The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 111: Master-apprentice development


"In this case, you find a secluded place."

Rong Wan thought to himself, with himself, no matter what, Lu Xuan would not hurt Qi Bishu. What's more, although Qi Bishu has made great progress in cultivation these days, the moves he has learned have nowhere to practice. Even if Yunhao Zhong Ziye gestures with him, he will not make a killer move, but keep his hands everywhere. This can't be done, the weak are preyed upon by the strong in Xiuxian Continent, if he doesn't ask him to have more actual combat experience earlier, he might be in danger when he goes down the mountain.

Hearing this, Qi Bishu turned to look at Rong Wan, but saw that Rong Wan was not in a hurry, as if he was sure that he would beat Lu Xuan. In the end, he felt more courage and confidence because of this. He thought that if the master believed in him, then he would definitely win.

"Master, lend me a sword."

Although Qi Bishu practiced sword moves in the past few days, they were all replaced by branches, and he hadn't used a real sword yet. But at this time, Lu Xuan came here with murderous intentions, and just using branches will not do.

Rong Wan searched in Qiankun's bag.

There are many famous objects collected by Mr. Xun Yu. Among them is a handle called "Luoshu". It is neither long nor short, and it is not sharp, but it is very spiritual. The infuriating energy turned into a killer move to the greatest extent. At that time Yun Hao asked for a sword, Jun Yujun only gave him an earth-level soft sword, but this one was a heaven-level one.

So when Rong Wan took it out, Lu Xuan and the others didn't know what to do, but Yun Hao and Zhong Ziye were taken aback.

"This sword will be yours from now on." Rong Wan handed it to Qi Bishu.

Just looking at Yun Hao's envious eyes, Qi Bishu knew that this sword was not a common thing, and his heart immediately warmed up.

And here Lu Xuan couldn't wait any longer, so he jumped into the air and headed towards the grove.

Qi Bishu followed closely behind.

Cen Xiaoran said: "Mr. Xun Yu, your disciple is highly talented, Lu Xuan will definitely not be able to take advantage of him, so I hope to let them solve it by themselves, and I beg you not to intervene."

Rong Wan said indifferently: "If I don't intervene, my apprentice will not lose."

"Thank you, Lord Xunyu." Cen Xiaoran bowed respectfully: "In this case, this junior has already repaid Lu Xuan's favor, and it is his fate whether he lives or dies on Feiyu Mountain today." The junior will never say much when he returns to the Penglai Sect, so I will take my leave first."

Although he is the eldest disciple of the Penglai Sect with the highest understanding, but now he is no more than a Yuanying. Naturally, he has a lot of jealousy towards Jun Yujun in his heart, and after paying back the favor, he doesn't want to cause trouble. So I exchanged a few more polite greetings, and then went down the mountain.

The true energy under their feet shook the rolling stones off the mountain.

Lu Xuan stopped in the woods halfway up the mountain, staring at Qi Bishu, the hatred in his eyes was about to flow down: "I just teased you, I'm just kidding, you are going to kill me in the ring My brother's life?"

"Teasing?" Qi Bishu felt ridiculous. Was everything he suffered before just teasing? A tease that almost crippled ten of his fingers and killed him? If it wasn't for Master, he would have died long ago. He didn't want to talk to Lu Xuanduo, but said coldly: "It was your younger brother who killed me first, and I just wanted to protect myself. What's wrong?"

"I know you are now under the protection of Lord Xunyu. If I seek to go up the mountain, it is like hitting a stone with an egg, but I have to avenge the murder of my brother. If you have the ability, you'd better not rely on your master!" Before going up the mountain, Lu Xuan did indeed I have found my master, Juechen, but although Juechen felt sorry for his younger brother, he kept his secrets when he heard the name of Lord Xunyu. Lu Xuan had no choice but to go up the mountain today because he had the will to die here.

Thinking of this, he was full of hatred, and finally couldn't control it. He suddenly pulled out the Tiansha lock that was exactly the same as his younger brother Lu Lie, and the move swept over like a violent wind and rain. The long chain stirred up the true energy of the entire forest, and the leaves fell Down.

