The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 120: Master-apprentice development


In the next few days, Rong Wan, Qi Bishu, and Wen Sitian were all recovering from their injuries.

Wen Sitian had just broken through the golden elixir barrier, and almost lost her life because of a madness, so naturally she dared not neglect the next consolidation practice. And although Rong Wan was hit twice by the snake, fortunately, Mr. Xun Yu has a solid foundation in cultivation and is being recuperated by a large number of nourishing pills. Apart from the loss of cultivation, there is no serious problem. On the other hand, Qi Bishu forcibly gave birth to the divine bone, which caused a severe backlash, and was unable to condense any spiritual energy for three days.

If the divine bone was so easy to break out of the body, it would not have taken him three full years to break the seal and regenerate the divine bone in the original text. This time in Teng Snake's sea of consciousness, although it was a critical juncture that caused the divine bones to break through in advance for self-protection, it was no different from dying seedlings, and all the bones and tendons in the body were still shattered and needed to be reshaped.

This reshaping is not so easy to do.

After Rong Wan woke up, he asked Qi Bishu to soak in the hot spring every day. But even though the Holy Spring of Healing is famous all over the world and attracts all monks, it still has no effect on Qi Bishu's internal injuries. The only solution for now is to wait for Xie Cangchuan to return to the mountain, and then discuss what to do.

Although the cub's original hair is not slippery and feels very good to the touch, it cannot be allowed to go on like this for a long time. Not to mention the people of Penglai Sect, even any cultivator from the Immortal Cultivation Continent can guess the relationship between Qi Bishu and the god white tiger just by looking at the golden tiger. At that time, Qi Bishu will be a living target, and anyone will want to hunt him down , take the god bone from him.

And he can't just live on Feiyu Mountain for the rest of his life, with his freedom restricted.

Therefore, Qi Bishu's body has not healed for a long time, and Rong Wan is very anxious in his heart, but he doesn't show it on the surface.

Qi Bishu himself didn't care much about human or animal form, except that it was very inconvenient to land on all fours when he transformed into a tiger cub just now, there was no hindrance to other things, and it was more convenient to rush into the arms of the master. It's just that he lost all his cultivation, which made him a little anxious.

Therefore, for these three days, he didn't need to finish talking, but also soaked in the medicinal spring every day.

It's just that the wounds created by the Teng snake are not trivial. Although this medicine spring can have miraculous effects on most wounds, it seems to have little effect on the wounds on his body. He soaked in the medicine spring for two or three days, but the bloody hole from his back to his ribs still didn't get better.

Rong Wan smelled the faint smell of blood that was always lingering on his body, and couldn't hold it back anymore, so he asked Yun Hao to fry some wound medicine and go to apply it on him. Yun Hao was naturally not happy, but now he and Zhong Ziye were the only ones who could work on Feiyu Mountain. He scolded Qi Bishu for not being seriously injured, but in the end he obediently went into the pharmacy to make medicine.

Yun Hao's cultivation is not bad, the medicine was decocted in a short while, and it was sticky and put it in the medicine bowl. After Rong finished taking a small half of the bowl, he said to Yun Hao casually, "So fast? Better than your senior brother."

Yun Hao was still grumpy just now, adding more firewood indiscriminately, now when he heard the compliment, he immediately beamed with joy: "Master, can I cook two more bowls?"

Rong Wan took a look at him and said, "No need, tomorrow's you will suffer tomorrow."

"Okay." Yun Hao responded happily, and said, "By the way, Master, what did you see in the illusion of Senior Sister?"

Yun Hao is very curious about this. He and Wen Sitian have known each other for a long time. Wen Sitian has a weird temperament and doesn't like to talk much, but she is gentle and determined, and she doesn't seem to be troubled by demons. Therefore, he didn't know what could trouble the second senior sister, causing the second senior sister to be almost killed by madness.

He asked Qi Bishu yesterday, but that kid kept his secrets secret and kept silent, as if there was some big secret that could not be revealed. He also specially emphasized that only he and his master knew about it, which almost made Yun Hao die of anger. Today Yun Hao wanted to ask his master, if the master told him, he would go back to Qi Bishu and show off fiercely.

