was even relieved.

Shi Jinyang turned his eyes slightly sideways and looked at him intently. Just as he was about to say something, the advertising music suddenly started playing on the stage.

The opening advertisement of Rong Xi's press conference is usually the finale. This time I chose Saori Hoshi's work, a pair of rings and a wedding ring.

The image at the beginning of the advertisement is a piece of soft pure white gauze. A ring is penetrated from one end of the gauze, slowly slides down the gauze, collides with another one below, and is then made into a layer of roses made with special effects. Hold.

The whole picture was shot very beautifully.