The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 32: I want to be with you



Fang Chixia cursed in his heart. [First published on Wu Ruo Novel Network]

At this time, she was still hurting everywhere on her body, and she didn't have the energy to accompany him again, so she stood up and went to the kitchen again.

After a while, a piece of plain toast was brought to him.

Luo Yibei's threat played a very good role.

Pushing the breakfast to him and watching him pick it up and take a bite casually, Fang Chixia stared at him calmly and did not eat his own immediately. Instead, he turned and ran to the living room and took out a piece of paper and A pen.

"What you like and what you don't like, tell me clearly at once." With her hands on the table, she pulled out the chair next to him and sat down.

The two of them were going to live together for another four years, and Fang Chixia didn't want to suffer a loss because of something as small as this.

Luo Yibei paused while eating, and glanced sideways at her who looked serious. He raised his thin lips and spat out a lot of expressionless words, "I like French, Italian, Spanish, and Brazilian cuisine, but I don't like Japanese. Thai, Korean, Indian, like fresh, hate anything with weird taste, also hate any raw seafood, like light, hate heavy flavors, like rosemary, hate onions and garlic, like original flavor, hate sweets, like black and white , hate all gorgeous colors, like cool colors, hate warm colors, the most important thing is... "

Turning his eyes in her direction, he uttered one sentence at a time, "I like silence and hate noisy!"

He talked a lot, and he spoke very fast, like a machine gun, and he said a lot in succession.

Fang Chixia's pen tip kept moving across the paper, so busy that his fingers seemed to be fighting.

After a lot of effort, I finally finished it.

"Okay! I understand." Looking at the long record, she seemed to have a sense of accomplishment.

Luo Yibei glanced at what she had written, obviously not expecting that she could actually write down everything he said.

This girl surprised him again.

Luo Yibei cleared his throat, took a sip of milk from the cup, and said in a calm voice, "Bring all the usual things over today. If there are no special circumstances, I will pick you up from school every night."

every night…

Fang Chixia was stunned for a moment, feeling a little uncomfortable just thinking about it, but she still said cooperatively, "Okay."

Isn't it normal for us to sleep together every night after we are married

Luo Yibei said nothing and quietly finished his breakfast.

He raised his watch to check the time, stood up, and when he was about to walk out of the villa, he handed her a card and said, "Take this."

Fang Chixia did not refuse like last time, but took the card with peace of mind.

Now the family is for two people, and the little money she has is barely enough to support herself. How can she afford the expenses for two people

She should accept it.

Luo Yibei left after that, and just as he got in the car, Fang Chixia's figure suddenly ran out with a thud.

She seemed to be running a little hastily, and her palm-sized face was red.

Luo Yibei lowered the car window and looked at her quietly, raising his eyebrows slightly, "Is something wrong?"

"I'm going back to school later and I'm going to pack my things. Which direction are you going? Can you give me a ride? I'm almost late!" Fang Chixia stood outside his car door, wondering if he would agree. The eyes are bright.

Luo Yibei didn't answer, but squinted at the position beside him from the corner of his eye.
