The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 101: Master and apprentice tame and dye


The plot of the fourth volume can only be summed up in five words: "Depressed and unsuccessful."

After reading it, I was stunned by the author's malice!

First of all, the protagonist Qi Bishu's mother, Master Qinglian, is well-known and has a stunning appearance. She is the first female elder of the Penglai Sect to reach the level of Qishen, and has attracted the admiration of countless people in the Cultivation Continent.

When she was fighting for the teacher, she accidentally fell into the Valley of Warcraft. As a last resort, she combined with Qi Bishu's father, the Beast King. Although she was unwilling, the Beast King was there to save her More than three months later, she was extremely kind to her, and finally, she also fell in love with the Beastmaster.

However, the Beastmaster is a demon, she combined with a demon, and the blood of Qi Bishu born is half human and half demon!

This is simply unbelievable and not tolerated in Xiuxian Continent, so, in a short time, she changed from being admired by everyone to being a street mouse.

Penglaizong believed that Qinglian's move had shamed the teacher's school, and wished to drive her out of the teacher's school.

But this beast king's panacea is a rare good thing in a thousand years! As long as those who have not passed the catastrophe get it, they will be able to escape the catastrophe of the Three Thousand Thunders. It can be said that it is something that everyone in the Cultivation Continent flocks to. How could this Penglai sect miss it

Therefore, the head and several other elders used and coaxed Qinglian to wipe out most of the monsters in the Valley of Monsters in one fell swoop, and seized the Beast Pill of the Beastmaster, severely injuring him.

Qinglian had no choice but to defect from the school, and turned against her former master and old friends. But she couldn't break through the siege by herself, so in the end she had no choice but to explode the panacea, and exchanged suicide for the life of her infant son!

Qi Bishu was only three months old at the time, and his personnel was unknown—

Of course the Penglai Sect wanted to kill the weeds, but they were afraid that the beast king would come back for revenge one day after he recovered from his injuries, so he had no choice but to keep Qi Bishu as a hostage. At that time, even if the Beastmaster attacked, Penglai Sect would not be able to deal with it. With such a kid in his hand, he could at least serve as a hostage.

However, even though he hypocritically raised Qi Bishu, he lied to him about his life experience, made him recognize a thief as a teacher, sealed up the half of his demon spiritual power, imprisoned his soul with a soul chain, and ruined his talent. Practice. And because he was afraid of raising a new monster, he never even taught him the most basic way of getting started.

Not only that, the insiders who participated in this matter back then were all killed if they could be killed, and those who survived were the highly respected members of the Penglai Sect. But the Cultivation Continent has always been bullying by the strong and the weak. Qi Bishu's talent is locked, and he has no cultivation base. One can imagine the situation in this Penglai Sect.

Aside from his master, Elder Dongfang's distasteful words and sarcasm all day long, beatings and scolding at every turn, and harsh lessons aside, just the so-called "pranks" by the brothers who praised him and trampled him down are enough for him to eat a pot.

He was dressed in rags and disheveled all day long. He went up and down the mountain to carry water, clean the courtyard, and was punished as an endless coolie. You can give him a low kick.

The elder of the elixir department was the enemy who turned his anger on him when he failed to pursue his mother. Other senior brothers went to the elixir department to ask for elixirs, and if they could give them, they would give them. If he went, he would not give a single one!

Every time, the little bit of true energy accumulated with great difficulty is like water entering the sea, and it disappears without a trace after one night. He was naturally not reconciled, and spent a lot of hard work in the Valley of Warcraft to find the magic crystal that could help him condense his qi, but was beaten up by his fellow brother Yan Qing, saying that he had stolen other people's spoils. His master Dongfang Ruoxu's buttocks were so crooked, he naturally wouldn't listen to his excuses, beat him up and threw him into the confinement room, half dead.

Under such circumstances, even if he didn't know his life experience, if he could still maintain a clear heart, that would be absurd.

Although Mo bully young people are poor, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, but even he himself doesn't know that the reason why he can't practice is because of the soul chain! I thought it was because I was innately stupid, so I was naturally depressed and resentful.

It wasn't until he was fifteen years old that he accidentally learned the truth about the death of his father and mother. Only then did he find a reasonable explanation for the hatred accumulated in his heart for many years, and since then he has been walking on the road of blackening. But his soul has been imprisoned for many years, and he has already been severely injured. At this time, even if he desperately seeks an expert to untie it, he still vomits blood, and he and his enemy are both wounded.

Later, he saw the beast king die in front of him with his own eyes. His eyes were tearing apart, and the last trace of goodness in his heart was completely wiped out, and he fell into the devil ever since. Anyway, throughout his life, no one cares about him, no one cares about him, why should he regard life and morality as important...

This life can be said to be as miserable as the previous three lives.

Fortunately, this time the timeline that Rong finally entered was Qi Bishu's thirteen years old.


Penglaizong, the sky is full of clouds.

Thirteen-year-old Qi Bishu was secretly hiding behind the treetops, looking towards Qianshan Terrace.