After thinking about Wen Sitian's matter, she must not want more people to know, so she patted his head and said: "You are too young to know about this matter."

Yun Hao suddenly woke up from his fantasy, and was stunned by the master's eccentricity: "... Isn't the fourth junior brother younger than me?!"

Rong Wan said: "Because he is too young and ignorant of worldly affairs, it is suitable for him to know."

Yun Hao: "..." It seems to make sense, but there is still something wrong.

Rong Wan took the opportunity to leave with the medicine bowl.

The medicine spring was smoky, and Qi Bishu was in his original form at this time, so he didn't take off his clothes by the pool. He didn't expect the master to come suddenly, he was caught off guard, and subconsciously wanted to dive into the water, but the medicine spring was so clear that it was useless to dive into the water.

Rong Wan sat cross-legged by the pool, and asked inexplicably, "What are you hiding for?"

Qi Bishu blushed for no reason. After soaking in the medicine spring, his whole body was wet, and his fluffy golden soft hair stuck to his body, as if he had nothing at all—isn't this the same as not wearing any clothes? He paused, resisting his embarrassment, and asked, "Master, why are you here?"

"I'll give you the medicine." Rong Wan picked up the dry cloth on the stone and threw it to him: "Wipe it dry."

Qi Bishu subconsciously picked it up with his hand, but when he stretched it out, he realized it was a claw, so he grabbed it with his mouth awkwardly, and climbed up to the bank.

In the past two days, after soaking in the medicated bath, I dried it on the shore. I didn't expect the master to come today, and I didn't prepare a cloth towel to cover it in advance.

Rong Wan saw that he had no cultivation and could not dry his hair, so he beckoned and said, "Come here."

Qi Bishu lay on Rong Wan's knee with a cloth towel in his mouth.

After Rong finished, he wrapped his whole body with a cloth towel, sucked up all the water, and rubbed it.

It has to be said that this is very comfortable, Qi Bishu flung the water droplets from the tips of his ears, and couldn't help softening his body, completely paralyzed into a ball in Rong Wan's arms. Whenever this happens, he feels that the animal form is also good, because he can lie on the master's lap without any restraint. If the doll made such an action, it would be too coquettish and ridiculous.

Rong Wan took out the medicine bowl, shook it around twice, gave Qi Bishu a look, and said, "Look, this is Yun Hao's hard work for you, go back and thank him."

Qi Bishu snorted.

Rong Wan laughed angrily, and pinched his ears: "Now you don't listen to what Master said?"

Qi Bishu said: "He was always the one who troubled me first, but I never took the initiative to target him!"

Rong finished turning him over in his arms, spread the ointment on the ribs under his neck, and said: "Your adult doesn't count the faults of a villain."

Qi Bishu put his front paws on Rong Wan flatteringly: "Okay, for Master's sake."

When Rong Wan saw him lazily lying on her lap without moving, allowing herself to fiddle with him, she couldn't help but smile. Coming back from Teng Snake's sea of consciousness this time, although both sides suffered losses, especially Qi Bishu's serious injury, they still gained something.

Qi Bishu used to be cautious and flattering everywhere, not like the character that an eleven or twelve-year-old child should have. It was sad to see it. After returning this time, maybe he got a sense of security from himself, or maybe he felt that there was finally someone on Feiyu Mountain. In his place, he can finally joke with himself and become much more lively.

If it is not as expected, the healing value should be 20% at this time.

Qi Bishu felt the master rubbing the ointment on his wound. Although the bloody wound was stinging continuously under the stimulation of the ointment, he felt joy in his heart, and it could even be said that he was enjoying and trembling. In the past in Penglai Sect, he suffered countless major and minor injuries, and most of the time his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but no one asked more questions. Qi Bishu thought that no one would care if she was injured in this life. But fortunately, Master came.

In Teng Snake's sea of consciousness, although Teng Snake intends to sow discord, Qi Bishu doesn't take it seriously. He didn't believe that Master would have any entanglement with the person who killed his parents. The revenge of his parents must be avenged, but to him, the master is even more important than his parents, who he has almost no memory of.

