The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 59: Campus violent petite poor ghost


System: "The current healing degree of the target character is 60."

To some extent, Yuan Yun's life trajectory has changed. Originally, the students in the third class had gradually improved their impression of Yuan Yun. After the sports meeting, the people in the third class fully accepted Yuan Yun, and a few people called "Brother Yun" and "Brother Yun". Dude has done both sanitation and duty!

In addition to being happy for Yuan Yun in his heart, Rong Wan also had a little taste for food. But Yuan Yun was indifferent to others, which made him happy again.

This time the men's long-distance running competition seemed to be the highest peak of the third class atmosphere, but the much-anticipated shot put throw by Rong Wan was not the case. On this day, almost all the three graders in the school rushed to the corner of the playground to watch the shot put competition on the school grass, especially the girls!

However, Rong Wan moved his wrist, feeling extremely guilty in his heart.

First of all, he is not an athlete, he is just an idol drama. The second scene is a good-looking embroidered pillow. He plays basketball with a good posture, but he has never scored a few goals, let alone throwing a shot put. and strength exercises.

So as expected, the shot put was not very good, and he tried his best, and he only ranked fifth in the competition.

But the girls in the stands were not disappointed. Instead, they screamed and cheered one after another. You know, the school girl is 1.82 meters tall, with handsome eyebrows and starry eyes. In other words, even watching the school grass lie on the grass for three hours, they can get high!

The people in the third class were naturally even more proud of Rong Wan. Even though Rong Wan didn't get the first prize, they were cheering all around. Those who didn't know thought Rong Wan won the championship.

On the contrary, it made the other boys who competed with Rong Wan very speechless. This is a shot put competition, not a coach selection competition! Why did everyone's eyes fall on the school grass—they are really at a disadvantage, okay? !

Rong Wan flicked his wrist, came down from the arena with a red face, pushed aside the people from class three, and returned to Yuan Yun's side.

Yuan Yun pulled him to a shaded corner, handed him mineral water, and rubbed his wrist for him. The skin on Rong Wan's wrist is very white, unlike the thin muscles on Yuan Yun's body that belonged to a teenager, there is almost no flesh on his body, it is very soft, and the palm of his hand that has pinched the shot put is slightly red, as if it has been ironed.

Rong Wan complained: "It hurts a bit. Just now the shot put was almost out of my hand. Fortunately, I held it tightly in time."

Yuan Yun frowned: "Where?"

Rong Wan moved his index finger knuckles and said, "It feels weird here."

Yuan Yun didn't speak, took his hand and squeezed his index finger from top to bottom. His strength was neither light nor heavy, and his hands were still cold, and soon the burning sensation in his fingers disappeared.

Rong Wan watched him pinch, and drank comfortably.

Qiu Yaru looked at the two of them from one side of the stands, walked over at some point, and suddenly said to her, "Why do I feel like you are like his girlfriend?"

Rong Wan had just taken a sip of water before he could swallow it, when he heard this suddenly, he almost choked to death.

Yuan Yun didn't speak, but looked at Rong Wan with a smile in his eyes, and then patted him on the back.

"What do you mean?" Rong Wan looked at Qiu Yaru, and coughed wildly: "Which eye of yours thinks that I am a woman—why don't you think that I am a boyfriend and Yuan Yun is my girlfriend?"

Qiu Yaru: "..." Is this the point? ! Why do you think it's weird.

Qiu Yaru can't say it, I always feel that the two of them were close enough in the last semester, but this semester, it seems that there is an extra layer of atmosphere that outsiders can't get involved in, it's a friendly brotherhood, it always feels better than that Going one step further, she didn't know how to express it.

"Okay, back to the classroom." Yuan Yun suddenly pulled Rong Wan back to the classroom.

On the last day, Class 3 students took a photo together and shouted the slogan of Class 3 on the track and field, and Lao Lin personally handed out medals to a few students who won the first place with a smile. Standing in the boys' team, Rong Wan watched Yuan Yun come back with a medal hanging around his neck, feeling a little envious. Yuan Yun stood behind him on the right side, and after a while, while others were not paying attention, he secretly stuffed the medal into the palm of his back.

