The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 139: Master-apprentice development



The atmosphere was tense for a while.

This attitude in Sikong Zhu's eyes is really weird.

If it was because he was coerced by others to do something wrong to the monks of the righteous way, Mr. Xun Yu should not be like this, at most he would say something perfunctory.

What's more, in order to show his sincerity, he first revealed all the things about himself being controlled by others, just to gain Jun Yu's trust.

But now Jun Yujun's expression is so bad, it looks like he is going to take something away from him.

Sikong Zhu couldn't help feeling doubts in his heart: "Did Mr. Xunyu have a prejudice against my daughter because of my affairs?"

Rong Wan also realized that his tone just now was too blunt, so he eased his expression and said, "No."

Sikong Zhu was even more surprised, and asked again: "Then your disciple already likes a girl?"


Rong Wan didn't change his expression, he didn't speak, it was a plausible admission, I hope this person can understand something, and don't ask any more questions.

But who would have expected that Sikong Zhu recruited monks from all over the world, and became the leader of the alliance, not only because of his cultivation and exquisite skills, but also because of his extremely thick skin.

Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief, sat up straight and poured a pot of tea for Rong Wan, and said: "That's easy to say, since you haven't married yet, everything is still undecided, besides, it's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. "


Rong Wan almost regretted coming this trip, except for the news that the white tiger will break through the barrier, it is useless. He showed displeasure, and said: "On Feiyu Mountain, there is no rule of master's order or matchmaker's words. Leader, I told you, I can't help you with this matter."

Sikong Zhu is also very interesting: "This matter is my unilateral request. You don't have to make things difficult for Mr. Xunyu, let everything go with the flow." He smiled wryly: "Only this time, as the leader of the alliance, I must lead the way. If I lost my life here, I really don't know who will take care of Sikongrou for me, her mother died early—"

Rong Wan frowned slightly, he could understand Sikong Zhu's psychology of being a father, but he couldn't agree with this kind of practice of entrusting his daughter to others casually.

"Oh, let's not talk about it." Sikong Zhu drank the tea and said: "I hope that today's matter will be kept secret, and not many people know about the fact that the white tiger is about to break through the barrier. It also needs to be deployed in advance, and the fewer people who know about it, the better."

Rong finished his jaw and said, "Naturally."

In fact, no matter how united the monks on Chuanyun Mountain are, no matter how carefully they plan, once the spirit white tiger comes, those barriers built in advance and water and fire talismans refined in advance will all be turned into a pile of ashes. They can't resist one or two moves from the white tiger, let alone ordinary monks? Although sad, but in the face of the absolute power of the gods, it is true.

The person who tied the bell needs to be untied. If Qi Bishu can dissuade Baihu, everything can be resolved. The only thing that is scary is that after falling into the devil, Baihu's temperament has changed drastically, and he may not still care about Qi Bishu's affection.


After Qi Bishu came back from Rao Changguan, he was in a very good mood. It could be said that he was proud of the spring breeze, and Yun Hao was very unpredictable. It was gloomy yesterday, but today it suddenly cleared up. This unpredictable weather is faster than the dog days.

Yun Hao still wanted to pull Qi Bishu to practice swords, but after Qi Bishu returned to the yard, he plunged into the room and couldn't get out no matter how much he called out.

"What are you doing, it's weird every day." Yun Hao muttered.

After a while, Qi Bishu suddenly opened the window, and asked him who was standing in the courtyard: "Senior Brother Yun Hao, do you know what is Master's favorite book?"

That's a good question. Yun Hao said sourly: "Don't you usually rush to grind and accompany Master, you don't know, how could I know?"

After hearing this, Qi Bishu felt a little proud, raised his eyebrows, and asked again: "What about the font?"

Yun Hao said: "I don't know about it, but Master often imitates Yan Zhenqing's cursive script."

Seeing Qi Bishu's pensive look, he couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter with you recently? Asking these questions—"

But before he finished speaking, the window was slammed shut in front of his face, the fourth junior brother didn't know what to do, and looked impatient.

Yun Hao: "..."

Before Qi Bishu sat back at the table, he took out the candied haws from the Qiankun bag, put them on the table, looked at them devoutly and joyfully for a while, and then took out the pen and paper. Since he went to Feiyu Mountain, although he often stayed beside his master to practice and served tea and water for him, there were still many things he didn't know about his master. For example, Master seldom writes with a pen in front of him.

He asked Yun Hao just now, and only then did he know that Master imitated Guoyan's words. But after he went up the mountain, he was rarely seen.

