The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 143: Master-apprentice development


When the herd of beasts came, Qi Bishu's face changed, and without hesitation, he rushed forward for several miles, wanting to know the safety of his master. Immediately, he saw that Master and others had already made preparations and climbed up the tree to hide, so he was relieved.

However, the noise he made immediately attracted several curly-haired and green-maned beasts that were still fleeing in a hurry.

Those curly-haired and green-maned beasts had been hungry for several days due to the heavy rain, and suddenly smelled the smell of mortal monks' skin and tender meat, their eyes glowed green, and they rushed towards him without thinking about running for their lives. Come.

Qi Bishu didn't pay attention to his position because he was worried about his master's safety. Only then did he realize that there was a swampy open space around him, and there were no giant trees to hide from temporarily.

Seeing that several giant beasts were hungry enough to eat under their noses, Qi Bishu solemnly drew out his sword and decided to skin them. It was unlucky for these curly-haired and green-maned beasts to meet him, and they were easily pierced by him with a few swords without a few fights.

This skin is full of dirt and filth, and it stinks... Qi Bishu frowned in disgust, and jumped up the tree without dealing with the corpse. Behind the herd of beasts are thousands of horses and horses, and they can't go down for a while.

He was hidden in the shadow of the tree, and only then did he have the time to check himself. Because of the urgency of the situation, he only held the bundle in his hand, and left all the things that started the fire where they were. His body was already soaked by the heavy rain, and his hair was sticking to his face, which made him very uncomfortable. When he came down from Chuanyun Mountain, he didn't bring any clothes. After fighting with the curly-haired green-maned beast, his clothes were already covered in mud and water , extremely embarrassed.

Qi Bishu wrung out the water from the hem of his clothes a little bit, with a self-deprecating smile on the corner of his mouth. Since the master is his master, how could he notice the beast tide while the master didn't.

He suddenly heard movement in front of his ear, and he suddenly raised his head vigilantly, would this herd of beasts still go against the road

The white robes are coming this way, it's not a herd of beasts, it's Master!

The master was probably afraid that he would be in danger, so he turned around to look for him. Qi Bishu was overwhelmed with surprise, and the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably. After realizing this, he quickly stretched out his hand to flatten the corners of his mouth.

He didn't want to have a cold war with his master for a long time, every minute and every second was very tormented, but he couldn't save his face and begged for peace again and again. At this moment, I was embarrassed, and I didn't know how to face it later, but I also vaguely hoped that Master would find me soon.

Qi Bishu took a look at his body, it was dirty, but safe, except for a shallow skin wound on his arm that was scratched by tree thorns. He suddenly saw a pool of curly-haired and green-maned beast blood on the ground, and he had an idea in a blink of an eye.

He closed his eyes, and quietly tore the wound on his arm wider.

The beast tide headed towards the mountain depression, where the trees collapsed, the rocks were flattened, and there was a lot of scars. But the animal horde has passed, so there is no obstacle, so within the time it took for a stick of incense, he found the person he wanted to see.

The figure curled up on the tree, Rong Wan was overjoyed, and was about to tell him to come down, but a few drops of blood flowed down Qi Bishu's arm to his face, which was icy cold. After being startled, he realized that there were a few giant beasts under the tree. These curly-haired and green-maned beasts were huge, and they had reached the level of ruthlessness of top-level monsters. Did they besiege Qi Bishu together just now


Rong Wan was suddenly worried, stepped on the tree trunk, and hugged him down: "Wake up."

Qi Bishu didn't know if he had lost too much blood, his face was pale, his eyelashes were closed tightly, and his lips were dry.

Rong Wan stretched out his hand to reach his neck anxiously, but saw that his pulse and breathing were stable and normal, so he was slightly relieved, but why did he fall into a coma? Could it be that the non-stop rush along the way, coupled with the fight with these giant beasts, consumed too much energy

After accepting and pointing at the hideous wound on his arm to stop the bleeding, he wrapped him in clothes and swept forward. Qi Bishu has grown up, not as tall as he was when he was a child, and it is very difficult for him to carry the weight, but if he is carrying it, Qi Bishu's waist and abdomen will definitely feel uncomfortable, so he has no choice but to hold him in his arms like when he was a child.

