The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 52: Campus violent petite poor ghost


The boys who were arguing before were all stunned, and even the front desk couldn't help but turned their heads and glanced at Yuan Yun.

Rong Wan didn't care about other people's gazes, he was immediately happy, leaned over, and couldn't hide the smile on the corners of his eyes and brows: "Don't go, who said I have to go?! I'll just stay here!"

Yuan Yun didn't say a word anymore, restraining the hostility that had surged up in his chest just now.

After being close to his little sun, and getting used to the light and warmth, it is difficult to go back to the time when he was alone.

So much so that I heard that I want to change seats-is this person unwilling to sit next to me

He was like a frightened bird, his chest rose and fell for a moment, and he even appeared anxious and angry.

"I did well in the exam this time. I checked the answers with them there just now. I guess it won't be too bad. I made a bet with Lao Lin last time. As long as I can get into the top 100 in the grade, he promised me not to change my seat—" Rong Wan lay on the table, leaning against Yuan Yun's elbow, talking in a rambling manner.

"En." Yuan Yun replied in a low voice.

It was raining heavily outside, and the air was sultry and hot, but Yuan Yun's depression and anxiety were inexplicably smoothed away by the words in his ear.

— the person is willing to continue to sit next to him.

The results came out a week later, and Lao Lin also specially printed out the rankings of the third class, drawing a small red flower behind those who made great progress, and marking them with bright red marks for those who made great progress, and everyone got one! Now that I am a sophomore in high school, I must use some powerful means to motivate these children who are still playing desperately!

But after Rong Wan got the result, he was dumbfounded.

He is third in the class and eighty-seven in grade.

Yuan Yun's class is forty-second, grade seven hundred and first.

There is a small red flower on the back of his report card, but Yuan Yun's line is quite glaring.

Not only was he stunned, but the whole class was stunned. If it wasn't for the Huo Yanwang or the former Huoyan Wang who was less talkative and cold-faced, they would have thought that Yuan Yun had been exposed!

Rong Wan was anxious, Yuan Yun must have failed the exam on purpose, otherwise with his grades, he could pass the exam even with his eyes closed, how could he have slipped to more than 700 in the grade? It's really a talent to control it so precisely, it's so pissing off!

However, Yuan Yun didn't know that he would definitely pass the exam this time.

According to Jing Yizhi's historical performance, it hovers around more than 720 every time. And after the mid-term exam, if you have to arrange seats according to your grades, more than 700 people can only sit with more than 700 people.

Rong Wan hurriedly went to find Yuan Yun, but Yuan Yun was not in the classroom and was called away by Lao Lin. Now Rong Wan knew what Yuan Yun was doing when Lao Lin called him to the office just after the exam that day. Although Lao Lin treated Yuan Yun as a thorny student who loved to fight, he still paid close attention to Yuan Yun's grades, but this time, Yuan Yun really failed the exam for him.

"Jing Yizhi, Lao Lin wants you to go to the office."

After Rong Wan walked to the door of the office, Yuan Yun just came out from inside.

Rong Wan was really afraid that Lao Lin would have a bad impression of Yuan Yun, and also afraid that Lao Lin would teach him a lesson, and his talking back would make Lao Lin even angrier—of course, Yuan Yun basically wouldn't talk back, and would only be armed with indifference and haze.

Rong Wan felt that it was all because of himself, otherwise, how could Yuan Yun have deliberately failed the exam. In short, his heart was filled with a complicated feeling of worrying that the two of them would not sit together anymore, and feeling guilty and nervous.

Rong Wan leaned over, pulled Yuan Yun to the corner of the corridor, and asked nervously: "How about it, did Lao Lin scold you, just tell him directly that it was just an accident that I didn't pass the exam this time, purely to help me review , it's all my fault..."

"It's okay." Yuan Yun stretched out his hand to pat Rong Wan's bangs, and stared at him with dark eyes, with a sense of comfort.

Rong Wan suddenly froze.

Is the sun out in the west? !

Yuan Yun seemed to have just realized what he had done, and immediately retracted his hand unnaturally, put it back into his trouser pocket, and looked away in other directions.