But Qi Bishu didn't think about it.

He decided to write a letter of confession, imitating Yan Zhenqing's handwriting.

After he came back from Rao Changguan, he kept thinking that he might be able to hold back his intentions, but the master was surrounded by Yingyan, but he couldn't wait. If I have been looking forward and backward like this, wandering left and right, then it will be too late for Bixuan to express his heart to the master first!

I have been going on like this for no apparent reason, and I don't know when and when I will be able to enlighten Master.

What's more, like him, holding his thoughts in his heart all day long, he can't do anything, it's like being hung on a cliff, and he doesn't know when he will hit the ground or fall. Instead of being so anxious all day long, it is better to start exploring.

He didn't confess his identity first, and he didn't use his own handwriting. He just wrote such a letter expressing his heart for Master to receive. Then when the master opened it, he watched the master's reaction from the side -

If the master didn't care about this, he would definitely hate this letter, and then he would have to think again. But if the master's reaction was not so violent, but just laughed it off, then he might still have a chance.

In any case, it was better than sitting like this, waiting for the knife to fall from the neck.

Sitting on the sidelines will always lead to nothing.

Qi Bishu's complexion gradually turned red, and his heart was beating very fast. Although he doesn't know what it's like to be in love with each other, he has already tasted the taste of unrequited love. Writing this letter is like analyzing the relationship for so many years. On the one hand, he feels embarrassing, but on the other hand, he feels sweet .

On the one hand, he felt extremely naive, and his ears turned red with embarrassment, but on the other hand, he was impulsive, and felt that he had to launch an offensive. No matter how late, he couldn't wait any longer.

It was too painful.

He originally thought that when he was rescued by Master from the cold pool that night, he was just in awe and gratitude because he grabbed a life-saving straw, and he didn't mix too many other emotions.

Especially the liking for the master is just a later love for a long time.

But thinking about it now, six years have passed, and the master's face that night in Hantan can still clearly come to mind, without fading at all. If I was just in awe of Master that night, could I really remember this moment for so long

Perhaps as a child at that time, some kind of emotion that had nothing to do with lust and only cared about love had already arisen in his heart, but he hadn't noticed it.

Otherwise, after going up Feiyu Mountain, he would not use all kinds of means just to win the master away from Senior Brother Yun Hao, so that the master's eyes would stay on him for a while longer.

Over the years, every day, every day, every minute and every second spent together, this feeling has become stronger and stronger, to the point where it can't be controlled.

Qi Bishu felt that he was doing something immoral and might be criticized by many monks in the world. But he developed an intuition for no reason, even if the master doesn't like him, he will defend himself, and he won't be like others, because he hates himself because of the way of master and apprentice.

This gave him the urge to give it a try.

He didn't think about the consequences, but if the master is willing to accept it, or if he looks back at himself, he will have a certain liking for himself-not the master's liking for the apprentice, but another kind, like him for the master. Liked—he was dying of joy.

While thinking about this, Qi Bishu slowly wrote a letter full of affection.

He wrote so slowly that his handwriting was unrecognizable.

Uneasy, hesitant, uncertain, but full of passion and joy.

The sun outside was gradually slanting towards the west. After he finished writing the letter, he spread two dabs of lamp oil with his fingers, sealed the envelope, put it in his bosom, and put it together with the delicate box, waiting to find a chance to give it to Master.

There is no need to look for opportunities.

Isn't now a great opportunity

Qi Bishu had an idea, he opened the door, saw that Yun Hao was no longer outside, so he quietly entered the master's room. He has been to the master's room many times, and this time is really the most guilty one.

The heart is about to jump out of the throat.

Qi Bishu put the letter and the box under Master's pillow, put down the pillow, and patted it with his hands. If he had something like the heirloom jade left by his mother, he would definitely give it to the master without hesitation, but he didn't. After he was abandoned, he didn't have anything long on him.

I hope that Master will not feel disgusted with the exquisite rouge handpicked.

Qi Bishu's face was very red, and he was about to go out quietly when he heard a commotion outside. Yun Hao also pushed the door out of the room, wondering: "What is this?"

Someone outside responded: "It's something sent by the leader of the alliance, please accept it from the little Taoist chief."

"Sikong Zhu?" Yun Hao opened the box, but gasped, and shouted: "Qi Bishu, come out, look what all this is!"

When Qi Bishu went out, Yun Hao was shocked and didn't notice that he came out of the master's room. When he approached, he saw that Sikong Zhu sent someone to deliver several boxes of high-grade pills and talismans, and two boxes of gold and silver jewelry and high-grade spirit stones. The former is naturally not very useful in the world of cultivating immortals, but when the box is first opened, the light of gold and silver is still shocking.

