The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 122: Master-apprentice development


At the same time, Penglaizong was very quiet.

After the previous analysis, Teng Snake has been sealed for hundreds of years, and the news is unknown, how did he know that Qi Bishu has a god bone, and he did not hesitate to risk the seal to come here to try to take away the god bone? Someone must have told it on purpose.

Needless to say, this person naturally wanted the praying mantis to catch the cicada, and the oriole was behind him. Knowing that the snake would lose both to Jun Yujun, he waited for the fisherman to benefit so that he could get Qi Bishu's divine bone.

It's a pity that he had no idea. He never expected that the master and apprentice on Feiyu Mountain would come back alive in the end.

At this time, he should be hiding in the Penglai sect with fear.

Even if it wasn't because of this incident, Rong Wan believed that Dongfang Ruoxu must be eliminated. He knew all the whole story of what happened back then, and also saw through that Qi Bishu had a godly bone, and even had an extraordinary hatred for Qi Bishu. This time he was able to join hands with the evil spirit Tengshen, and next time he might do something even worse. If things are not eliminated, there will be endless troubles. As for the other elders of the Penglai Sect, I don't know their position, so they don't need to move yet, and they can't move.

Qi Bishu is too young to be good at disguising his thoughts. In the past few days, his worries are all written on his face, and Rong Wan sees it in his eyes, thinking that he is eager for revenge, so he is also worried for him. The most taboo in practice is to keep things in mind, and Wen Sitian is a lesson from the past.

Therefore, the next day, Rong Wan specially called several people from Feiyu Mountain to the courtyard for a meeting.

Rong Wan said: "The Teng Snake hasn't appeared in a hundred years, but this time it set up a trap in advance to lure me and Qi Bishu into it. If it wasn't for his spiritual power being greatly reduced after being sealed, I'm afraid even I would not be able to escape from death. I Suspecting that it has something to do with the people of Penglai Sect, I plan to go to talk to the head of the sect, and you will stay on the mountain for the time being."

Yun Hao also reacted at this time, and said in shock: "Master, you are saying that the second senior sister's madness is most likely caused by the control of the snake's consciousness, which is why the xinxing is unstable and gives birth to the inner demon?! Let me say that the second senior sister is stable in cultivation. Play it safe, how is it possible..."

Xie Cangchuan twirled the teacup with his fingertips, and pondered: "It's very likely that Teng Snake did it. His body is sealed. If he wants to see you and the kid next to you, he can only pass through the Sea of Consciousness. However, if you don't take the initiative to enter How can he trap you in his sea of consciousness? That's why he used Sitian."

Hearing this, Wen Sitian's face was filled with guilt for a moment: "It's all my fault."

"This has nothing to do with you, what should come will always come." Rong Wan waved his hand and said: "But it's just a suspicion."

"Master, if it's for me, you don't have to go." Qi Bishu hesitated to speak.

He didn't know whether the master's sudden proposal to go to Penglai sect was related to what he said to him yesterday, and wanted to avenge himself.

This revenge is not so easy to avenge.

Even with master's cultivation level, crushing Dongfang Ruoxu to death is like crushing an ant. But after Dongfang Ruoxu died, things were not that simple. Not only is he a dignified and upright elder, he has hundreds of disciples, and he is also extremely dignified. He is known as a highly respected Taoist priest outside, and he also has a group of monks who follow him. If he is questioned inexplicably, and he doesn't give an explanation, I'm afraid Xiuxian Continent will be messed up.

Therefore, he didn't want Master to be involved in his hatred.

"It has nothing to do with you." Rong Wan guessed what he was thinking, but interrupted him, saying: "Don't think too much, go with me."

Qi Bishu had no choice but to swallow the words.

When Yun Hao heard that Wen Sitian's madness was most likely controlled by the Teng Snake, he was already extremely angry. He slapped the table and said, "Master, I will go with you too!"

Rong Wan said: "No need, this matter has nothing to do with you, you don't need to be involved, besides, Penglai Zong Qi Bishu is much more familiar with you than you."

Yun Hao muttered: "He is familiar, but now he looks neither human nor beast, how can he leave the mountain?"

"I have a solution for this. I can ask him to recover temporarily." Xie Cangchuan folded his arms, pursed his lips, and said, "And this trip your master must go."

Rong Wan glared at Cang Chuan and signaled him not to say more, but Xie Cang Chuan turned a deaf ear and said to himself, "Why are you staring at me? Can't say anything?"

After accepting the pain in his head, he said, "Okay."

Xie Cangchuan continued: "Your injuries and loss of true energy are almost healed, but the blow from the snake behind you was extremely poisonous, even though it was forced out with deep true energy, the last bit of it seeped into the blood But the toxins in it have not yet been forced out. I heard that the elder Juechen of Penglai Sect has a thousand-year-old snow lotus asparagus in his hand, which happens to be the medicinal material I need to refine medicine for you. You might as well go there and get it back."

After finishing speaking, his eyes lightly fell on Qi Bishu.

Ever since Mr. Xun Yu entered the Qishen stage, there were very few people in the world who could hurt him, let alone let him go to the gate of hell. This time, it was really a great loss for an apprentice.

Qi Bishu lowered his head, knowing that he had committed a serious crime, and felt like a huge rock was pressing on his heart.

