The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 66: Campus violent petite poor ghost


The weather is getting cooler day by day, and the atmosphere in both classes is getting more and more dignified.

At this time, it was already the penultimate round of review before the college entrance examination. Apart from the exam, every week, the papers were taught, and no new courses were taught other than that. The head teacher also frequently came to the class to cheer up the students. It was completely different from the jubilant atmosphere when Rong Wan first transferred to class three last year.

In the corridors, there are less and less people coming out to fetch water or take a walk. Even after class, the students are all immersed in the questions.

Above the blackboard is a sign showing the countdown to the college entrance examination. At this time, it is 225 days.

Qiu Yaru just started to draw fresh pictures, and ran over to pass notes to Rong Wan and Yuan Yun every day, but after passing them for more than ten days, she was caught once by Father Jing's assistant, and Father Jing gave Rong Wan a severe warning. , even notes cannot be passed on. Rong Wan also tried to borrow the mobile phones of the classmates in the class to send text messages to Yuan Yun, but the head teacher of Class 14 and the teaching director of this building were all greeted by Father Jing. turn in—

Under such cruel oppression, when Rong finished his occasional exercises, he saw that Yuan Yun had lost some weight, and realized that he had taken up a lot of his rest time, so he gradually calmed down and concentrated on studying. Anyway, there is only half a year left, and after half a year, I will be free.

Anyway, let's get through the half year together.

Probably because my heart was full of longing, and I no longer felt that the time was hard, I quickly plunged into my studies after Rong finished. I didn't learn well before, and I started all over again this time. There was a quiz in the middle, and he deliberately let the system not help him, and the final test result was actually more than 100 in the grade, which shows that this knowledge has entered his mind.

Soon the weather was so cold that it was necessary to wear a down jacket. When Rong finished running, he found that the scarf on Yuan Yun's neck was the one he gave him last year. So the next day, Rong Wan deliberately put on a black scarf , looks like a couple scarf.

When the two classes passed each other, Rong Wan raised his scarf deliberately, Yuan Yun's eyes finally had some smiles, melting like ice water.

The papers that Rong Wan finished by himself piled up higher and higher, and he immersed himself in his studies every day top-heavy. When he got home, he shut himself in the room and didn't show his face except to go out to drink milk. At first, Father Jing thought he was messing around in the room, but after going in to inquire a few times, he finally believed that he was actually studying!

Although he didn't reveal it, father Jing was naturally happy in his heart. You must know that his son has never worked so hard since he was a child!

Thus, Father Jing finally relaxed the martial law against Rong Wan a little bit.

That day, Rong Wan went to the chemistry experiment class with his classmates from class 14, and was going to another laboratory building. The assistant received an important call from the company, so he didn't follow up, but took a leave of absence and left temporarily. Seeing him leave, Rong Wan's mind suddenly became active, wishing to borrow a mobile phone immediately, and send Yuan Yun a text message to ask him to come over—

But then he thought about it, and returned the borrowed mobile phone to the classmates beside him. Now Yuan Yun is also in class, why do I want to delay his class

The chemistry experiment class is very simple. It is nothing more than following the formulas and steps. Because Rong Wan is tall, he is placed in the last row. There are a lot of people in the class, and they all do the experiments standing up. The teacher sitting in the front can't care about so much. people. Rong Wan was bored and poured the water in the two test tubes back and forth, listening to the two girls in the front row gossiping in low voices, thinking, last year's experimental class was taught by him and Yuan Yun together.

Just as he was thinking this, the back door suddenly opened with a "squeak", and someone walked in, bringing in a gentle breeze.

The weather was really cold, especially in the laboratory building. Without the sun, it was like being in an ice cellar. Rong Wan couldn't help but washed his hands and put his frozen fingers into his pockets.

But before he retracted his hand into his pocket, he was caught off guard by a warm palm.

Rong Wan was taken aback immediately, and turned his head to look: "Why are you here?!"

"Hush." Yuan Yun stood behind him, raised his slightly indifferent black eyebrows, and glanced at the two boys next to him, who subconsciously gave way to him. Yuan Yun stood next to Rong Wan, held his hand and stuffed it into his pocket together, and said in a low voice, "Class 3 is also an experimental class, but it's on another floor, so I came down."

The two stood side by side, and the teacher saw all the students with their heads down, and he didn't notice a person from another class mixed in.

"Oh, why don't you take the college entrance examination? I'm dying of anxiety." Rong Wan looked at Yuan Yunqingjun's side face, and couldn't help sighing when he was moved. Hug Yuanyun and feel the body temperature of the other person. Just holding hands like this is not enough.

Yuan Yun looked at him, and couldn't help rolling his Adam's apple twice: "Do the experiment first, I'll help you."

Rong Wan glanced at him, indicating that he lacked interest.

Yuan Yun raised his eyebrows, there was already a little smile in his eyes, he lowered his head to help Rong Wan take the test tube, when he raised his head, Rong Wan leaned over to look at the steps rather without tacit understanding, the distance between the two suddenly became very close, Yuan Yun's lips almost brushed Rong Wan's cheek. The touch of lightly sweeping over the lips immediately made Yuan Yun tense up. In such a long time without intimacy, it is very easy to misfire.