Qi Bishu once understood this move in the ring half a month ago, afterward he thought about how to be hostile. It's just that Lu Xuan's cultivation base is much higher than Lu Lie's, and these moves are also more proficient, almost more difficult than last time, making him unable to resist.

But this time, Qi Bishu was neither in a hurry nor slow, seeing each move, and in the blink of an eye, he had already dealt with hundreds of Lu Xuan's moves.

He knew that his master felt that he lacked actual combat experience, so when Lu Xuan came to his door, his master wanted him to practice with him. That being the case, then practice for a while and make the best use of everything.

Under such a rapid attack, he gradually felt strenuous. One is that the spiritual power is gradually consumed, and the other is that it is impossible to find the opponent's weakness and break through it in one fell swoop. It's just that he doesn't like to reveal anything, so there is still no difference in his complexion.

Seeing that he was so calm, Lu Xuan gradually panicked.

Last time in the arena, this kid still had at most five layers of condensed energy. It's only been a few days of effort, but he has already reached seven layers of condensed energy? It took me six years to reach the ninth floor of condensed energy! It was only a month before and after this kid reached this realm? !

This is a hundred times better than the talented senior brother back then!

Could it be that Feiyu Mountain is really so powerful that it taught a genius in cultivation

Going up the mountain today, there are only two endings, one is to be killed by Lord Xun Yu, and the other is to die with this kid. In any case, even if he died, he would have to avenge this! Thinking of this, the hatred in Lu Xuan's heart became more urgent, and his moves became more violent, but his flaws were gradually revealed.

Qi Bishu saw that his footsteps were gradually sloppy, and it was obvious that his offensive was not as stable as before, so he started to fight back just now—

At this time, his heart also suddenly opened up, and he roughly understood the meaning of the mysterious mind method that his master gave him. If the heart is like a tree and stone, unwavering, the sword in his hand can enter the void without being blocked or hindered. Although Lu Xuan's Tiansha lock has a very wide range of true energy and makes him run away all the time, it is not without weaknesses. The weakness is that the force is too scattered and there is no defense. If he didn't care about it and directly attacked the center, how could he avoid it

Thinking of this, Qi Bishu really felt a sense of enlightenment, and the true energy in his body seemed to respond to this feeling, and it was instantly plentiful. He raised his eyebrows, and was forced to the top of a tree by Lu Xuan, but he did not continue to flee, but kicked his legs on the tree, and suddenly shot back with his carbine!

Lu Xuan was caught off guard, and when the Tiansha lock had no time to withdraw, he felt that Qi Bishu's figure was several times faster than before - he actually advanced in the battle! In an instant, it flashed in front of him, and the long sword in his hand flashed coldly, stabbing towards him with overwhelming true aura!

As the cold real energy approached, Lu Xuan realized that in that short period of time, Qi Bishu broke through the ninth layer of condensed energy! But his Ninth Level of Qi Condensation is far stronger than his own Ninth Level, what's going on


The sword stabbed obliquely into the lower abdomen, but Qi Bishu did not continue to kill, but with a shallow stab, he withdrew his hand: "You lost."

Lu Xuan couldn't even hold the weapon in his hand, his eyes were bloodshot, and he couldn't believe it: "You have condensed your energy to the ninth level?"

Qi Bishu drew out his sword: "It should be."

Strange to say, when he was at the fifth level of Qi Condensation, his true energy was far stronger than the disciples at the same level of Qi Condensation at the fifth level, and now at the ninth level of Qi Condensation, the degree of true energy in his body seemed to be far better than that of the ninth level. Even those who are at the same level as him, even those who are only one or two levels higher than him, are not as powerful as him.

"Then you kill me!" Lu Xuan said angrily.

"I won't kill you." Qi Bishu said: "Before you falsely accused me, I should have taken revenge on you, but I didn't expect to kill your brother by mistake, but today I spared you, so we will write it off now. But next time If you still come to seek revenge on me, then I will not show mercy."

Lu Xuan knelt on the ground, clutching his lower abdomen, and spat out a mouthful of blood, feeling very upset. A month ago, this kid was still the most lowly servant of Penglai Sect. I could bully him and humiliate him at will, but he didn't know what exercises he had learned, and his cultivation was improving so fast! Now I have stepped on myself! It's really one toward the east and one toward the west!