Qi Bishu closed his eyes, thinking to himself, this might be the happiest moment in his twelve years of life. What is he capable of.


Qi Bishu moved his nose, couldn't help but poke his head slightly, and sniffed the scent on Master's fingers.

"What?" Rong Wan asked after seeing his movements.

When Qi Bishu was still in human form, his sense of smell was the same as that of a normal person, nothing outstanding, but I don't know if it was because of the illusion of a beast, or because of the birth of the god bone. He could also smell the extremely faint scent in the air.

It's Yun Hao's smell.

Master touched Yun Hao's head.

Qi Bishu suddenly felt some kind of unspeakable subtle jealousy, he couldn't tell whether it was selfish possessiveness or something else, in short, he was not very happy that Master touched other people's heads, and there was grievance mixed in his displeasure. Although Yun Hao came before him, how could the master touch the heads of others besides himself

Seeing that Qi Bishu's expression suddenly became aggrieved, and there was a bit of inexplicable darkness, Rong asked, "What's wrong, the wound hurts?"

"No." Qi Bishu raised his head, and said to Rong Wan: "The top of my head suddenly feels itchy, master, please help me take a look."

Rong Wan grabbed him casually.

But Qi Bishu immediately rubbed his furry head up.

Rong Wan thought that there were fleas growing on the top of his head, so he brushed his hair and looked carefully, but found nothing, so he just rubbed it.

Qi Bishu clung to Rong Wan's palm, and didn't feel satisfied until the hand was covered with his own smell, covering up the smell of other people.

The breeze blows, the snow in the mountains melts, and everything is quiet.

Xie Cangchuan came up the mountain that day.

Qi Bishu had to soak in the medicine spring for five hours, and Rong Wan hurriedly asked Cangchuan about the solution to Qi Bishu's restoration of human form, so he couldn't wait, let Qi Bishu continue to soak, and he went back to the top of the mountain first.

Qi Bishu had never met Xie Cangchuan, the well-known owner of the Hundred Medicines Valley, and he wanted to meet him very much. What's more, he also inexplicably had some small thoughts in his heart that he didn't want his master to see outsiders, but the medicinal bath was still an hour away, and he couldn't leave. Otherwise, the effect cannot be fully played.

In the entire Xiuxian Continent, even a thousand pieces of gold may not be able to buy the owner of the Hundred Medicine Valley, Yu Zun, to save a person, and he is talking about Xie Cangchuan. There are not many descriptions of Xie Cangchuan in the original text, it seems that he is extremely mysterious, not born in the world, although his cultivation base has not reached the Qishen level like Jun Yujun, but he is already a master in the late Yuanying period, and he is very good at various pharmacology. Therefore, Rong Wan didn't know what kind of person he was until he met him.

But I never expected that it was very inconsistent with the image of the white-haired old man in my imagination, extremely inconsistent!

Xie Cangchuan was very young and had an unusually handsome face. Sitting in the courtyard drinking, he teased Yun Hao so that his face turned red and he cursed loudly.

"Yun Hao." Rong Wan shouted: "Don't talk back to Gu Zhu."

Yun Hao pointed at Xie Cangchuan, and said, "Master, you don't know, you have been lying there for a few days, and when this man came, he stewed and ate all the chicken cubs on the mountain!"

Xie Cangchuan said: "I saved three people, what's wrong with eating some of your chickens?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing, just eat." Rong Wan smiled and said: "Master Gu, I have something to say, you come into the house with me."

He was in a hurry to ask about Qi Bishu, so he didn't exchange many pleasantries.

On the contrary, Xie Cangchuan was a little surprised when he saw that he was preoccupied. After he followed him in, he said, "For your fourth disciple? This is the first time I've seen you care so much about a disciple."

Rong Wan: "What do you mean, I don't care about the other three people?"

"Not really." Xie Cangchuan and Xun Yujun, good friends for many years, sat down beside Xun Yujun's bed, raised his eyebrows and said: "Zhong Ziye is your old friend, and his talent is not high. Although you are kind to him, there is always something You took Wen Sitian away from me, just to save people. In the final analysis, she must leave here after she graduated from the teacher, and she has little fate with you as a teacher and apprentice. As for Yun Hao, although you love him, but It’s not to the extent that you treat that kid. If I’m not mistaken, you were seriously injured in Teng Snake’s sea of consciousness because of him.”