Today is the day of the Grand Competition of the Penglai Sect, all the brothers and sisters gathered at Qianshan Terrace, wearing white clothes and swords, all of them were in high spirits. Looking at myself again, climbing a tree is a bit strenuous. Qi Bishu tried to condense his breath depressedly, but probably because his aptitude was indeed too poor, no matter how hard he tried in the past three years, he still couldn't condense his breath successfully.

He only felt that there seemed to be some blockage in the dantian, every time he tried to break through, he was backlashed, and sometimes he even vomited blood!


The Penglai Sect is the number one sect in the Cultivation Continent, and disciples with extraordinary talents emerge in endlessly, but someone like him who can't even do the most basic condensate is not a waste, what is it? !

Qi Bishu's heart was gloomy, as if there was a cloud of qi stuck in his chest, which he couldn't get rid of.

A voice came from afar: "Yan Qing, a disciple of Taoist priest Dongfang, has condensed his energy to the fourth level, and he will fight Yang Zhou, a disciple of Taoist priest Qingxu!"

Can Yan Qing also participate in the sect competition

Qi Bishu suddenly opened his eyes wide, and held his breath to watch Yan Qing put his palm on the test stone. The stone suddenly emitted the light of the fourth layer of condensate—the condensate layer is all pale white light. As the level increases, the aperture will be expanded. Yan Qing's cultivation at this time may not be worth mentioning in the eyes of the brothers at Qianshantai, but in the eyes of Qi Bishu, it is extremely enviable!

Yan Qing came out of the Taoist priest Dongfang together with him, but the progress was much faster than him.

And when will he succeed in condensing his Qi? !

Qi Bishu wiped the sweat from his forehead with his blood-stained hands, a self-deprecating smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

He thought to himself, his mother was an elder of the Penglai Sect back then with extraordinary aptitude, but he didn't know how she gave birth to such a useless piece of trash who lived to the age of thirteen without even the most basic ability to condense Qi, failed repeatedly, and continued to waste time like this If you go on, at the age of sixteen, you will never be able to embark on the road of cultivating immortals again!

If the mother knew about it under the spring, she would probably feel ashamed because of such a son as herself.

And on this mountain, he has no father and no mother, and his master doesn't care about him, and he doesn't want to teach him any further profound methods, and his senior brothers also try their best to humiliate him, no one will give him a helping hand, if he can't As soon as possible to refine Qi and successfully protect himself, I am afraid that he will be the first to die at the mouth of the monster on the day of going down the mountain to practice!

Although I try my best to persuade myself to cultivate immortals, what I cultivate is the heart, and I need to be calm and patient to succeed. He also lives in seclusion, day and night, practicing like crazy. But the reality is in front of his eyes, his cultivation is useless at all, every time he finally accumulates a little bit of true energy, when it meets the dantian, it disappears inexplicably and is restrained——

No matter how much Qi Bishu could bear it, he was only a thirteen-year-old child. At this moment, anxiety rose in his heart, and he couldn't help but sighed softly, climbing down the tree trunk.

He didn't make much noise, but at such a distance, Elder Dongfang suddenly found him hiding in the distance, and a bad thought suddenly flashed in his heart. Every time he was teaching other disciples, Junior Sister Qinglian's son tried to steal it. Like a mother, like a son.

Didn't Qinglian also steal many heavenly exercises from him back then, and became the most beloved disciple of the previous master, so she became an elder one step ahead of him at a young age? He will never forget this humiliation for the rest of his life.

"Who's there?" Dongfang Ruoxu narrowed his eyes and said sharply, "Come here!"

Qi Bishu didn't expect to be discovered, and when he came back to his senses, he was brought to Dongfang Ruoxu and a group of elders by two disciples. The brothers on the Qianshan stage are still competing, but most of the people's eyes fell on him, full of sarcasm.

"I remember, that kid hasn't succeeded in condensing his qi yet, and he still wants to participate in the martial art competition before he has even started?"

"It's just a piece of trash. We managed to condense our Qi within a few years after we went up the mountain. Didn't he stay on this mountain for thirteen years? Why hasn't he condensed it? If I were him, I would die of shame."

"Hey, you can't say that. The road of cultivating immortals is not for everyone. Some people are born dull, and there is nothing they can do about it."

It wasn't the first time that sharp words pierced into Qi Bishu's ears like daggers, he tried his best to ignore them, but he still clenched his fists secretly.

Dongfang Ruoxu admired his embarrassment enough, and said: "Qi Bishu, you also came to take a peek at last year's martial arts competition. As a teacher, I didn't say much. It's a good thing to be eager to learn, but you have to do what you can. At this time With this kind of kung fu, lying on the treetops, almost being regarded as a thief, it is better to go back to the mountains to learn and practice hard."

The current head has always been on the sidelines and ignored such trivial matters.

It was Daoist Qingxu who came out to be a good person: "Forget it, if this kid really wants to participate in the competition, you might as well let him have a try. Anyway, the purpose of the Penglai Sect's martial arts competition is always to stop and not hurt people."

Hearing these words, Qi Bishu raised his head immediately, blood surging in his heart. Daoist Qingxu didn't know whether he was a real good person or a fake good person, knowing that he hadn't succeeded in condensing his energy, participating in the competition and test in front of the public at this time would be tantamount to embarrassing in public, but he still proposed this!