Rong Wan looked back at Yuan Yun in surprise, Yuan Yun had no expression on his face, and looked cool, except that the roots of his ears were slightly red.

Rong Wan stuffed the medal into his school uniform pocket, pinched it, couldn't help stepping on the grass under his feet, and laughed quietly.

In this way, the sports meeting ended with enthusiasm and cheers. Because the third class performed very well, its ranking in the whole grade directly rose by eight places compared with last year. One last orgy!

Everyone knows that the third round of review is about to start soon, and all studies must be paid close attention to.

After the midterm exam, the atmosphere in the classroom was tense. After all, the third year of high school was about to come, and all the courses were now in the end. In addition, the principal spoke under the national flag several times, mentioning that the situation of the college entrance examination this year is not good, and the score line may be raised again, which made the students panic.

July actually didn't even take the summer vacation, and went directly to the make-up class.

Everyone tensed up, but the only one who was still leisurely and leisurely, during evening self-study, avoiding the patrolling teacher, plugged in the earphones to listen to music. And Yuan Yun has also obviously entered the state. Every day, he arrives in the classroom an hour earlier than before, and starts writing questions after sitting down. Except for relaxing by Rong Wan's side, the rest of the time is divided into two minutes.

In such a tense state, he obviously lost a lot of weight, his cheeks were thinner, and his brows and eyes looked sharper, but at the same time, he got the high score of being the first in the grade this time.

Yuan Yun knew very well in his heart that he had nothing, so he had to work harder than everyone else, so that his hard work could become his capital and his bargaining chip to protect Rong Wan forever. He said goodnight to Rong Wan every night, and after confirming that Rong Wan had fallen asleep, he would still light the lamp, and then continue to light the lamp until the early morning, before rushing to wash and go to bed. Originally, when he was doing those questions over and over again, he only had his own future on his shoulders, and he occasionally felt that the future was full of gloom, but now, he was carrying the future of two people on his shoulders, which was even heavier, and he felt peaceful in his heart Joy, strength to do anything.

Rong Wan definitely can't help him, so he can only bring milk every day, and watch him drink it after breakfast, so he can feel relieved. As well as the soup that Jing's mother boiled every week, he would bring it to school in a thermos, and let Yuan Yun drink a small cup to nourish his nutrition. It's just that the other students are always familiar with each other, and sometimes before he can pour the soup for Yuan Yun, they will share the soup he brought with them.

After taking care of such a generous person, seeing that the soup was not drunk by my family, but by these classmates, I felt a little heartbroken.

During the remedial class in August, Lao Lin specially called Yuan Yun to the office and gave him a place to participate in the mathematics competition in Beijing.

It has to be said that Lao Lin still intends to help Yuan Yun. Once he wins the national award in this math competition, he will get extra points in the college entrance examination! However, Lao Lin was quite fair, Yuan Yun had the best grades in mathematics in the third class, and this quota was given to him. Although the students in the class were a little envious, they still had nothing to say.

It's just that in this way, Yuan Yun will leave with the teacher who leads the team for half a month.

Rong Wan is reluctant, and Yuan Yun is also reluctant, because they are tired of being together every day at school and feel that there is not enough time, and they have to be separated for half a month. But when the day really came, Rong Wan happily sent Yuan Yun to the school bus.

Yuan Yun didn't bring much, just two sets of summer clothes, a mobile phone and two photos. Because he was the tallest, he sat in the last row of the school bus. When the car started, he couldn't help but look back frequently.

Rong Wan and Lao Lin came out to deliver it together. Watching the school bus drive out, Lao Lin immediately dragged Rong Wan back, just kidding, this kid is still lingering, do you know that a second is precious in the third year of high school !

So when Yuan Yun turned around, he didn't see the figure of his sweetheart in the same place.

It wasn't until the school building disappeared from sight that Yuan Yun turned around and hurriedly turned on his phone, and there was a voice from Rong Wan who ran back to the classroom panting.

"Brother Yun, safe journey, come back early."

