The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 55: Campus violent petite poor ghost


Yuan Yun's hometown is in this town, not far from his grandma's nursing home, and the two sleep here at night. It's a big yard, a big one-story house with tiles, and there are only two rooms, except for Yuan Yun's room, which is his father's room.

Yuan Yun didn't want to let Rong finish living in that person's room, even after so many years, it seemed that he could smell the disgusting smell of alcohol when he opened the door. So the two of them only slept in one room at night.

After taking a shower, I climbed to the side next to the wall, got into the quilt, lay down for a while, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, so I quickly got up and changed the side to the outside side.

Yuan Yun is very thin-skinned, if he moves and touches him at night, he will be so ashamed to get out of bed and lay on the floor, what should he do if he freezes to death in such a cold weather? I have to sleep on the outside to block him.

After taking a shower, Yuan Yun's jet-black hair was still slightly wet, and he walked over wearing big underpants. His legs were very long, and as soon as he took off his shoes, he stepped on Rong Wan's right side.

"Dry your hair before putting it up, or you will have a headache when you sleep at night." Rong Wan smiled and kicked him through the quilt.

Yuan Yun let out an "um", sat down cross-legged against the wall, and wiped his hair with a dry towel.

Rong Wan put his arms behind his head and stared at him. Yuan Yun seldom wore shorts and short sleeves in school, so he could not see the skin under the clothes. Now, under the yellowing light, Rong Wan found several old marks on his arms and knees. It can be seen that it has aged, and the scars are no longer fresh.

After Rong Wan watched and watched, his heart began to feel bad again. Yuan Yun is so good, why no one wants to play with him, they are all blind.

The eyes he looked at Yuan Yun were very pure, without any whimsy at all, but Yuan Yun was stared at so directly by him, inexplicably feeling a little hot in the deep winter night.

He threw the towel and slipped under the covers in disguise.

"Is it hot?" Yuan Yun was a little surprised.

Rong Wan came back to his senses, deliberately smiled and said: "I warmed the bed for you."

It's okay to make jokes like this usually, after all, they are two boys, so Yuan Yun wouldn't think too much about it. But at this moment, the two of them are shoulder to shoulder, in the same bed, the temperature outside is very low, but the temperature inside is very high. Such a short distance, turning over or moving, the skin of the arms or the lower body will be rubbed.

Yuan Yun listened to Rong Wan's soft breathing, could feel Rong Wan's body temperature, and smelled his body, his neck suddenly turned a little red. The red was not obvious at first, but when Rong Wan turned over and looked at him sideways, it spread directly to Jun's face.

Rong Wan felt that Yuan Yun's whole body was tense, lying in the quilt like a stone, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Yuan Yun remembered what happened on the bus today and the love letters in the practice room some time ago. He didn't intend to ask, but his throat moved, and the inexplicable words rushed out of his mouth, his voice was a little hoarse: "You... plan to Are you talking about a girlfriend?"

"I haven't thought about it." Rong Wan said.

I haven't thought about it now, but I will think about it later.

"Oh." Yuan Yun had no expression on his face, as if he didn't care at all and said: "Then we will talk about it later, after the college entrance examination?"

"Why do you ask this? I'm still young, falling in love will delay my studies, I won't accept those girls." Rong Wan felt that Yuan Yun's expressionless face was cute, so he suppressed a smile and moved closer a little.

It's not that he insists on sleeping with Yuan Yun, but because the quilt is too narrow. Yuan Yun used to cover it by himself when he was in junior high school. The weather was cold, and his elbows were about to freeze when left outside for a while. He really wanted to wrap himself tightly with a quilt, but there was still someone in the quilt, so he had to instinctively approach Yuan Yun.

Yuan Yun's body is quite warm, and it's not cold when the two of them are squeezed together.

But when he squeezed like this, his arms were already attached to Yuan Yun's waist, and the dry skin of their thighs was also touching, and Yuan Yun felt more stiff immediately.

Yuan Yun almost couldn't breathe for a moment, he stabilized, and said in a hoarse voice: "You will talk sooner or later."