Qi Bishu sniffed the smell on Rong Wan's body, felt the long-lost concern from the master, and curled the corners of his mouth imperceptibly—it wasn't a long-lost, he understood that even if the master didn't mean that much to him, he was always in his heart and always cared about him, after all He is an apprentice. However, he greedily felt that it was too little. If he could absorb a little more of Master's care, he would feel less anxious and empty in his heart.

Sometimes he feels like a bottomless pit, and it is annoying to ask for too much, desperately trying to get warmth from the master, no matter what means. If I were a master, I would definitely not like someone like myself.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help moving his fingers, gripping Rong Wan's clothes tightly.

He forgot, he was still in Rong Wan's arms, and when he moved, his secrets would be revealed.

After Rong was concerned, his confused mind suddenly realized that this was wrong. Although the wound on Qi Bishu's arm was ferocious, it looked like a scratch, or a sword wound, but those giant beasts all had ferocious fangs, and they bit him with one bite. If you go down, how can you not bite off your hand, the wound will not match!

He quickly swept towards the cave ahead, and looked down at the person in his arms.

Qi Bishu seemed to be aware of his gaze, her eyelashes trembled, and her eyelids subconsciously closed even tighter in a guilty conscience.


Rong Wan was furious immediately, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, he said: "Qi Bishu, if you don't open your eyes, I will throw you down."

Qi Bishu closed his eyes and did not move.

"I really threw it away! Three, two..." Rong Wan soared into the air, wanting to let Qi Bishu feel the height, if he fell, he would not be able to pretend to the bottom.

Qi Bishu hugged his neck tightly, still did not open his eyes, did not move, and pretended to be dead.

This is a bet on whether he will throw it.

After counting the last one, it took so long to count half a stick of incense, and there was nothing to do with him. Seeing a cave nearby, there should be a monk cooking a hot pot here, so he rushed into the cave and threw him on a pile of straw.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he started to throw, Qi Bishu hugged his neck tightly, and pinched his waist with his legs.

"Wow—" He was actually entangled by Qi Bishu and rolled on the straw together.

Qi Bishu was extremely ashamed, distressed and embarrassed, but even if he was caught, he still had to perform a full set of plays, so he pretended to fall hard, coughed violently, opened his eyes blankly under Rong Wan, and said in surprise: "Master, you Why are you here!"

Rong Wan: "..."

He thought this kid could win the Academy Award instead of him.

Rong Wan put on a cold face on purpose: "Didn't I tell you not to follow me down the mountain, why are you following me?"

Qi Bishu thought that the master was willing to turn around and look for him, because the anger from the Ghost Art of the Underworld must have completely disappeared. It can be seen that the master's face is frosty at this time, and it seems that the anger has not disappeared. He was at a loss for a moment, but his mind turned quickly—

"It hurts, Master." He crossed his arms and lay down on the ground angrily.

"..." Rong Wan really admired it, but the wound was important, so he reached out to Qi Bishu's arm without hesitation, trying to tear off the cloth, "Let's see what happened to the wound."

Qi Bishu turned around and turned his back to him: "Master is still angry, don't touch me."

"Enough!" Rong Wan slapped his ass and said, "I'm not angry with you anymore, stop it!"

Qi Bishu turned around and lay down on his back, knowing that the opportunity was rare, and it was necessary for Master to stop being angry completely, so he quietly channeled his true energy, and the wound on his arm burst open again.

Probably because of the rain, the clothes were stained with blood, and it looked shockingly seriously injured.

Rong Wan's anger disappeared again, and he became distressed, and said: "Take your hands away, let me see the wound, how did you hurt?"

"Being chased by those curly-haired and green-maned beasts, he wasn't bitten, but was scratched by a branch." Qi Bishu said aggrievedly. People in love always subconsciously call themselves stupid to win a little affection.

Sure enough, Rong Wan only felt angry and funny: "You are like this, how can I rest assured that you will be a teacher?"

Qi Bishu asked nervously: "Why do you want to be a teacher? I don't want to be a teacher, don't leave."