Yuan Yun then bent his eyes.

Fifteen days is not long, but I still miss Rong Wan, lying on the table all day, bored, and started to find someone to play backgammon again. But now that I have entered the third year of high school, the students in the class are all waiting for me, and the atmosphere is quite heavy. They all wish to tie a tape on their foreheads and write the words "hard work and hard work". Only the few boys in the last two rows who knew they were hopeless in the college entrance examination were still in the mood to continue reading comics and playing basketball.

The competition there is closed, and Rong Wan couldn't talk to Yuan Yun for several days.

Two weeks finally passed, when Yuan Yun got back his mobile phone, he immediately called Rong Wan. Rong Wan didn't even care about the class, so he hurriedly put his head into the pocket of the desk and asked, "how is it, how did you do in the exam?"

Over there is Yuan Yun's slightly deep voice: "It's okay."

"Is your body okay, are you not acclimatized?" Rong Wan asked again in a low voice.

"What about you?" Yuan Yun heard that Rong Wan's voice was very low, and then realized that he was still in class. It was the first time in Yuan Yun's life that he was so careless in doing things, and his heart was burning with rage. Sitting on the high-speed rail, he wished he could fly over immediately. But he couldn't interrupt the class, so he tried his best to suppress the anxiety and longing in his heart, and said: "You go to class first, I'll be right back."

"Hello?" Rong Wan wanted to say a few more words, but the phone had already been hung up.


Could it be that there are dogs outside? Rong Wan thought sourly, hang up the phone so quickly? But after a while, as if he couldn't help it, he sent another WeChat message over there.

Yuan Yunzheng has been typing for a long time. It seems that he has a lot to say, but he deletes all of them little by little. Finally, he typed four words: "I miss you very much."

These four simple words immediately calmed down the emotion in Rong Wan's heart.

He couldn't help but smile, and put the phone back in his pocket.

After the original competition, the school gave the students participating in the competition a day off and allowed them to rest at home for a day so as not to be too tired from running around. But the next day, Yuan Yun came to school as soon as he got off the high-speed train.

Although the students in the third class knew that he was back, but now everyone has no way to protect themselves, and they don't know how much the next mock exam will be, so they don't have the energy to hold a welcome party or something, so they all gather in the back row, Greeting them both with a smile, they wobbled back again. After finally waiting for these people to disperse, they went to class again.

Under the desk, Yuan Yun kept holding Rong Wan's hand tightly.

Rong Wan only felt that Yuan Yun had lost a lot of weight, his cheeks were almost gone. He was 1.85 meters tall, and he was still at the age of growth, but he was tired of traveling, so he couldn't help but feel a little distressed. He lay on the table, covered his face with a math textbook, and whispered, "Have you not eaten these days?"

Yuan Yun laughed, he was always very serious in class, and now he couldn't help covering his face with a book, and said in a low voice, "Did you eat it, and you, have you received a love letter these days?"

"Hello." Rong Wan pushed him—

The math teacher on the podium couldn't help but slammed the settable and said, "The two boys in the penultimate row, don't whisper to each other, the one by the window, stand up and answer the question."

Rong Wan was taken aback, and explained in a low voice: "The wife of the young math teacher before gave birth. This is a substitute teacher, and she is the strictest one in the whole grade."

Yuan Yun stood up slowly, although the sharpness and indifference between his brows had faded a lot, but the tall man standing up suddenly was still a little scary. And answer a few questions casually, the answers are all correct. The math teacher in his fifties also recognized him, and he was probably the one with the best grades in the class, so he only taught him a few words and let him sit down.

When Yuan Yun sat down, Rong Wan couldn't help but gloated.

Yuan Yun grabbed his hand again, suddenly thought of something, took out a pack of preserved fruit snacks from his schoolbag, and stuffed it to Rong Wan.

Rong Wan smiled and asked, "For me?"

Yuan Yun nodded, and looked at his brows and eyes with tenderness.

The weather is very hot, and Henggao has finally started to install air conditioners, but it is a pity that this is the last year they are studying here, and it is already October, so they can hardly enjoy it. However, after Yuan Yun came back from Beijing, maybe he was too tired, or maybe he was caught in the rain, and he caught a cold the next day.