This remark went back to the very beginning, and Yuan Yun regretted it when he said it, and felt that his intentions were too obvious, and he was too small-minded, which is not like him.

Rong Wan smiled, stretched out his hand from under the quilt, and stroked Yuan Yun's bangs. When his boy was lying down, his facial features were still three-dimensional and beautiful. He felt that Yuan Yun was holding his breath, and his body became more stiff. He thought for a while and said slowly: "I don't like others."

Yuan Yun immediately turned his head and looked at him.

He was half-joking again, and said with a half-truth and half-fake smile: "Brother Yun, I would rather be with you. If you write me that kind of love letter, I promise to let you line up first."

Yuan Yun's eyes were slightly hoarse, and he stared at Rong Wan. The other party drank water before going to bed, and there were still some water stains on his lips, which looked very tender and plump, and his eyes were as bright as ever when he looked at him—Yuan Yun almost didn't kiss him directly, he felt that the taste of those lips must be beautiful. It can bring pleasure and ironing to people.

But he still maintained a sliver of reason, and tried his best to endure and endure, suppressing the impulse that surged in his heart.

What am I thinking? Yuan Yun couldn't help covering his eyes with his arms, feeling that he was really fascinated.

"Go to sleep."


Woke up early the next morning, Yuan Yun began to dry the quilt. After Rong finished washing, he realized belatedly that the two of them had slept in each other's arms for the whole night. Of course, to him, being an old couple was nothing to be ashamed of, but Yuan Yun seemed to be a little tense. I didn't look at him directly again, and squatted in the yard to wash the quilt cover.

I really don't know what to wash after just using it overnight.

"Brother Yun, where are you going to play today?" Rong Wan stood behind Yuan Yun and put on his coat.

Yuan Yun raised his eyes to look at him, then hurriedly turned his eyes away, and said, "Take you to the mountain for a walk."

"Okay." It's fine to go anywhere, Rong Wan is easy to be satisfied, he squats down beside Yuan Yun, and pokes Yuan Yun's arm: "Do you want me to help?"

Yuan Yun didn't start without looking at him: "No need."

"Then I'll bring you a small bench, your legs are sore from squatting." Rong Wan quickly ran into the room, and put the bench behind Yuan Yun's buttocks, and Yuan Yun sat back on it without even looking at it.

Rong Wan squatted beside him boredly, saw soap foam on his cheek, so subconsciously stretched out his fingers to wipe it.

In the end, Yuan Yun didn't know why he reacted so much, his ears turned red suddenly, and he almost fell off the stool.

Rong Wan: "..."

Yuan Yun: "..."

The air on the mountain is very fresh in winter, otherwise Qiu Yaru and Yin Jiaxi would not have gone to the nearby mountains to climb the mountain. However, in order to avoid them, Yuan Yun deliberately didn't take Rong Wan to the nearby famous mountain, but went to a short mountain not far away. There are clear springs on the mountain, and there are still residents living in it. It can be regarded as a small village that is even more backward than the town.

As soon as I went up, I could hear many dogs barking. There are quite a lot of dogs in this village, probably because there are no security measures around, and keeping dogs can at least prevent bad people. Rong Wan was not afraid of dogs, so he and Yuan Yun stepped in the snow on the mountain, brought some dry food, and watched the sunset. In such a place, all troubles and melancholy are forgotten, as if everything that follows can be easily solved.

But it was still too cold on the mountain, although the scenery was good, but Rong Wan actually didn't have the intention to stay for a long time, so he stayed on the top of the mountain for a while, and came down with Yuan Yun.

When going back, in order to look fresh, Rong Wan asked Yuan Yun to take him to another road, and came down from the back of the mountain, and there was a large piece of blue winter wheat, which was not well planted, most of which were bitten by insects, but never Looking at it from a distance, there is a lot of snow, which is quite spectacular. Passing through here, you can also reach Yuan Yun's hometown in the town.

"I'll carry you?" Yuan Yun gestured to the snow in front of him.