After a pause, Xie Cangchuan asked, "Why? What's so special about him?"

Rong Wan asked: "You answer my question first, how to solve his situation?"

Xie Cangchuan sighed slightly, and said, "You've checked, and there's no aura in his body, right? Although he was the son of the White Tiger, one of the most powerful gods back then, his god bone was not orthodox and had been sealed for many years. It was as if the fire had been suppressed for many years, and it erupted suddenly, hurting his internal organs. I am afraid that any monk would not be able to bear it, not to mention that his cultivation base is only able to condense his energy. He is not dead now, but it is only because of his blood. The original form of a beast is because all the vitality in his original body has been lost. If he wants to restore his human form, he must cultivate his flesh and bones again. do it."

Rong Wan frowned and said: "You mean, it will take at least fifty or sixty years for him to recover? But he doesn't have that much time! Only people above Qishen level can live forever. He was not born like the top ten gods. Demigod, after fifty or sixty years, he's probably already—”

This matter is really a wave of ups and downs. I thought it would be a good thing for Qi Bishu's bone to grow in advance, but I never thought that his original body was too shallow to carry the divine power of the bone, resulting in the destruction of his body! If it is impossible to restore the human form, even with the divine bone and divine power, is it difficult to maintain the state of the spirit beast all the time

"Don't worry." Xie Cangchuan persuaded.

Rong Wan rubbed his eyebrows: "How can I not be in a hurry?"

Xie Cangchuan looked at him, hesitant to say anything, paused, and then said: "Why do you accept him as an apprentice and take trouble for yourself, leaving him on this mountain is like keeping a gunpowder pot, I don't know When will it explode? His divine bone foundation is not stable, and if he is not careful in his practice in the future, or his mind is unstable, he will be easily possessed by demons. Besides, if someone in the Immortal Cultivation Continent knows that you have descendants of gods here, wouldn't they flock to you? Not to mention other remaining gods, if they notice that there is a god bone growing here, they will definitely look for it in the future! If you keep him, there will be endless troubles!"

What Xie Cangchuan said was all about the crisis that would happen in the future, Rong had thought about it all, but never had any scruples.

He asked: "You just tell me, is there a second way to help him control the god bone and restore his body."

Xie Cangchuan snorted: "Yes, there is, unless you don't want to die. His divine fire was consumed too much, and his internal organs were injured. It's just that the original body's cultivation base is too shallow. If you can consume your cultivation base and help him straighten his bones as soon as possible, you will be able to take a shortcut. , maybe it won’t take sixty years.”

Rong Wan meditated silently.

Xie Cangchuan was just talking casually at first, but he never expected that Mr. Xunyu was actually considering this method, and he couldn't help but get slightly angry: "What are you thinking? How much effort did you spend to cultivate to the level of Qishen? You really moved With this thought?"

"If I want to do this, will you help me?" Rong Wan asked.

Xie Cangchuan said angrily, "What do you think? No! I won't help you! Why are you doing it?"

Rong Wan couldn't explain to Xie Cangchuan why he had to keep Qi Bishu, so he frowned and said, "I have a measure."

Seeing his attitude, Xie Cangchuan couldn't help lowering his voice, and said angrily, "Is it just because of your sense of propriety? How many years have you not been injured? You just raised a new apprentice, and you got such a serious injury?! I advise you You stop the loss in time, you shouldn't take your life, don't take it lightly!"

The two of them talked in the room, and they didn't take precautions, so they only set up a shallow barrier. Naturally, Yun Hao and the others couldn't penetrate their spiritual sense.

Only Qi Bishu came back from the medicine spring. For some reason, after taking the shape of a beast, not only his sense of smell was several times sharper, but his hearing and spiritual consciousness were also enhanced several times.

He actually heard the conversation between Master and another person.

Holding the cloth towel in his mouth, he stood blankly at the entrance of the yard, not moving for a long time.