The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 109: Master-apprentice development


That night.

After Qi Bishu finished his meditation practice, he made his bed and fell asleep early on purpose.

Feiyu Mountain is much quieter than Penglaizong's original residence. There is no sound of disciples getting up to empty the urinal at night, and there are no people whispering. There is only the clear wind, rain and dew in the mountain, and the occasional sound of chickens and ducks pecking at each other. the sound of. Naturally, he slept soundly the first two nights.

But tonight, although I went to bed early, I kept my eyes closed and fell asleep.

Not long after, there was a rustling sound outside the house.

This sound is very faint, if you are really asleep, you can't hear it at all.

And even if they heard it, the unsuspecting person would think it was the rustling of the wind blowing through the treetops outside.

The voice came closer and closer—

It was as if a snake was crawling rapidly, and the hissing sound made the scalp tingle.

Qi Bishu suddenly looked sideways towards the door, just in time to meet the two green vertical pupils on the patterned flat head, and was startled in his heart. The Nine Demon Step Snake, a second-order snake beast in the west of Penglaizong, crawls extremely fast, making it impossible to guard against. It is poisonous all over its body. Although it does not kill people after biting, it will make people itchy and fester.

If it weren't for the fact that this kind of snake is extremely difficult to catch, those disciples who bullied Qi Bishu would probably use this trick to bully him when he was in Penglaizong. But he didn't expect that he would still be bullied when he arrived at Feiyu Mountain.

Qi Bishu's hand hanging by his side could not help but clenched into a fist, took a deep breath, but did not act rashly, but let those things approach.

He thought Yun Hao and Zhong Ziye were talking angry words by the stream, but he didn't expect to actually let a snake bite him at night—on this Feiyu Mountain, he found a sense of belonging that he had never had before, so even if he didn't like it, Yun Hao, but he has never been on guard against Yun Hao, but the facts have proved that no matter where he goes, there will not be too many people who treat him well.

Outside the courtyard wall, Yun Hao crept in quietly, squatted on the top of the wall and looked inside. When he released the snakes, he was full of energy and righteous indignation, but now he saw that the snakes had already crawled in, but the fourth junior brother remained silent, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart—what's going on? The fifth floor of Qi Condensation wouldn't even be able to detect a snake crawling into it, right

Soon, candles were lit in the house.

There was a cry.

Noticed? !

Yun Hao gloated. Be taken aback, this is the price you paid for daring to snatch Master from me—he quickly jumped off the wall, and couldn't wait to rush in to see Qi Bishu's distressed appearance.

Take it as a lesson this time, rush in and save him, and see if he dares to disrespect me in the future!

Yun Hao triumphantly kicked in the door with his sword in hand: "Junior Brother, why are you so scared—?"

Before he finished speaking, he was startled instead. The expected scene of Qi Bishu being frightened by the two nine monster snakes did not happen. He saw Qi Bishu holding the heads of the two snakes and standing coldly by the door Come on, when he kicked the door to go in, he was caught off guard and rushed over.

Yun Hao retreated quickly, and subconsciously swung his sword to block it.

But Qi Bishu just made a feint, and instead of coming over, he poured a bowl of water beside him—Yun Hao was immediately splashed all over his head!

Why is this water so stinky? Yun Hao just poohed, and immediately realized: "Fuck, Qi Bishu, what you splashed was the phlegm of the Nine Demon Snake?"

Qi Bishu watched as Yun Hao jumped up and down, took off his coat, rushed to the yard and jumped into the wooden bucket, and said coolly: "Third Senior Brother, the water in the wooden bucket also threw the snake part of the Nine Demon Step Snake."

Yun Hao suddenly looked down and saw that the corpses of the two Nine Demon Snakes were limply trampled under his feet, and his feet soaked in the snake water had started to turn green gradually!

He turned his head and said angrily: "Qi Bishu, you plot against me!"

Qi Bishu was relieved for a while, and threw away the cloth wrapped around his hand and the snake's head, and said coldly: "You were the one who let the snake go first, and now the villain is the one who complains first."

Yun Hao was so angry and impatient, he didn't care to talk to Qi Bishu, jumped out of the barrel in a hurry, and ran towards Jun Yujun's house. He knows how powerful this Nine Demon Step Snake is. Although it's not very poisonous, it can kill people when it itches! Before he ran to the master's room, he was already itching so badly, his feet were itchy and hot, and his whole face soon turned green.

Yun Hao wanted to cry but broke into Rong Wan's house.

After hearing the movement, Rong got dressed and got out of bed: "What happened in the middle of the night?"

