The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 56: Campus violent petite poor ghost


As soon as these words came out, the air between the two suddenly froze for a few seconds.

It's the kind of solidification that could go off at any time, and the air seems to be filled with a scorching factor. Even Rong Wan's complexion was a little dry and hot, his face seemed to be a little itchy, he stretched out his hand to scratch it, his heart was beating non-stop, and his eyes were slightly moved away from Yuan Yun's body.

But Yuan Yun didn't respond after a while, these few seconds were really long, Rong Wan stared at the corridor, almost counting the number of tiles on the opposite side, the surrounding was still quiet, Rong Wan couldn't help but Looking at Yuan Yun, I saw that his expression was stiff, and he didn't know what he was thinking—

"Ask you something?" Rong Wan couldn't help it anymore.

In fact, he can't figure out Yuan Yun's thoughts. Logically speaking, Yuan Yun's jealousy and the occasional light in his eyes seem to like him very much, but Yuan Yun seldom talks. He wasn't too sure either. What if the prediction is wrong, and it is still only in the favorable stage

The more Rong Wan thought about it, the more he felt that he was too impatient, so he couldn't help muttering, trying to save his dignity: "... I was just joking, don't take it to heart, maybe there are too many people chasing me at school, so I see Everyone feels like they like me..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, the people around him let out a low voice: "En."

Rong Wan: "...?"

Yuan Yun raised his eyes and stared at Rong Wan, the heart in his chest was beating so fast that it was about to burst out, and his breathing was a little heavy. His worries were still there, so when he heard Rong Wan's question, the sudden sentence made him palpitate and unfamiliar, and his mind went blank.

That's different from fighting. Fighting is nothing more than two results, beating others to the ground, or getting himself injured, but now that he admits it, he doesn't know what kind of result will be brewed, and he subconsciously remains silent.

But he heard Rong Wan's next sentence—

So many people in the school chased him.

In fact, it is not just a school, such a warm and lovely person, no matter where they are, there will be people who like them, and there will be people who will chase after them with hot eyes.

Yuan Yun suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart.

The scenes since meeting Rong Wan were real and vivid in his mind. No one has ever approached him regardless of his sharp indifference, no one has ever defended him like that in front of teachers and classmates, no one has ever been so anxious when seeing him hurt, and no one has ever been frank and eager trust him...

If he doesn't reach out and grab them, they will slip away from him, or even be given to someone else. Thinking of this, fear even overwhelmed his concerns.

Or rather, his selfishness and possessiveness got the upper hand.

Yuan Yun couldn't help but let out another "hmm", he rolled his throat twice, staring at Rong Wan, the red at the base of his ears gradually stained Jun's face. He asked deeply: "Then do you like me?"

Rong Wan hadn't realized it yet, did "um" mean to admit it, but this is too unfair, you don't even say the word "like" yourself. But when he heard Yuan Yun's question right away, he still said without hesitation: "Of course, I don't like that you have brought you breakfast for almost a semester. I'm stupid. Didn't I want to pick you up?"

Yuan Yun: "..."

Yuan Yun's eyes gradually darkened, and suddenly said: "Get up."

"Ah?" Rong Wan was taken aback, seeing that his expression was tense, as if he had made up his mind, as if he was going to die, he didn't know what he was going to do.

He stood up, and Yuan Yun stretched out his intact hand to grab his hand, leading him through the crowded corridor. This time Yuan Yun took the initiative to hold his hand, the palms of both of them were a little sweaty, he noticed that the tension on Yuan Yun's body came from trembling and excitement, and his neck was also stained with a thin layer of red, although Yuan Yun On the surface, he tried his best to act cool as if nothing had happened, but his body reaction revealed the ups and downs and ecstasy in his heart.

Rong Wan couldn't help but bend the corner of his mouth.

Going out from the health center, there is a small pond in the backyard, which is usually used by medical staff to bask in the sun. At this time, because the front was busy, the back was quiet and almost no one was there.

Yuan Yun pulled him over, and when he turned around, he saw his eyes shining with a smile, Yuan Yun's heart beat faster immediately.

"Have you ever said this to others before?" Yuan Yun didn't let go of his hand, but looked away nervously, kicking the stones on the ground unconsciously with his toes.

Before Rong Wan entered this book, he only acted and never fell in love. He privately thought that what he said during filming didn't count. Furthermore, even if they said such things to Jin Zhao in the previous life, but they are the same person, it doesn't count. So after thinking about it, Rong Wan replied, "No."

Yuan Yun tried his best to keep his face expressionless, but the corners of his mouth raised slightly uncontrollably. The redness at the base of his ears deepened, and his eyes also suddenly deepened. He asked in a hoarse voice: "Then you and others..."

Rong Wan: "What?"

"Has it ever been like this?" Yuan Yun stared at Rong Wan's water-colored lips, his heart froze, and suddenly he used his bandaged hand to hold down the back of Rong Wan's head, and kissed it directly.

It turned out that it wasn't soft enough to melt in his mouth as he thought, but rather elastic, warm, and breath sprayed on his face. From such a close distance, he could still see Rong Wan's eyelashes, as if they were fanning over his heart. . He seemed to be bewitched, and suddenly there was a desire in his heart that gradually deepened, as if he was about to break through all obstacles and shackles and rush out.

He did have worries, embarrassment, and retreat in his heart, but when this person said he liked him, he suddenly became lonely and courageous.

—He will protect him.

From then on, this person is his most important person, the most cherished person. The ambiguity and liking in his youth could not define the emotions in his heart. He looked at this person as if he was looking at his precious egg hidden in a cave. He was sure that there was no one else in his life.

When Yuan Yun's lips fell down, Rong Wan was still dazed for a moment, but he quickly adjusted himself and raised his head slightly to better cooperate with him. But after waiting for five full seconds——Yuan Yun's cold lips just pressed against his lips, motionless.

"Move, brother Yun, is there anyone who kisses like you?" Rong Wan couldn't help but complain vaguely.

Yuan Yun was slightly awakened by the heat on his forehead, but he didn't raise his head, and stared at Rong Wan with a red face: "You will come."

Rong Wan thought to himself, my brother, I am so tired, why do I need to teach again in this life.

Thinking about it this way, he still skillfully stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked Yuan Yun's. Yuan Yun's whole body froze suddenly, and his lips opened subconsciously, so the tip of Rong Wan's tongue was able to drive straight in. Immediately afterwards, Yuan Yun felt that Rong Wan stood on tiptoe slightly, hugged his head with both hands, and began to suck his lips tentatively—

At that moment, Yuan Yun's scalp was numb, almost tasted the marrow. He didn't know that kissing could bring such a great pleasure to people. The soft thing was stirred in his mouth, and he didn't feel sick at all, but felt a surge of pleasure. The heart is very restless in the chest, and it is about to jump out of the throat.

When Rong Wan let him go, Yuan Yun could almost see the emotion between his legs. Fortunately, the winter clothes were thick, so he endured it for a while and tried his best to endure it.

"How?" Rong Wan was a little taken aback.

Yuan Yun's eyes were still dumb, he slammed his mouth, but felt something was wrong, and suddenly glared at Rong Wan: "Why are you so proficient?"

Rong Wan: "..."