The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 65: Campus violent petite poor ghost


After realizing that his son was the one above, the anger in Father Jing's heart faded a little.

Now, it is impossible to transfer to another school. Judging from this posture, if his son is really forced to transfer to another school, his son will die of a hunger strike! How can I go to school when I'm hungry and in a trance? Now is the tense period of the third year of high school, and changing schools will also have a great impact on learning! But Father Jing, it is impossible to allow his son and Yuan Yun to continue their puppy love anyway.

After holding back his anger, he smoked a cigarette butt from the ashtray and thought about it for a long time.

He knew very well in his heart that his son is still very young, and he is too impulsive. He will meet many people and scenes in the future. Coupled with the fact that his son has always loved the new and disliked the old since he was a child, he didn't think his son would last long. On the contrary, if he blindly blocks it now, it will easily arouse his son's rebellious psychology. Therefore, blocking is worse than sparse—

But it can't be completely neglected, and means must be used to prevent this abnormal puppy love.

After driving Yuan Yun away, Jing's father reconnected with the people from Henggao, and started to change the boy's class. The study pressure in the third year of high school is so great, and if he asks the teacher to arrange dozens of catties of papers for his son every day, he doesn't believe that his son still has kung fu and puppy love!

Before Rong Wan had time to rub Yuan Yun's shoulders a few more times, he was rushed back to the room, feeling anxious. He didn't drink or eat for a whole day and night, and he was already hungry. In fact, this was nothing to him who was often hungry on the set. The soles of the feet are like stepping on cotton.

But if he doesn't insist, Father Jing may transfer him to another school immediately. So Rong Wan still endured it, intending to continue to skip meals and protest to the end on a hunger strike, but a small stone knocked on the window of the room suddenly.

"Bang Dang".

Rong Wan hurriedly opened the window, Yuan Yun hadn't left yet, standing outside the yard, looking at him from a distance.

Just then, Jing's father had heard all the quiet taunts towards Yuan Yun, and he felt a little unhappy for Yuan Yun, but he didn't have a chance to comfort Yuan Yun. He hurriedly took out his trouser pocket and wanted to send a text message, only to find that his mobile phone had been confiscated, so he could only look at Yuan Yun dryly.

to eat.

Yuan Yun broke off a branch and wrote it in big characters on the ground outside the yard.

Rong Wan squinted his eyes to see the three words clearly, and his heart felt warm immediately. He nodded to Yuan Yun, but before he could find a note or something to write and throw it down, Father Jing noticed that the two were still there. The window flirted with eyebrows, and suddenly became furious, and asked the nanny to rush out of the villa to drive Yuan Yun away.

After listening to father Jing's words, the nanny ran out of the villa to beat the mandarin ducks with a stick. Before Yuan Yun finished writing, he hurriedly wrote another line on the ground.

Otherwise I will feel distressed.

After finishing writing, he threw down the branch, patted the soil on his hands, picked up the schoolbag on the ground, glanced at Father Jing at the door, and left calmly.

Rong Wan: "..."

"..." Father Jing was almost congested with anger. If it weren't for his majestic identity, he would have wished to go out of the house and kick that arrogant kid, declaring his sovereignty under his nose, looking for death. There was a sudden bang and bang in the hall. Father Jing couldn't hold back his temper, so he reprimanded the nanny, and Mother Jing hurriedly stopped her.

And Rong Wan lay on the edge of the window, couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth.

Yuan Yun was trying to reassure him that no matter what happened, he would be bloody and never back down.

That night, Rong Wan had dinner after all, but he sat in front of Father Jing and said, "Let me change shift."

He knew that Yuan Yun had good grades and could go anywhere, but the classmates and teachers in Class 3 had already accepted Yuan Yun, but not in other classes. There's really not much he can do.


Although Jing's father was a little surprised that his son would take the initiative to make such a choice, but in the end his son agreed to change classes, so he acted resolutely, and within a day, everything was arranged and Rong Wan was transferred to another class.

There are a total of fourteen classes in the third year of high school science, which are divided into two teaching buildings. The new class that Rong Wan was transferred to is Class Fourteen, which is also a key class, but it is the class farthest from Class Three.

There is a small lawn playground between the two buildings, facing each other far away, and it is almost impossible to see the people in that building.

At first, Rong Wan thought that as long as he was in a school, he could always find a chance to meet Yuan Yun. Unexpectedly, father Jing was very vigilant, and asked his assistant to send him to the classroom when he was in school, and the assistant would not leave until class started. The same is true during the lunch break and after school. The assistant blocked him downstairs, preventing Yuan Yun from coming up or leaving the building.

He also said that once the two of them are caught having a private meeting, they will go through the formalities for going abroad immediately for Rong Wan!

The mobile phone was also confiscated, and Rong Wan was transferred to a new class.

The students and teachers of Class 14 gave a warm welcome to Rong Wan. If it wasn't for the intense study in the third year of high school, they would have wished to have a welcome party! Not to mention that the girls in this building are all excited. Before, they could only look at the school grass from a distance, but now the school grass is on the same floor as them! They all ran to fetch water with blushing faces, and took the opportunity to take a look through the window.

Like a monkey in a zoo, Rong Wan was watched for three whole days.