Yun Hao grabbed his face desperately with both hands, opened his mouth, and was about to cry: "Master—"

Before the words could be spoken, a figure rushed over from the side, and that kid Qi Bishu suddenly threw himself heavily into Rong Wan's arms.

Rong Wan was also taken aback, and subconsciously opened his arms to embrace Qi Bishu. The child in his arms raised his head and looked at him with red eyes, with tears hanging on his black eyelashes: "Master, it's only midnight, Third Senior Brother Suddenly let the snake bite me."

He was crying, making Rong Wan's heart sour and pitiful, and he became angry immediately: "Yun Hao, what are you doing? I told you on the first day, don't bully your junior brother."

Yun Hao opened his mouth, completely dumbfounded: "No, master, do you see any wounds on his body? My body is green! I am the one bitten by the snake!"

Rong Wan glanced at him and saw that the snake venom had spread from his feet and face at the same time, and his anger subsided a little. Although Qi Bishu and Yun Hao insisted on their own opinions, but based on Rongwan's understanding of Qi Bishu, he would definitely not go to the prisoner first—

The reason for this can only be that Yun Hao bullied Qi Bishu first, and then Qi Bishu fought back.

"Take the antidote first." Rong Wan turned and went to the closet to search for the antidote.

Qi Bishu wiped the tears from his eyelashes on his belt, continued to hug his legs like a leg pendant, and followed him to the closet.

Seeing this scene, Yun Hao felt angry, and jumped up angrily, ignoring the snake's venom: "Do you believe me, kid, I'll kill you—"

Before he finished speaking, Qi Bishu shrank back into Rong Wan's arms with a pale face.

Rong Wan hugged him with one hand, and stared at Yun Hao disapprovingly: "Yun Hao, restrain yourself, if you keep messing around, I won't give you the antidote."

Yun Hao: "..."

The poison of the Nine Demon Step Snake is not strong, and it is easy to detoxify, but even if the poison is detoxified, the itching all over the body will last at least three full days.

Yun Hao took the antidote and sat on the ground. Fortunately, the antidote spread all over his body, and the itching was relieved, but he still felt uncomfortable.

He stared at Qi Bishu resentfully, gritted his teeth and said, "Master, don't be fooled by this kid, he's just full of shit."

"I don't know you yet?" Rong Wan said to him: "There are no Nine Demon Snakes on Feiyu Mountain, only the back mountain to the west of Penglaizong. Who caught it? Only your cultivation base can survive without a waist card. Come and go to Mount Penglai freely."

Yun Hao was speechless, but still felt aggrieved, and couldn't help but continue to stare at Qi Bishu.

Qi Bishu hid behind Rong Wan, raising his eyebrows slightly at him.

He immediately became even more furious, jumped up and was about to draw his sword, but was stopped by a burst of true energy from Rong Wan: "Okay, Yun Hao, you just finished taking the antidote, go back and meditate to rest, otherwise the snake venom will spread all over your body and make you feel even more uncomfortable. "

Unconvinced, Yun Hao pointed at Qi Bishu: "Master, what about him?"

Rong Wan turned his head to look at Qi Bishu who was hiding behind with his arms around his waist. Qi Bishu looked up at herself, her small face became even paler, and the hand that was holding her waist was tightened, and she said anxiously: "Master, I... I am a little scared, I live too far away from you, if it happens again Something like this tonight… I…”

Before he finished speaking, his eyes were already red.

Although we should try our best to treat the three disciples equally, but people's hearts are fleshy, and Rong Wan will inevitably favor the reincarnation of his sweetheart. Besides, Rong Wan thought that Qi Bishu had been bullied so much in Penglai Sect, and that he was not at peace when he came to Feiyu Mountain, and he was ridiculed and insulted all day long, so he couldn't help but pat his head, and promised: " Alright, you can live in the room next door to me, and you can move in tomorrow morning."

Qi Bishu was overjoyed immediately, and gripped the corner of Rong Wan's clothes tightly: "Master, is it true?"

Although he was lonely and helpless since he was a child, but now that he has a master, he knows that the master will treat him well. But he also knew that he had to firmly hold the only master who was good to him by his side, no matter what means he used, because without this person, he would not be able to find another person in the whole world.

Rong finished nodding.

Yun Hao looked at Qi Bishu, then at Rong Wan, he was dumbfounded, there is such a brazen fourth junior brother in the world! Shameless, shameless, really shameless! He asked, "Master, what about me?"

Rong Wan asked him to go out: "Hurry up and go back to heal your wounds and detoxify."