"Then why are you embarrassed?" Rong Wan was not embarrassed, but distressed, thinking about the scar on Yuan Yun's leg last night, thinking that if he had time, he would let Jing's mother stew some chicken soup and bring it to school, so that Yuan Yun could drink a couple of mouthfuls.

The two were talking, when suddenly there was a ferocious dog barking over there, Rong Wan didn't realize what was going on: "Isn't the dog in that village? Why are there dogs here?"

Suddenly, I saw two yellow dogs, one big and one small, from far to near, as if they had just escaped from somewhere, their bodies were dirty and bloody, their eyes were extremely fierce, and they smelled someone here, like arrows flying away from the string like rushed over -

"Run!" Yuan Yun's expression changed, he grabbed Rong Wan's arm, and ran towards the town.

Panting as he ran, Rong Wan said, "What's the matter? A mad dog? Sneaked out of a nearby slaughterhouse?" When he got off the bus, he saw the slaughterhouse there, and heard the dog barking, but he didn't pay attention, look These two dogs are so skinny and they keep chasing people, they are probably crazy dogs. What are you kidding? The two of them wear so many clothes, if they can still run in summer, their limbs are like sticks in winter, they will be chased and crawled!

Yuan Yun grabbed him and ran all the way, his hair was blown upside down, and beads of sweat soon appeared on his forehead, but the two dogs kept chasing him, and the distance was getting closer and closer. It was only when I got close that I realized that the size was not small, and when I stood up, it was almost as tall as a person, and it was windy to jump over.

Rong Wan was not afraid of dogs, but He Jing Yizhi had no physical strength at all, his legs were weak for a while, and one foot suddenly sank in the snow and he almost couldn't get out.

"Why don't you go first!" Rong Wan gasped.

"Stop talking nonsense." Yuan Yun's sweat slid down the bridge of his nose, and without saying a word, he grabbed his clothes and wanted to lift him up.

But it was already too late, the dog was really hungry and hated people so much, it rushed over like lightning, jumped up and was about to bite people—

Yuan Yun suddenly grabbed a snow-covered stone from the side and threw it over, almost hitting the dog's nose. The dog's eyes suddenly showed a fierce look, and it let out a frightening roar. The other dog was small in size. He became more flexible and suddenly jumped towards Rong Wan.

Fuck it, it’s too late to escape, Rong Wan’s eyes darken, thinking how unlucky he is, he will be bitten by a dog every time he goes out to play, but Jing Yizhi has been vaccinated against rabies when he was a child, so even if he was bitten this time, he should be It's okay. He subconsciously held his head to block it, but the expected bite did not come at all.

He hurriedly opened his eyes, and saw that Yuan Yun was panting heavily, and at some point he had picked up a long and hard stick, and was poking the eye of the dog that was biting towards him. The mad dog whimpered and jumped down After rolling around twice, it ran away in a hurry, and the other barked fiercely, and then ran away.

"Run away?" Rong Wan immediately breathed a sigh of relief, wiped off his sweat, exhausted himself, and lay down in the wheat field.

"Get up." Yuan Yun pulled him up, frowned, looked around his face and hands, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, "Go back first, maybe there will be other mad dogs escaping."

Rong Wan nodded, and followed his hand to pull himself up, but his feet were completely limp, and after walking a few steps, he couldn't help but stop, holding his knees to pant for a while. In such a cold weather, I ran out of sweat, my heart was beating wildly, and my neck and underwear were sweaty.

Yuan Yun looked at him, and couldn't help but smile a little in his eyes: "I'll carry you?"

"No, you're tired too." Rong Wan took two deep breaths, pushed Yuan Yun's back, and said with a smile, "Let's go, Brother Yun, that dog is scary."

Fortunately, I ran for a long way just now, and this place is not far from the town. The two walked back quickly, and soon arrived at Yuan Yun's house. Some people nearby said that the cage in the factory near the mountain was broken. That's right, a mad dog ran out, and all the people in the town hurried home, not daring to stay outside any longer.

Rong Wanxin said, it's really unlucky, I haven't come out to play once in eight hundred years, and I was chased and bitten by dogs whenever I came out to play. Those two dogs are not only mad dogs, they are starved to become wolves! After he entered the room, he pulled up a chair and sat down, panting heavily for a while.