The classmates around him are very friendly, but they are still strangers after all. He lay on the table and looked at his new deskmate sleepily—

Perhaps because he was afraid that he was a homosexual in his bones, Father Jing specially asked the teacher to arrange for him a beautiful and excellent girl with good grades as his deskmate.

After class, Rong Wan walked out of the classroom and leaned on the railing in the corridor.

Class 3 seemed to be dragging the classroom. It had been a long time since I saw any students dismissing class. After a while, class 3 was finally dismissed. Familiar students from Class 3 rushed out, among them was a tall figure, looking for something here. , quickly walked to the position directly opposite to Rong Wan, leaned on the railing, and looked at Rong Wan from a distance.

The distance is too far, Rong Wan can't see the expression on Yuan Yun's face clearly, and Yuan Yun can't see him clearly either.

But he still couldn't help the smile on his face.

In the past few days, the two of them can lie on the railing and look at each other for a while after class.

Rong Wan had a lot of words in his heart. For example, after he transfers classes, what will Yuan Yun do for breakfast? Maybe he won't eat it again. After a long time, he will definitely have hypoglycemia, and now he is the heaviest third year of high school. No need to stay up late at night, no matter what, you must eat well and sleep well, the body is the capital of the revolution. And the weather is getting colder, it's time to wear thicker clothes, don't get sick anymore. Also, the matter of Yuan Yun's father...

But he had no chance to talk to Yuan Yun at all.

Forget it, isn't it good to lie on the railing and look at each other from a long distance for a while, at least knowing that Yuan Yun has passed another day safely. The breeze blew over, the tip of Rong Wan's forehead twitched lightly, looking at Yuan Yun opposite, the anxiety and boredom in his heart could finally be ironed out for ten minutes.

The third year of high school is still the third year of high school. There are overwhelming papers, exams, and recitation questions. The students around are all immersed in the sea of questions, and Rong Wan is no exception. After all, he still has to work hard, otherwise, relying on the grades obtained by the system, he will be a piece of trash when he gets out of school, so how can he get into Father Jing's company

Every day when I raised my head from the white paper, I only felt that my neck was so sore, and my eyes were dark, and it was November in no time.

The system is paving the way for Yuan Yun's father's matter without any trace, and Rong Wan is temporarily relieved.

And Yuan Yun seemed to work harder than before. Every time during the exercise, when Class 14 and Class 3 met for a short time, Rong Wan's eyes stuck to him, and he felt that he was much thinner and thinner, with no flesh on his cheeks. Even more aggressive. Can you not lose weight? A few days ago, in the full-year unified examination, he was almost 100 points away from the second place. Even the head teacher of Class 14 was shocked by his total score which was close to full.

After Rong finished sucking his sore nose, the classmates around him saw that he was looking back with his head hooked, grabbed his neck and said kindly: "Jing Yizhi, be careful, you will trip and fall later."

Seeing this scene, Yuan Yun almost broke away from the team and rushed over.

He rushed out a few steps from the third class, and was spotted by Lao Lin, who grabbed his arm and went back: "What are you doing, don't you want to run?"

When Rong Wan heard the movement, he quickly pushed down the hand of the boy beside him, turned his head and waved at him. Don't be impulsive, Brother Yun!

The days in Class 14 were very boring, all the classmates around me were new acquaintances, not as interesting as Qiu Yaru and Liao Yu. However, after a period of time after the transfer, Qiu Yaru couldn't help but take advantage of the noon to work hard, and ran to this building to see that she was done.

The two stood in the corridor.

Qiu Yaru complained: "The students in the class are very angry. Why did you suddenly transfer classes and leave us behind? Could it be that our class is not good enough? The overall grade of Class 14 is about the same as that of Class 3?"

Rong Wan sighed: "Do you think I want to change shift?"

Qiu Yaru sighed with him for a while, and suddenly asked: "Have you had any conflicts with Yuan Yun? Why don't you see each other now?"

"Well, there is a little problem." Rong Wan replied lazily, thinking in his heart, it's not that he doesn't want to see each other, it's because he was beaten by the Queen Mother!

"Do you want to reconcile? If it's not convenient to reconcile face-to-face, I can help you with a message." Qiu Yaru paused, and complained: "A while ago, I saw that you were glued to each other, and I doubted... No, you can change your face when you say it, The friendship between you boys is really shallow."

"..." Rong Wan was reminded by her, and immediately looked at her as if she was looking at a savior, and ecstatically grabbed her arm and walked to his seat, "Wait a minute, I'm writing something, you can take it there for me Don't look at it!"

Qiu Yaru rolled her eyes: "I don't want to watch it."

half an hour later.

Class three. Lao Lin was in class on the podium, Yuan Yun frowned slightly, looking at the empty place next to him, he was a little lost, but he quickly recovered and tried his best to focus on his study. The classmate in front moved the chair and carefully threw a small note over.

Yuan Yun didn't touch the note, but raised his eyes indifferently.

Qiu Yaru turned her head from the front, nearly broke her neck, and tried her best to open the letter. Seeing that Yuan Yun was staring at her blankly, she was still indifferent, so she could only point to the position of the fourteenth class outside the window. —

Yuan Yun's eyebrows twitched, and he quickly picked up the note and unfolded it.

There are familiar handwriting on it.

Yuan Yun's frowning brows suddenly loosened, as if being smoothed out by this line of words.

"Brother Yun!!! Nothing! Call you!!!"