Rong Wan continued the topic just now, and asked, "What did Lao Lin tell you?"

Yuan Yun only said concisely: "Don't worry, I won't change."

Although he didn't know what Yuan Yun said to Lao Lin, Rong Wan was suddenly relieved when he heard that he would not change seats. He looked back and forth in the corridor, he was still studying by himself, and no one saw him, so he couldn't help reaching out his hand, and violently rubbed Yuan Yun's hair, rumpled without fear of death, and said with a smile: "No change. Tell me earlier, then what were you doing just now? Taking advantage of me?"

His warm fingertips brushed Yuan Yun's forehead vaguely, brushing those few strands of hair, itching.

Yuan Yun: "..."

Yuan Yun frowned, pushed his hand away, and went back to the classroom, mouth dry and tongue dry, his heart pounding in his chest.

I want to stare at a person, want to get close to a person, why do I have these insignificant emotions in my heart for no reason.

He sat down in his seat and read the book. He didn't catch a word for a long time. The noise in the classroom seemed to have nothing to do with him.

After Rong finished pushing the door and went in, Lao Lin was spreading his papers on the table, with a happy expression on his face, seeing him coming, he was overjoyed and said: "Come here quickly! Xiao Jing, let me say that you are a good kid, look at you this time How good the exam is, the grade is eighty-seven, an improvement of more than 640 compared to the end of last semester! Look at your paper yourself, how good is the way of solving the problem!"

The system was a little proud and said, "Your teacher praised me."

Rong Wan: "..."

Rong Wan walked over and said, "Teacher in charge, I really got into the top 100 of my grade this time, you can't go back on your word, you have to let me continue to sit with Yuan Yun."

"He didn't pass the exam this time." Lao Lin took a sip of tea.

Rong Wan persuaded me earnestly: "It's because he helped me with my studies. A few days before the exam, he was still helping me to highlight key points and find ideas for solving problems. As a result, he didn't sleep well at night. That's why he made such a mistake for the first time. And, you see, If my deskmate was replaced by someone else, they would definitely not be so dedicated to helping me with my studies, maybe I would drop back to more than 700 in the next big exam, or even drop to more than 1,000... "

Lao Lin slapped the table with a headache: "Did I tell you to change it? You are the only one who is jabbering! Why don't you talk so much when answering questions?"

Immediately overjoyed.

Lao Lin had a headache and waved his hand: "Go out, he promised me that as long as you don't change seats, you won't cause trouble until the end of the college entrance examination. This condition is very worthwhile, and I think it can be considered." After a pause, Lao Lin felt a little mean Looking deeply at Rong Wan: "Besides, do you think I'm a fool? Did he fail the exam on purpose this time?"

Rong Wan: "..."


The seat is so finalized, no change! After the mid-term exam, all the students in the class were happy because they did or didn’t do well in the exam, but the reason why Rong Wan was happy was not because he entered the top 100 in the grade, but because the seat was fixed, and he still sat with Yuan Yun. together. After class that day, he dragged Yuan Yun into the men's toilet cubicle.

"What are you doing?" Yuan Yun looked at him inexplicably.

"Smile, smile, smile for me! Smile for me here!" Rong Wan happily held Yuan Yun's face, and lowered his voice, "You promised me, you want that kind of grinning, bright smile! No That sneer!"


Outside was the pattering sound of boys urinating, accompanied by the sound of flushing the toilet, Yuan Yun couldn't laugh and pushed Rong Wan away.

This is not a good place, so go to the grove. After school that day, Rong Wan dragged Yuan Yun to the grove in the corner of the school playground without stopping. Seeing his excitement, Yuan Yun carried two schoolbags very cooperatively and ran around with him.

"This is a good place." Rong Wan said. There is a breeze, a sunset, and the fresh smell of leaves.

Yuan Yun touched his cheek with the tip of his tongue, and motioned to Rong Wan—

"Why?" Rong Wan understood for a long time, stretched out his hand, and held his face. The other hand grabbed his collar and pulled his head down slightly.

