The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 195: If you have children


If she has a child, she will receive sky-high child support, and the two will definitely have a lot more entanglements by then. She can even expose their invisible marriage relationship through this, and her identity can be corrected.

She was so smart about the benefits involved, and Luo Yibei felt that it was impossible for her to not be clear about it.

Why take measures

Do you want to take the long term slowly

Fang Chixia squinted at him staring at her from the corner of her eyes. She didn't know what he was thinking, and went into the bathroom to take a bath as if nothing had happened.

The next day, Saturday.

The two of them obviously slept so late last night, but Fang Chixia woke up early the next day with rare energy.

Even she herself admires her.

Neither of them had to go to work today, and Luo Yibei got up a little late.

While having sex, Fang Chixia's voice came from time to time in the bathroom.

She was taking a morning bath. Originally such a big villa was quiet enough for only two people to live in it. Luo Yibei in the bedroom could hear everything she did inside.

Before Luo Yibei woke up, he heard the sound of water in the bathroom "swishing" and "swishing" again and again, in a wireless loop.

His brows furrowed and his closed eyes opened.

The people in the bathroom seemed to treat him as if he didn't exist. The sound of water continued, again and again, and again and again, very regularly.

It was finally over and it was quiet for a while, but within two minutes, her voice humming suddenly sounded in the room.

She didn’t know what song she was singing, but Qingyue’s voice sounded from time to time, “A person’s loneliness, a person’s life, all the roads, walked alone, all the sorrows, borne alone. The stars in the sky were falling quietly. , whose thoughts are I pouring out, and who can understand my thoughts?"

This is undoubtedly a very sad piece of music, but when it comes from Fang Chixia's mouth, it doesn't feel that way. She even sings it a little joyfully.

But, what are those lyrics

Luo Yibei didn't like the words in her lyrics very much. Just listening to them felt like something was stuck in his chest, making him very uncomfortable.

Turning his eyes to the bedroom, he shouted coldly, "Fang Chixia, shut up! Why are you so melancholy so early in the morning?"

His roar was so loud that everyone in the room seemed stunned for a moment, and then there was no sound anymore.

Luo Yibei got out of bed a little irritably, put on some clothes at random, opened the bathroom door and walked in.

Fang Chixia was holding a mouthwash cup and applying something unknown. When she saw him suddenly coming in, she stiffly raised her head and said hello to him, "You're awake."

"Don't listen to this kind of music in the future." Luo Yibei walked in with a few steps, pulled her out harshly, and stood in front of the sink instead of her.

Glancing sideways at her who was stunned at the door, he added leisurely, "If you have nothing to do, listen to your children's songs more. Didn't you sing quite well before?"

"Get lost!" The expression on Fang Chixia's face darkened, she yelled back at him angrily, turned around and left.

Luo Yibei was gargling the cup as if nothing had happened. He was about to wash up, but he was stunned when he caught a glimpse of the pattern on it.

Both his and Fang Chixia's mouthwash cups were white, pure white. They originally had no patterns, but now they were graffitied with two big smiling faces.

One on the left and one on the right, the two cups are placed side by side, looking very symmetrical, like a pair.