"I miss you." Yuan Yun said in a hoarse voice suddenly, his eyes fell on Rong Wan's face, "Let's come out for self-study tonight."

Rong Wan's depressed mood was swept away, he couldn't help smiling, and in Yuan Yun's warm pocket, he held his palm with his fingers: "Okay."

The two of them agreed to work hard separately and meet at the same university after the college entrance examination, but no one stipulated that they couldn't stop halfway and take a nap. Yuan Yun said that he missed him first, but it wasn't Yuan Yun who disturbed him first.

Yuan Yun's palm was dry and warm, Rong Wan couldn't help but stuffed his other hand into it for a while when no one else was paying attention.

In the afternoon, after finishing, I started to jump up for joy, lying on the table and listening to the teacher explain the papers, in fact, my mind was wandering.

During the evening self-study, the assistant came back again, guarding downstairs in the teaching building, and picked him up after the evening self-study was over. But before he came back, Rong Wan had already picked up his schoolbag and skipped class. Before leaving, he happily told the front and back desks that he was on a date, and they all looked envious.

Such things as skipping class are quite familiar to Rong Wan, let alone Yuan Yun.

Rong finished climbing up to the seventh floor in one breath, and came to the roof of his own teaching building. Yuan Yun was already waiting there, sitting cross-legged on an abandoned ping-pong table, with a plastic bag beside him. cans of drinks. The moon is bright and the stars are thin, Rong Wan unbuttoned the neckline a little and let the wind blow.

"Come." Yuan Yun wiped the place beside him clean, and grabbed Rong Wan's hand to pull him up.

The two sat close together.

Yuan Yun asked: "Sprite or Coke."

Rong Wan smiled and said, "That's really considerate, let's have a Coke."

Yuan Yun pulled the can open, and after a while, he handed it to Rong Wan.

After taking a sip, Rong dropped his legs off the table and asked, "Where is the progress of your class?"

Yuan Yun said: "The mock exam in class is over."

"So fast?" Rong Wan was a little annoyed. Now it's a different class, and the progress of the course is different, which makes him feel like he has been separated from Yuan Yun in time and space, which is not a good feeling.

He whispered about the situation in his class, and after transferring himself to Class 14, he introduced all the people he knew to Yuan Yun. Although Yuan Yun had never met those people, he could also know from his description What kind of personality are those classmates, "Besides, no one wipes the blackboard for me now..."

Both of them fell silent suddenly, and their thoughts flowed quietly. Yuan Yun couldn't bear it suddenly, and stretched out his hand to hold Rong Wan's face.

The boy's dry palm was pressed against Rong Wan's face, and his fingertips gently wiped Rong Wan's face, which felt very comfortable, Rong Wan looked at him. It was pitch black on the rooftop, and I couldn't see anything clearly, but Rong Wan could feel that the expression on Yuan Yun's face was firm and decisive: "There are still one hundred and ninety days."

Yuan Yun lowered his head and turned on his phone to look again: "Two minutes have passed, and now there are only one hundred and eighty-nine days, twenty-three hours and fifty-eight minutes left."

"What the hell?" Rong Wan couldn't help laughing.

After going down from the rooftop this time, Rong Wan worked harder and studied questions until late at night every day. It is so hard to be in the same school and have a long-distance relationship. If the university is admitted to two schools in the same city by then, I am afraid it will be difficult. It was very difficult. If he didn't pass the exam, Yuan Yun would definitely give up his first choice and accompany him to his school. Therefore, instead of making Yuan Yun compromise, it's better for him to work hard and fight for it.

Father Jing came into his room several times to talk about him and Yuan Yun, but he was frightened by his hard-working spirit and felt more relieved for him.

Rong Wan's brain is very smart, and hard work has very obvious rewards. In the monthly exam half a month later, he deliberately didn't ask the system to help him, but the exam rank was once again in the top 40s of the grade. This time, he broke into the top seventy in the grade.

It was Christmas Eve in a blink of an eye, and it snowed heavily again. This was the first snow since the beginning of winter this year, and all the students in the school were a little excited. There were also some students tearing up their papers wantonly in the corridor, which caused a wave of excitement. During evening self-study, many classes rushed to the corridor uncontrollably to watch the snow. Maybe it was suppressed for too long in the third year of high school, and once released, it would be extraordinarily crazy.

Rong Wan huddled among this group of students, watching them amusedly tearing up the papers. But after watching it for a while, I found it boring, and couldn't help but lean on the railing, and as expected, Yuan Yun was also looking at him from afar.

He raised his hands and waved to Yuan Yun.

Yuan Yun seemed to be smiling.

This turmoil caused Rong to have a slightly runny nose the next day, used up several packs of paper, and was a little lethargic in class.

In the middle of the morning class, it was self-study. After Rong finished resting listlessly on the table, the monitor of Class 14 suddenly came over, shook him, and said, "Jing Yizhi, someone is looking for you outside, is it your relative?" What?"

Rong Wan stood up a little irritatedly. Could it be that father Jing sent someone to follow him again? He wiped his nose and walked out the back door of the classroom.

There was a man standing in the corridor, the original father looked polite and smiled at him.