Although Feiyu Mountain does not lack any good things, it is still nothing compared to Chuanyun Mountain, which has amassed a lot of money from the Cultivation League.

"For our master?" Qi Bishu asked suspiciously.

There is nothing to be courteous about, either adultery or robbery, and I don't know what Master is doing at this time, why he hasn't come back yet.

But I heard the man who sent the messenger say: "No, some of them are filial to Lord Xunyu, and the other part is for you that the leader said. Aren't you the fourth apprentice of Lord Xunyu?"

"Him?!" Yun Hao pointed at Qi Bishu's nose: "What do you mean by giving it to him?"

Qi Bishu frowned, only to feel his eyelids twitch twice.

mountain top.

After Rong Wan got up and was about to say goodbye, Sikong Zhu took out another blue and white porcelain bottle from his arms, twisted it with his fingers, and said solemnly: "Inside is a Taihuan Pill, which was left by Qilin three years ago. There are three in total in the world. , although it will not have the effect of bringing the dead back to life, but it can quickly protect the heart after a serious injury, and it can be used in a critical moment. Please also ask Jun Yu to help me."

He handed the porcelain bottle to Rong Wan.

What he meant by helping him was naturally referring to getting rid of the two Taoist robed monks.

Nowadays, there are only a handful of cultivators on the mainland who have reached the Qishen level, but they do not work together. Except for Liu Qingzang and Rong Wan who came to Chuanyun Mountain, other Qishen level cultivators have long been in order to protect themselves. Hid far away.

That's why he has been under the control of others - he and Liu Qingzang are together, and they still can't get rid of those two. But if you add another Jun Yu, then the odds of winning will be great. This is also the most important reason for this request to go up the mountain.

Leaving those two people behind would cause endless troubles, so Rong Wan naturally wanted to help him this time. Now that he has agreed to help, he will be paid for his meritorious service.

Rong Wan didn't hesitate much, and brought Tai Huan Dan over.

What's more, since this Taihuan Pill was left by Qilin, it is naturally rare in the world. In the original text, it is indeed called a god-level panacea, because it can temporarily seal the spiritual veins after death and preserve the corpse. Who can do the impossible thing of "returning the dead to life".

After seeing Rong and accepting his meeting gift, Sikong Zhu looked much better, and the aura between the two also became somewhat harmonious, at least, from probing each other to standing on the same boat.

Sikong Zhu wanted to see Rong off and left, suddenly remembered something, said: "Although Mr. Xunyu won't help me lead the red line, but if young people get in touch with each other more, Mr. Xunyu will not interfere, right?"

Seeing him bring this up again, Rong Wan felt impatient, but didn't show it, "What does it mean that young people have more contacts?"

Sikong Zhu said: "I asked someone to send a few boxes of spirit pills and talismans over as a gift for the two children to meet, and they must have been delivered to your beloved apprentice at this time—Of course, it's just for meaning, there is nothing else in Chuanyun Mountain, just I have accumulated money for many years, and there is no shortage of this aspect. If Mr. Xun Yu does not interfere, maybe you can make your apprentice and Si Kongrou make friends, and if you can form a family, wouldn’t it be a beautiful thing? , It is also good for the youngsters to learn martial arts."

Rong Wan sneered in his heart, and exchanged a few boxes of talisman talismans for the protection of the son of the white tiger. It was the skill of this leader of the world of cultivating immortals to talk about finding a way out for himself so grandly and touchingly. It's just that Tai Huan Dan, who also accepted someone just now, is short of manpower, so it's not easy to refuse directly, so he said perfunctorily: "Let's see their fate, why should I interfere?"

"That's good, that's good." Sikong Zhu laughed and got up politely to see him off.

Before the two talked, they had already set up an enchantment in the courtyard, and when they came here this time, they were very concealed, and they deliberately picked a time when the two monks in Taoist robes were not in the mountain, so they were not afraid that the wall would have ears.

However, Rong Wan overlooked that ordinary monks and even monks at the Qishen level cannot pass through the barrier between the two of them, but there is another person on Yunyun Mountain who has long been able to pass through any barrier. .

As soon as he came out of the yard, his gaze met a pair of eyes.

Rong Wan was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously put away the porcelain white bottle in his hand, but Qi Bishu didn't know how long he had been here, nor how much he had heard, so he looked at him with a blank expression, his eyes dark.