He has always been in good health, but he didn't take it seriously at first, he only drank some cold medicine, thinking that he would be fine after a night of sleep.

As a result, in the next two or three days, I kept coughing non-stop. It seemed that the previous backlog of staying up late suddenly broke out, and I started to have a high fever.

After Rong finished taking the soup once a week, he brought it every day, and let Yuan Yun drink some, but Yuan Yun didn't have much appetite.

Rong Wan came to school very early this day, thinking that the cold would not be delayed, and if it was delayed, the minor illness would become a serious illness. When Yuan Yun came later, he went to the infirmary to get an injection. But when he finished his breakfast, Yuan Yun hadn't come yet.

nothing will happen, right? Rong Wan felt very uneasy, so he couldn't help but went to the office to ask Lao Lin. Lao Lin stayed in the office all day, and he didn't even know that Yuan Yun didn't come! Immediately panicked: "Even if you are sick, if you don't come, you still have to take a leave of absence from my homeroom teacher?! Don't even have the strength to send text messages?"

Rong Wan was anxious in his heart, thinking that if he was really burnt out and couldn't lift his eyelids, how could he get up and send text messages. He didn't explain to Old Lin Duo, but couldn't help but said, "Teacher, why don't I go and have a look? I know the address of his home, so I'll go and come back soon."

Lao Lin said: "Let me go, do you know how many classes I have to drop in one morning?"

But as soon as the words fell, someone called Lao Lin to go to a meeting. This is the third year of senior high school. There is a big exam once a week and a meeting. The class teachers are also very busy. : "Jing Yizhi, you go, keep in touch with me if there is anything to do, if he is not at home, it will definitely be a fight—"

Rong Wan interrupted him: "It's not a fight, teacher, he won't fight after he said it."

Yuan Yun promised him, and he will do it.

Rong Wan was just afraid that something would happen to Yuan Yun's father. The system reminded that his father would be back in the next two days because the school called him and told him that Yuan Yun's mathematics competition entered the national finals. But the driving time on the road is uncertain, and the system has no way to confirm the exact time when you will return home.

If he came back normally, Yuan Yun would still be alive and well, and Rong Wan wouldn't be so worried.

But now that Yuan Yun was sick, if his father wanted to beat him, he would really be powerless to resist. So he had to go there quickly, take Yuan Yun to the hospital, and avoid his father.

What's more, there is another matter, Rong Wan has always wanted to find an opportunity to go to Yuan Yun's house to arrange in advance.

After Rong finished returning to the classroom, he spent two minutes packing his schoolbag in a hurry, then left the school gate, took a taxi, and rushed all the way to Yuan Yun's house. Although Yuan Yun didn't let him go to his home, he still told him the address of his home, and the system can also check through the school's information.

The closer to Yuan Yun's house, the more violently Rong Wan's heart beat—

It is an old-looking tube building. The buildings in the community are very dense, and the railings for drying clothes almost stick out of the aisle. Rong Wan hurriedly climbed the stairs to the fifth floor, and after confirming which one belonged to Yuan Yun's house, he began to knock on the door frantically.

There was no sound from inside.

Rong Wan started to call Yuan Yun, the bell rang inside, Rong Wan was finally relieved, it seemed that he was still at home.

After an unknown amount of time, there was the sound of footsteps moving to the door with difficulty, and the door was opened with difficulty. As soon as it was opened, Rong Wan subconsciously stepped in, Yuan Yun threw himself on top of him, Rong Wan couldn't hold it up anymore, the two of them rolled to the ground together.

Rong Wan stretched out his hand to touch it, and it was so hot that he almost retracted his hand. It was the first time he had seen Yuan Yunsheng with such a serious illness. It's all sweat. Yuan Yun reluctantly opened his eyes, and seeing him, he seemed to finally wake up a little bit, and managed to get up from him: "...Didn't I tell you that I won't let you come?"

Rong Wan helped him up with difficulty, closed the door, and felt that his arm was about to be crushed: "There is no one else in your house. If I don't come, you are going to be burned to death."