If he continues to increase his cultivation base at this rate, then he will not be able to take revenge even in another ten or a hundred years! Simply hateful!

"Feiyu Mountain is really amazing..." Lu Xuan smiled wryly, hatred flickered in his eyes, since he couldn't avenge him, then—

He jumped up suddenly, and slapped Qi Bishu with his palm at close range.

This palm was caught off guard, Qi Bishu quickly retreated and raised his sword to block it, but Lu Xuan's Ice Palm, which he had practiced with Juechen for many years, was not so enjoyable, let alone it was the last blow of Lu Xuan's best effort!

But before this palm touched his heart, a branch flew from the air and inserted into Lu Xuan's neck, his cultivation was profound and unpredictable. Lu Xuan's blood spattered three feet on the spot, his hands were still in the state of patting him, his corpse lay on the ground, his eyes were ferocious.


Qi Bishu was startled suddenly, but he didn't have much sympathy. He had already planned to let Lu Xuan go, but Lu Xuan still hurt others secretly. From this behavior, it can be seen that if he is kept, he will definitely pester him endlessly in the future. It's just that dying on Feiyu Mountain like this, I'm afraid Penglaizong will have something to say again.

But who is helping himself

Qi Bishu quickly raised his head and looked around, everything was silent, the branches were all quiet, and he couldn't find any trace of anyone who had been there.

So Qi Bishu dug a hole and kindly buried Lu Xuan in it, but when he pulled the chopsticks out of his neck, he was slightly taken aback.

The chopsticks look like Master's handwriting.

Master also promised that he would not intervene or help himself. In fact, he was always nervous about his own safety nearby, right

I have to say that when he was fighting against Lu Xuan just now, although he was pressed and beaten all the time at the beginning, he didn't show any timidity at all, perhaps because he knew that no matter what, Master would not let him die.

In the past, there was no one behind him, and he never experienced what it was like to be protected and covered by someone, but now he has experienced it.

It was like a piece of duckweed floating in the air, whose feet could finally land on the ground, being supported and cared for by others.

It tastes so good.

Qi Bishu's nose was sore, he lowered his head and stroked the chopsticks, took them to the stream to clean them, and then put them into his arms like a baby.

Suddenly thought of something, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he quickly swept towards the mountain.

After Rong finished helping Qi Bishu, he also complained in his heart that this kid Qi Bishu didn't know the dangers of the human heart, and was too careless and careless. Fortunately, he couldn't rest assured and went to stare at him, so he blocked the icy palm for him. Otherwise, if he didn't pass by, wouldn't he want to be poisoned by the cold ice palm? In the end, he still has little actual combat experience, so he has to go down the mountain to practice after a while.

However, he verbally promised that he would not favor Qi Bishu, and this private matter was left to Qi Bishu and Lu Xuan to solve privately, and Yun Hao, Zhong Ziye and others heard about it. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to let them know that he secretly went to protect others again

Therefore, after disposing of Lu Xuan, he quietly went back to the room on the top of the mountain, pretending nothing happened.

it's getting dark. Yun Hao squatted on the wall of the courtyard, wiped the soft sword, looked around, and muttered a little worriedly: "Master, why hasn't that kid Qi Bishu come back yet, shouldn't he lose?"

Rong Wan searched around with his spiritual sense, and knew that Qi Bishu was digging a pit to bury the corpse, so he said, "I don't know, why don't you go over and have a look?"

Yun Hao was surprised, and looked back at Rong Wan: "Master, aren't you the most important kid, why aren't you nervous?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qi Bishu came back in disgrace. There was blood on the sword, but there was no wound on his body. This is won? Yun Hao was quite surprised. The disciple of Penglai Sect seemed to have at least nine layers of condensed energy, and coupled with his eagerness for revenge, the strength he displayed was at least to the level of foundation building, but the fourth junior brother actually won

He jumped off the wall, walked over to check again, and was even more surprised: "After all this time, have you reached the ninth level of condensed energy?"