The boy's palms were slightly dry and warm. The toilet was indeed not a good place, but if he changed the place, he should have the same treatment as last time. On Yuan Yun's cheek, he could feel the knuckles of his thumb slightly brushing against the corner of his lips.

"Thank you." Yuan Yun said suddenly.

Rong Wan didn't react, so what's the matter: "?"

Yuan Yun's cold and sharp eyebrows gradually melted away, a smile appeared in his eyes, and the corners of his lips, which were held in his palm, also curled up almost imperceptibly.

He admitted that he really wanted to be close to this person, but he didn't want this person to step into his life, because it was a trip into muddy water.

Yet he couldn't resist.

It was as if he couldn't resist the evening breeze of the sunset in the woods today, it was too beautiful for him.


Rong Wan noticed that an unprecedented iceberg had melted on Yuan Yun's body. The cold eyes looking at him no longer appear, they are always peaceful, and occasionally there will be a happy mood, and the corners of the mouth will be bent towards him. The most obvious change is that the students in class three are not so afraid of Yuan Yun, and more and more people ask Yuan Yun to borrow papers.

Under such circumstances, Rong Wan thought about it, maybe he had to find an opportunity to ask Yuan Yun to visit his house—

Yuan Yun would naturally be very repulsive.

But Rong was not in a hurry, just patiently waiting for Yuan Yun to completely open his heart.

After the mid-term exam, Jing's father and Jing's mother were very happy after seeing the results of their youngest son. At home, they almost praised Rong Wan to the sky. Pocket money limit. Jing Yizhi already had a lot of money in his card, but now he added Zhang Jing's father's supplementary credit card, and he couldn't spend it all.

It just so happened that the school's New Year's Eve party required some private purchases of clothing, so I accepted them when they were done. Last year's school party was hosted by Jing Yizhi, it would be unreasonable to suddenly resign this year. So Rong Wan agreed. Fortunately, he is also in this line of work, and his hosting skills are stronger than Jing Yizhi's.

In this way, he needs to delay a lot of his free time.

After going to the practice room of the New Year's Eve party, Rong Wan realized how many girls in school like Jing Yiyi! When I came out of the practice room after school, my schoolbag was full of love letters! Usually, I only stay in the classroom and the playground cafeteria, and the girls from other classes don't have many opportunities to get close. Now that I have this opportunity, I simply sneak away to see it desperately.

For the first two days, after he left the practice room, he would find a trash can in a remote corner and dispose of those love letters.

But today, it seems that someone found out that he had thrown away the love letter, and actually moved the trash can away!

Rong Wan couldn't laugh or cry.

I have to say that Jing Yizhi has no shortcomings except for his mediocre studies and a bit of a cowardly personality. No wonder so many girls like him.

He returned to the classroom with his schoolbag on his back.

Because there were rehearsals these days, Yuan Yun was told not to wait for him, but to go first.

Rong Wan was about to unpack his schoolbag, tidy up his things before going home, Liao Yu, who hadn't gone back there, saw the red and pink powder in his schoolbag at a glance, and immediately became interested, ran over and took out one of them.

"It's ok, Jing Yizhi, receiving so many love bubbles every day, I'm really proud of it! No wonder I see you running to the practice room whenever I have time these days." Liao Yu joked.

"What are you thinking about?" Rong Wan reached out to grab it, "Give it back to me."

"Of course I have to return it to you... Wait!" Liao Yu said, "Have you not taken it apart yet? Yin Jiaxi is written on it... Isn't that the school belle of our Henggao?"

"School beauty?" Rong Wan asked subconsciously, and snatched the letter from Liao Yu's hand.

The letter was indeed more delicate than the others, with a faint fragrance of jasmine, and the handwriting on the envelope was beautiful. Of course, Rong Wan wasn't very interested. He was just about to put the letter back into his schoolbag, when suddenly his hand was empty——

He turned around immediately, and saw Yuan Yun with a schoolbag on one shoulder and one hand in his trouser pocket, standing behind him at some point, holding the letter, looking at him with dark eyes, and spit out two words: "Love letter ?”