Yuan Yun had a high fever until his lax consciousness became more concentrated—there was no one at home. The anxiety and tension in his eyes relaxed slightly.

His hot breath sprayed on Rong Wan's neck, Rong Wan couldn't care about anything else, leaned against the wall, and slowly helped him back to the room.

"I didn't feel so bad when I came to school yesterday, why did it burn like this overnight?" Rong Wan panted heavily, let him lie back on the bed, and covered him with a quilt. At this time, Rong Wan didn't have the heart to look at Yuan Yun's room, he only took a cursory glance, it was cleaner and tidy than the average boy's room, but there were a bunch of pills scattered on the bedside table, which looked a bit messy.

Yuan Yun put his arm on his forehead, and looked at Rong Wan with water-stained eyes, perhaps because of his illness, he was a little more attached and vulnerable than usual.

He held Rong Wan's hand, still worried, and said in a hoarse voice: "You will leave later, don't stay long."

"Okay, okay." Rong Wan comforted: "I'll find you a cold towel to cool down first, then you drink some boiled water, and we'll go to the hospital later."

After speaking, he got up and went to the bathroom to find a towel, soaked it in cold water, took it back and stuck it on Yuan Yun's forehead. After such a short period of time, Yuan Yun was so burned that he became unconscious again. Although he wanted to continue holding his hand, he moved his fingers without any strength at all.

Rong Wan was actually panicked, fearing that he would have something wrong with the burn, so he hurriedly used another towel, lifted his shirt, wiped his armpits and chest, to spread the temperature. Then he poured a glass of water and helped him to drink the medicine.

"Wait a minute, I'll call a car, and we'll get an injection." Rong Wan touched his forehead and said.

Yuan Yun squinted his eyes, and could only vaguely see Rong Wan's figure, his throat was so dry and hoarse that he couldn't speak.

Rong Wan turned and walked out of his room, hailed a car on the mobile phone, but then walked into the original father's room opposite. His heart was beating violently, and his forehead was covered with sweat from his nervousness. There was a USB flash drive on the table by the window, which should not be used often, and it was thrown casually at the corner of the table.

The system said: "Connect the USB flash drive to the computer, and I can transfer those evidences and materials in."

It's quick to do all this. False accounts to evade taxes, and if the number of corruption is large enough, the sentence will be between three and seven years. This punishment is still light for that person, but Rong Wan only wants him to stay away from Yuan Yun's life as soon as possible, even if it is In this way, let him get the retribution he deserves. On the company that that person was working for, the system had been gradually getting better, but the process needed to be slower, otherwise the person would notice it.

Then there is evidence, the most direct evidence that implicates that person in the interests of the company, which needs to be put in his home. When the time came to search and verify, his last dead end was cut off.

The system puts these evidences into the secret files of the USB flash drive, and this person will not notice it. Only when the USB flash drive is reconnected to the computer, the system will let the data and evidence pop out again, but at that time, it will be It jumped in front of the prosecutor's eyes.

This is the cleanest way to put that person in jail, and neither he nor Yuan Yun will be involved.

After two minutes, it seemed that Rong Wan had finally let go of the knife that had been hanging in his heart.

The system comforted: "There is nothing to worry about, this kind of person should be punished."

Rong Wan nodded.

He went back to Yuan Yun's room and helped Yuan Yun up: "The car should be here soon, let's go."

Yuan Yun was so hot that he was about to burn, barely wrapped in his coat, and stumbled a few steps with Rong Wan's support.

At this time, suddenly the sound of a key opening the door came from the living room outside.


In an instant, Yuan Yun's pupils shrank sharply, and his whole body stood up as if his hair had exploded, as if he had returned to the sharp, cold, hostile state that Rong Wan was familiar with last year—Rong Wan also froze immediately, thinking , couldn't it be such a coincidence.

But before he could make a move, Yuan Yun suddenly pushed him onto the bed, he didn't know where he recovered his strength, covered his whole body with the quilt, went out by himself, closed the door, and locked him inside completely.