It just made him dumbfounded! He boasted that his talent was extraordinary, but he only started to practice since he was a child, and it took ten years of practice to reach his current level, but this kid was able to advance to two levels by relying on his understanding in less than an hour? This kind of speed is simply shocking, I don't know when he can surpass himself!

Qi Bishu didn't have time to chat nonsense with him, so he went straight to Rongwan's room.

Rong Wan thought that he had won a complete victory and advanced again, and was about to praise him with a smile, but he saw his face was pale and his steps were sloppy.

Rong Wan's heart tightened suddenly, and he stood up: "What's wrong?"

Just now when he rescued Qi Bishu from Lu Xuan's icy palm by the stream, he didn't see any wounds on Qi Bishu's body. , He got internal injuries when he came over with his hind legs? !

Qi Bishu returned the sword to him: "Master, your sword."

Rong Wan didn't care about holding the sword, and went directly to feel his pulse, but felt that his wrist was icy and cold, which was clearly a symptom of being hit by the palm of the ice! Fortunately, it didn't hurt the lungs, but the body was cold, maybe it was swept by the cold air from the ice palm, so the whole body was cold.

"How do you feel?" Rong Wan asked, still worried.

Qi Bishu frowned: "It's a bit cold."

"Sit here." Rong Wan asked him to sit on his bed, put his hands on his shoulder blades, and poured out his true energy to him one by one, helping him to circulate his spiritual power.

Only then did Qi Bishu's brows gradually relax, and his face recovered.

He was just swept by the cold air, and he was not seriously ill, so when Rong Wan saw that he was almost done, he withdrew his hands and asked, "Is it still cold?"

Qi Bishu nodded, curled up her knees and hugged herself: "Master, it's still cold."

Rong Wan felt that something was wrong, even if he was swept by the cold, he helped him get rid of the cold, why is it still cold? But considering that he may be young and weak, and he was thrown into the cold pool before, so he was born with a cold body, so he is particularly afraid of the cold—then it will be difficult, because the house he lives in just faces the Those who do not get the sun, the terrain is cold.

After Rong finished, he said: "Otherwise you'll sleep with me these few days..."

Just as he was about to say that he was going to sleep at Qi Bishu's side, Qi Bishu beamed with joy, quickly took off his coat and shoes and socks, got into his quilt, and grabbed the corner of his clothes, his black and white eyes glistening Hui: "Okay, Master, sleep together! Sleeping together won't be cold!"

Rong Wan: "..."

Rong Wan didn't mind sleeping with him, but he had to wait for him to grow up anyway, so he said: "The bed is too small for two people, so Master will go to sleep in your room."

Qi Bishu refused, and tried to curl up towards the corner of the wall, leaning against the wall, and said, "Look, master, I won't occupy a lot of space, I can lie here all night like a gecko."

Rong Wan was amused, and before he could speak, Qi Bishu knelt and crawled over to pull his clothes, with a soft tone almost coquettish: "Master, I'm hurt! If it's too cold at night and you're not around, then I will That’s why it’s not working every day.”

After seeing Rong and still not speaking, Qi Bishu rubbed his face against his chest again, and called out: "Master..."

"Okay." Rong Wan couldn't stand Qi Bishu acting like a baby like this, his neck was itchy from being rubbed, so he pinned his head and stuffed him into the quilt: "Don't make a fuss at night, sleep calmly."

Qi Bi set up his horse and said, "Okay!"

Even if the clothes of the cultivators are dirty, their bodies are clean and dust-free, so bathing and changing clothes are only for injured or important occasions. After Rong finished taking off his boots and coat, he planned to blow out the candles.

Yun Hao squatted outside, seeing Qi Bishu entered Master's room and did not come out. Now that Master's candle was extinguished again, he couldn't help being frightened.

Master never liked other people entering his room. He would be displeased even if a few disciples entered his room to read a book on weekdays. Now he actually allowed Qi Bishu to break into his room again and again, and let Qi Bishu stay directly. up? What a partiality!

"Master, I'm cold too, can I come in?" Yun Hao was angry and jealous, knocking on the door vigorously outside.

After a while, there was a creaking sound from the door, and he was overjoyed, thinking that the master was going to open the door for him, but he saw the door was opened, and a thick blanket covered his face like a sack. The master said: "Cover more when it's cold."