But Yuan Yun turned around and went into the bathroom, there was the sound of splashing water, and he didn't know what to do.

After sitting for a while, Rong felt something was wrong, he closed and opened his eyes, how did Yuan Yun drive the dog away? Are you not hurt? He hurriedly stood up and pushed the bathroom door—

"What happened to your hand?" Rong Wan was taken aback. Yuan Yun had a big bite on one palm, and he was squatting there, facing the running water, with a pair of clean scissors beside him, he had already used the scissors to pierce the wound, and squeezed out the blood there.

Yuan Yun glanced at Rong Wan at the door, and wrote lightly: "I might have to get an injection later."

Rong Wan was almost scared out of his wits, and rushed over to grab Yuan Yun's hand, but Yuan Yun frowned immediately and pulled his hand away: "Don't touch it, be careful."

"Have you soaped it?" Rong Wan stared at the wound on his palm, and his nose suddenly became sore. When Yuan Yun helped him up just now, he used his right hand. He didn't notice that Yuan Yun's other hanging hand was bitten. Thinking about it, the dog almost rushed to his cheek. Yuan Yun reacted again Quick, you can only block it with your hands.

The wound on Yuan Yun's hand was so horrific, it completely spanned the entire palm, and there was a small hole that was about to be bitten through, but he acted as if nothing had happened along the way.

"Why are you standing there in a daze, go to the hospital quickly." Rong Wan forcibly held back the astringency in his heart, and pushed Yuan Yun. It was getting dark outside, and he didn't bother to pack his schoolbag, took his mobile phone and wallet, and pushed Yuan Yun outside.

Yuan Yun turned his head to look at him, but couldn't see his expression clearly. He just thought his eye circles were red again, so he was a little nervous, and his voice was deliberately stiff and soft: "It's okay, it's just a small injury. The vaccination will be fine." No problem."

Rong Wan rested his head on Yuan Yun's back, urging him to go quickly, but stared down at Yuan Yun's hand that was still dripping with blood, his heart was sore and astringent, and he wanted to say a lot of words, but he couldn't for a while. Know where to bring it up.

The two soon arrived at the health center in the town. The vaccine was very simple, and they received five shots in a row. The nurse there cleaned Yuan Yun's wound again, bandaged it, and gave him an injection.

Yuan Yun came out of the injection place, and there were quite a lot of people in the corridor outside. After seeing Rong, he was sitting on the bench with his head down, looking sleepy, and he couldn't help but pause.

Hearing his movement, Rong Wan raised his head: "Finished, Brother Yun?"

"Yeah." Yuan Yun walked over and sat down quickly.

It wasn't the first time he had cut his body. To him, the pain was not too severe, and even after the treatment, there would be no scars. But this person in front of him is the only one who will be red-eyed, nervous, worried, and concerned about him.

He suddenly wanted to understand why he wanted to get close to this person, but was afraid and wanted to shrink back.

He really wanted to write a love letter to this person just like everyone else. Let this person follow him. In the future, he can bring breakfast, peel eggshells, write love letters to him, wipe the blackboard for him, take out the trash for him, and even throw snow behind his back. If the ball doesn't fight back, he will always protect him—but, he is so full of light, and he is afraid that he will not be able to protect him. He was also afraid that he would grab his trouser legs and drag him into the swamp. Even if he just wet his trouser legs, he will feel distressed and feel guilty all his life.

Whether it's the tragic situation of his own family, or the social pressure he will face in the future - those are Yuan Yun's concerns.

Yuan Yun stared at Rong Wan's side face, slightly lost in thought, until Rong Wan shook his hand, he realized that he had been staring at Rong Wan for too long. He hurriedly looked away, stared at the air, and comforted in a hoarse voice: "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

What Rong Wan wanted to say to him was not this, at this time Rong Wan felt a strong emotion in his heart, looking at him, he couldn't help but pierce the window paper: "Brother Yun, do you like me?"

— It's all like this, if you don't like it, Rong Wan believes in his evil.