"Master, Daoist Qingxu, my apprentice dare not." Qi Bishu squeezed out a few words between his teeth.

Seeing him clenched his fists with anger on his face, Dongfang Ruoxu smiled, leaned back on the grand teacher's chair, changed his posture and said, "Don't dare to do anything? I think you are quite brave. Qi Bishu, since Elder Qingxu agrees, Then you can try it."

As soon as this remark came out, Qi Bishu would be disobeying his teacher's order if he tried to evade it. The two who were still in the arena just now had already come down, and all the eyes of hundreds of seniors on the school field were cast in this direction, laughing and watching the show, but there was no worry.

Now that Qi Bishu was on the verge of riding a tiger, he felt those eyes full of the word "good for nothing" falling on him, and he felt his brain buzzing, bitterness and anger were all on top of him.

"Okay." Qi Bishu said solemnly.

There was already a disciple standing on the ring, looking at him provocatively, wearing a white school uniform, with two purple emblems of Tengyun Penglai sewn on the cuffs with gold and purple thread, which is the second layer of condensing energy. In this huge Penglai Sect, this level of cultivation is only considered as a new beginning, and it is okay to hunt the little bastards in the back mountain. If you meet a stronger brother or a monster, you may be beaten to the ground directly.

The reason why Dongfang Ruoxu chose such a person to fight against him is that firstly, his cultivation just surpassed him, enough to defeat him and make him fuck off; However, you are the real trash!

Qi Bishu jumped onto the ring, and slowly clenched his fists under the scorching sun.

He is the most dead-end person, the least afraid of being beaten, no one has won him in terms of rough skin and thick flesh. Since the rules of the sect competition are that whoever falls first loses, so as long as he insists on standing, he will not lose!

"Come on." The disciple opposite put on a mocking smile, took a step back and opened a move.

The people in the audience were all waiting to see the good show, and folded their arms.

Qi Bishu ignored the taunts from the audience, and only concentrated on trying to activate the aura in his body. Last night, he practiced for a whole night, and the aura hasn't slipped away yet, so it might come in handy. At the same time, he squinted his eyes and looked at the disciple on the opposite side. This person's weight was on his stomach, and his lower body was unstable. When he took a step back just now, his front feet also moved, which may be used as a weak point to launch an offensive—

At the same time, the disciple on the other side wanted to hurry up, and he flew over like a hungry wolf. He is only at the second level of Qi Condensation, his spiritual power is unstable, and he is practicing the Yang style rush attack, so he naturally condenses all his true energy on his fists. After Qi Bishu made his judgment, he lowered his waist and hastily dodged his attack. At the same time, he condensed the only bit of spiritual energy in his body on his legs and swept it heavily.

This person didn't expect this move, he was already a step too slow, and then Qi Bishu grabbed his wrist, threw an over-the-shoulder throw to the ground, smashed four or five meters away, and hit the giant tree next to the ring! This person was just getting started with a three-legged cat cultivation base. After such a bump, he immediately spit out a mouthful of blood with a "wow"!

The disciples in the audience were all shocked. Since the Penglai Sect is the number one sect of cultivating immortals, it naturally focuses on long-distance battles, so they rely on their profound cultivation base and spiritual energy to win. But what kind of style is Qi Bishu playing? The method of close combat is absolutely unacceptable!

Even Dongfang Ruoxu suddenly stood up: "Qi Bishu, this is what you learned in Penglaizong for thirteen years—"

Before he finished speaking, Qi Bishu wiped off a little blood from his mouth and said, "Master, but I have won."

Dongfang Ruoxu was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while.

Elder Qingxu found out the clue, and said in surprise: "You apprentice, didn't you succeed in condensing your qi a while ago, why do you see that he seems to have more spiritual power today?"

Dongfang Ruoxu was stunned for a moment, squinting his eyes to look at Qi Bishu, his face had become a bit ugly, he pointed at him and said, "You stand beside the test stone and put your palm on it."

Qi Bishu complied.

He can only secretly watch every martial arts competition, and naturally he has no chance to get close to the grade test stone on Qianshan Terrace. Now that he puts his palm on it, although his heart is slightly excited, he is also very lonely after all. The entire Penglai Sect has cultivated After thirteen years, he couldn't even condense his energy. I'm afraid he is the only one.

The test stone flickered slightly, emitting a small circle of white light—

Concentrate a layer!

The group of disciples below naturally burst into laughter. They have been in the Penglai Sect for thirteen years, and they have only calmed down a little. It is really embarrassing to say it! Qi Bishu listened to those arguments, and could only tell himself repeatedly to ignore them, one day, one day...

It can be seen that Dongfang Ruoxu, Daoist Qingxu and others on the battle stage shrank their pupils sharply, and even turned pale with fright, how could it be possible? Back then, they worked together to seal up this kid's half-demon bloodline, ensuring that this kid would not be able to condense his energy and practice for the rest of his life. But now, there is actually a layer of condensation? If this kid forcibly broke through a hole in their seal, it would be too terrifying.