Rong Wan lowered his head to bandage Qi Bishu's wound, and asked casually, "Do you really want to follow me forever?"

Qi Bishu's heart was pounding, and he was about to take advantage of the situation to confess his feelings, but he managed to hold back. But no matter what, you must give an extremely affirmative answer to these words, so that Master can understand your thoughts.

He sat up and straightened his body: "Follow."

Rong Wan smiled.

Qi Bishu smiled when he saw Rong Wan, the haze of the past few days was completely cleared, he didn't care about the wound on his arm, hugged Rong Wan's arm, and said: "Master, don't be angry about what happened that day, okay?" ?”

If you have cultivated, just cultivate. This is the end of the matter, and there is no way.

Rong Wan patted his head with anger, hatred and love, and asked: "Okay, but tell me, how did you learn this exercise?"

Qi Bishu knew that if he didn't mention this matter, it would become an obstacle between himself and his master, so he finally confessed everything and told Rong Wan. That day, he heard the conversation between Rong Wan and Xie Cangchuan, and learned that if he wanted to recover his divine bones, he would have to consume a lot of his master's cultivation. He didn't want to do this, so he had to practice this technique. I hope Master will not be angry.

Dongfang Ruoxu was killed by him.

After a few years, when Qi Bishu mentioned this name, his expression was very calm. No matter how miserable childhood was, that is the past. He also thought about what would happen now if he hadn't been rescued by his master in the cold pool that day, and if he hadn't died with pity from heaven. In the vast world, alone, lonely.

After listening to him, Rong Wan looked dazed for a moment.

After all, the root cause turned out to be because of myself...

This counts as avoiding something, but something is coming.

Since this kung fu has entered Qi Bishu's bone marrow, it cannot be eradicated, and it would be too much to overkill to abolish Qi Bishu's cultivation. The current strategy is to take one step at a time, and beware of Qi Bishu's inner demons.

"Devil?" Qi Bishu didn't take it seriously, "Master, don't worry, I won't go crazy like Senior Sister."

He is still living in this world, and the only source of warmth is the master, and nothing else can enter his eyes or become his demonic obstacle. If he stayed by Master's side forever, looked at Master, and followed Master, how could he breed inner demons

Rong Wan thought, I hope so.

"I'll forgive you this time. You must listen to me in the future and discuss everything with me."

After thinking for a while, Rong Wan added, "Also, no matter what happens in the future, you must remember what I said. I accepted you as an apprentice at that time, just because you are you, you are talented, and nothing else reason."

These words fell into Qi Bishu's ears, which was nothing short of sweet talk, his face turned red, although he didn't understand why the master looked so dignified, but he was still happy in his heart. It's not that he wants to dig out the sweets from the minutiae, and he doesn't miss even half a word of the master, but that the master seldom says such things, and he is naturally very happy when he finally said something.

Seeing him giggling, Rong Wan slapped him on the back: "Do you remember?"

Qi Bishu almost vomited blood, and hurriedly said: "Master, I understand."

The violent storm has not abated, and there are still rocks flying in the Monster Beast Valley. It is very inconvenient at night, so the two decided to stay in the cave temporarily for the night, and set off again in the daytime tomorrow.

There is a stream outside the cave, Qi Bishu caught two fish and roasted them.

That night, he and his master slept in their clothes, on the same pile of straw, feeling at ease.

This is not for other reasons, but because he knows that the master will never abandon himself no matter what. This time I was so ignorant, practiced the ghost art of the underworld, was discovered by the master, and the master was so angry, but finally forgave myself...

Qi Bishu built up a sense of security in his heart, turned sideways, and wanted to take a peek at Master's face while Master was asleep.

Turning around, he saw that Master was breathing evenly, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep, so his eyes became bold and presumptuous.

Although people are by my side, I still miss them all the time. Why

Seeing the master holding hands, his heart moved, he squeezed towards the master half a point, and then gently raised the master's hand with very slow movements, and put it around his waist.

His waist suddenly felt numb.

Pretending to be the master hugging himself tightly first.

Qi Bishu was hugged tightly, so proud that he closed his eyes.


Rong Wan didn't fall asleep, he opened his eyes with complicated emotions, and glanced at the silly roe deer.