In this millennium winter, he will definitely get it back for his master.

That night, Qi Bishu tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. His previous body was too worn out. If he didn't have a deep cultivation base and maintain his true energy, he would never be able to restore his original body. Xie Cangchuan gave him a elixir that had been treasured for many years. It was refined from the inner alchemy of hundreds of ninth-level unicorns in the forest of monsters. It will return to its original appearance within a day.

But this is not a long-term solution, once the effect of the elixir wears off, he will still have to implicate his master.

He held the elixir bottle in his palm, full of melancholy in his heart, suddenly, when his fingers touched the bottle, there seemed to be something more besides the elixir. He turned the medicine bottle over and poured it out. It was a small note: See you in Yaotan tonight.

Did Xie Cangchuan have something to do with him

A few thoughts flashed through Qi Bishu's mind, and he almost guessed why Cang Chuan was looking for him. He didn't blame the owner of the valley, and even appreciated that the owner of the valley was always thinking of Master. From the standpoint of this valley owner, he must be an annoying burden. Even if Xie Cangchuan wants to drive him away tonight, he can understand.

However, a feeling of astringency welled up in his heart, and he still hoped to stay by Master's side for a few more days. It's not yet dawn, what will Master's expression be if he doesn't see himself when he wakes up tomorrow morning

He gritted his teeth, stuffed the medicine bottle under the pillow again, and turned over to get out of bed.

As expected, Xie Cangchuan was waiting by the medicine pool, seeing him coming as promised, he cut to the chase and said, "I don't have time to talk to you in detail, do you know why I asked you to come here?"

Qi Bishu said: "I can guess it, Master Gu said it directly."

Xie Cangchuan said: "Your body can't be recovered, you must be aware that if you want to recover, you need someone with extremely deep cultivation to help your body smoothly bear the divine bone. Your master intends to consume his own Cultivation, I stopped you. You should know how much hard work it takes to cultivate to the level of Qishen. Many people can't reach this height in their entire lives. Therefore, you must not let him do this kind of thing for you .”

Xie Cangchuan saw that half of Qi Bishu's face was hidden in the dark, although he looked sad, but he didn't seem surprised by what he said, so he couldn't help feeling a little strange.

Before he could think about it, Qi Bishu said, "Don't worry, Master Gu, I won't hang around on the mountain."

After saying this, Qi Bishu was already prepared in his heart. Although he is reluctant, he is not a wolf-hearted person. The master treats him well, and he will never become a burden to the master. He just felt a bit empty and lonely, he didn't know where to go after leaving here, and he didn't know where in the world to accommodate him.

Xie Cangchuan paused, and took a few more glances at Qi Bishu. He didn't have a good impression of this kid at first, but now it seems that he is free and easy, and he is not ungrateful.

"Where are you going? I don't mean to tell you to go. If you see me tonight and disappear tomorrow, your master Qi Bishu will swallow me alive?" Xie Cangchuan said, "I'm here to tell you , there is a last method, but this method is extremely vicious, once you use it, you will step into the devil's way with half your foot, if your master knows, you will definitely not be allowed to do it."

Qi Bishu had lost all thoughts, but suddenly heard that there was another way, his eyes lit up, and he said anxiously: "Guzhu, what else can I do?"

"Have you ever heard of the Ghost Art of the Underworld?"

Qi Bishu's pupils narrowed sharply, he had seen it in the forbidden book.

Xie Cangchuan said with his hands behind his back: "Cultivators in the Cultivation Continent can take the inner alchemy of spirit beasts and fierce beasts and refine them for their own use. It is only natural for people to kill animals. But if a person wants to seize the inner alchemy of a person and refine the flesh and blood of the opponent, it will The other party is forced to become a lonely ghost, that is a crooked method, which is not tolerated by the world! Once used, the sky thunder will be dozens of times that of ordinary people in the future, because there are debts to be repaid. ! Moreover, this kind of exercise that forcibly seizes other people's cultivation can also help you restore your body, but you will suffer a lot during the process, because that person's heart is unwilling, and his cultivation will reject you."

"I..." Qi Bishu was shaken violently.

He naturally knows that this kind of exercise is a forbidden technique for demon cultivators! Even the most vicious Demon Cultivator has abolished it, prohibiting future generations from practicing it, which shows how vicious the Ghost Art of the Nether Realm is! If once used, let Master know, Master will definitely not forgive. But at this moment, he was in a dilemma. If he didn't use it, he would never be able to recover his body, and he would be forced to leave Feiyu Mountain.

He doesn't want to leave!

No way to leave!

Xie Cangchuan didn't force it, but he didn't want to see his friend's life ruined in this kid's hands, so he came here to give him a choice. No matter whether you stray into the magic way or not, it is only because of people's choice. The exercises are just exercises, so what's wrong? If this kid has practiced this exercise, but his mind is unstable, his desires are rampant, and he steps into the devil's way, it can only be said that this kid has such a calamity in his life, and it is not because of the exercise. And if this skill can help this kid get rid of this crisis, perhaps, another village will be brightened.

So he frowned and waited for a while, then turned around and was about to leave. As soon as he flicked his sleeves, Qi Bishu's voice came from behind: "Please trouble Master Gu to give me the secret volume of exercises."